Chapter 226 Start of Construction

Dean Liu asked curiously:

"I've heard about this factory outside. It's world-class. Many people say that the penicillin production of this factory will be very high in the future?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"It will be put into production soon. If there are no unexpected problems, we can produce several hundred kilograms a month, and the annual output will probably be at least three tons."

what! ?

It is actually calculated in tons?
Dean Liu must have done some detailed research and knew the importance of this penicillin factory. He was also shocked by the output measured in tons.

According to this production, one gram per bottle, wouldn’t that be 3 million bottles of penicillin! ?

Will there be no shortage of penicillin in Peking in the future?
Even most of it can be sold, greatly alleviating the country's medical difficulties.

When I think about the leaders who kept reminding me to do my job well when I came here, this factory is really important!
Dean Liu said with deep emotion:

"Professor Zhang, don't worry. It will benefit the country and the people if such an important factory can be put into production. We will definitely strengthen security and immediately add a group of professional personnel!"

Dean Zhu held a cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile:

"Open the war! When are we going to have an opening ceremony to liven it up?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"President Liu, if something happens, I have to find you."

"President Zhu! Do you still want to set off firecrackers? For hygiene reasons, employees in that factory have to disinfect before entering. What kind of opening ceremony is this? Do you think you can just come in and out and have fun just because you're selling rice?"

Dean Zhu looked at him angrily and asked:

"It's such a big factory, it's such a big thing, why don't you treat them to a meal as a token of your respect!?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"No, otherwise! I'll let Zhiyin pay you to go drink some wine, and you can drink well with her?"

Old Man Zhu looked at him angrily and resisted the urge to hit his great-grandson.

Dean Liu saw Zhang Kaiwu's scholarly demeanor, but he had already been warned about his bad temper. He smiled and advised:
"It's okay! Professor Zhang won't treat us, Dean Zhu, I'll have a drink with you then."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
This is how life is. You have to be valuable to be worthy of others' serious treatment.

After they left, Zhang Kaiwu went to Xiaojiu's laboratory.

There are many new faces among the students here, many have left and many have come.

Those young gentlemen, and those Eastern European girls, were all there to help.

Zhang Kaiwu brought Xiaojiu out and walked on the playground outside. He smiled and said to her:

"Xiaojiu! The work in the factory was completed in the next two days. Have you finished the experiment of adding demulsifier that I asked you to do secretly?"

Xiaojiu said gently:
"It has been completed long ago. As long as the time and dosage are chosen correctly, there will be no protein in the solution and the production of penicillin will also be increased. I didn't expect it to be so magical!?"

"I never thought that the demulsifier that decomposes petroleum could be used in penicillin production. After the actual experiment was completed, it seemed so simple!"

"Senior! How did you think of that thing? That demulsifier should be a chemical product, and it can also be used for this purpose."

The research on penicillin has yet to bring about the most amazing things, as it can even be semi-artificially synthesized!
If you really want high yields, you might even add a poison.

But Zhang Kaiwu didn't care about those things. The level of this penicillin factory was already advanced enough.

With the current level of technology, those broken machines simply cannot support that kind of high-precision operations.

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"I discovered this by accident. You are going to take that group of trainees to work there for a while during the trial production of penicillin."

“Give those process steps to the trainees separately and ask them to keep it confidential.”

Xiao Jiu smiled at him and listened to his serious nonsense. She didn't know anything else, but she knew that when Zhang Kaiwu spoke with a smile, he was probably lying or had bad intentions.

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and continued:
"Just teach Annette the entire technical key points and technical indicators of North 001. No one else needs to do that."

"We have purchased so much demulsifier and many people know about it. It is impossible to keep it secret in the future. We can only achieve the highest output and the best technology."

"You should bear with it and become a factory manager temporarily for a while."

Xiaojiu smiled and said:

"Senior! I know all these things were arranged. Is Annette your pawn?!"

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and took her to sit on the bench.

Lighting up a lonely Camel cigarette, he explained earnestly:

"There are no chess pieces in life, or rather, everyone is a chess piece. I have no intention of plotting against her! If I don't teach her, I will have to teach a large number of Eastern Europeans, and pay a greater price."

"You also know how much money the old Russians in Eastern Europe spent to build this factory, how many machines they got, and how much effort they put in."

"I'm also giving Annette a chance, so she won't have to wash dishes in the future. Aside from her identity as Swallow, that girl is actually a good and open-minded girl."

"It's not easy for anyone! Of course! If she has a grateful heart, it would be nice to leave a favor."

Xiaojiu hugged him and said with a smile:

"In fact, Annette just doesn't have a grateful heart, and you won't care, right? The key is to make your own heart feel at ease. It's a matter of time, right? But only a little bit!?"

Xiaojiu gestured with his little finger!

This girl is so smart. Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and whispered:

"Girl! You know too many of my secrets. I'm going to kill you to silence you!"

Xiaojiu smiled gently and whispered:

"Senior! You disregard the relationship between us and are so cruel! I will kill you tonight and show you how powerful I am."

