Chapter 134 The First House

After exchanging a few meaningless polite words, the two men lit a cigarette.

The other shopkeepers then came forward to greet and introduce themselves to Mr. Huang Shengjun.

A group of people gathered and went to Xiao Fengxian Brothel. Zhang Kaiwu and Huang Shengjun walked in front and chatted about their ideals and beliefs.

Let’s talk about the current public security on Qianmen Street and the bustle in the Eight Great Hutongs.

Mr. Hu, Mr. Su and Shopkeeper Niu were on both sides, chatting and laughing, making jokes.

He said that the young master in his brothel has just made his debut, and you all should go and give him some advice.

A large group of shop owners and other female shop owners followed behind.

Lin Xiaoniang and Chen Xueru watched the group of people go to the Eight Great Hutongs and looked proudly at Qianmen Street.

It turned out that without realizing it, my Xiangyi Zhuang had become the leader of Qianmen Street! ?

No wonder I haven’t seen anyone come here to argue for a long time!
There are no little bastards coming to cause trouble! ?

When I met other people on the road, they were all smiling and unexpectedly kind!

Zhang Kaiwu and Huang Shengjun came to the big brothel with smiles on their faces. Xiao Fengxian Brothel was not open for business today and was specially set up to entertain their group of people.

Huang Shengjun is also a master in social circles. He soon became friends with everyone and made friends with everyone in the room.

He had been in office for a few days and had already found out everything about all the shops on Qianmen Street.

The upper third class, the lower ninth class! He had a book in his mind, and he didn't know what attitude he should take in response.

Qianmen Street is a money-making place for many people. Without some power, Huang Shengjun would not be able to sit in this position.

Mr. Hu was smiling and accompanying Zhang Kaiwu. He was a real distinguished guest.

After talking to him for a while, Mr. Hu Da found that Zhang Kaiwu was really not joking.

He really doesn't understand Kunqu Opera, he doesn't understand anything at all.

He didn't even understand the talents of the brothel girls and had never played here.

Mr. Huang went to do diplomacy, and Mr. Su, a brothel owner nearby, was also there to keep him company.

Mr. Hu and Mr. Su, on the left and right, were speaking sweetly and were in a close relationship with Zhang Kaiwu.

Zhang Kaiwu held a cigarette in his mouth and talked to them boringly about his ideals in life.

Huang Bazong was busy chatting, drinking and building relationships with the shop owners.

Although he is in charge of public security, if he can't make money, how can the brothers in the Patrol Department support his work! ?
We all have to support our families, how much money do we earn in a month?

Zhang Kaiwu felt pretty good in the brothel today. Although the smell of rouge and powder was strong, at least they were not wearing any costumes.

The clothes are also very normal, no one is wearing costumes, just beauties in cheongsams.

Although the slits are not that high, they are not low either!

It's already up to the thigh.

The two great gentlemen are also great beauties, but perhaps in this era, they are considered old and ugly.

From Zhang Kaiwu's aesthetic point of view, she looks okay. She is less than 30 years old, probably around 25 or 26 years old.

On the contrary, he felt that the young gentleman who poured wine for him and the two senior gentlemen was just average.

I am too young, but I act like I know everything.

From time to time, he would use some tricks to seduce Zhang Kaiwu.


Those things are too low-level and have no effect at all.

Although he didn't understand opera, he was still very curious about the operation of brothels.

Zhang Kaiwu found out through chatting with the two great masters.

It turns out that there are only three great masters in the entire city of Peking.

Among them is a big man who has gone to Shanghai to start a business and he probably won’t come back.

Mr. Hu and Mr. Su smiled and told him about what happened in the brothel.

With the introduction from the two masters, Zhang Kaiwu quickly figured out the ins and outs of the brothel. He has a smart brain!

After listening to how a brothel operates, you will understand these things.

There are some things that cannot be said, but he can figure them out on his own.

The food in Xiao Feng Xian is just average, and the chef’s cooking skills are not as good as Zhang Kai Wu’s.

I don’t know why so many people like to drink here, so he just ate something to fill his stomach.

Drink some wine and chat with them.


