Chapter 213 Rush Buying
A few old men nodded with a smile. It seemed like a very simple matter.

Zhang Kaiwu changed the subject and said:

"Of course not!"

Dean Zhu almost fell down, and Dean Wang pulled out two of his beards.

Zhang Kaiwu said confidently:

"The staff in our penicillin research institute have not received any salary, and now they are all being given rice."

"I can't possibly go against everyone's interests and contribute for nothing, right!?"

Dean Zhu said quickly:
"Kaiwu! You should take a long-term view and not offend others like this."

"Those things are by-products. If you use them in the medical school, many people will remember your favor."


Why should I remember these favors! ?

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Doesn't the Tiantan laboratory have penicillin products now? Why did you come to me?"

Dean Wang said quickly:
"Their product can only be used on the spot, the production volume is too low, and the usage procedure is too complicated and requires queuing."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Why are you saying it so nicely? It can only be used for registration, not for treating syphilis, right?"

"Also, the safety is a little worse. I'm afraid of being beaten to death."

Dean Zhu held a cigarette in his mouth and said awkwardly:
"Kaiwu! Didn't you say before that these things were made for the convenience of use in hospitals?"

Wang Tiantian brought him a cup of tea and stood behind him, massaging his shoulders.

Zhang Kaiwu took a sip of tea and said with a smile:
"Of course, I will use the penicillin in the medical school. The same goes for the by-products in the large laboratory in the future."

Dean Wang asked with a smile:
"Kaiwu! Since it's for use in the hospital, what do you mean?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"But!!! You know, we don't have that many products in our lab! If we supply them to everyone, there will be trouble. That's not good!"

Several old men pouted at the same time. They were all curious and went to the research institute to take a look. The output in the laboratory was really huge!
Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Just feel free to admit patients, but they have to come to the Penicillin Research Institute in the back to get the medicine. We are also registered to use penicillin, just like the Tiantan Research Institute."

"The procaine penicillin in the Tiantan Research Institute is now 1.5 yuan per bottle, so we'll also buy 1.5 yuan per bottle."

"Just write the prescription and let them line up to get the medicine. We have registered them here, and when the medicine is available, we will naturally arrange for them to use it."

"Don't worry! We will hand over the money we collected to the medical school."

The right to speak!?

They said it was 1.5 yuan per tube, which was the same as free. Is that penicillin something that ordinary people can get?
Dean Zhu's eyes flickered, and he thought of the baby in Zhiyin's belly, and he stopped talking.

Those indescribable patients are originally from wealthy families, so it is good enough to treat them.

It is impossible for President Zhu to continue to hold on to his position even after Zhang Kaiwu has made concessions.

If I offend Zhang Kaiwu, what will happen to Zhiyin's child? ?

Dean Wang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wang Tiantian beside him. He found that she had also understood and was staring at his beard eagerly.

For the beard!

Lao Wang said quickly:

"Kai Wuni is really thoughtful. By the way, we will take care of everyone just like the Temple of Heaven Research Institute."

Dean Zhou and Dean Gong looked at Zhang Kaiwu, who was pointing a finger at them and tapping it.

Since Zhang Kaiwu agreed, and there are some benefits. Dean Zhou smiled and rubbed the table with one finger, saying:
"Kaiwu, you're right! We also need to regulate management here, hehehehe!"

Kaiwu was right. It would be a waste if he didn't take it! Dean Gong tapped the table with one finger and said seriously:

"Kaiwu! You're right! This way it's easier for everyone to get medicine and treatment as soon as possible, and it's also much more standardized."

Since everyone has no problem with it, then let’s just leave it at that.

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Then let them come to get the medicine starting tomorrow. We will try to arrange for everyone."

The four old men went fishing again with smiles on their faces, ready to have a big fight and compete to see who can catch more fish.

Sister Huairu took Huizhen and the pay slip to exchange rice, and they exchanged more than four tons at once.

They dragged back two trucks of rice, and a group of people came up to help move them into the warehouse at home.

Looking at the pile of rice, everyone was smiling.

Whether it's Xiaohua sister or the young ladies and sisters, they all feel much more comfortable.

No matter what, my family will no longer have to worry about having no food to eat.


Early the next morning.

After washing up and having breakfast.

Zhang Kaiwu took Qin Huairu, Huizhen and Chen Xueru with him to help with the work.

He had to teach them how to distribute penicillin, and this was something they had to learn carefully.

This is something that can only be understood and comprehended on the spot by oneself and cannot be explained in words.

It's too much trouble to explain.

Besides, I think these two days are very busy, and the patients are probably impatient.

By the time he arrived at the warehouse, there were already more than ten or twenty patients' family members, servants, etc.

They all had medical records in their hands and wanted to get penicillin.

Seeing him coming with his people, they shouted enthusiastically:

"Professor Zhang! You are here. My home is in the city..."

"Good morning, Professor Zhang."

"Professor Zhang! I am..."

Zhang Kaiwu waved his hand and said majestically:

"Don't worry, everyone. The amount of penicillin is limited now. We will arrange it reasonably and give it to everyone as soon as possible."

