Chapter 261 It's Hard to Be a Human
She put it there blatantly, right inside the zipper of the interlayer, and you could see it when you opened the zipper.

Zhang Kaiwu was smoking a lonely Camel cigarette, thinking about how to teach her a profound lesson. He looked at the two boxes, filled them with a bunch of canned food, and left the two boxes on the coffee table without moving.

What happened today made him very angry. Zhang Kaiwu didn't plan to come to this office until the matter was resolved.

Zhang Kaiwu locked the office and went out to tell Liu Lan and Qin Huairu not to go to the office during this period.

Let Liu Lan study with Director Qin when she has nothing to do during this period of time.

But! Zhang Kaiwu still couldn't vent his anger. He didn't expect that this Eastern European girl would have no martial ethics.

The five energy points that Alisa Sias added when she left were because she felt that she had been tricked and felt sorry for herself! ?
I looked at my attribute panel which had been silent for a long time.


Property panel:
【Strength: 5】

[Physique: 5]

[Agility: 5]

【Mental Power: 10】

Manufacturing Level 360: 500-.

Level 748 medical skills: 1000~.

Farm Tricks Boxing and Kicks Level 305: 1000~.

Master of Gunmanship: ~~~~~~.

Archery level three: 725~1000.

Fishing level three: 235~1000.

Cooking Level 177: 1000~.

Level 800 English: 1000~.

Russian Level 565: 1000~.

Japanese Level 50: 500-.

French Level 180: 500-.

German Level 129: 500-.

Level 167 Stun: 500-.

Master of Chinese.

(Additional effect: Idealism)

Su Nu Heart Sutra Level 418: 500-.

Portable space: 10X10X10m.

Energy progress: 5750-10000...


Apart from the increase in skill points in those skills, there was no progress in other aspects.

That's why he made such crazy plans and prepared for a protracted war.

After a while, Zhang Kaiwu drove his jeep to Citibank. The bank manager quickly called a beautiful foreign waitress to make him a cup of tea and personally handled his business.

Zhang Kaiwu deposited the five million rubles into the account of Kaiwu Pharmaceutical Company and left a message for Xiaojiu on the remittance slip, asking her to set up the factory faster.

The job was done, and the bank manager warmly saw him out and welcomed him to visit again next time.

As for Alyssa Sias going to Citibank to check accounts, that never happened.

The relationship between Eastern Europe and the United States is really tense. Let alone Eastern Europe, even if you want to check the bank in the United States, you can't check the overseas accounts.

If I don’t teach you a lesson, you will believe me in the future!
Zhang Kaiwu, smoking a cigarette, drove a Willys Jeep, wandering around the streets of Peking, watching the changes in Peking everywhere.

The weather is a bit hot.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed. At this time last year, I had just arrived in Beijing and was still a happy bachelor.

In the blink of an eye, he has become a father of many children and a big family.

You have to be careful everywhere, and you have to be cautious when talking to others. Everyone you talk to looks like a bad guy.

It’s hard to be a human being!

Being a father is even harder!

Bored to death.

Zhang Kaiwu saw a strange thing on the roadside, a stall selling watermelons.

There are not many of these watermelons now, and even fewer people can grow them well.

He parked the jeep nearby and looked at the watermelon stall.

There were many people from Beijing watching around, but no one was buying watermelons. I guess they were waiting for the shopkeeper to lower the price.

Zhang Kaiwu jumped off the jeep, and the people around him made way for a wide passage.

He shouted:

"Hello, Shopkeeper Zhang! Come to see the watermelons!"

"Hello, Master Zhang! Would you like to see the melons?"

"This melon is good! But the shopkeeper wants a high price, and everyone is waiting for him to lower the price!"

Zhang Kaiwu's posture is too scary, could this be the bully Zhang! ?

The old man who was selling watermelons with his son was horrified and said quickly:
"Master Zhang! You can eat as much watermelon as you want, it's free! My family grows watermelons with lots of fertilizer, and the watermelons are all top quality!"

