Chapter 188 Strong Woman

A group of girls were running and jumping around on the field, as if they were being forced to do something they were not supposed to do. The court dance competition was over.

After the judges finished scoring, Wei Xiaohui naturally did not win any prize.

She didn't care about this award. She thought her strength was in ballroom dancing, haha!
Fools generally have mysterious self-confidence.

After Wei Xiaohui hurried back, she looked at Zhang Kaiwu expectantly, hoping to get some comfort.

Praise her for her good jumping!
Looking at her silly look with heavy makeup on, Zhang Kaiwuli ignored her, told Xiaojiu that he would go to play with her tomorrow, and left.

Hu Shuangjiu patted Wei Xiaohui gently, seeing that she was still staring stupidly at Zhang Kaiwu in the distance.

The students are all preparing their things and are about to go back to school. Although the two schools are very close, they have to leave.

Hu Shuangjiu said quietly:

"Xiaohui! The school has closed its ranks. We need to go back to school. Don't talk nonsense in front of Big Brother anymore!"

Wei Xiaohui came back to her senses, took her arm and asked in a low voice:

"Xiaojiu! What did Big Brother mean when he said not to talk to him in public?"

Hu Shuangjiu smiled gently, looked at the students around him, and said softly:
"Xiaohui! I'm afraid you didn't hear clearly. He just said that twice. You are a social expert. Why would you ask me this question? Isn't this the rule for you socialites? Why are you acting stupid with me now? Don't you want to conquer the world?"

Wei Xiaohui looked at Xiaojiu blankly and said hurriedly and sadly:
"You know I didn't mean it! My feelings towards him are different. Xiaojiu, please help me put in some good words for him. I am willing to dance with him in public."

"It's a mistake! It's really a mistake!"

Hu Shuangjiu smiled gently and said:

"Xiao Hui! I know what you mean! Aren't you willing to declare that you will be his close girlfriend, and then continue to conquer the world!? Am I right!? I understand everything you said!"

"But you and he are really not the same kind of people. Even if you are willing to dance with him in public, he is not willing to dance with you in public."

Seeing the surprised Wei Xiaohui staring at him in amazement, Hu Shuangjiu smiled gently and said:

"There are so many people here, don't be rude. Don't be in a hurry to speak, the more you talk, the more mistakes you make. Think about it carefully first."

"I don't think you can figure it out right now, so take your time to think about it! After you figure it out, it won't be too late to tell us about your grievances!"

Hu Shuangjiu dragged the confused Wei Xiaohui away, and Wei Xiaohui racked her brains but still couldn't figure it out.

Before she even thought about talking about the rules of socialites, Brother Chu had already set the rules for her.

We can communicate privately.

Don't talk to me in public!

I do not know you!
Wei Xiaohui was a little sad.


The court dance competition had ended, and the professors and students were packing up.

Zhang Kaiwu has set his sights on a new target, a beautiful senior school girl with big wavy hair, who is probably the school belle here.

These people usually stay in the classroom and won't come out unless there is something going on.

She seems to be the senior sister here. She is seen giving instructions and arranging students to clean up the venue.

Zhang Kaiwu watched her busying around and directed her classmates to move things in an orderly manner, with a strong aura.

After looking at it for a while, he gave up because it was not cost-effective.

Strong women are too troublesome!
It’s a waste of her pretty face and curvy figure.

Zhang Kaiwu was originally planning to just leave, but there were no suitable targets around, except for the many female students here.

Based on the principle of "try your best" if there are any, he stood there curiously looking around to see if there were any other suitable targets.

After all, we are here now!
Soon Zhang Kaiwu found another target, who looked a bit like the strong woman. Although not as beautiful as the strong woman, she was much more pure and lovely.

Song Fuzhi had noticed this male classmate a long time ago, but there was nothing she could do. He was so big and standing right next to her, there was no way she could not see him.

At first she thought it was just an ordinary nympho man who came to join in the fun and wanted to lick her because he saw that she was pretty.

Song Fuzhi has met too many of them since she was a child, at least more than ten a day, and she has long been used to it.

After looking at Zhang Kaiwu twice, although she thought he was good-looking, she didn't care.

She never expected it!!!

After the male student looked at her closely, he probably immediately made a risk assessment for himself. Feeling that he couldn't go against his will, he immediately set his sights on her sister!
She was a smart person. She understood Zhang Kaiwu's purpose and stared at him intently.

She wanted to teach him a lesson!

Zhang Kaiwu walked towards the innocent and pretty girl with short hair. She was holding a violin and putting it into a box.

The school uniform and black skirt could not conceal her beauty. Like Xiaojiu, she had a quiet beauty, like a flower in bud about to bloom.

He walked over and whispered with a smile:

"Schoolgirl! You are very beautiful! I have some stockings from the beautiful country here. Do you want to buy some? I will sell them to you at a lower price!"

The pretty girl looked at him, blushed and whispered:
"Senior! I don't buy stockings. My sister buys everything I use for me."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"My name is Chu Liuxiang. What era is this? How can such a thing still happen? What's your name? We can still be friends even if we don't buy stockings."

