Chapter 246 Performance-Based Salary
This group fight destroyed all the temples in the city of Peking and rescued countless imprisoned women.

A huge photo took up a quarter of the front page.

Senior Zhang in the newspaper advertisement is a burly man. He is waving a big wooden stick in one hand, with a lonely Camel cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and smiling gently with his eyes squinted.

Zhang Kaiwu was wearing a tweed coat, a belt around his waist and a large pistol.

Behind him was an army of girls standing ready for battle. They all had short hair like the men and were waving iron and wooden sticks in their hands.

Next to it are mountains of gold and silver.

The newspapers clearly stated the reasons for the fight, but did not mention the consequences for those who were beaten.

Director Wang of the neighborhood committee slammed the table and said angrily:

"Xiao Xiao! Xiao Huang! Are you guys going to do anything today? You've been staring at the newspaper for two hours. Didn't you go to the scene yesterday? "

Xiao Xiao reluctantly looked away and asked:
"I went there, but I don't know the reason for the fight! It turns out that Senior Zhang stood up for the girls in the penicillin factory. How romantic! Director Wang, you don't read this newspaper, do you? I want to collect this photo of Senior Zhang and put it between the pages of my book."

Xiao Huang said angrily:
"Why do you want to take away the neighborhood committee's newspaper? I wanted to take it back and paste it next to my bed to see what Senior Zhang has in store."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said:

"I just want this front-page headline, I don't want anything else, you can make it as confusing as you want. If you leave it there, someone else will mess it up in a few days."

Director Wang said angrily:

"What are you trying to steal? Put down the newspaper! I put this photo under the glass of the table, and you can all see it."

"If you like, just go buy a newspaper. It's not expensive!"

Xiao Huang muttered softly:

"Where are the newspapers? They were all snatched away by those shameless people!"

Ye Tingting sat in the library with a newspaper in her hand, looking annoyed, watching a group of female classmates reading newspapers together and secretly bragging. One female classmate was bragging, holding the newspaper and saying with confidence:

"I swear! Senior Zhang really sold me a pair of stockings. The stockings were the ones I wore in September. I still have them! Senior Zhang spoke very gently and hugged me with a smile. I persisted for an hour before he smiled and helped me fall asleep!"

"I have a witness. My roommate Xiao Liu saw it!"

Xiao Liu next to him said quickly:
"No! I didn't see it. But that night, my senior sold me a pair of stockings. I only lasted half an hour."

"But! Senior Zhang is indeed very gentle, and his words and actions are always smiling. His embrace is very warm, and he treats people sincerely."

"He likes to ask with a smile: Junior girl! Do you want to buy stockings? There is a promotion for buying stockings now. Do you want a disposable bucket?"

Several female classmates nearby said quickly:

"You two are just bragging! You just heard it from others."

"The senior won't come at night, because he has to accompany his wives and concubines at night. I can say those words too! I can say them more like you!"

"But! Xiaoxi really was sold stockings by the senior. That morning in the lounge of the dance studio, many people saw the senior hugging her in. Xiaoxi, tell me, what does the senior like to say? How did he sell stockings!?"

Xiaoxi smiled and said proudly:
"How could I tell you? That's my little secret. But the senior is really gentle. It's a pity that he won't come now!"

"If he comes, I'd like to buy him a pair of stockings as a souvenir."

The girls next to them shouted:

"You're dreaming!"

"Senior Zhang doesn't come back as a repeat customer!"

Xiaoxi said angrily:
"You know nothing! Hu Shuangjiu conquered the senior. She studied chemistry and had something in common with the senior. I was just unlucky! The senior doesn't like philosophy and doesn't have time!"

Ye Tingting was eavesdropping quietly at the side, and a student friend came over and asked:
"Tingting! What's going on with your relationship with the senior? Didn't I hear that you were in love with the senior? Did he leave you?"

Ye Tingting quickly explained:

"We were acting, we weren't in love! I didn't like Senior, I was trying to protect Senior Zhang, the situation was very dangerous at the time."

Zhu Zhiyin was holding a newspaper and reading it with a smile. The girls in the medical school all had a newspaper in their hands and were secretly listening to the nurses bragging.

"The one with half of his head exposed was me. I was hitting those bald heads with a stick. I was so brave! I was not afraid at all. The senior student was right beside me encouraging me."

A short nurse rubbed her hands and said regretfully:

"Hey! Sisters are too fast. When I rushed in, I hit the clay Buddha a few times, but you guys finished hitting me."

The head nurse's sister read the newspaper for a long time and said angrily:

"I knocked my head twice and found a treasure cave under the kang. How come it's not mentioned in the newspaper? Senior Zhang even patted me on the shoulder and praised me, saying that I was brave and careful. How come it's not mentioned in the newspaper?!"

"The senior even patted me on the shoulder on the playground and said that the nurses I led performed very well, but they were not listed!"

Another nurse sister said angrily:

"Who took this photo? Why didn't they include me? No! I have to check other newspapers. It won't work if they don't have my photo in them!"

Zhu Zhiyin watched the nurses chatting with a smile. Kaiwu's appeal was terrifying, and his courage was also terrifying.

