Chapter 206: Booming Business
The highest realm of a socialite!
Impress a man with your personal charm and capture his favor.

You know clearly that they have bad intentions, but you just can't refuse them.

Because you feel great!

Have the pride of a conqueror!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

When Annette Nge Ndom and her two companions left, she once again knew what a ruthless person was.

Zhang Kaiwu said with a deep smile:
"Annette! I'm very happy today. Please introduce a few more sisters to me some other day. I want to meet more people."

"You can't understand my passion for languages."

Annette Nge Ndom looked at him and said in surprise:
"Dear senior! I know you have a strong talent for study, but I didn't expect you to love studying so much. Is your health okay? Are you okay tomorrow?"


Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said affectionately:

"Dear! I'm a professional doctor, you don't have to worry about my health! Then I'll wait for you tomorrow. You have a few friends, why don't you all come over together?"

Annette Nge Ndom looked at his body, then looked closely at his expression, and she saw deep love.

She gave him a kiss, smiled sincerely and said:
"Dear senior! You should have a good rest today. As long as there is nothing wrong with your body, I will come over tomorrow and we will have a small party."

After saying goodbye to the enthusiastic Annette, Zhang Kaiwu strolled back home and started cooking dinner.

Zhang Kaiwu was cooking dinner with a smile on his face, he was in a very good mood!
Although he is at the center of the storm, it seems dangerous, but in fact he is very safe, just like surfing.

The students haven’t learned the skills yet!
As long as Zhang Kaiwu doesn't come up with the complete industrial production technology, he will always be safe in order to research out those technologies.

Too many eyes are staring here, waiting for his research results to come out, and they are all entangled with each other.

Qin Huairu and Xu Huizhen got off work, each carrying a heavy cloth bag and handed it to him to pack.

Zhang Kaiwu knew at a glance that there were about three hundred small yellow croakers. It seemed that their business was indeed good.

He praised casually:

"So-so! Your little business is doing well. Sister Huairu! You didn't bite them with your teeth today, did you? "

Qin Huairu hugged him and said with a smile:

"Brother Kaiwu! How can you talk like that? I am your second concubine now, and I am also a person of status and position. How could I do such a thing!?"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at Huizhen and asked:
"Huizhen, what's wrong with you? Are you stupid?"

The little wine girl said quickly:
"Brother Kaiwu! I rented sixty or seventy cans today. Isn't it a bit too fast to make money this way?"

"Among these students, I estimate that we can rent a batch more, and we may have to sell dozens of cans and collect more than a hundred small yellow croakers."

This guy is truly a businessman. Sister Huizhen eliminated all those who were just slacking off.

It's a pity that she still has little experience!
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Sister Huizhen! We need to rent at least 500 to 600 jars, which means more than a thousand small yellow croakers!"

Xu Huizhen looked at him in surprise:
"What!? Brother Kaiwu! How is that possible? There are 316 people in total, 108 groups. How did you calculate that number!?"

"Besides, there are only 300 cans in the institute's warehouse. How did you get that number?"

Qin Huairu said with a smile:
"Sister Huizhen! If Kaiwu says it's okay, then it's okay!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Your business acumen is still at the first stage, buying low and selling high, or the chicken and the egg. It's normal that you don't understand the rules of the game."

"This is a rule I set. If I want to rent, I can rent as many jars as I want. Do you believe it?"

Xu Huizhen asked in surprise:

"There are only 300 jars in total, how can I rent them?!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"A complete experiment takes about ten days. By then, I require all the jars to be recycled and disinfected. Do I have to rent it again?"

"Some students failed in their experiments after just two or three days. Do they also have to hand in their jars and take them back for disinfection?"

"Some researchers are in a hurry to complete their experiments. If they want to successfully culture penicillin, do they also have to rush to rent a second or third tank?!"

"As long as you have the final say, this is supposed to be an endless matter, because you are the one who makes the rules!?"

Xu Huizhen opened her mouth in surprise!
Qin Huairu asked with a smile:
"Brother Kaiwu! Is it because they succeeded in cultivating penicillin that they stopped renting jars?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"That's impossible! Even if they succeed, they will still rent tanks because they are still thinking about improving the method and increasing production."

"Or I can provide them with data about the production of a certain student and how he conducted his experiment. Do you want to try someone else's method?"

"Not only do they want to rent the jars, they are asking you to rent them!"

Xu Huizhen said in surprise:

"Then with someone like you, you'll never be able to rent out the jar? Where do other people get so much money to rent a jar?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"There are plenty of people to pay for that money. They don't have to pay for it themselves. And every once in a while, their technology will improve to a certain extent. There are plenty of people willing to spend the money. Don't worry!"

"You think it costs a lot to rent a tank for two small yellow croakers, but you are too ignorant. Two small yellow croakers only cost 60 dollars!?"

"If my luck is bad and the power goes out at a critical moment, all the experiments will be in vain."