According to the duties in the brothel, the identities are divided into four categories:

Shuyu: The highest-ranking pillar of the stage, selling art but not her body. Young and beautiful, elegant, proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Chang San: The rank is lower than that of a shuyu. They sell their art and bodies, but do not receive ordinary guests. They are only responsible for VIPs and specialize in providing "VIP services".

Yao Er: It belongs to the civilian consumption, which is the kind of prostitutes we usually understand.

Wild chickens are women who are specifically responsible for soliciting business at the door and are very seductive.

There is another important person, the madam, whose position is equivalent to the current general manager.

According to the advancement process of the brothel girl, another life trajectory is drawn:
Qingguan: refers to brothel girls who only sell their art and not their bodies, such as Kabuki actors.

Everyone: That is, a great master, a famous prostitute or kabuki with outstanding beauty and talent, similar to the ancient female artists, who actually also perform for a living.

Red card: the most beautiful and popular prostitute in the brothel, usually with decent talent. (Selling both art and body)

Oiran: Usually refers to the most beautiful and most talented prostitute among all the prostitutes in a brothel.

You can sell it or not! ?

Female schoolmaster: originated from the story of Xue Tao, a famous courtesan in the Tang Dynasty. It refers to a famous courtesan with outstanding literary talent, who is proficient in poetry and calligraphy, and is the highest achievement of a brothel girl.

They are even idols of many scholars, who often go to discuss academic matters with them!
Female musicians: refers specifically to the musicians who sing and dance, usually performing at various banquets. They say they don't sell their bodies, but in fact they are often forced to lose their virginity in private.

They are actually just marginal figures, and can only stand out if they are particularly outstanding in one aspect.

For example, playing the qin very well, playing the dongxiao very well, or other talents...

Local prostitutes: They are those who operate in secret without government approval (similar to today's unlicensed vendors). They are also a more miserable type. They usually operate in their own homes, which is now half-closed. They have no talent to perform.

Female schoolmaster, courtesan, lady, red card, courtesan, female musician, old crow.

A variety of complex occupations make up the brothel business.


Being a prostitute in a brothel is just like leveling up your profession in a game.

He started learning his craft as an apprentice at the age of seven or eight, and practiced his skills for five to six years.

Music, chess, calligraphy, painting, opera, dance, and culture are all indispensable.

I get up before dawn to exercise, and read poetry and learn culture after dark.

In the meantime, you also have to train your voice and learn musical instruments.

Those who were not capable of becoming masters mostly used it to make a living.

For example, the two concubines married by Manager Niu were brothel girls who had not yet completed their apprenticeship.

This is a relatively good ending, there is no need to say anything else.

It takes a truly capable woman, one in a hundred, to reach the level of a courtesan!
After a prostitute has graduated, it is time to sign a contract. Those who are capable will definitely sign with a big brothel, while those who are not capable will sign with a small brothel.

That's it!

After the Qingguan people performed on stage, if they achieved some success and had some fans, they would become little masters.

The last time Zhang Kaiwu came to play, the Xiaoqing who was singing on the stage was the little gentleman in Xiao Fengxian.

Those who were cheering on and off the stage, including that old guy, were all her fans.

Therefore, in a decent brothel, there would generally be no more than ten prostitutes.

This requires a fair competition mechanism. At least within a week, everyone should have one day to perform at home.

How can we attract fans without home time?
A well-run brothel is usually run by a senior master with seven or eight junior masters.

A well-run brothel does not engage in sexual trade.

Afraid of ruining the reputation of my family.

Brothels that really engage in prostitution and have top prostitutes and courtesans are all second-rate brothels.

Those are the young gentlemen, who run the business with the young gentlemen who have gone into the water.

Below second-rate are third-rate brothels where even young masters don’t even have them.

Maybe there are also top-notch girls and courtesans among them, and they run a fake brothel, and everyone has their own fun.

There were more than a hundred second- and third-rate brothels in the Eight Great Hutongs, but these two were the only first-rate ones.

Only a brothel owned by a great master can be recognized as a first-class brothel.

