Chapter 269 He Died Romantically

Dean Liu said hurriedly:

"I see. It's just like before. I don't know anything. Senior Zhang just went to Southeast Asia to visit his former wives and concubines, to collect specimens, and to do research!"

"When he talked about the cornmeal, I thought he was teaching me how to make cornmeal pancakes!"

The others laughed quietly...

Dean Liu has said it seven or eight times just now, and they are also busy thinking about how to get the cake.

Just now there is a very crucial piece of information, which is that we need an advanced mineral centrifuge, and this thing needs to be made in secret.

If you buy it alone openly, the result can be imagined.

Several people couldn't suppress their excitement and were discussing in low voices how to get two sets of equipment and try to separate the raw materials for making pancakes.


The next morning at around ten o'clock, Zhang Kaiwu finished his practice and was about to go out when he saw Dean Liu coming with a man in his thirties or forties.

This man was dressed in ordinary clothes and had an ordinary appearance and height. One could tell at first glance that he was involved in secret activities.

But based on Zhang Kaiwu's keen mental observation, he should be quite skilled and an expert in using guns.

His movements were relaxed and easygoing yet defensive; he must be a veteran of many battles.

Dean Liu handed Zhang Kaiwu a stack of passports and introduced them to him:

"Professor Zhang! This is Wang Yongfu. Go and talk to him. I have something to do and I'm leaving now."

Wang Yongfu said with a smile:
"Professor Zhang! I heard that you are recruiting a group of security guards to ink the pad. What are your requirements for the personnel? Is there anything you can help with?"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at him, then took Wang Yongfu to the lake with a smile, handed him a cigarette, and after lighting a cigarette himself, he smiled and said:

"Of course! First of all, these security guards will not be coming back in the future, and they may need to work there for a long time."

Wang Yongfu smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Professor Zhang. We are all elite troops. We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves. These are just small matters."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You may be mistaken. What I need may be a little different from what you think. I don't need anyone to sacrifice themselves. It's just a work arrangement."

"It would be best if they were from the south, and there should be some female security guards. Because the work arrangements are all in the southern island environment, northerners may not be able to adapt to the climate. I plan to leave 500 people in Hong Kong to help run the factory. Ink will stay with 1,500 people to assist in the factory's work, and disabled people are not a problem."

Wang Yongfu looked at him in surprise. Even a disabled person wants it! ?

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"My company will pay these security guards salaries in the future. It would be best if they are all single so that they can get married and have children there."

Wang Yongfu asked in surprise:

"You still want to pay them wages!? And you want them to get married and have children?"

Zhang Kaiwu sat down beside the lake and said:
"The minimum monthly salary for each person will be one million, and I will have someone give them five million as resettlement allowance before they leave. Just treat them as applying for a job. Of course, if the situation is really tense, they will have to fight, and life and death are determined by fate."

"The retired ones are the best. We don't need you to send elite troops to do this, nor do we need you to assign tasks to them."

Wang Yongfu said in surprise:

"This is different from what I thought. Your conditions are too lenient and too good."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Aren't people like this more covert? Just think of them as recovered. All I need is their loyalty. Would they betray me?"

Wang Yongfu thought for a while and said:
"Absolutely not. Loyalty is absolutely guaranteed! I understand. How do we arrange for the personnel to come here?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"The five hundred people in Gangcheng need to find a way to get there themselves. This should be very simple and you should be able to help. When the advertisement appears in the newspaper, just let them apply for the job at Kaiwu Steel Company."

"Let the 1,500 people from Yinni go directly to Yinni's pharmaceutical company to apply for jobs. If they go too early, they can find a way to live there for a while."

Wang Yongfu said:
"I see. It's just like applying for a job normally. I live there so as not to attract attention."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"You're right to think so. They're just armed employees and security guards. Go back and arrange the personnel first. Do you need me to transfer the resettlement fee to you first!?"

Wang Yongfu said with a smile:
"No, let's pay first to avoid attracting attention. It's the same if we settle the bill later when it's convenient."

Zhang Kaiwu said:
"You have figured it out. It's just that a group of people were quietly discharged from the army. Of course, there must be someone to lead this."

Wang Yongfu said:
"Then I'll start arranging personnel. When will you be there?!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I'm going to take my father-in-law and his family to the port city to set up a factory. Maybe it will take a few days? It should be quick for me to go there. I'll take a plane. If the equipment arrives, you can also help transport it."

Wang Yongfu nodded and left. He had been told everything when he came. This mission was very important. Even if there was only one person left at the end, he had to complete the protection mission. Any request from Zhang Kaiwu would be considered.

Money, supplies, elite troops, everything can be negotiated.

Unexpectedly, apart from arranging some retired personnel, Zhang Kaiwu had almost no requirements.

It seems like they are arranging retirement homes for retired military personnel, and the treatment they receive is simply incredible!

