Chapter 282 The baby is obtained
Zhang Kaiwu and she entered the temple and closed the back door.

It turned out to be Vishnu's house.

Sally introduced him with a smile:

"Our temple in Kerala is different from other places. There are no ascetics here. Everything is done by the Ravangor family."

She introduced the temple, which mainly worships Vishnu and the goddess of luck Akshmi, as well as monkeys and elephants. Sari introduced them to him.

There are not many things in the temple here to complete the reincarnation offerings, only thirty or forty small gold necklaces, some rupees and gold coins.

Necklaces hung sporadically on Vishnu's arms, and rupees and gold coins were thrown on the throne.

Zhang Kaiwu asked curiously:

“It seems like there aren’t many offerings here?”

Sally smiled and said:

"There were a lot of offerings in the past because of the endless wars, and everyone came to pray for Vishnu's protection."

"More than three hundred years ago, this place began to decline because Great Britain ruled too well. There was no war on this land, and the southern part was originally poorer than the northern part."

"It was even worse more than a hundred years ago, when navigation became more about large ships. Although the docks here had a deep draft, the roads were too bad. Kerala lost the important docks for Persian merchants, and the focus of shipping shifted to Mumbai, so it was not as lively here."

Zhang Kaiwu said in surprise:

"I didn't expect you to have studied these reasons so deeply!"

Sally stuck out her tongue, threw a seductive smile and said:

"All the Brahmin families in Kerala have discussed and analyzed the reasons for more than a hundred years. It is not my wisdom! Our Travancore royal family has always served the temple in Kerala. We are servants of Lord Vishnu and have been serving devoutly for a thousand years, or even more than two thousand years."

"Because there are no exact records, we only know it happened a long time ago!?"

"In fact, there were monks here a long time ago, but later on there was not enough income to support them, so they went to other temples to practice. Gradually more and more monks left, and finally none of them returned. Finally, our family simply did these things ourselves."

These foreign monks will also run away, isn’t it the exclusive right of their own country! ?
Sally smiled and said:

"In fact, our family was the last to stay a thousand years ago because we were the most pious and willing to serve. We were just a little poor, and we still had deep feelings for the temple."

If I were asked to serve, I would be willing to live this kind of life!
He can collect money at will and help others cleanse their souls. If he sees a pretty girl, he can help her cleanse her sinful body.

And far away from the war, no one will take action here.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Sally! You know a lot, you are amazing! This lock is useless, why don't you change it? These gold and rupees are left here, and no one comes to steal them?"

Sally smiled and said:

"How is it possible! These gold and rupees are the wealth of God once they enter the temple. They are used to maintain the temple and the expenses of the royal family of Travancore. They are the sacred samsara offerings. Even if there is no one to guard it, no one dares to take it, for fear of being imprisoned in hell forever."

"It doesn't really matter whether I use a lock or not. I've lost this bunch of keys several times and they were all returned to me. Even if I throw it on the street, someone will return it to me."

That's because you haven't met a ruthless person. Now here comes someone who dares to take it!

She looked at Zhang Kaiwu and said temptingly:
"Brother-in-law! There's nothing to see up here. It feels a bit hot. I'll take you to the basement. There are six secret rooms here. They're very cool. We used to play there to avoid the heat when we were kids. Legend has it that there's a huge amount of wealth in there, but unfortunately, we've never seen anything. It's all empty."

Zhang Kaiwu felt really good now, and his impression of this girl changed greatly, because she was so considerate.

The place he most wants to go is the basement!

When the two of them went down to the basement, he realized that he had been overthinking. Although Sally looked innocent when she introduced the basement, she actually just wanted to communicate with her brother-in-law.

Sally smiled and put her arm around his waist, and said in a hoarse voice:
“Brother-in-law! I’m a little afraid of the dark. The light inside is very dim and the stairs are a little dark. You have to protect me.”

It seems that I have to sacrifice my looks for work today!
Zhang Kaiwu patted her butt, hugged her and said with a smile:
"It's okay! I'll support you."