Zhang Kaiwu laughed, ran over, got a knife, chopped a watermelon, and took a piece of watermelon to taste it.

Watermelon is really good!
Maybe this is the first melon, sweet and crispy.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked the neighbors around to have a taste. Each person had a piece, and the watermelon was gone in no time.

The old man and his son who were selling watermelons looked nervous, helpless and distressed. With so many idle people here, they might not be able to buy all the watermelons!
Watermelons are worthless when grown in the fields, but it is too difficult to transport them to Peking.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:

"Boss! Your watermelon is pretty good, what's the price?!"

The old man selling watermelons said quickly:

"Manager Zhang! One watermelon is worth about a thousand yuan. My family and I have been busy all season for these few acres of watermelon fields."

"The family is counting on selling these watermelons to fund the eldest son's wedding."

A watermelon weighs just over ten pounds. The old man selling the watermelons was very smart and didn't say how much it cost per pound.

As for the marriage, it's better to just listen to it. Maybe the old man is afraid that Zhang Kaiwu will take over his watermelon stall! ?

Zhang Kaiwu looked at his watermelon stall, which filled an entire ox cart with about a hundred or so watermelons.

This watermelon is indeed a bit expensive!

The price of a watermelon is almost as much as ten kilograms of grain. No wonder there are so many people looking at it but no one buys it.

Everyone is waiting here, actually waiting for the old man selling watermelons to lower the price!
At night, the watermelons are not selling and you want to go back. What should we do if you don’t lower the price? ?

This is the myth of fruits and vegetables that hurt farmers due to low grain prices.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Shopkeeper, tell me the quantity. I want them all. Do you have any more at home?"

The old man selling watermelons realized that he was not a bully, but a wealthy man, and quickly said:

"There are a total of 155 melons. 150 are for you, and the rest are extra."

Zhang Kaiwu handed him 150,000 yuan with a smile, and said to the people around him:
"My neighbors lent me a hand and helped me load the watermelon into the car. Each of them took a watermelon home. Today is my treat."

The people around rushed forward and carried Zhang Kaiwu to the jeep, and each of them took a watermelon as a reward.

They are all there to thank:

"Manager Zhang is so arrogant!"

"thanks, thanks!"

"Master Zhang is so arrogant!"

Looking at the old man who was relieved and preparing to harness the ox cart to go back, Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"Your watermelons are grown well. If you have any more watermelons, send them to the medical school in front. I will buy them from you at the price I just mentioned."

The old man said in surprise:
"You still want watermelons! There may be more than a thousand in the fields at home. Do you want them?"

The people around who had just helped move the watermelons burst into laughter!

Yelling, "Old man, do you know who he is? A few watermelons are trying to embarrass Shopkeeper Zhang!"

"Haha! You're killing me with laughter! You're so arrogant!"

"Even if the whole village is planted with watermelons, do you dare to make Master Zhang frown?!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Just deliver watermelons tomorrow. You can get as many as you deliver. I'm leaving now."

The old man who planted watermelons said quickly:

"Manager Zhang! I'll send it to you early tomorrow morning."


The prices in Beijing are constantly changing. Now people from rural areas are being encouraged to move to cities, and people are trying to build factories everywhere.

Prices haven’t been set yet, so they’re a mystery right now!
It will take several years for prices to stabilize before the new banknotes come out.

As more people move into cities, the prices of agricultural and sideline products and grain naturally go up.

As more people populate cities, the prices of industrial products will naturally drop.

of course!

These things are what economists think.

Just like the pricing in Zhang Kaiwu's penicillin factory, he set the price of penicillin at ten thousand yuan.

The question is who can get it! ?
When Zhang Kaiwu drove the car back, there were only a dozen watermelons left in the car. Other neighbors had taken away dozens of watermelons. He also put a hundred watermelons in the storage space, where they would not go bad.