His head was buzzing and he felt dizzy even after he returned home.

Wang Yongfu went back and told Zhang Kaiwu about his request, and he was the first one to be discharged from the army to join Kaiwu Pharmaceutical Company. He was from the south and met the requirements of being a bachelor!
Then he began to form the two security teams requested by Zhang Kaiwu, one with 500 people and the other with 1,500 people.

When he went to recruit, many disabled rehabilitation workers' eyes lit up. There is such a thing! ?

They weren't greedy for the salary and resettlement allowance, but they felt that they were actually being asked for by the company! ?

I can't come back in the future, and the danger to my life is nothing!

So! Soon the field was full, and a magical scene appeared on the playground, with a group of people with missing limbs smiling and training.

The veteran is not dead, but withered.

Among the team of 2,000 people, there are at least four or five hundred disabled people.


Alisa also ran over, found Zhang Kaiwu and said:
"Professor Zhang! The batch of goods will arrive in Beijing in three days. Forget about the money. You have to pay attention to your safety when you go to such a far place like Yinni."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at her long legs under her short skirt and the dangerous shirt buttons in surprise and said:
"Dear Alisa! Thank you so much, would you like to go upstairs and have a glass of vodka?"

The energy value increased by another ten points, and now it is fifty points.

Alisa looked at him and said seriously:

"Okay! Don't do anything. I don't like those things."

You dressed up to show off your good looks and even put on makeup.

Are you kidding me by saying these things?!

Isn't it specially for Feiyangyang to see?!

Zhang Kaiwu took her upstairs to the living room and poured her a large glass of vodka, at least four ounces.

Alisa took a sip of vodka and asked:
"Why did you have to go there? Any special reason?"

Zhang Kaiwu lit a cigar, gave her a chip, and said with a smile:

"There are new varieties of erythromycin there, and I want to see if there are any more suitable ones. I'm not a professional, so it's hard to distinguish the growing environment."

Alisa asked:
"Have you made any breakthroughs in your research?"

This kid is really boring. Even if you want to be 007, you have to master the skills!

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"There is a small breakthrough! We need more samples to support the research. Research work is boring."

"This work topic is not interesting. Do you have any personal hobbies?"

Alisa took a sip of vodka and said with a smile:

"I am a bit interested in history and like to study those things. Especially the history of the Middle East. I will read books when I have time."

"You should know that my hair color comes from there."

Judging from the girl's expression, she might be genuinely interested.

But that topic is really not a good one, and if I tell the truth, I might lose my favorability.

There are too many taboos in this matter!

If you ask Zhang Kaiwu to evaluate their history and culture, in fact, they are all one family and should not have different opinions, because they are originally one family and were born of the same father.

When we put aside our beliefs, we are actually just a nation.

So no matter how lively the fight is, no matter how many reasons there are between each other, or how tragic the situation is, those are all false appearances, and the real reason is ridiculous.

Can't say!
It is the most taboo to judge other people's beliefs in person. Let them work hard for a low-carbon planet. Zhang Kaiwu laughed, hugged her and said:
"Dear Elisa! I am not interested in history and culture at all. Don't you like dance and music? For example, Pushkin in Eastern Europe, I think he is also good."

"I think it's great that Pushkin loved dueling so much! He died a romantic death!"

Alisa took a few sips of vodka and felt a little hot. She looked at his hands and didn't say she couldn't touch them! ?
She smiled and said:

"Pushkin's poems are good, but his character is a bit bad!"

He laughed and talked nonsense:
"I find that modern professional poets have bad character. Maybe they are looking for inspiration to create poetry and desperately break through ethics and laws to seek excitement!?"

Zhang Kaiwu gave her a kiss, looked at the blushing Elisa, played with two big walnuts, and chatted with her for a few more words.

Alisa picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, feeling a little thirsty.

He said with a smile:
"To thank you for helping with the arms, shall I show you the bedroom?!"

Alisa said with charming eyes:

"You can't mess around. I'm a little scared."

Got it! Just don’t mess around.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Dear Alyssa! I'm not that kind of person. I'm a germaphobe! Let's go. The Simmons mattress in my bedroom is very comfortable."

Alisa said with charming eyes:

"I don't believe it! Take me to try it."

Zhang Kaiwu walked into the bedroom, lay on the bed and lit a cigarette.

Alisa gave him a kiss and slowly practiced her drinking technique.

The two have been arguing for a while, and they have developed feelings for each other. She feels that Zhang Kaiwu has become much more charming!

An hour after thanking her, my energy level increased by another ten points, reaching sixty points.

He and Alyssa also had a few on-and-off relationships, which was quite interesting!
Watching Alisa finish washing up and walk away twisting her body, maybe this girl was thinking about the breakthrough in his erythromycin research! ?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

In the afternoon, Zhang Kaiwu went to the Erythromycin Research Institute and gathered those researchers together.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Students! The medical school is now planning to open a branch in Shanghai and needs you to do various tasks. Are you interested?"