The pretty girl blushed and whispered:
"My name is Song Fuhui. I didn't make friends when I was in college! My sister is very powerful. Be careful or she will catch you and deduct your credits! Senior, please leave now!"

This is a good girl, and since she is not one to make friends, he is already ready to leave.

Zhang Kaiwu doesn't do business that forces others to do things against their will!

But for the sake of his own face, Zhang Kaiwu still said a few words with a smile:
"Is your sister the girl with the wavy hair? Would I be afraid of her? I don't want to be friends with her! We are all college students, how can you still have such an antique idea!?"

"Junior! If you don't want to make friends, forget it. Let's talk about it next time when we have time!"

The short-haired girl looked at his back without saying anything, then lowered her head to organize her violin case.

Zhang Kaiwu looked back and saw the strong woman running towards him.

Song Fuzhi had been keeping an eye on him for a long time. She came over to listen to what he said and looked at him carefully.

She stood beside him and said majestically:

"Junior! Who are you? Why have I never seen you before? Why are you trying to flirt with my sister? What is your purpose in coming to school? "

"Don't try to fool me. I'm the vice president of the student union, and I know all the students in the school. Among all the new and old students, there's no one as big as you!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
It can't end well.

I guess today is over!

It’s all Wei Xiaohui’s fault. She made Zhang take the risk and ended up in such an embarrassing situation now!

Zhang Kaiwu lifted the cloth bag, looked at her and said with a smile:
"Senior! I'm not from this school, but who am I and what does it have to do with you? I'm here to sell stockings!"

"Are you attracted to me and want to be friends with me? I don't like you like this, you're not feminine!"

Song Fuzhi had never seen such a cruel person before, how dare he use such a rogue method in front of her! ?

She shouted excitedly:
"Students! Catch this bad guy from outside and send him to the school's academic affairs office."

Suddenly, a large group of angry older male classmates came over from where they were packing up their things and surrounded Zhang Kaiwu.

Looking at the excited expressions of the classmates, they were all eager to try. I guess they all wanted to show off in front of these sisters.


This is really a misunderstanding! Looking at those older male classmates, Zhang Kaiwu suddenly understood why his stockings were so popular.

How lonely must these older college students and younger female students be when they study in school! ?

It's the same story as in medical school. These male students are basically around 30 years old, and they are still thinking about competing for the favors of the female students.

These male college students must have been married and had concubines long ago, but they were just like teenagers, rushing forward just because of a word from a schoolgirl.

Damn it!

After she made such a fuss, even if we explain it clearly today, this deal will be in danger!

Fearing that the crop tricks might kill his classmates, Zhang Kaiwu quickly shouted:
"Students, don't get excited! We are all civilized and self-disciplined college students. Let's go to the school's academic affairs office and explain everything clearly! Don't get excited! Don't get excited!"

Song Fuzhi, along with her sister and a group of older male classmates, escorted Zhang Kaiwu to the school's Academic Affairs Office.

Song Fuzhi said earnestly to Song Fuhui on the way:
"You should be careful in the future and don't talk to strangers like this. When a man approaches you, he usually has bad intentions! You can tell at a glance that this man is a bad guy who specializes in deceiving women! If you meet such a man, just shout loudly, and there will be people to deal with him!"

Song Fuhui blushed and said:
"I can see that this big brother is not a bad person. He was about to leave just now. Sister! Maybe you have misunderstood!"

Song Fuzhi said proudly:

"You'll find out later. If someone like that goes in today, he won't be able to come out again."

A group of male classmates took Zhang Kaiwu to the school's Academic Affairs Office, handed him over to Director Liu, and then slowly left.

As for Zhang Kaiwu who was sent to the Academic Affairs Office, they were not afraid at all that Zhang Kaiwu would have the idea of ​​running away.

The current school's academic affairs office is more like a small patrol department. It has a military management model, and there are some soldiers carrying Garand rifles inside and outside the house, who are obviously older college students.

Some were even regular soldiers, and one academic affairs office was estimated to have about a hundred Garand rifles.

Song Fuzhi brought her sister and told Director Liu what had happened, and stood by to watch the fun with glee.

Zhang Kaiwu looked around curiously. It was similar to the situation in the medical school. Rather than calling it the Academic Affairs Office, it was more like an alternative patrol department.

But Director Liu is a university teacher after all, a civilized person, and he didn't even wear a holster.

He was a wise middle-aged man in his forties. After listening to Song Fuzhi's words, he looked at Zhang Kaiwu's calm and confident look, and he thought that everyone had misunderstood him.

If he really was the bad guy that Song Fuzhi described, it would be difficult for him to get out alive after entering the Academic Affairs Office. I guess he would have peed himself to death by now.

Looking at the heavily armed soldiers standing guard at the door, Zhang Kaiwu smiled and handed a Camel cigarette to Director Liu.