"Everyone, be quiet! Let's do the registration first. Line up outside and come in one by one."

Everyone reacted quickly and immediately lined up and stood in a row.

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Come in one by one to register. Do not barge in without permission until the people inside come out."

"You're called, come in and wait for the record."

He took Chen Xueru in, put a table in front of the door, and asked Huairu and Huizhen to sit there and call out numbers.

There was another table behind the door for registration.

After finding a registration book, he handed it to Chen Xueru and asked her to register later.

Chen Xueru made him a cup of tea, and Zhang Kaiwu lit a Camel cigarette.

He took Chen Xueru to show her several large boxes inside, which were filled with piles of small glass bottles.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"This penicillin is in a bottle of 50,000 units. The prescription says 200,000 units, which is four bottles."

"You can just follow this analogy."

Chen Xueru said with a smile:
"Brother Kaiwu! I understand."

The two men came and sat down behind the door.

He then said to Huairu, the girl at the door:

"Director Qin! Director Xu! Start arranging people to come in, one by one."

Qin Huairu and Xu Huizhen at the door were stunned for a moment before they realized that they were being talked about.

Qin Huairu used all her authority and shouted expressionlessly:

"Be the first one in."

The first person in line was a sly-looking man in his thirties, who walked in with a nod and a bow.

Zhang Kaiwu took the case casually. It required seven injections of penicillin, each at one dollar and fifty cents, totaling ten dollars and fifty cents.

The shifty-looking man smiled and said:

"Our master is a relative of Director Chen of the Patrol Department. Professor Zhang, please take care of him."

He is pulling the tiger's skin and it's his own head! ?

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Okay, okay! Pay the money, get a number and wait for the arrangements."

The shifty-looking man quickly handed over eleven yuan, and Zhang Kaiwu gave him fifty cents in change.

"Xue Ru! Please register his name and the quantity here. When there is medicine in the future, notify the hospital to come and get it."

Chen Xueru registered his case, wrote a name, drew a number seven, and handed the case sheet back to him.

The man with shifty eyes asked quickly:
"Professor Zhang! When will the medicine be available?"

Zhang Kaiwu said angrily:

"What's wrong with you not understanding what people are saying? Didn't I tell you to wait for notification?!"

The man with shifty eyes said loudly:
"My master is a relative of Director Chen. We'll always see him..."

Zhang Kaiwu said calmly:


The man with shifty eyes looked unwilling and wanted to say something to give Zhang Kaiwu a hint.

But Professor Zhang was too perceptive and discovered his malicious intentions. He took the initiative and didn't wait for him to say anything.

Zhang Kaiwu raised his hand... just in time to scare the monkeys, and then he was picked up and operated on.

I don't hit the right ones or the wrong ones, I only hit those who are blind.

It's too late, it's faster than that!

Zhang Kaiwu slapped him loudly in the face, knocking him to the ground.

A few more teeth flew out and Zhang Kaiwu pushed him into the yard.


"Tie him up! Detain this man, call the security office, and ask his family to handle this matter! How dare you threaten our medical school?"

After saying that, he kicked him again, making him roll on the ground.

The people queuing at the door were all gloating.

They want you to be the first one, and even threaten you to come here! ?


Upon hearing the news, several nurses ran over excitedly, tied him up with a rope, and dragged him to the guard room by his feet.

Chen Xueru looked at Brother Kaiwu in surprise!

Is it necessary to beat people up for selling medicine?

It seems like she is having trouble learning this! ?

Qin Huairu and Xu Huizhen at the door looked at these in surprise, it seems a bit difficult! ?


Zhang Kaiwu stood at the door and said to the people in line:

"The next one is ready to be recorded. Don't bring up your relatives. I'm just doing business here and I only talk about reason."

Another man in his thirties came in with a medical record and walked behind the door.

He handed over the medical record and some money with a smile, and also took out two large yellow croakers and placed them on the table.

Bending over, he said:

"Professor Zhang! My master's condition is an emergency. Please help. It's really urgent!"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the case and found it was exactly the same as the first one, also requiring seven injections of penicillin.

Zhang Kaiwu put two large yellow croakers on the table with a smile and said:

"Your master's condition is indeed urgent. Take the penicillin now and let the doctor treat him as soon as possible."

"Xue Ru! Once you've registered him, give him the medicine."

"This one has already received the medicine. Please put a check mark at the back to indicate that it has been distributed."

After Chen Xueru finished registering and handed him the medicine in a brown paper bag, the man smiled and said:

"Professor Zhang! You are so fair and just. Thank you so much."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"Sure, sure! In an emergency, of course we have to take care of your master. It's all official business."

The man walked out smiling.

Chen Xueru looked at the two large yellow croakers in surprise, and without calling anyone in, she quickly asked in a low voice:
"Brother Kaiwu! That's a lot of money! And the first patient just now, aren't you afraid that others will take revenge on you!?"

