Chapter 199 The Beginning of the Chaos
Song Fuzhi smiled and said:
"Senior! The key is that our families are worried about our personal safety, otherwise I would stay and do research with you."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"You are girls, so your family will definitely worry about you. This is the nature of parents!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Song Fuhui also whispered:

"Senior! There are several telegrams from home every day. It's really annoying. We can't do anything about it."

"We are on a flight this afternoon, and I don't know when we will meet again!"

The Song Fuzhi sisters are also strong women. They are about to leave, but they still come to throw some juice! ?

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said with a smile:

"Actually, you don't need to be so scared. The flights from Beijing are very convenient. There is a flight to Nanjing every day. It is very convenient for me to take the flight."

There are now air tickets from Beijing to Shanghai, which usually cost 2000 oceans per ticket. After flying to Shanghai, you can continue to fly to Nanjing.

Zhang Kaiwu never asked what the current air ticket price was or what the current situation was.

This is also the confidence of many people. If things really don't work, they will just run away by plane.

Although air tickets are very expensive now, Zhang Kaiwu probably won't have to spend any money to escape.

If he really wants to run away, he can run to the United States or other countries at any time.

Song Fuzhi said affectionately:
"Senior! If things are impossible, just fly to Nanjing immediately. With your ability, a bright future awaits you."

Zhang Kaiwu patted her and said with a smile:
"Of course! Don't worry. If I really can't go against my will, I will go to Nanjing to find you right away. Don't forget to recognize me and turn me away when I come!"

Song Fuzhi gave him a watery wink, and Zhang Kaiwu smiled and pinched her. The man and the woman were deeply in love.

After they finished washing up, Zhang Kaiwu sent them downstairs and watched their car leave to catch the plane.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he strolled outside the yard for a while. The same situation occurred in the medical school these days, with many wealthy students coming here.

The medical school has become a lot quieter. The richer the family, the faster the students leave.

Song Fuzhi's school had been running away since August, with almost as many teachers and students leaving as students, which was probably the reason why their school was eventually cancelled.

Almost all the junior and senior students who came to buy stockings have run away.

Even the silly socialite Wei Xiaohui, who came here with Xiaojiu and cried a few days ago, was severely beaten, and ran away on a plane.

Xiaojiu did not run away, even though her father asked her to go back several times and sent several telegrams, Xiaojiu refused without hesitation.

The reason is that I want to study!


August 18, 1948.

The Republic of China introduced a new policy to recycle all gold and silver circulating in the market.

The Song sisters who had supported their senior last time had already run away. As Zhang Kaiwu expected, the people from the finance office and the bank came together the next morning to check the accounts of the research institute in the medical school.

Dean Zhu and the other four old men are old after all. They can no longer carry the banner of the medical school and have brought down the prestige of the medical school.

Even though I talked so much last time, I still didn’t have the nerve to cause trouble for them.

The result is good! I got slapped in the face.

The first one came to the medical school and started collecting gold from their heads.

Being treated as a soft persimmon! ?

If he had gone to trouble the principals at that time, Zhang Kaiwu believed that this incident would not have happened today.

This is what they mean by "a good man is often bullied, and a good horse is often ridden!"
This time, the finance department and the bank staged another good show under the guise of a tiger, preparing to confiscate the gold.

Zhang Kaiwu drank tea with a gloomy face, smoking a cigarette and chatting with four old men, who were shouting and cursing.

The fat man named Kong and the staff from the bank who came last time first confiscated the finance office in the medical school.

When I came to the research institute, I looked at the bills for purchasing materials three times.

The fat man named Kong was sweating profusely because the weather was too hot.

The two people in the bank were also restless.

Section Chief Wu of the Finance Office in the Medical College is calm and composed, with his eyes on his nose and his nose on his heart.

From beginning to end, Section Chief Wu remained serious and silent.

All the gold and silver in his finance office had been turned in, and he had no idea what kind of trouble would happen in the finance office in the near future.

The fight between the King of Hell and the little ghosts has nothing to do with them.

Because of what happened in the institute, he probably knew that so many things were real and the senior's money had already been spent.

He was scolded several times for setting up Zhang Kaiwu's research institute, and he was determined not to get involved in the affairs of the institute.

Fatty Kong and the people in the bank never imagined that there would be someone as stupid as Zhang Kaiwu in the Republic of China, who spent all the money he got on buying materials for research.

There were only 100,000 yuan left in the research institute, of which 50,000 yuan was Zhang Kaiwu's bonus.

Zhang Kaiwu's face darkened, and he said with a fake smile:

"What's the point of you just sitting here and looking at the bills? Please go outside and order some things. The goods are all there."

"If you keep making a living like this, it will be strange if the Republic of China is not destroyed by you!"

The fat man surnamed Kong smiled awkwardly and said:

"Professor Zhang! I didn't expect the medical school to spend so much money. We thought there was some gold left."

"Aren't these all for the service of the party and the country, in response to the call? Does it make your work easier?"

If a large number of yellow croakers are found in the research institute and the higher-ups get benefits, there may be someone to cover for them.

Anyway, we are just doing business!