When Huairu saw the watermelon, she said quickly:
"Brother Kaiwu! So you went to buy watermelon just now. Liu Lan couldn't find you after searching for a long time. I haven't eaten watermelon in a few years. Let me taste it. Sister Huizhen, go find a knife quickly."

Zhang Kaiwu said teasingly with a smile:

"Sister Huairu! Why are you so anxious? You are not good at anything and you have nothing left after eating."

Unfortunately, things are different now. Sister Qin Huairu, who has been Director Qin for a while, is very thick-skinned. She said with a smile:
"Brother Kaiwu! Thank you for your praise. It's all because of your cultivation and guidance. I will continue to carry forward your achievements in the future."

Lou Xiao'e, who had just returned from school and was doing her homework, also said quickly:

"The watermelons that Brother Kaiwu bought must be delicious. Hurry up and move the watermelons up. I'll take the big one. This one must be sweet!"

Several girls rushed forward, carried the watermelon home, got a knife, and started eating the watermelon in a short while.

There is strength in numbers. We finished two big watermelons in one go.

We must carry forward the principle of eating everything without leaving any residue!
Looking at the youthful girls Huairu and others, Zhang Kaiwu felt much better.

I took Huairu and the others to have a massage and asked them to do their homework.

Lou Xiao'e was beaten so hard that she screamed!


The watermelon was delivered early the next morning. At noon, the girls in the penicillin factory could get a piece of watermelon as fruit during their lunch.

Zhang Kaiwu told his elder brother who was the section chief in Qin Huairu's restaurant and asked him to contact the fruit supply restaurant when he was free. Then all the fruit growers in Beijing knew that as long as the fruit tasted good, they would send it to the penicillin factory.

Peaches, plums, pears, the penicillin factory accepted everything. As long as the price was right and the product was good, they would take as many as they could.

Zhang Kaiwu became idle again and never went out. He sat by the lake at the Institute of Viral Infection and fished every day.

That morning, Liu Lan brought Dean Liu with her. As they walked, Liu Lan smiled and tried to get close to Dean Liu. She asked:
"President Liu! Are you really from another place? Is it possible that you left Beijing and your family tree was lost?"

Dean Liu looked at Liu Lan with a helpless look, and said to Zhang Kaiwu:
"Senior Zhang! I went to attend the inauguration ceremony of the dean of the medical school this afternoon. Dean Zhou is now the dean, and the medical school has added two vice deans."

Zhang Kaiwu stared at the float and said with a smile:
"That matter has nothing to do with me, you can arrange it yourself. It's great that Old Man Zhou is the dean! It's not a wedding, why should I attend it!?"

Dean Liu said awkwardly:

"There are two new vice presidents. One was promoted by the former Director Wang. The other is a progressive young man sent here to conduct ideological education. She is also an acquaintance of yours, Ye Tingting."

Just talk nonsense!

Zhang Kaiwu stared at the fishing float and didn't bother to talk.

Seeing that he refused to listen, Dean Liu stood up and left for a meeting.

Liu Lan handed Zhang Kaiwu a telegram from Xiao Jiu, which simply read:

"The money has arrived, the factory has been built, and it will be put into production in half a year."

Zhang Kaiwu lit a cigarette and burned the telegram.

Since Xiaojiu's factory has been built and started in the United States, and Alyssa has not come to argue with him yet, asking Zhang Kaiwu to refund the money, it is estimated that Sean went to the Middle East! ?
Xiaojiu and her friends followed Zhang Kaiwu's advice and first built a penicillin factory, then a pharmaceutical laboratory, and studied the production process of roxithromycin.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
of course!

Even if Alyssa came to argue, Zhang Kaiwu would not pay attention to her. He had already made preparations, so he had to argue!
He, Zhang, refuses to agree!

Zhang Kaiwu's most faithful saying:

You do it on the first day, I do it on the first night, I won’t even wait for the fifteenth.


More than a week later, things became clear. Another group of brown-haired girls came from Eastern Europe. There were more than 130 young and beautiful girls. Zhang Kaiwu watched them line up on the playground.