The two of them hugged each other and went down to the basement, where they saw the six huge secret rooms.

Spots of sunlight filtered through the cracks in the walls. The basement looked empty, with nothing in it. But just like what Sally had said, it was really cool.

Aerodynamics allow a slight breeze to rise up here, which feels really comfortable.

Compared with the outside environment, there is a temperature difference here, just like a homemade air conditioner.

But from the angle of the sunlight on the wall, Zhang Kaiwu saw that the basement was actually still on the ground, on the foundation of the temple, with only half of it underground.

They quickly finished looking at the basement, which was a corridor with three rooms on each side. Sally touched his thigh with her little hand, smiled charmingly and said:

"Brother-in-law! You are really strong. There is a resting place here. It is too early to go back. We can take a nap."

"It's really comfortable to sleep here, as if I have crossed a thousand years."

Is this how art is taught in universities in Mumbai?!
He had just seen a large mat in the basement just after going down the stairs. It was used by the administrator to cool off or take a nap.

In fact, these large basements were probably where the monks rested in the earliest times! ?

Or is it that the Mitana ceremony is held here?

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her, played with two big walnuts, and said with a smile:

"Dear Sari! Can you perform a Mithril ceremony for your brother-in-law here? It will be very ceremonial with Lord Vishnu as witness. It will be very pious!"

"I suspect this basement was used for ceremonies in the past."

Sally threw a wink and immediately turned into a considerate girl, smiling and saying:

"Of course! Dear brother-in-law! You must be right. This place used to be for the sins of the untouchables. I am willing to hold a ceremony for you. I know something about this ceremony. Let's get started!"

Zhang Kaiwu pushed her down to perform the ceremony, and after a while she began to practice the drinking technique with bumps and bruises.

I guess she is really just a novice and not as good as she boasts.

The dark environment inside the temple really has a mysterious beauty.

Soon the weather got hotter, and Zhang Kaiwu pinned her down and beat her until she screamed desperately:

"My dear brother-in-law! Harder, oh my god! You are so perfect, mmm mmm!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and praised:

"Sister Sally! You're great too!"

Soon Sally was shouting:

"Daddy! Daddy! I can't take it anymore, spare me! Oh! It's so beautiful."

Zhang Kaiwu ignored her shouting and beat her unconscious in one go.

He also used his medical knowledge to press her acupuncture points, but she didn't wake up for two hours.

The exciting Taobao shopping has begun.

Zhang Kaiwu took out a flashlight and looked for the secret room while stomping on the stones on the ground to find the problem.

The place here was not big, with only six huge basements in total. When he found a large intact stone slab in the middle of one of the basements, he knew he had found his target.

Because the secret room is inside the basement, it is impossible to dig against the wall. Digging outside will cause instability in the overall structure of the building. The entrance can only be in the middle.

He took out a crowbar from the storage space and gently loosened the stone slab. The next second, he used the storage space to put away the heavy stone slab weighing seven or eight tons.

In the process of Taobao, the biggest obstacle was removed.

There was another wooden door underground, which was also opened with a crowbar, and then there was another wooden door.

Who would have thought that the entrance to the secret room was at the bottom of the basement, and it was the largest stone slab.

Later, the secret rooms here were scanned by sonic radar, and no abnormalities were found on the ground.

After opening the three doors, there is another slanting downward passage, about seven or eight meters deep. There is another wooden door blocking the way, so we use a crowbar to deal with it.

Zhang Kaiwu took out a gas mask and put it on, then turned on the flashlight and went in.

There was gold glittering everywhere. The bag, which was woven with palm silk, had been broken after more than a thousand years, and the diamonds, various sapphires and gold coins inside were scattered everywhere.

Zhang Kaiwu collected as he walked, this should be the legendary "A" secret room.

The golden elephant weighs more than two tons and its body is inlaid with large diamonds.

The five-ton golden statue of Lord Vishnu is studded with large diamonds.

A golden bench weighing more than one ton!

Three thousand gold necklaces weighing about 2.5 kilograms each, and 17 or 18 tons of gold products.