The newspapers didn't even mention the women or the gold, silver and treasures.

Of course she understood the mystery. Everyone wanted to calm things down and make big things small or small things disappear.

After thousands of years, aren't there enough such things?!
Zhang Kaiwu told Zhu Zhiyin a short story about Wang Degui.

The fairy tale goes like this:

In ancient times, there was a herdsman named Wang Degui. One day, his family picked up thousands of cattle and sheep, but there were not many people in the family.

Every day we have to go to the pasture to feed the cattle and sheep, and my family members are also very lazy.

During the grazing process, because cattle and sheep are more willful and the grass outside is more fertile, they will want to run outside and sometimes never come back.

Some cattle and sheep are very lazy. They don’t eat grass seriously. They always run around or sleep, and often fall behind and get lost.

Sometimes wild beasts would come and take away the cattle and sheep, and sometimes there would be snow and wind, and the cattle and sheep could not return safely, which was a heavy loss.

There is no way around it. The herders’ families are also troubled by this issue!
At this time, two groups of sheepdogs came to apply for the job. One group of sheepdogs was very strong and fierce. They said:

"We are strong and can run fast. We can protect the safety of herders and take good care of cattle and sheep. I don't eat much beef and mutton. If wild beasts come, we can also go up and fight."

The herdsman Wang Degui said happily:

"That's great, you've been hired."

Wang Degui looked at the other group of sheepdogs and didn't want them. It was obvious that they didn't run fast and ate a lot. Maybe they would steal cattle and sheep secretly, otherwise how could they grow so fat! ?
Another group of fat and ugly sheepdogs said calmly:

"We can't fight wild beasts, nor can we protect your safety, but we do have unique skills!"

Wang Degui asked curiously:

"Tell me about it."

The bald sheepdogs said:

"We can make the cattle and sheep follow us willingly and not fall behind, so they are happy to be milked and slaughtered."

"It's like this. There are six reincarnations between heaven and earth. In this life, you are a cow or sheep being milked. If you work hard and do good deeds, you can be a herdsman in the next life. If you don't obey and practice, you may become a tree or a stone in the next life, and be chopped down or burned by fire..."

Wang Degui smiled and said:

"Good! You've been recruited too."

Wang Degui had more and more cattle and sheep, so he hired more and more sheepdogs.


Wang Tiantian was chatting with her classmates and was surrounded by people who were trying their best to flatter her.

I want to know how the romantic love story of Wang Tiantian and Zhang Xuechang happened.

After yesterday's fight, Senior Zhang looked so impressive.

Wang Tiantian insisted that when Senior Zhang first saw her, he started to pursue her crazily and wanted to do something bad to her.

He held Wang Tiantian tightly and tried to drag her into the room. He held on to the doorpost tightly and refused to let go. Even when he was held down, Wang Tiantian refused to obey. The senior also gave her many gifts when they were dating.

Every time I brought her children's candies to eat, or even cooked for her myself, the meals were so delicious.

Finally, she reluctantly agreed. She had no money to grab the doorpost. On a romantic night, Senior Zhang finally succeeded. He pinned her on the sofa and beat her for more than an hour, and then confirmed his relationship with her.

Wang Tiantian's boasting was so sweet and sour that all the girls in the class were drooling with envy and jealousy...

The female classmates gathered around Wang Tiantian to listen to her story. Although it was a little different from what she told last time, it didn't matter.

The group fight that happened just yesterday, in this version of the story, it is obvious that Senior Zhang is more brutal and more exciting!

Zhang Xuechang, who is both tough and tender, is more to everyone's liking. The fight is over, and everyone is very happy!

It was even more lively inside the penicillin factory, with many girls bragging there.

Little Qing was waving a wooden stick in her hand, boasting:
"Did you see it? This is what Senior Zhang handed to me. He said this length was just right for me. I used it to hit three people on the head."

"Bang, bang! So powerful!"

Xiaodie said in surprise:
"You actually hid the stick. My stick was returned to the construction site."

Xiaoqing smiled and said:

"What do you mean by hiding it? I just took it back like this. Senior didn't even ask us to return it. I kept it so that I can use it next time!"

Xiaodie said quickly:

"Then I'll go find another stick later and put it in the dormitory for use so I can practice properly."

Sister Tian Zao was also waving a wooden stick and asked:
"Xier! Did you see my speed? Brother Kaiwu waved his hand and I rushed in like a whirlwind. I had so much fun smashing things! Hahaha!"

Chun Xier smiled and said:

"Zao! I'm right behind you. It's really a very happy thing. The master waved his hand and I rushed in. It was so exciting that there were a lot of bangs."

Li Xiulan said regretfully:

"Zao! I rushed in too, but unfortunately I didn't hit those bald donkeys! I just hit a few window papers and broke a jar."

"There are too few people, not enough knocks!"

"Kaizhen was even further behind, and didn't even get a single hair pulled out."

Yi Kaizhen said quickly:
"Why didn't I hit anything? My palm hurts from the knock."

Xiulan smiled and said:

"If you hit that clay Buddha, can your hand not feel pain?"

