Chapter 248 Nine Out of Ten
Zhang Kaiwu supported her and said with a smile:

"Not just once. You have to try to trust me at least three times tonight. Mmm-hmm!"

"Chun Xier, Xiulan, Kaizhen! Come over here quickly to help and prepare Sister Xiaojiu for pregnancy."

The radiator temperature was way too high.

"Xiaojiu! I used this trick last year, ah ah ah! I made Zhiyin pregnant right away. ah ah!"

Xiaojiu smiled and turned around and said:

"You are a bad guy! I don't believe you. Ahhh! You bastard! Ahhh! You want to kill me!"

“Yeah! I’m telling you, if this is in vain and you don’t get pregnant, I won’t forgive you! Aaaaah!”

Li Xiulan held Little Sister Jiu's head in her arms and comforted her in a low voice:

"Sister Xiaojiu! Don't be afraid! Hmm! How come your skin is so good! It's just like your jade brand, so slippery that I can't pinch it and it's hard to use force."

"Hold me tight."

Sister Tian Zao, who had just woken up, looked at Li Xiulan and found that Brother Kaiwu was right.

The temperature in the room was too high.

Kaizhen, Chunxier and others were trying their best to help Xiaojiu.

Before going to bed, Xiaojiu hugged him and said:
"People are about to be killed. If I fail, I will bite you to death, you bad guy."

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said with a smile:

"It's okay! If I fail, I will keep trying. There is still a chance of success. If you bite me to death, then there will be no chance, right?"

Xiaojiu looked at him gently, and soon she fell asleep due to exhaustion.

All the complaints and threats were because they were scared by his preparations for pregnancy.

This girl has a gentle personality, maybe she was pushed too far just now! ?

Or maybe I was just tired.

Li Xiulan, this stingy person, actually added five energy points. This was an unexpected surprise.

Pulling weeds and hunting rabbits.

Zhang Kaiwu washed up, put on his clothes and walked out of the penicillin factory.

It may be almost the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar. The moon tonight is very big and cold, and the moonlight is not hazy, which is not very suitable for killing or arson.

What a sin!
I don’t know when I started looking at the moon like this.

Zhang Kaiwu quickly changed his perspective to that of a gourmet and looked at the moon carefully. The moon was very beautiful tonight.

It is big and round, like a big sesame pancake.

It looks like a big plate! ?
The girls who were getting ready to work the night shift came out. Under the street lights inside the factory, a large group of them were laughing and giggling, and the night was alluring.

The girls were horrible.

Zhang Kaiwu quickly dodged and slipped away. The barrel of the machine gun in the secret sentry room next to him shone with a matte metallic luster in the night.

There were more than a dozen security guards on duty at the door, who also worked in three shifts. They watched Zhang Kaiwu dodge the girls and sneak out.

They looked at those horrible girls again, puffed out their chests and looked straight ahead.

These are the visible sentries, and there are also the hidden sentries on the roof of the second floor of the penicillin factory and outside the factory.

Once a battle breaks out, at least two hundred people can join in immediately.

In addition, the penicillin factory is made of reinforced concrete and is very strong.

Without hundreds of people and heavy firepower facilities, don't even think about getting close to the gate of the penicillin factory.

When these people arrived, they were told that, except for the employees of the penicillin factory, no one else was allowed to enter without Zhang Kaiwu's permission.


The next morning, Dean Liu looked at the group of people who had made an appointment to visit, thinking about Zhang Kaiwu's words, and said helplessly:
"Wait a moment. I'll go ask Professor Zhang what time is suitable for the visit today."

When Dean Liu arrived at the door of the Institute of Viral Infection, Zhang Kaiwu was practicing farming tricks there.

His punches and kicks were soft and seemingly without any strength, but Dean Liu knew it was all fake. Zhang Kaiwu's punches and kicks were very powerful.

Yan, the top master in Qianmen Street, was knocked down by him with one move and eventually died of serious injuries.

The whole process didn't take a second.

He felt that Professor Zhang was full of secrets, including his legendary learning experience, which took him only one year to reach the professor level, and his marksmanship and boxing skills.

If it weren't for Zhang Kaiwu's behavior and experience, he would have been a patriotic professor and the backbone of the factory.

People like him are full of suspicious points, and he makes friends with many people from various countries.

In Qinjiatun, their people quietly questioned every family and every household.

The same thing happened in Zhima Hutong. Huang Shijun even told everything about what happened in the brothel.

Of course there is no problem with him, otherwise there wouldn't be this world's number one factory.

After Zhang Kaiwu finished practicing his boxing and kicking, he looked at Dean Liu and saw that he didn't pay attention to him. He went to wash up and came out. While eating breakfast, he asked:
"President Liu is here today. What advice do you have for me?"