Zhang Kaiwu collected it completely, leaving nothing behind except some tattered palm bags.

He deliberately took another American military uniform and printed the few feet on the ground. After thinking about it, he kept the uniform as evidence, so that they would doubt their lives and let the archaeologists argue with the American people.

Zhang Kaiwu walked out along the original path and installed the wooden doors and stone slabs.

The wooden door is a little deformed, but it doesn’t matter. Who cares?
Zhang Kaiwu placed the stone slab neatly, and there was a muffled sound, and it fit in place perfectly.

The "A" secret room was opened, and the harvest was estimated to be worth less than 2 billion US dollars based on the current gold trading price.

In the future, its value will be nearly 12 billion US dollars, but it is about that price now, but it is hard to say the price of those sapphires.

Based on his previous experience on Taobao, Zhang Kaiwu ran and found another stone slab, and found the legendary secret room "B".

The "B" secret room at the back has never been opened. It may be because the gains from the "A" secret room have already caused a lot of quarrels among everyone.

Everyone thinks that they are the owners of this wealth. The Indian government, the Travancore royal family, and the temple alliance all think that they have the ownership.

Even the Kerala City Government, which has the least presence, has intervened, arguing that these fortunes were accumulated by Keralites and should be handled by Keralites.

Lawsuits were fought one after another, and after several years, there was still no result.

So later an entire brigade of troops was sent to guard these treasures because the ownership could not be determined.

Now they don't have to worry anymore, because all these things have been taken away by the son-in-law of the Travancore family, and they have been returned to their original owners.

They are all from my relatives.

The same routine was used in the secret room "B". After a while, the wooden doors were opened.

The gleam of gold coins is everywhere, and gold products are everywhere.

The time in the "B" secret room is earlier, and the time for accumulating money is longer, so the number of things is greater, and the proportion of gems and diamonds in the things is higher, because they were an important monetary system in the Aryan and Persian periods.

I guess this place is full, so they replaced it with a secret room.

There are also many gold products here, including many gold fans, gold chairs, gold hammers, gold bathtubs...

There is a golden monkey weighing more than two tons, and a golden Shiva statue weighing more than three tons.

There are also eight thousand heavy large-scale standard gold necklaces, each weighing about three kilograms.

You can tell at first glance that they were offerings from wealthy families, because the pendants of the necklaces are all in the shape of a large conch shell, making it convenient to carve the names of the donors and the Vedas on them.

This is to prevent Lord Vishnu from making a mistake and not protecting the right people.

In fact, these names are all on the larger gold ornaments.

Without a professional evaluation, he just took a rough look at the things. Zhang Kaiwu estimated that the harvest was at least double or triple that of before, at least 4 billion US dollars.

The total harvest in the two secret rooms was at least 6 billion or 8 billion US dollars.

After conversion, it is worth 30 to 40 billion US dollars, and this does not even take into account the added value of antiques! ?

A great fortune has fallen from the sky!
And except for gems and diamonds, all these things are value-preserving. Those gold and silver coins can be sold as antiques and will only become more valuable.

After cleaning up and clearing away the footprints, a military uniform from the Beautiful Country and countless tattered bags were left behind.

In fact, these bags are also antiques. After all, they are thousands of years old. It is better to leave them to future generations so that they can study how the ancients made bags two thousand years ago.

Zhang Kaiwu fixed the wooden doors and stone slabs, checked them and found no problems.

I came out and found Sari. Only more than an hour had passed and she was still snoring there.

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and pinched her philtrum. After a while, he watched her wake up in a daze.

He was so excited that he said gently and considerately:
"Dear sister Sally! Have you rested enough? We are going back now. It will be lunchtime soon."

Sally said disapprovingly:
"Brother-in-law! Sister Shriya said that we can go back before dinner. Can we protect the linga and do a mithuna?"

Well, you are a little crazy.

Zhang Kaiwu stood there, watching her busy practicing her drinking skills, and said with a smile:

"Hiss! That's enough. Your health is too poor. I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on for a while and will faint again. I don't have time to sleep for several hours. Hiss!"