Tian Zao smiled and said:

"Just charge faster next time. I really hope someone comes to provoke us in the factory again. It's really exciting to fight with Brother Kaiwu!"

"Hit them with countless sticks, and smash all the crooked ideas and resistance! Beat to death those who dare to cheat the girls in our factory."

Those male students were outside drinking and bragging about their achievements.

Their bragging skills are better, from blocking the door to cut off the retreat, temporary interrogation, to dividing the troops into three groups and expanding the results of the battle, their bragging is well-founded.

The students from Normal University and Peking University had bright eyes, as if something was weird.

Senior Zhang actually brought people to fight near our school, why can't we react! ?
There are no temples in Beiping City, but there are still a few outside! ?

The two schools discussed whether to organize a spring outing! ?

Several student union presidents discussed it and decided to prepare sticks and cameras and go there tomorrow.

The reputation of the medical school was quickly established.

Not only can they save lives, but their baton-pounding skills are also top-notch.

The city of Beiping was full of people chatting and bragging. The common people were bragging about how many truckloads of yellow croaker they had hauled out yesterday and how powerful Senior Zhang's sharp eyes were.

After this battle, the girls became famous. The girls in the penicillin factory were the ones you should not mess with the most in Peking.

For the sake of ten thousand dollars.

With a wave of Zhang Wu's hand, two thousand girls holding sticks rushed forward desperately.

I just want to ask you if you are afraid! ?

Only the fortune tellers are preparing to leave Peking City and go somewhere else to make a living.

Beijing is big and it’s not easy to live there.

There is a senior named Zhang here.

Fortune telling is so dangerous!

Even Tiekou Chen, the half-blind fortune teller famous on the overpass, who used to have three rules for fortune telling, immediately set a new rule.

Women with short hair don’t count!


Three days later, to the surprised eyes of Sean Phillips and Annette, the girls' test results came out.

The yield of this batch of penicillin is a little over 150 kilograms, a little over 300 boxes, and the unit content is 147,000, which is very good.

Annette and her classmates used their excellent product performance to prove to everyone that they had truly graduated.

Xiaojiu waved his hand, and the technicians and employees entered the factory to continue working. They could not stop in this factory.

With such excellent results, Sean Phillips seemed to see countless gold coins falling and couldn't stop smiling.

Annette cried and hugged Zhang Kaiwu for a long time. The Eastern European girls lined up neatly on the playground and hugged Zhang Kaiwu goodbye. Many girls shed tears of reluctance to leave. They couldn't delay for a day, they had to leave here.

Zhang Kaiwu stood there silently, watching the girls line up to leave for the airport.

Parting is always sad, and Eastern European girls don’t shout “Ula Ula Ula!”

His bad mood was clearly visible on his face, and people around him kept their distance from him.

After Director Qin completed the registration, Old Man Zhu, along with the doctors and nurses, rushed to the medical school carrying five boxes of penicillin.

Dean Liu watched the penicillin being taken away, as if he was carrying away several boxes of yellow croaker, and he felt as if his liver was aching.

The car waiting nearby quickly loaded the remaining products and escorted them out in full readiness.

There was not a drop of penicillin left in the entire warehouse.

Even if it can be expanded to produce more than 50 tons per year, there won't be a single bottle of penicillin left in this warehouse within 20 years.

Penicillin is much more valuable than gold, and there is a shortage of penicillin everywhere!

The penicillin produced in my senior’s factory is very effective. According to the current black market price of large quantities, a 0.5 gram bottle is about US$20.

Two vials of penicillin cost forty dollars.

In other words, one gram of penicillin is equivalent to forty grams of gold.

The process inside this penicillin factory is really faster than printing money!

of course!

If Zhang Kaiwu wanted to keep the penicillin, there would be no problem at all, he could just take it away.

The penicillin that Dean Liu took away was sold in the name of the medical school's penicillin factory.

But the country needed penicillin, both for war and for foreign exchange.

Having arrived in this era, Zhang Kaiwu can still see clearly the major issues of right and wrong.

Or else?

He no longer had any interest in money, including the money in the storage space and the gold savings in Citibank.

You can’t spend it all in your lifetime.

The deal with Sean Phillips was probably also considered for the purpose of building a factory.

Otherwise, Zhang Kaiwu is not short of money, and Sean Phillips is not a fool. He can give out so much profit and help build the factory! ?
After solving the problem of food and clothing, he did something to see if he could make some contribution.


Three days after the Eastern European girls left.

Before we knew it, it was already the beginning of March. It seemed as if overnight, the willow trees in the city of Peking had begun to secretly sprout.

The ice in the lake has also melted quietly. Although the weather is still very cold, the beauty-loving girls have secretly changed into thin clothes to show off their figures.

Secretary Hu ran away, and there was no full-time secretary now. The work fell to Wang Tiantian again, and she could only help out in her spare time.

She held up the payroll and said:
"Brother Kaiwu! This is last month's salary list. Everyone's basic salary has been advanced."

"This is the performance-based salary calculated according to your opinion. Brother Kaiwu! There is really no need to issue performance-based salary anymore. The salary in our factory is already high enough."

(End of this chapter)

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