First-rate brothels strictly forbid young gentlemen from physically recruiting fans, and these eight prohibitions are among them.

As for whether there were any private transactions, no one knew.

If Xiao Xiansheng didn't continue to be popular, maybe it was because he couldn't resist the temptation and became a red card or an oiran! ?
Embarked on another path in life. ………………

That's it!
Zhang Kaiwu looked at the dozen or so people performing music nearby. It turned out that they were not considered prostitutes.

Not qualified!
The seven or eight young and beautiful women eating at the table were the mainstays of Xiao Fengxian's brothel.

It’s a pity that no one was wearing makeup today, so he couldn’t tell who was Xiaoqing.

According to what they said, these seven or eight young girls should all be young gentlemen! ?
These girls looked even younger than Liang Ladi, but they were very sophisticated in the way they spoke and handled things.

She was eloquent, proud and talkative, and talked about her ideals with the shop owners.

As expected, people are trained to be good. They are offering free entertainment to Xiao Fengxian today. Maybe it is also to attract fans! ?
The little gentleman just now used those little tricks to play both sides, was it also to attract him as a fan! ?

Just show your neck and wave your little hands around my body, but it hasn’t touched me yet!

Say a few vague words, give me a shy glance, and I'll add you to my fan page! ?
You’re dreaming!


Mr. Hu looked at him curiously and continued to introduce the rules of the brothel with a smile.

If Little Mr. can continue to be popular and have a large number of fans, he will become Big Mr.

Being a great gentleman is already a very high achievement for the girls in brothels. Generally speaking, they have achieved freedom in life.

According to the rules of the brothel, after becoming a big mistress, the contract she signed before was automatically invalidated, or she had already taken the contract back.

Because they already have a large number of fans supporting them, especially some fans from wealthy families.

She had long been free from the control of brothels and, having left the confines of such places, could arrange her life as she pleased.

In fact, it is not!

It is rare for girls who come from brothels to escape from this circle.

Don’t talk about those who were forced to leave, and don’t talk about those who were taken away.

Many rich men who had already remarried and married had come back on their own initiative because they were not satisfied with their living conditions.

It's so tragic!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

When the two great gentlemen were talking about their deepest feelings, they wiped the corners of their eyes with the backs of their hands.

Seeing Zhang Kaiwu standing there with a cigarette in his mouth and smiling, he didn't take it seriously.

Mr. Hu Da said jokingly with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang! Aren't these things tragic? After working hard for more than ten years, you finally managed to escape from the hell. But now you are back to this hell. I don't think you have any sympathy for women!"

Mr. Su Da also smiled and said:
"Many people heard about these things and wanted to help. Even those who didn't help at least showed sympathy. Mr. Zhang! You are too hard-hearted!"

"Young Master was so attentive in pouring wine for you just now, but I didn't see you recite a single poem."

Come here to play and act! ?

Zhang Kaiwu looked at them with a smile and asked:

"What's there to sympathize with? Don't you, who work in a brothel, know these two major hobbies of men?!"

Mr. Su Da asked with a smile:

"What hobby?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Drag a good family into trouble and persuade the cousin to be a good woman! It has not changed for thousands of years. Although the words are a bit rough, they describe the mentality of all men in the world!"

Mr. Hu said awkwardly:
"Mr. Zhang is really a joker!?"

Zhang Kaiwu said, holding a cigarette in his mouth:
"I'm not kidding! Women also have two major hobbies, and they haven't changed in thousands of years."

"Talk about feelings with people who have money, and talk about money with people who don't. Women are acting all their lives, and the same sentence tells the whole mentality of women!"

Mr. Su and Mr. Hu looked at him and smiled awkwardly.

They are all very well-educated and they understand what I say as soon as they hear it. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to become great teachers!
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and continued:

"As for what you said about Mr. Da coming back to do his old job, she should have achieved freedom in her life, so why would she come back to do this?!"

Seeing them preparing to speak and explain their tragic experiences, Zhang Kaiwu interrupted them and continued:
"Maybe you will say that you keep coming back to be Mr. Big because of family, ideals, friends, life, money, or even because of unsatisfactory love."