Zhang Kaiwu took a sip of tea and explained with a smile:

"Don't worry! If someone is really capable, he doesn't need to ask us for medicine. Since he is here to ask for medicine, no matter how much he brags, it's all fake."

"It's rare to meet someone like that in a day. Those who dare to come here for treatment are ordinary wealthy people without any power."

Qin Huairu stuck her head in from the door and asked in a low voice:
"I was scared to death, so that's what happened?"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the frightened Huizhen and Huairu and said with a smile:

"How capable do you think you are, coming all the way here to ask for medicine?!"

"Don't worry! Those old guys in the medical school will be able to do nothing to them. If some tough guys come, those old guys will come and get the medicine themselves."

Chen Xueru asked in a low voice:
"I see! How much does this medicine cost per tube? I saw a huge pile of it over there."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"The minimum standard is two small yellow croakers for one. If you don't pay enough, we won't accept it from you. We'll say we're out of stock and tell you to wait!"

"For someone like the first one who is ignorant, just register him and get him out!"

"Director Qin! Call the next one."

Chen Xueru turned her head and looked at the small bottles behind her, as if she saw a mountain of gold.

Qin Huairu quickly called the next person in.

A man in his forties ran in, handed over the medical records, banknotes and two large yellow croakers, bowed, and said with a smile:

"Professor Zhang! Please help me. My master wants to prescribe a few more penicillins as a backup, just in case."

"There are many children in the family, and my body is weak, all for the children!"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the medical record and handed it to Chen Xueru for registration. Only one dose of penicillin was prescribed.

After Chen Xueru finished registering, she looked at Zhang Kaiwu in confusion.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Xue Ru! Give him ten penicillins. We are all civilized people and we must not charge him more."

"In cases like this, everything is for the children. We try our best to meet the needs of the patients."

The man in his forties smiled and said:

"Professor Zhang! Thank you so much! Thank you so much!"

"You are so kind, thank you!"

After Chen Xueru gave him the medicine, he nodded happily and went out.

Chen Xueru quickly asked in a low voice while no one came in:

"Brother Kaiwu! Isn't there a prescription for this on his medical record?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and whispered:

"There's a lot of penicillin here, and the quantity isn't even registered. If there's no cost, and someone wants to buy a few extra for backup, why not sell it?"

After these two orders, Chen Xueru earned more than what she had earned in several years.

Chen Xueru couldn't yell any longer, and asked in a surprised voice:

"There's no limit to the amount of penicillin in this lab!?"

"You can buy it outside, right? Our price is only one dollar and fifty cents."

"Such expensive things, why do they buy so many of them!?"

Qin Huairu and Xu Huizhen also looked at him curiously.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and explained in a low voice:

"There is a regulation in the Republic of China that penicillin is only allowed to be used when the patient is seriously ill and no other medicine can cure him."

"In fact, in many cases, a shot of penicillin can save a person from a cold or fever. When penicillin is unavailable, other drugs are used. If you meet a good doctor, it's not a problem."

"If you meet a bad doctor, the patient will be left with a chronic illness. It is not uncommon for children to be burned stupidly. Xiaohua's father is the simplest example. He lost everything he had and still couldn't be cured. And that shopkeeper Yan didn't even have the chance to go to the hospital!"

"Do you think others are stupid? In the past, emperors had their families killed by colds and fevers. If a rich family has the opportunity, wouldn't they have to prepare a few for emergencies?"

The next one was another seven injections of penicillin, and Chen Xueru had registered it for him.

The man handed over two large yellow croakers with a smile. Chen Xueru ran to get the medicine and handed it to him.

The man also thanked with a smile and then ran out.

Chen Xueru quickly asked:

"Brother Kaiwu! Why didn't they ask me for change? Seven penicillins, and I still need to find six small yellow croakers!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Isn't this asking for medicine? Most of these people are just selling one, thinking it will be easier next time and they have a sense of gratitude."

"If there is someone who really doesn't want to leave a good impression, he will naturally bring one large yellow croaker and four small yellow croakers."

"Or maybe they are asking for a few more bottles of penicillin. Don't worry, no one is stupid!"

Chen Xueru said "oh" but still didn't understand.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and explained carefully:

"Then there are the seven injections of penicillin, most of which are for those serious diseases, and the few small yellow croakers are also a hush money."

"Because there are strict requirements in the Republic of China that penicillin is not allowed to be used to treat syphilis. Hehehehe!"

"He can't buy this dose on the black market, and the risk is very high. He can only get penicillin here."

So that's how it is.

Chen Xueru regained her composure and asked with a smile:
"Brother Kaiwu! Is that four small yellow croakers in one pack? He wants to buy one too?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Yes! But that would be too irritating and would arouse public outrage. We have to be conscientious and say it is affordable!"

"We can't ruin the reputation!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
The next person Chen Xueru saw was a patient with pneumonia who was given four injections, two large yellow croakers, and asked for a few more penicillins.

This is probably because the person is afraid of getting sick and wants to have it as a backup for the future, or he is worried that the four injections will not work.

(End of this chapter)

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