Now that nothing has been found, no one will come out to offend Zhang Kaiwu, a popular figure.

Looking at the two large trucks outside the window, Zhang Kaiwu said with a wry smile, probably to transport those yellow and white things:
"Hurry up and move the things! There are still 100,000 dollars in the warehouse, just move them all back!"

"I have a lot of bonuses to hold, so you should all move back. Also, confiscate this certificate so that I won't be upset if I see it."

"If you like the goods, you can drag them back. You can still exchange them for money."

The fat man and a group of people in the bank left with sneers, it was not that such a small amount of money was not worth their effort.

The key point is that those are Zhang Kaiwu’s bonuses. If this matter is exposed and something really happens, there is a high probability that they will be fired directly.

not worth it!

They were also rushing to other places to collect gold and silver, so they were really busy.


The great battle has begun!

This financial crisis will never be resolved.

Zhang Kaiwu watched them leave and said with a smile:
"President Zhu! What good ideas do you have? Once this financial currency thing gets going, I think things will get bad. Something big is going to happen soon!"

"The world is about to go into chaos! We in the medical school need to prepare!"

Dean Gong said doubtfully:

"That's impossible! Don't newspapers say every day that I have the advantage?"

Dean Zhou asked quickly:
"Kaiwu! What do you think!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Before the troops move, the food and fodder must go first. We have to eat first, so we need to get some food and coal back first."

Dean Wang said awkwardly:

"Kaiwu! Are you saying something too scary? There's no food to eat? Can it be that serious!?"

Hehehe! Didn’t you go outside to take a look? Did you think that this wouldn’t happen to you?

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I hope it's not that serious. It's just a preparation! Do you have any objections?"

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Dean Wang was shocked and said quickly, "I'm just asking. If there's nothing wrong, it's better! There's nothing wrong with preparing!"

Several old men sighed and cursed.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Let's go over and take a look. Get the patients out of those departments first and give the others a heads up."

"To protect the outside world, we must first stabilize the inside world and make good material preparations!"

Dean Zhu and his group of people kept rolling their eyes. Do you think this is a war?
But there was no excuse to persuade him.

Zhang Kaiwu put on a white coat and took the four old men who were cursing to make rounds and do the preparatory work.

Dean Zhu couldn't help but said awkwardly:

"Brother Kaiwu! This is not good, right? We doctors are kind-hearted and we value medical ethics!" Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile, holding a Camel cigarette in his mouth:

"Don't call me Brother Kaiwu! Please call me Professor Zhang, and don't talk to me about medical ethics!"

"Everyone's nose in the medical school has been crushed, and you still haven't woken up. Are you worthy of being the dean?"

"Isn't there just one department in our hospital? It's run by my stepmother. Any cat or dog can jump around!"

"Did you take kickbacks from the finance department and the bank? If you're scared, just go back!"

The four old men followed Zhang Kaiwu in silence and embarrassment.

Zhang Kaiwu first came to the inpatient department because there were the most patients there.

When a group of people arrived, all the doctors in the inpatient department gathered around.

Zhang Kaiwu opened the inpatient department's registration form and crossed out all the patients who were related to the bank and financial departments.

Ask the doctors and nurses to call their families and ask them to pick them up from the hospital.

Zhang Kaiwu's intention was not good, and Director Liu of the Inpatient Department asked awkwardly:
"Dean Zhu! Senior! What reason do you have to let them leave the hospital?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Today, there is no gold or silver left in the hospital. It has been confiscated. You are saying that the hospital is bankrupt and has no money to buy medicine and operate the hospital! Call them to take the patients back first. When the hospital has money to buy medicine, we will notify them to come to the hospital for treatment."

"You must pay attention to the way you approach and notify the family to pick up the person. Your attitude must be gentle. We are all civilized people!"

Director Liu of the inpatient department looked at the directors and found that they were all silent.

Zhang Kaiwu asked with a smile:
"Director Liu! Do you have any questions?"

Director Liu said quickly:
"No! I completely understand. How dare they not give us face? When the hospital has money, we will notify them to come for hospitalization."

After the doctors and nurses had finished cursing, they busily called the nurses to come and carry the patient away.

Zhang Kaiwu took the four old men to the outpatient clinic and brought together the directors of each department for a small meeting.

Looking at the bewildered department heads below, Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"President Zhu! President Zhou! How about you say a few words?"

Dean Zhu said awkwardly:

"Professor Zhang! Just do it and say a few simple words!"

Dean Zhou smiled and said:

"I have no objection, Professor Zhang, just let you decide."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Hello everyone! Today, the bank and the finance department of our hospital jointly confiscated our gold and silver. From now on, everyone will start receiving paper money again. Because the hospital is having some operational difficulties, we will not accept patients from these two departments for the time being."

"If you have any opinions, any thoughts, or any good ideas, please raise them."

The heads of the various departments immediately grasped the key point and went into a frenzy, chattering:

"What? The salary is already so low, how are we going to live now?"

"What!? You want to take money again?"

"Fuck it! Just don't admit patients from other departments!"

"Is it useful to take those waste papers?"