Dean Liu smiled and said:

"Professor Zhang! Those who are planning to come for a visit and study are all ready. Can you make some arrangements today so that they can come to the factory to study?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course no problem! We'll go over and take a look later."

After Zhang Kaiwu finished his breakfast, he calmly put on a belt and put on a pistol.

Seeing his distrust, Dean Liu's face darkened. He had already screened all those who wanted to visit.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled. This was the difference between people. He was a little disappointed with Dean Liu's vigilance.

Why do you have to use your loyalty to deal with official business?
Do you know how many people are eyeing the factory?
Sean Philip from Eastern Europe knew about it and sent all the construction engineers back to keep the matter confidential.

The two men came to the factory gate, and those who were preparing to visit had already arrived.

Zhang Kaiwu looked around and saw a total of twenty-two people, scattered in groups of three or four. He stood there and shouted:

"Line up for inspection!"

The visitors were stunned for a moment. They did not expect to encounter such an impolite thing. It took them a while to line up in two rows.

Zhang Kaiwu watched coldly, and with his keen mental perception, he had discovered at least three people who looked strange.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
He said to Captain Wang at the nearby sentry post:

"Have the guards ready to take everyone into custody. Anyone who dares to run away will be shot."

Captain Wang immediately responded:

"Yes! Everyone, follow the order."

A team of security guards rushed out of the sentry post and took charge of all the people, with their guns pointed at everyone.

Everyone looked grim, including Dean Liu.

Five people have been discovered. Zhang Kaiwu walked in front of the two teams calmly, his steps were very slow.

Zhang Kaiwu slowly looked at each person with his cold eyes. Although he already knew the problems of several of them, he remained calm.

It was still a little cold early in the morning, but Dean Liu felt as if his face was on fire.

Five minutes later.

Captain Wang noticed it, and Chief Liu also noticed it. Several people in the team were already trembling with fear.

Why are they so scared!?

Zhang Kaiwu didn't say anything and pulled out a man. The security guard next to him immediately went up and tied him up.

He walked back and forth there, and after a while, he pulled out another one and tied him up.

There were two people who were so scared that their legs went limp and they fell to the ground. It was obvious that they had problems, but Zhang Kaiwu seemed to turn a blind eye.

A man in his thirties, wearing a pair of glasses and with a thick pen stuck in his chest, stood there calmly.

Zhang Kaiwu stopped in front of him and pulled him out. The man said with an aggrieved expression:
"What do you mean? Is this how you treat guests in your medical school?"

Without any further ado, the next second, the muzzle of an M1911 was pointed at him.

The man in his thirties wanted to say something but was kicked down and tied up by the security guard next to him.

Zhang Kaiwu took the pen from his chest and handed it to Dean Liu next to him. He said:
"Look what this is? This is a high-end product!"

Dean Liu took the pen and fiddled with it for a while before realizing that it was a camera.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled. From what he knew, there were at least five spies among them.

Of course, there are some who are well hidden, and they come here to study under the guise of learning. As for the rest of the people who are preparing to visit, I guess what they want to do most now is to leave here! ?

Zhang Kaiwu pulled Dean Liu aside and said:

"I think there are at least five or six spies in here, maybe seven or eight? Or even more than a dozen!? I have something else to do. You guys take your time to investigate. When you're done, we'll arrange for them to visit."

"If you don't have time in the morning, then the afternoon will be fine."

Dean Liu blushed and said:
"Professor Zhang! Go and get busy first. Forget about today's visit!"

Zhang Kaiwu handed him a cigarette, lit up a lonely Camel cigarette, and said with a smile:

"Aren't you going to visit today?"

Dean Liu lit a cigarette, took a breath, and said with a red face:
"What's the point of visiting? If there is a need to build a factory, let the state arrange it. Visits will not be allowed in the future."

"Did you know that they were probably spies?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course! At least half of them are, it just depends on which faction they belong to. This is a high-tech factory, and ordinary people can't understand it at all. Anyone who is not afraid of trouble and wants to come in to visit here most likely has a problem."

"People who don't have any problems won't want to come here. For example, I wouldn't say that I want to go to the military fortress to have some fun."

Dean Liu said awkwardly:

"Why didn't you tell me these things earlier!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Don't you think it's quite interesting? How can you learn from your mistakes without suffering a loss?!"

Obviously, these words are nice to hear, but when Professor Zhang says them, they sound very harsh.

Dean Liu went about his business with a cigarette in his mouth. He took all those people away. This matter would probably take a few more days.


Zhang Kaiwu went to the Erythromycin Research Institute with a cigarette in his mouth. The nurses and students were preparing for erythromycin research there.

They are all doing the preliminary work, which is to find a more suitable training method and a reasonable training process.

As for this erythromycin research, everyone around the world is doing the same thing. Research is such a boring thing.