Xu Huizhen said in surprise:

"So that's how it is! Your penicillin research institute is making too much money at this rate, isn't it!?"

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said:
"Your skills in selling fake wine have really improved, and you can still make money, but you are not well educated and don't understand the principles."

Xu Huizhen didn't believe it, she argued:
"Those fake wines don't make money. Only aged wines are valuable. How can they be faked? They need to be stored in the cellar for many years and they need to be well preserved so that they don't spoil."

"For someone like me, I can smell the aroma of yeast with my nose. How could you possibly fake it?!"

Sister Huairu said with a smile:

"What kind of valuable old wine is this!? Even Brother Kaiwu can make a fake out of it."

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her with a smile, letting Huairu practice drinking skills, and was too lazy to pay attention to the drunkard.

Xu Huizhen looked at Zhang Kaiwu in surprise and asked:

"Brother Kaiwu! Can that old wine really be made?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course! Do you judge the age of wine by looking at the liquor hanging on the wall, smelling the aroma of the wine, and tasting the aroma of the cellar inside!?"

"Ten years! A hundred years! I can make you a thousand-year-old wine."

Xu Huizhen looked at him in surprise!
Zhang Kaiwu rubbed Huairu, played with two big walnuts, and said with a smile:

"After the liquor is stored for a long time, a small part of the alcohol is converted into polysaccharides, and the sugar content in it increases, so it will stick to the wall. Another part of the alcohol will be converted into ethyl acetate, which is the solution we use to extract penicillin."

"The older the wine is, the lower the alcohol content is, the higher the ethyl acetate content is, and the higher the sugar content is. The taste of ethyl acetate dissolved in the wine is the cellar aroma of the aged wine you mentioned. Tell me, can I make a thousand-year-old wine? "

"You may also say that new wine is hot, irritating the throat, and has a slightly different taste. If I adjust it and lower the alcohol content, and bury it underground for a year, will it become a century-old cellar? "

"But ethyl acetate is slightly toxic. The higher its content, the more toxic it is. Of course, the little ethyl acetate produced by storing it in a cellar will never reach that concentration."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at Xu Huizhen who was stunned by what he heard and said with a smile:

"In fact, I made this fake wine, which should be better than your real wine. Because mine has both alcohol content, wine aroma and sugar!"

"I can also make a century-old cellar with an orange flavor, and a thousand-year-old cellar with a vanilla flavor. If you need, I can also make it with a rose flavor."

Xu Huizhen looked at him in surprise. What happened today was a bit too much of a shock to her!
Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her head, and the little drunkard squatted down and practiced drinking absentmindedly.

Her passion for winemaking was crushed by him. So this is what Jiuxiang is like! ?

After you have learned well, can you have wine of any age you want?

For the first time, Xu Huizhen clearly understood why Brother Kaiwu said that their thoughts of selling clothes and brewing wine were all nonsense!
She also understood that studying was the best choice.

After dinner, Huizhen also joined the study team, preparing to study with the young ladies for a while in the evening and then join the class next year.


Three or four days later.

Various accidents occurred in the laboratory. A researcher from the United States was holding the two five-gallon jars with tears in his eyes.

He cursed sadly:

"Oh my god! Max Box! Did you sleep last night? How dare you treat our hard work like this? You didn't even oxygenate it all night? You didn't stir it?" Another partner whispered:

"Bobby! I just squinted for a moment! Really just squinted for a moment!"

The researcher Bobby cursed:

"Max Box! Who are you trying to fool? There are six hours of missing recording time. Did you sleep for six hours? Our little baby was originally the best in the lab, but now it's ruined by your laziness and sleeping!"

The researcher partner said quickly:

"Don't get excited! I'll go to the warehouse and ask Mrs. Zhang to buy two more jars. Don't worry! We still have plenty of time."

"Many others have failed, so we just need to follow their example once! Senior Zhang said that failure is actually a kind of experience, and we can also record the reasons for failure."

"We hand in the report, and Senior Zhang won't be angry."

The researchers from the United States said angrily:
"You! You! Shit! You fucking ruined our hard work, do you know that?!"

"You bastard!"

The researchers nearby watched with gloating eyes and laughed at the fun.

Max murmured quietly:

"I hope your jars start to stink soon! Shit!"

This immediately caused a burst of curses!

"Take away your broken jars! They stink!"

"Don't infect our jars, get lost!"

"Oh my god! Fortunately I didn't help, otherwise I might have been slandered by you guys!"

It’s very lively inside the Penicillin Research Institute!

There is no shortage of people who are serious about research, and there is no shortage of people who are serious about sabotage.

The targets that everyone suspects the most are the people from the United States. Whenever they appear, everyone becomes alert.

The second are the swallows. Everyone has a record in his or her heart.

They knew very well what these swallow girls from their own country were here for.

Maybe they are just here to talk nonsense!