"I will unite with my sisters to fight against you, the tyrant, and push you down under the pillar of shame, so that you can neither live nor die!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Seeing Xiaojiu performing a play there to amuse herself, Zhang Kaiwu pulled her upstairs with a smile. Xiaojiu resisted desperately, pushing and rubbing him and saying:
"Senior! I meant at night."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a straight face:
"Just because you're a woman, you can talk nonsense? Why should your words be the truth? I can do whatever I want! I'll beat you to death today for being disobedient!"

Xiaojiu desperately wanted to run...

Zhang Kaiwu picked her up, put her on his shoulders, and carried her into the office.

Give her a kiss and watch Xiaojiu practicing his drinking skills there.

He held a cigarette in his mouth, played with two large walnuts, and stared at her viciously.

Ask her to be more sensible.

After a while, it started singing there, and the jade brand was jumping there.

Zhang Kaiwu beat her until she wrote two letters of guarantee, and tearfully promised not to cause trouble in the future, before he let her go.

When you go to bed at night, wait until everyone else is asleep.

Contrary to her usual behavior, Lin Xiaoniang sneaked in and started massaging for a long time.

He whispered:

"Master! I am not someone you can fool easily. Sister Zhiyin, Sister Xiaoyao and I have all understood this. If you dare to lie to me, I will really die!"

She lay there, turned her head and said:
"Master! Hurry up! These few days are a good time to get pregnant, otherwise I will tell all my sisters about this and they will come to trouble you together."

Zhang Kaiwu slapped him and cursed:

"You slut! How dare you threaten the master? Do you want to die!?"

Lin Xiaoniang said in a low voice with charming eyes:
"Well! Master! This is not what I want! If you don't let me get pregnant, I will make sure you won't be able to sleep today! Well well!"

"As long as you don't get pregnant, I won't let you go! Mmmmm!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Two days later, early morning.

The penicillin factory was about to start production, and the sanitation inside the factory was also cleaned. The technicians and female workers on the playground lined up neatly, excitedly looking at the time.

Annette and Sean Phillips were also excited and waiting with their team to enter the factory.

Zhang Kaiwu gave the order with a smile:
"Everyone, take disinfection measures, pay attention to safety, and enter the factory to start work."

Although we were not allowed to enter the factory, we could not resist the people who cared about us.

Still, a large group of reporters came and took a bunch of photos around the factory and at the factory gate.

Sean Phillips felt relieved when he saw Annette leading the technicians and workers into the factory.

It's a sure thing! He just doesn't believe that even with a factory and skilled workers, penicillin can't be produced! ?
He seemed to have seen himself being promoted again, and various honors were waiting for him after returning home.

The American technician next to him asked curiously:
"Sean! What does the factory you renovated look like? Do you need to disinfect it before entering the factory?" Sean Phillip laughed and said:

"It's actually just an ordinary factory, just a little cleaner. We're afraid of other viruses infecting it and affecting production!"

How could he possibly tell others what happened in the factory?

These things are all state secrets!
Those engineers and workers were arranged to fly back, one to check whether the domestic factory had been built, and the other to ensure the confidentiality of the personnel and prevent them from leaking secrets.

As long as Sean Philippe waits until the factory has successfully produced a few batches and lets the Eastern European trainees produce a few batches independently, he will take them back home.

You're done!

Inside the penicillin factory, the machines and equipment are already running.

The female workers changed into their work clothes in the locker room, underwent a simple disinfection, and then entered the factory.

The high-pressure steam in the boiler cooks the corn flour through the sterilization belt and sends it into the fermentation tank through a pipe.

There is no contact with air during the whole process, and wait until the temperature inside the jar drops to 24 degrees.

Spores of strain North 001 began to colonize and be cultured in the fermentation tank.

High-pressure pure air passes through multiple layers of filtration and begins to be input from the pipes.

Xiaojiu led the technicians to monitor various data and adjust the air, nitrogen source and sugar source.

The female workers checked the pipes and were busy with the instruments in various places.

This is a fully enclosed fermentation production line, and they make cornmeal porridge without any contact.

When something needs to be added or stirred, they just control the valve.

This factory operates on an assembly line. Once it starts, it cannot be stopped. Otherwise, it will have to stop at the risk of huge losses and then undergo comprehensive cleaning and disinfection before resuming operation.


The nurses, students in the school, and professors were also celebrating.

There were also some caring people from other schools who came to celebrate.

After the celebration, everyone went to the restaurant to eat.

Comrade Qin Huairu, who is in charge of allocation in the warehouse, discovered that she had really become a popular director.

Many people surrounded her and tried to get close to her, praising her for being young and promising and wanting to buy her products at high prices in the future!

She was so frightened that she could hardly speak.

There was also Deputy Director Xu Huizhen who was trembling beside him. Su Xiaoyao and Secretary Hu looked calm. They were all here to buy things...

However, Qin Huairu quickly realized that these people came for future products.

According to what Zhang Kaiwu taught her, Qin Huairu said with a smile:

"Everyone please don't be polite. I have no right to handle these products."