"The benefits should be better than here. I hope everyone will sign up."

After a while, about twenty people came out one after another. There were students, nurses, and of course now they were all researchers and technicians.

Zhang Kaiwu knew that most of these people were from near Shanghai and had probably been waiting for this day for a long time.

But this number is a little small, Zhang Kaiwu encouraged and said:

"Shanghai is the largest city in the world. There are so many beautiful girls there. It's known as the city that never sleeps. Is there anyone willing to go there?!"

"Think about the old lady Hu Die. She was the most beautiful woman in the Republic of China!? As long as you go to Shanghai, you may find a wife like Hu Die."

The students below burst into laughter and shouted:

"Senior! If you're lying and we don't find it, we're going to come back!"

"If I'm not as pretty as the girls in Peking, I'll go on strike to show you!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can a senior tell a lie? Count me in. I actually like that Wu Nongruanhua, and it has nothing to do with Hu Die."

"Shanghai girls are really good. Just think about Nanjing girls and you will understand!"

"I'll go, I'll go, count me in!"

After a while of commotion, another seventeen or eighteen people came, this time all male students.

As expected, Yan Nanfei’s game is unsolvable, especially for men.

Zhang Kaiwu counted the numbers and felt that it was about right. He smiled and said:

"Okay! You guys organize a list and go to Dean Liu to sign up. No matter how pretty the girls from Nanjing or Shanghai are, you have to remember the principle of confidentiality when you are outside."

The students shouted:

"Got it! I won't ruin my job."

"We will go to Dean Liu right away, don't worry."

He just patted his butt and left. This was in line with Zhang Kaiwu's style. If there was anything he wanted to do, he would organize it himself and not think about delaying his senior's work.


Zhang Kaiwu strolled around and ran to Lou's father's house with a large stack of passports. Lou's father saw him from upstairs and hurried downstairs to take him in.

After lighting a cigarette, Father Lou asked:

"Kaiwu! How's the matter going? Did you encounter any trouble? "

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"What kind of trouble could it be? How many people are there with you? Get ready and leave for Hong Kong City in four days. We can take a plane and arrive in a few hours."

Father Lou asked excitedly:
"Go there by plane? Can things be settled so quickly!?"

Seeing Zhang Kaiwu nodded, he quickly said:

"There were 23 people who took the plane together, all of them were relatives and friends. There were also more than 100 people, and I arranged for them to go to Tianjin and take a cargo ship. Otherwise, the airfare would be too much!"

Alas! It’s not easy to have a big family and a big business. Last time when Xiaojiu and her friends went to the beautiful country, the combined flight tickets were so expensive!!!

Zhang Kaiwu counted twenty-three passports and handed them to him, saying with a smile:

"Okay! Just make the arrangements. Put the valuables you need to take to the port city here. I will arrange for someone to ship them over for you when the time comes."

Father Lou smiled and asked:

"Should I put the big yellow croakers at home and some of the cultural relics I collected here? Do I need to take them with me?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"There is a luggage weight limit on the plane, don't worry! Those are just small things, I will take care of them."

"There's only one servant in the house, right? Fire her immediately, lest she see these things."

Lou's mother smiled and said:

"Kaiwu! There is only one maid in the house, Mrs. Xu. I have already made an agreement with her and paid her wages."

"What about Xiao'e? Will she come with us?"

This is really an unexpected disaster. Mrs. Xu might be Xu Damao's mother.

The Xu family, with three people earning salaries, is doomed now.

Mrs. Xu was fired so quickly, did the Xu family lose a lot of income? ?
Maybe I will be nicer to Xu Damao in the future. If I don't have so much money, maybe he won't be so desperate?

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Xiao'e is still young, and she still needs to study. Let's talk about it in a few years."

Mother Lou smiled and said:

"Studying is studying, but you still need to have children, and it's better to have them early."

Father Lou also said:

"Yes! It will be a pleasure for couples to have children sooner rather than later."

After chatting with Lou’s parents for a while, Zhang Kaiwu said goodbye as everyone was very busy.

Father Lou took a look at the blank passports. All the formalities were complete and all the considerate stamps had been done. He just had to fill in a name.

This thing had never been available to him before, but in Zhang Kaiwu's hand, it was like waste paper, and he also had a stack of passports in his hand.

Today's passports do not have personal photos, unlike the later book-style ones, which are just a piece of paper with the country stamp and name.

For example, the booklet-style passports with photos will not be available until the end of next year.

So the current passports of various countries are just nonsense.

The key is that air tickets are expensive!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Zhang Kaiwu went to Director Qin Huairu's small warehouse and sorted out the things in the storage space.

I threw out the food and other things, leaving only a little for emergency use. I also took away some canned food, sausages, and drinks that I could eat directly, leaving more than half of the storage space empty.

(End of this chapter)

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