Warehouse keepers Qin Huairu and Xu Huizhen discovered that there were only 300 jars in total. But they could never rent out all the penicillin fermentation tanks in their home!

Take back the scrapped cans, have them disinfected, and then renumber and register them.

The students all came to buy with smiles on their faces, and they would give them small gifts.

Watches, chocolates, gold rings, big gold bracelets, small yellow croakers, all kinds of rare things.

The purpose is to successfully rent the jar and get the secret weapon for research.

If Qin Huairu and the others hadn't rented out the jars at that time, the students would have given gifts more frequently.

The purpose is to get those numbered jars earlier.

Qin Huairu and the others had never imagined that such a thing would happen, and they begged to do the experiment.

Not only did they beg to rent a penicillin culture fermentation tank by offering small yellow croakers, they also had to put on a smile.

You have to give gifts to do the experiment, and no one will be happy if you don't accept the gifts.

Those who come to apply for the jars now will be given some gifts from some time on.


The experiments conducted by Annette Nge-Ndom, a girl from Eastern Europe, were really nonsense. The jars of their swallows had long since gone rotten and had been confiscated.

It's okay! Just spend money to get another jar and continue researching. After all, it's paid by the government. They hold the highest application record of changing two jars in three days.

Change the jar when the time comes, sometimes even every other day.

The warehouse keeper, Mrs. Zhang, seemed to have some magic power, attracting the girls to exchange jars.

Their battlefield is not in the laboratory, but on the sofa in the office or in the lounge.

They were not afraid of the failure of these experiments. They had a pleasant communication with Senior Zhang and had long forgotten the technical aspects of culturing in jars.

Zhang Kaiwu's Russian has reached level two: 235-500, and he can barely read the Russian books brought by the girls.

Sometimes they kindly wanted to help out in the lab and give their colleagues some time to rest. Suddenly, everyone in the lab was in a panic, and everyone stared at their jars!

Keep an eye on these girls!


Several groups of researchers had jars that were growing well, but for no apparent reason, someone took the jars away!


Or was it sent to a warehouse for disinfection by a kind-hearted person?

Some say it was carried away by a man, others say it was carried away by a woman, there are many different opinions...

What's even worse is that some jars failed all of a sudden because someone added something to them for no apparent reason!

Some penicillin fermentation tanks were stirred frantically by enthusiastic people before the stirring time even came!
Some of them even had their lids opened, and were completely contaminated, with all kinds of colorful things growing inside.

Some even grew mushrooms!

It was really busy inside the Penicillin Research Institute.


Similarly, Zhang Kaiwu is also very busy, as he has to learn various language knowledge.

Those swallow girls and female spies also discovered that Senior Zhang was actually very easy to talk to.

As long as the girl is clean and pure, he is interested in communicating with her.

Zhang Kaiwu also chose a suitable goal and started learning French and German.

I also need to review my English...

I have learned various languages ​​and can communicate with them.

For daily use in bed only!

Although Senior Zhang is a bit impolite and often pulls up his trousers and ignores people, all the girls among the graduate students like him.

Everyone likes the set of sofas in his office.

He was also open and honest in his way of dealing with people, and the research records of those students were all there.

If the girls want to watch it, they can go and watch it directly. He doesn't care about these things at all.

If you want to watch, watch; if you want to copy, copy. If you really can’t, you can take a camera and take pictures. The seniors have no objection.

Zhang Kaiwu said:
"Scientific research is like this. Everyone needs to have a spirit of selfless dedication. Only in this way can there be room for progress."

It was difficult to get into his office, and men couldn't get in at all. After the morning meeting every day, Zhang Kaiwu hid in the office.

The competition among the girls is fierce, so you have to make an appointment with him politely in advance. It's tight! There are so many girls! The senior is also very busy.

Annette Nge Ndom, although the swallows don’t understand biochemical research at all, they can still bring back first-hand research data.

She has a deep friendship with Zhang Kaiwu, and she is one of the few girls with whom she can go on dates regularly.

Because she is beautiful and has a good sense of romance, she knows Zhang Kaiwu's hobbies and will not make unreasonable demands.

For example, Annette was lying on the desk copying, and Zhang Kaiwu was yelling behind her:

"Shit! Annette! Can't you just concentrate? Ugh! I feel bad like this, it's like I'm killing someone, go to hell!"

"Next time just bring your camera and take pictures. If you keep not paying attention like this, well, well! You don't have to come anymore!"

Annette quickly apologized with a smile and said:

"Dear senior! Yes! I'll bring my camera next time. I'll introduce you to some new sisters. Yes! They are very good at dancing. Oh my god!"

"One of them, Ahsoka Tano, she even won an award, she manages her body so well! Oooooh!"

So the success of the "swallows" is not due to luck.

They must have studied Senior Zhang and knew his hobby: he gets bored with the same thing and loves new things!
(End of this chapter)

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