Sally raised her head and said with a smile:
"There's nothing wrong with my body, it's your body that's too strong. I'm not afraid! Yeah! I really like that feeling, I'm not afraid of death! I love you so much."

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her head and said:

"I'm scared! The wedding ceremony hasn't even been completed yet, and they've killed Shriya's sister. I'm afraid they'll go crazy. Let's go. It'll be the same if we go back. Hiss! Be gentle. Hurry up! Oh my god!"

"Hiss! I didn't expect you to be so smart! Hiss! Great!"

A cool breeze blew through the basement, and Zhang Kaiwu shivered with cold.

She played for a while and didn't want to go back, but Zhang Kaiwu also wanted to go back and didn't want to stay here too long.

After locking the back door of the temple, Sally took him back reluctantly and rolled her eyes at Shi Ruiya, probably blaming her for watching Zhang Kaiwu too closely.

Shriya gave him a gentle look to encourage him. Her husband was so respectable that he listened to her advice.

Shriya was afraid of the naughty Sari, so she would take him to play wildly and have fun, and never come back.

She is a very smart girl and she certainly knows that men like novelty the most.

She knew how attractive the man in her family was.

But Zhang Kaiwu is a very good husband and does things properly, unlike ordinary Indian men.

Shriya gave him a kiss and whispered:
"Dear Zhang! How come you're back so soon? You're so nice. I love you! Would you like tea or coffee?"

Zhang Kaiwu patted her butt and said with a smile:

"Coconut juice! That Sally took me to play in the basement and made me lose a lot of water. She was so naughty."

Shi Ruiya smiled and glared at Sha Li, and said in a low voice:
"Dear Zhang! After we finish receiving the guests, I will make you lose water too!"

Sally smiled and said:

"Brother-in-law! I lost more, wasn't it all for your happiness!?"

Shiriya smiled and said:

"Shali! Don't lead your brother-in-law astray, or I'll lose my temper."

Sally said with a smile:

"Sister Shi Ruiya! I just took up a little bit of my brother-in-law's time. I won't damage it for you. I will draw you a beautiful oil painting to compensate you."

Shi Ruiya rolled her eyes at her and asked, who are you trying to fool?


All of Shi Ruiya's relatives have arrived, not one is missing. The girls gathered in a group, and the men gathered in a group to protect their brother-in-law.

Because their wedding ceremony is the most important event in an Indian's life. If a relative does not come to the wedding, it is more serious than sleeping with the bride in advance. It would not be an exaggeration for the groom to come to the door with a gun.

According to the Vedas, here are the customs:

If you don't attend your relative's wedding, you will become mortal enemies in the future.

So Shriya would rather take a huge risk and take a black car to rush back to attend Habib's wedding.

The wedding of the Brahmins in Kerala is a combination of Indian and Western styles. There is no lunch served, but there are barbecues and snacks everywhere, and there is wine on the table. If you want to eat, help yourself.

A group of musicians were playing Indian music there to create a wedding atmosphere.

An old man dressed in Indian priest's clothes was reciting the Vedas in ancient Indian. In addition to the income from the temple, the Travancore family was responsible for controlling the wedding industry chain.

Because only they can recite the Vedas and interpret the meaning of the scriptures.

Similar to the Governor’s final right of interpretation.

An ordinary Indian will not get married without the approval of these things, just like if he does not get the approval of the ceremony, he will be cursed.

The simplest example:

Aishwarya is a very popular Brahmin Miss World, even though both her family members and she are billionaires.

Aishwarya is a rich and powerful Brahmin, but her Indian fortune teller said that she would bring bad luck to her husband and she has not been able to get married yet.

Aishwarya spent 500 million US dollars in redemption money, but was unable to get the local temple to change its mind for her.

They took the money, but they refused to change their words.

They refused to change their words, and even though Aishwarya's lover was also a Brahmin and his family was a billionaire, they dared not violate the sacred Mitana rituals in the Vedas.

(End of this chapter)

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