"According to the senior's suggestion, these products will first be supplied to medical schools, and the rest will be sold to the government at a fair price, so that the government can allocate them to those who really need them."

Dean Liu first praised:

"Good! Good! Good! Senior, you really have a pure heart. I believe the country will not let the medical school suffer any loss."

Dean Zhu smiled and said:

"This Kaiwu, his way of dealing with people is to be honest and trustworthy. He doesn't care about money at all and is not good at socializing!"

"I knew from the first time we met that he has a pure heart!"

Dean Zhou thought of the two boxes of yellow croaker weighing more than 100 kilograms that Zhang Kaiwu secretly sent to his home a few months ago. He really couldn't spend them all, and he said with deep emotion:
"Who among the seniors in the medical school doesn't know what kind of person he is? He is honest and trustworthy. He is really admirable!"

But there are still many people who know that after there is a although, there is a but.

Director Qin Huairu might be troubled by large quantities of penicillin products, but there will definitely be no problem with small quantities!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
They didn't dare to think about a hundred kilograms of penicillin, but half a kilogram, or a box or two, that was really not a big deal!

Save some time to dig, isn't that a piece of cake? ?

Zhang Kaiwu was receiving Tian Zao at his home at the Virus Research Institute. This silly girl must have fully recovered from her injury.

Today she was dressed neatly, wearing men's clothes and her dog-head hat, and she also deliberately put some rouge on her face.

When Zhang Kaiwu looked at her, he felt as if he was seeing a silly, infatuated girl.

The young ladies went to school, and the others also ran out to watch the fun and join in the celebration. Zhang Kaiwu personally entertained Tian Zao and poured her a glass of boiled water.

She said with a smile:
"Senior Zhang! Han Qingkui was shot. I went to the scene to see it."

"Our wrestling show is about to start again. It will begin tomorrow morning. Do you want to go and see the show?"

Zhang Kaiwu brought her another box of snacks, biscuits and candies, and said with a smile:

"Okay! I will definitely come to support you guys tomorrow morning, hurry up and eat!"

Tian Zao ate a candy shyly and said:
"Senior Zhang! I'm well now."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"That's great! Let me check it out for you."

Tian Zao shyly prepared to take off her clothes.

Zhang Kaiwu pulled her over with a smile and let her sit on his lap.

He whispered:

"I don't need to set your bones today, so you don't need to take off your clothes."

Tian Zao lowered her head shyly and whispered:

"Senior Zhang! My father's revenge has been taken, but you haven't received your reward yet."

It turns out that this silly girl was waiting impatiently at home and came to deliver the goods to her door!
This girl was too silly. Zhang Kaiwu didn't really want to get paid. He examined her body and said with a smile:
"No rush! You still have a lot of scratches on your body, take care of them first."

Giving the shy girl a kiss reassured her.

This silly girl is dressed like a wild boy, it's really hard to get over it.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Sister Tian Zao! Can you call me Brother Kai Wu from now on?"

Tian Zao panicked and said quickly:
"That's fine! But I'm just a street performer, I'm not worthy of you! I often take Meihe and the others to beg for food, and I even stole food from military trucks. Others will laugh at you!"

The favorability suddenly increased by ten points, and Tian Zao’s favorability has reached 100 points!
Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her with a smile, played with two small walnuts, and whispered:

"It's OK as long as I don't dislike you. I'll just call you Sister Tian Zao. Will you follow me from now on? Don't you want to call me Brother Kai Wu?"

Tian Zao shyly pressed his hand and whispered:

"Brother Kaiwu! Others will really laugh at you. I'm still a little scared! From now on, I will call you Brother Kaiwu when there is no one around, and I will still call you Senior Zhang when there are people around, okay!?"

Zhang Kaiwu was playing with two small walnuts, looking at her with a blushing face, her head lowered, and trembling with fear.

He said with a smile:
"That's fine! Sister Tian Zao, I will treat you as my family from now on. You can't find another big brother, understand?"

Tian Zao said shyly:

"Brother Kaiwu! I, Tian Zao, keep my word and will never go back on my word! As long as you are my brother, Tian Zao, you will always be my brother!"

She kissed him shyly to prove her resolve, then quickly lowered her head again.

The favorability increased by another 50 points. Maybe Tian Zao is too self-deprecating and she is under a lot of pressure! ?

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said with a smile:
"What show are you going to perform tomorrow? Do you need me to bring some people to help?"

Tian Zao said shyly:

"There will be a temple fair tomorrow. We will have a wrestling match to grab the dock at the bridge pier. The winner can continue to stay there, and the loser will have to move to the next place."

Chronicles of the Jianghu?
Playing with two small walnuts, Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"It's such an important matter! I'll borrow a machine gun tomorrow to support you. I want to see who is so blind as to dare to rob our dock!?"

Tian Zao said hurriedly:

"Brother Kaiwu! No need for that! These are the rules of the martial arts world, passed down for hundreds of years. If you use your power to bully others like this, others will laugh at our family!"

This girl is so interesting!
The affairs of the underworld are under the jurisdiction of the underworld? She is very chivalrous.

(End of this chapter)

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