He is too lazy to manage these things, so let's take it slow.

He took a few reports on the table, looked at them, and threw them aside.

Sean Phillips came to visit him with a beautiful girl, and Zhang Kaiwu poured them two glasses of wine.

This pretty girl has brown hair and brown eyes.

Pink lips and fair skin, a slightly large nose, and a lot of hair that was a bit scary. The girl's cold expression was a bit inconsistent with his aesthetic standards.

Sean Phillips introduced with a smile:

"Alyssa Sias. She is my cousin, a smart girl in our family. She is a graduate student in management at the age of 18. She knows simple Chinese. She just got off the plane. She is here to study with you."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and stretched out his hand and said:

"Zhang Kaiwu! Can you be my secretary from now on?"

Alisa Sias smiled and said:

"Of course! That way I can learn better. Can I call you Professor Zhang from now on?"

Her smile was different from Xiaojiu's. Xiaojiu's smile was gentle, but this girl's was polite, with no real smile.

That smile is trained!

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course! I'll call you Alisa?"

Sean Phillips sat for a while and then left.

Alisa Sias asked:

"Professor Zhang! What will my main job be in the future?"

He had already seen that this was a workaholic or a study maniac, the kind who simply could not sit still.

Sean Phillips left her here and ran away, and no one knew what that meant.

Zhang Kaiwu said:
"Your goal is to learn production management in a factory, so you should be in charge of the construction site first. The factory is being built right now. If you're willing, can you start there and learn first?"

This is really going smoothly. Alisa Sias said with a smile:

"Of course!"

Zhang Kaiwu took her to Director Qin's logistics warehouse and took a photo of her to make a temporary work permit.

Then he took her to find Xiaojiu and introduced her to him.

He took it to the construction site and introduced it to Feng San, then said to Feng San:

"Contact her if you need anything on this construction site."

Feng San smiled and said:

"Professor Zhang! We need radiators and pipes in the dormitory building."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"If you need anything in the future, just contact her."

Zhang Kaiwu brought Elisa Sias back to the penicillin factory and was about to go back to the office.

Alisa Sias said curiously:
"Professor Zhang! Can I go take a look inside the penicillin factory?"

Zhang Kaiwu said:
"Of course! You will need to be familiar with these places in the future so that you can work smoothly. Go and see for yourself!"

Energy value increased by five points!!!

Be good!
This Alisa Sias is a heroine-like character! ?
Is it because of this factory that she came to this place and had an intersection with me?

She is really sinister, or rather, cold and indifferent. She only has five points of favorability so far! ?
Do you want to check out the factories here and see how they are different from the factories there?

Sean Phillips is good at interpersonal relationships and may have nothing in common with her. No wonder he ran away in a hurry just now.

Zhang Kaiwu had no interest in knowing which female lead she was, as he had never watched similar shows.

Watching Elisa Sias enter the penicillin factory, he thought about something and slowly walked to the logistics department.

Sister Qin Huairu brought him a cup of tea and said with a smile:

"Brother Kaiwu! Why did you change a foreign secretary? Her body smell is a bit strong, how can you stand it!?"

Looking at Huizhen who was eavesdropping curiously, Zhang Kaiwu smiled and explained:

"She might have just gotten off a long-haul flight and didn't have time to wash up, so the smell was a bit strong. Plus, their lifestyles are different, they have to shower in the morning and evening. Their sweat glands are more developed, so the smell is a bit strong."

"Which is the smell of beef or mutton? Don't laugh at others. When others smell your body, they can smell the stench of pork."

Sister Huizhen smelled her armpits and said with a blushing face:
"Brother Kaiwu! You are lying again, we don't have any smell!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You're used to eating it, so how can you smell it? For example, if you eat beef for a while, your body will naturally have the smell of beef, and then you won't be able to smell other people's smells."

Qin Huairu stood behind him, kneading his shoulders, and said with a smile:

"Brother Kaiwu! I have a very good nose. When you secretly cooked meat dishes before, I could smell it from a long distance away. If anyone secretly eats meat, even if it's been a day, I can smell it."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Sister Huairu! Can you still smell the aroma of meat from yesterday?"

Qin Huairu thought for a moment and said:
"Really? I can't seem to smell it now! Is my nose not working properly?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"If you persist in not eating meat and oil for a few months, you will be able to smell that happy smell again. Do you want to give it a try?!"

Qin Huairu lay on his back and said with a smile:

"I'm stupid! I finally got to eat meat, why wouldn't I give it a try!"

Zhang Kaiwu asked:
"Where have all your soldiers gone?"

Qin Huairu said with a smile:

"They went to study in the class. I assigned them a task to learn 20 words a day and to do dictation for them before leaving get off work every day."

"This is all for their own good, Brother Kaiwu! I think this move is really powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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