Simple and clear, he smiled and whispered:

"Hello, Director Liu! I'm a graduate student in the medical school. I'm here for work. What happened today is actually a misunderstanding."

"I can call Dean Zhu or other deans to prove myself."

Director Liu took the cigarette, lit it, and said with a smile:

"I guess it's a misunderstanding among classmates. Of course, it would be best if you could call and explain it."

The wisdom of a middle-aged man: If it can’t be proven, then we’ll talk about it later.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ten minutes later.

Director Liu politely sent Zhang Kaiwu and sister Song Fuzhi out, and told Zhang Kaiwu to come over and play often when he has time.

What he meant was that the proud young man in the medical school and the proud genius of Yanjing also needed to communicate with each other frequently, otherwise how could there be such a misunderstanding! ?
Director Liu also smiled and told Zhang Kaiwu that next time when you invite others to play, don’t talk about money-smelling things like selling stockings. It would be more appropriate to discuss things related to art.

Zhang Kaiwu said goodbye to Director Liu politely with a smile, thanking him for his compliments and kind advice.

on the road.

Song Fuzhi was very angry and said loudly to her sister:
"Fuhui! You have to see clearly. Some people may have no problems with their status and high level of knowledge! They are just bad people. Don't associate with people like that!"

Song Fuhui blushed and whispered:
"Sister! Didn't you often promote Senior Zhang in the past, saying that he is a rare pillar of talent among contemporary college students, a man of great ambition. He does things rationally, methodically, and with passion, and is a practical person. Do you want me to learn from him?"

Song Fuzhi said loudly and angrily:
"You can't judge a person by his appearance! What's so strange about me misreading my classmates' promotion? He even has a fake name, and he actually comes here to sell stockings! Don't you know that people like him have ulterior motives? "

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and whispered to Song Fuhui:
"Junior! It's not enough to speak loudly to make sense! In fact, I sell stockings for research. Since I'm so famous, of course I have to use a fake name, just like a writer's pen name. You can still call me senior, or Brother Chu from now on!"

Song Fuhui looked at her sister and said with a red face:
"Let me call you senior! I heard that the students in the medical school like to call you senior affectionately. My sister likes your words of encouragement to others."

"If you work hard today, a proud tomorrow will be waiting for you."

“If you don’t forget your original intention, you will always succeed!”

"My sister even wrote it in calligraphy and framed it on the wall, and she looks at it every day to encourage herself! Of course, I also like the inspirational words you said, and I read them often."

Song Fuzhi said in a low voice angrily:
"Fuhui! When did I ever put those things in my room!? When did I ever say those words?"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
These are all my fan girls! ?

Maybe it really was a misunderstanding.

Zhang Kaiwu said modestly and cautiously:

"I didn't say those words. You can post them however you want. I just borrowed them."

Song Fuhui blushed and said:

"Senior! I know. It's from the Lotus Sutra, which is about wanting people to understand what they want. But we don't admire these words, but your idea of ​​not becoming the dean's successor and concentrating on scientific research!"

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her head awkwardly and said with a smile:

"Junior! You are really good at studying! It's getting late today, I have to leave first."

Song Fuhui quickly pulled him aside and said with a red face:
"Senior! It's already noon, let's go have a meal together. Have you finished setting up your lab and culture room?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"It's almost done. The decoration will probably be completed in September. Your sister is so scary. She's so angry! I'm afraid she'll overturn the table. Let's talk about dinner another day!"

Song Fuhui blushed and quickly pulled him aside and said:
"My sister has a very strong personality. She just couldn't get over it for a moment. The misunderstanding has been resolved. You don't have to worry about her. She will be fine in a while."

"Senior! We finally get to meet, please do me the honor of having dinner together! My sister's dream is to work in your lab. She and I both study biology."

Sure enough!

Song Fuzhi looked angry, but when she saw her sister having her hair rubbed by Zhang Kaiwu, she stopped talking.

This sister is really stubborn.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at her sister and said with a smile:

"I just heard Director Liu mention your sister's name, and I remembered her a long time ago. Xiaojiu told me about your sister's streptomycin research. She can actually make poisons, and I want her to come to my laboratory."

"No problem! When my cultivation room is finished, you can take some time to tell your sister. I will immediately invite you to help."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Song Fuzhi was still angry. Although her face turned red when she heard about Du Yao, she didn't talk to Zhang Kaiwu!

This is called asking someone to convey her message in person!
Song Fuhui blushed as she looked at her sister who was eavesdropping beside her, and pulled him aside and said:
"That's great! So you also know Sister Xiaojiu. She and my sister have a very good relationship. It's time for lunch now, so you must have lunch with us today. I want to entertain a friend of a friend."

The schoolgirl’s hands were pulling too tightly, and she was afraid that her clothes would be torn and look embarrassing.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the sun above his head and saw that it was indeed time for lunch. He smiled and said:

"Okay! Sorry to bother you at noon."

Song Fuhui brought Zhang Kaiwu to the school cafeteria. Song Fuzhi took her arm and stopped complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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