"If we don't accept all public office employees, and private individuals must also accept yellow croaker in the future, what's the point of all that waste paper!?"

Dean Zhu and a few others remained silent, watching everyone talking about the matter, and only then did they realize the seriousness of the matter.

Zhang Kaiwu said to the logistics director:

"Director Duan! Contact the grain warehouse immediately and transfer back 1,000 tons of rice. Same thing for coal!"

"If the situation is serious, we will distribute rice and coal to everyone in the hospital so that they can support their families."

This is too scary! Is it that serious! ?

A group of department heads stopped shouting and looked at Zhang Kaiwu in surprise!!!
Director Duan was in charge of supplies, so he had a quick mind. He asked quickly:
"Professor Zhang! Can we quickly stockpile some of the other stuff as a backup?"

"Like other food, medical supplies, that kind of thing."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"That's right! That's exactly what I mean. We can't let everyone go hungry! Go make a quick phone call and inform them. The first thing is food. Buy it back as soon as possible."

"If others don't cooperate, tell everyone about how we just kicked out the patient! If anyone doesn't allocate things to you, tell everyone to kick out that person's patient!"

"Whoever doesn't give face to our hospital, we won't give face to them in our hospital!"

Director Duan hurriedly made a phone call and instructed his subordinates to get things done quickly.

A group of department heads looked at Zhang Kaiwu in a daze. They didn't expect him to be so pessimistic!
Apart from Zhu Zhiyin smiling there, how could Kaiwu be wrong! ?


Zhang Kaiwu arrived at the hospital gate and watched the excitement quietly.

The entire medical school and hospital were in an uproar. The nurses carried the patients from the finance department and the bank and dropped them at the hospital gate.

The outpatient clinic began to refuse to accept patients.

The hospital gate was so crowded, with countless people gathered there to watch the fun.

Those who say nice things: I am willing to spend money, my family has money, and the patient’s health is more important.

Pleading: I know the mayor. Please give the patient some face and let him stay here first. I will help you solve the problem.

To be more stern: If you continue to cause trouble like this, we will not allocate funds from the bank next time and will let you starve!

The guards, armed with live ammunition, pointed quick-eight bullets at them and used machine guns to persuade their families to calm down.

The phone in the medical school was about to explode with calls, with people constantly wanting to see the dean.

Unfortunately, several old deans didn’t answer the phone and no one knew where they went.

Director Duan was busy making phone calls:
"Stationmaster Chen! Send us the goods from the Taiping Granary! I am not kidding you! If you don't deliver them, we will be embarrassed today! Don't come to see the doctor in the future, go find a quack doctor yourself."

"If you're not convinced, come to the hospital gate and see how many people we threw out today!"

"Even if your mother is hospitalized here, you dare to leave her in our hospital, do you believe it?!"

"We are all from the same department? We are all from the same department, but you can have meals in your department, but we can't have meals in the medical school!?"

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Zhang Kaiwu drove a Willys Jeep to Qianmen Street to pick up Chen Xueru and others.

People were working together to confiscate gold and silver everywhere. The whole of Peking was bustling with activity, and Qianmen Street was even busier.

Lin Xiaoniang held the twenty-plus yuan bills in her hand and cursed.

Chen Xueru sat there angrily. Fortunately, she usually brought her money to the research institute, where it was safer.

Otherwise, they would all be turned into paper in an instant!

Xu Huizhen was lying at the door watching the fun, and when she saw him coming, she immediately shouted:

"Brother Kaiwu! Why are you here!?"

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her with a smile and said to Chen Xueru:
"Close the shop! The business is no longer viable. If we open the shop for one day, we will lose money for one day."

"If you wait a little longer, anyone who brings paper money here will be able to snatch everything away by you."

Chen Xueru shuddered and said quickly:

"Close the door! Close the door quickly!"

"Brother Kaiwu! What about Xiaolian and Xiaocui?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Let them help look after the house and the shop, and they will be paid as usual!"

Xiaolian and Xiaocui hurried forward to thank their host.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Just keep an eye on the house and the store. Don't open the doors. If anything happens, go to the medical school and call for help."

Chen Xueru and the others closed the gate of Xiangyi Zhuang and climbed onto the Willys Jeep.

Shopkeeper Niu rushed over, pulled Zhang Kaiwu aside and asked in a low voice:
"Brother! Your Xiangyizhuang is closed. Are you going to Nanluoguxiang?"

Zhang Kaiwu handed him a cigarette and said with a smile:

"No! People are panicking. Prices are going to soar soon. There's no point in us making money from those waste papers. Our business is different from yours. You do day trading. You just buy high and sell high and follow the market."

Shopkeeper Niu lit up a cigarette and said with a smile:
"Brother! There's something wrong with what you said. Am I going to earn those waste papers and keep them for later?!"

"I've decided. I'm going to pack up and close the shop today. I'll let the guys watch over the shop like you guys do. I won't be open for business."

"Isn't it good for me to go and listen to opera and drink tea every day? When things calm down and your Xiangyi Zhuang opens, I will come and open a business there."

(End of this chapter)

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