I felt really upset!
Zhang Kaiwu looked at Alyssa Sias next to him, you have no shame at all, just go straight to the folks! ?

He also knew why Alisa put the tracker in the box. It was to hold something against him!
Alisa Sias looked at Zhang Kaiwu and said:
"Professor Zhang! These are the girls we need to train. They need a separate restaurant and dormitory. Please help train them as soon as possible. We will remember your kindness."

Zhang Kaiwu held a cigarette in his mouth, looked at the pen in her hand, and said mercilessly:
"Dear Alisa Sias! There are no separate dormitories! Not to mention a separate dining room! What are these girls doing here? When did I promise to train you technicians?"

"The factory doesn't have time to do this for you right now. If you want to train technicians, go back and figure it out yourself!"

This girl probably didn't know about the last time he caught a spy, nor had she heard Sean talk about that incident, otherwise she wouldn't be holding this thing in her hand.

Alisa Sias waved her hands angrily and whispered:

"Professor Zhang! Don't forget the two boxes from last time. The five million rubles are still in the office! Be careful or I'll let this out."

Who gave you this mysterious confidence? Who do you think I am?
Looking at her slightly excited hands, Zhang Kaiwu asked puzzledly:

"What five million rubles? Aren't those two boxes filled with canned goods that you sent? Who do you want to stab with these cans?"

"Let's talk about the technician training plan later, when you have come up with reasonable conditions. Let them do exercises first to train their physical fitness."

"After coming all this way, we have to let them gain something!"

The energy value suddenly dropped by fifty points, to negative twenty points!
Hehehe! Now I'll let you know what it means to take everything and refuse to admit it!

Alisa Sias looked at him in surprise and found that Zhang Kaiwu was too lazy to pay attention to her threats and just walked away.

Leaving her disheveled in the wind!

From what she knew, the money was still in the office and the two boxes were still there.

There are many engineers who came to help this time. They all know Zhang Kaiwu's movements and are monitoring him intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhang Kaiwu hadn't been to the office for a long time, and had never taken anything out. That's why she said these words with confidence, and she also had a micro recorder in her hand.

Elisa Sias stood on the playground for a long time, with hundreds of thoughts flashing through her mind.

Zhang Kaiwu's serious expression just now was really hard to understand. She couldn't even figure out whether Zhang Kaiwu had opened the two boxes.

Now that Zhang Kaiwu was upset, the more he thought about what he had just said, the more stupid he felt. And the matter of the two large boxes of rubles was really hard to describe.

Zhang Kaiwu ignored her threats. Even if he exposed the money-giving incident, what would happen?!

Will the medical school expel Zhang Kaiwu, or give him a warning?

Zhang Kaiwu was only a senior professor. He accepted her gifts and money privately. What could she do to Zhang Kaiwu?

It's messed up!!!
Alisa Sias was just about to take her fellow villagers to stay in the nearby medical school when she sent a telegram to Sean for help.


Vice President Liu and the new Vice President Ye Tingting have come over. Ye Tingting said seriously:

"Ms. Alisa Sias! Professor Zhang said you used inappropriate language. Please accompany us to his office and check those two boxes."

Alisa Sias looked at Dean Liu and Dean Ye in surprise. She really met unreasonable and ruthless people. She quickly explained:

"Dean Liu, you misunderstood! That's not the case! What happened just now was just a joke between Professor Zhang and me!"

Ye Tingting shook the key in her hand and said seriously:

"Just accompany us. Professor Zhang hasn't been to the office for a long time. We can get the results in a few minutes."

"It's better to make things clear so that everyone won't be embarrassed!"

Things were irreversible. Alyssa Sias was in a state of confusion and followed him into the office with a blank mind.

Ye Tingting took the key and opened Zhang Kaiwu's office. No one had been in for almost half a month, and there was already a thin layer of dust on the floor inside.

(End of this chapter)

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