"But no matter what the reason is, it's just a superficial reason. All difficulties can be overcome. The reason why I returned to the brothel is just because I am happy and satisfied with this!"

"In fact, what you enjoy and are used to is the sense of superiority of being the center of attention on the stage, the life of feasting and revelry, and the vanity!"

"It can even be said to be a little worse. You are used to acting and playing, and always want to get everything through acting."

"We have been chatting here for quite some time. Aren't you all just showing off your acting skills?"

Mr. Su looked at him awkwardly. If it was the owner of another store, she would dare to smash the wine glass on his face.

Let me show you how strong-willed and uncompromising a brothel girl is. Forget about Zhang Kaiwu!
Legend has it that Shopkeeper Zhang is addicted to beating women and often beats his wives and concubines!

In addition, given Zhang Kaiwu's identity, it would be a waste of time to beat them today.

It's really not worth it to get beaten for words.

Mr. Su Da smiled helplessly and said:

"Mr. Zhang, you are amazing!"

Mr. Hu smiled and looked at him for a long time, trying to find a reason to refute.


After discarding all the hypocrisy, she really had no reason to refute.

The unwelcome shopkeeper Niu, who was drinking alone nearby, was stunned!

He is a drama fan and also a fan, a fan of the great gentlemen.

Although not that fanatical, I am still a fan.

Unexpectedly, Brother Zhang Kaiwu silenced the two great masters.

They described them in such a disgusting way, but the two great gentlemen had no way to refute them.

The two masters drank a glass of wine with Zhang Kaiwu awkwardly, then changed the subject with a smile and said:
"Mr. Zhang! If you don't like to play in brothels, what hobbies do you have?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:
"My hobbies are not worth mentioning. I have nothing in common with you guys."

Mr. Hu said with a smile:

"We know a little bit about music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Mr. Zhang, just tell us and we can chat for a while!"

Zhang Kaiwu held a cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile:

"I don't know anything about music, chess, calligraphy or painting. My hobby is fishing. If we have time someday, can we go fishing together?"

The two great masters were really stunned. There were so many people who didn't understand, but they also had to chat casually about whose paintings or poems they liked.

Zhang Kaiwu is just talking nonsense. You are a college student, but you should know a few poems, right?
Mr. Hu said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang! If I have time, I will!"

Mr. Su said with a smile:
"Then I'll go fishing with you some other day, hehehe!"

After chatting awkwardly for a while, the time was almost up.

Just as Zhang Kaiwu thought, Mr. Huang also got to know all the shopkeepers.

Things are easy to discuss and the rules will just follow the previous ones.

Even if Mr. Huang had an idea, he couldn't bring it up right now.

The next step can only be taken after all the shopkeepers have cooperated well and have stabilized their footing.

Everyone left with a smile on their face.

Mr. Hu Da sent Zhang Kaiwu out with a smile on his face, and was just about to say, "Come and play for a while and listen to some opera when you have time."

Thinking of his hobbies, she paused and said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang! If I have time, I will go fishing with you."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"sure no problem."

I don’t know why these two college students targeted him, maybe there is something going on.

Otherwise, although Zhang Kaiwu has some fame, he has no real power, so these great masters might respect him for the sake of face.

But it won’t be like this. There is absolutely no need to focus on him and build a relationship with him!
Zhang Kaiwu didn't want to know about these things either.

there is always a solution to a problem.


Zhang Kaiwu and Manager Niu were on the same way, and the two of them went home with cigarettes in their mouths.

Shopkeeper Niu asked curiously:

"Brother Kaiwu! Don't you have any sympathy for women? Let's not talk about opera, you should know a lot about books!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"How can I not have sympathy for women? I have married five concubines! But I can't stand the sight of pretty girls. When I see a pretty girl, I want to marry her."

"What a shame! I wasn't wrong in what I said just now, was I? Do you have any reason to refute it?!"

Shopkeeper Niu said with a smile:
"No! You are right! Even the concubines in my house are the same as you said."

"Even if they are prostitutes who were eliminated halfway through, they have the same personality."

"Brother Kaiwu! Is this for some reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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