Chapter 302 Suppressing Bandits
The only good news is that the food here is not cooked by locals. It is cooked by the people brought by Li Guifa, and the banana is not used to make soup.

Everyone is the same. At the long dining table made of wooden boards, the men and women here eat happily. After all, they all come here just to make a living.

Many girls and boys were kneading rice with their hands, which looked a bit indecent.

As for being not used to eating authentic Chinese food, just listen to the joke.

When people are hungry, they will choose food that they have never had before.

When a man is poor, he is willing to marry any girl, no matter how ugly she is, and he would say:

Having an ugly wife at home is like having a treasure!
This is the reason why it is said that when you are hungry you will not choose what to eat, when you are cold you will not choose what to wear, when you are panicked you will not choose what to do, and when you are poor you will not choose what to marry.

The ancients have been talking about this truth for thousands of years, but some people just don't understand it.

The ancients have studied the matter of marrying a wife thoroughly for thousands of years, and it is a matter with certain thresholds. But some people just don't believe it and have evolved all kinds of poisonous chicken soup.

The girls ate with relish. The food in the mercenary camp was so decent that even Zhang Kaiwu could eat it. How could they be dissatisfied?

But he didn't like this eating action. Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said to Li Guifa and the others beside him:
"You must pay attention to the dining standards in the future. You are not allowed to use your hands to make food. You must use tableware. And those who practice religion are prohibited."

Li Guifa said quickly:
"Senior Zhang knows! These things are all requirements, and we need to do ideological work slowly!"

Zhang Kaiwu was eating lunch and said with a smile:

"You may have made a mistake! I made it very clear that it is prohibited! If we find such violations three times, we will kick them out and recruit new people. We will not do ideological work with them."

"Since it is assimilation, we must start with these small things."

Li Guifa quickly said:

Deborah smiled and asked:

"Earl Zhang! Basically all religious sects promote love. Why are you so disgusted by those things!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Because I think that doing things in the name of those beliefs is the original sin of this world! It makes people learn to despise other groups, makes these people feel superior to others, and treats others as animals."

"Isn't it always for those reasons that you Europeans fight? Eighty percent of the world's wars are caused by religion. It is normal to fight for survival, but to plunder others and to conquer in the name of faith is evil."

"If a team has those beliefs, it may prosper for a few days, but it won't last long. It will fall one day."

Li Guifa answered seriously:

"Senior Zhang! I got it! I'll ask them not to let these people in right away!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"We have had several large-scale anti-Buddhist movements in history. Do you know why?!"

After looking at their curious eyes, Zhang Kaiwu continued:
"Buddhists do not engage in production, but they marry more wives than others, occupy more land than others, and eat and drink the best. They feel at ease asking others to pay tribute, but instead stand on the moral high ground and think they are saving other people's souls!"

"The result is that everyone goes there, a whole country believes in it, and if you are not one of them, you will be bullied and discriminated against by your neighbors."

"There are 480 temples in the Southern Dynasties, and many of them are in the mist and rain! If a country is completely assimilated by it, the nation will lose hope! If a country burns incense and worships Buddha, it will soon perish."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at them and continued:
"You know I just came back from India not long ago. India is the most successful example. It has been ruled by Hinduism for thousands of years. There is no place like India where the faith is purer than theirs. But what did their people get? Any powerful force can rule them."

"If you pay attention or read history books, you will know that wherever there is pure faith, there are many wars. The people become more irrational, like puppets on strings, and often do things that are unimaginable."

Li Guifa said seriously:

"I understand the seriousness of this! This kind of thing is strictly prohibited. It doesn't matter if you replace the person."

Zhang Kaiwu whispered a few words to him again, and Li Guifa said quickly:

"Got it! Let's pay the first salary first and then raise the request. Let them see our sincerity. We are not a scrap collector. I will arrange for someone to do it well. Don't worry."

Deborah ate silently, thinking about Zhang Kaiwu's words. She was a shallow believer, and like most people, she would pray to the Bodhisattva when she met him.

Burning five-dollar incense sticks, dreaming of hoping that the Buddha or God will return five million.

When she had money, the housekeeper didn't believe in those things. But when she had no money and was desperate, she thought of those things again.

Every night when she was sleeping, she would scream desperately:
"Oh my god! Oh! Oh my god! Help!"

At that time, Deborah realized that it was useless and she had to call him dad.

Deborah blushed as she thought about it, and looked up at Zhang Kaiwu. He was so charming.

In fact, this is also the attitude of most people. Out of 10,000 people, 9,999 of them are the same:

Believe in Confucianism when you are successful.

Speak the truth when you are frustrated.

Believe in Buddhism when you are desperate.

Beliefs can change at any time.

Essentially, there is no faith.


Zhang Kaiwu smiled at her, and Deborah almost rushed over to kiss him. Reason made her calm down, and she lowered her head and ate slowly.

Deborah handed the list recorded by her to Li Guifa, and in the afternoon the girls came to apply for jobs.

They are all here to make a living, and when they don't have to, these girls are still unwilling to take up arms.

Practicing tactical moves and shooting all day long, it looks like they will have to go to the battlefield.

After a day of water, mud, and life-threatening situations, what's wrong with going to the manor?!
Deborah's recruitment went smoothly and more than 40 girls were selected quickly. These girls did not have to go to the manor yet.

They also need to be trained here, learn culture and etiquette, and be baptized by war.

The girl No. 071025 that Zhang Kaiwu fell in love with was named Lin Jingli. As expected, an accident happened.

Lin Jingli was unwilling to go into the manor, and she had a growing hatred towards Zhang Kaiwu. Maybe he had killed someone in her family! ?
Li Guifa brought Lin Jingli and looked at Zhang Kaiwu silently. He had never understood Senior Zhang.

Although Lin Jingli is very beautiful, Senior Zhang has many wives and concubines, and I have never heard of anyone being forced to marry.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled at the girl in front of him, a girl with Malay characteristics, with a pair of light blue eyes, a high nose, black hair, a pair of oversized walnuts, and even her surname has local characteristics, and her name is Jingli Grace Bamburi.

The energy value is already negative forty points!

He took her registered identity card, which showed that she was already four generations of mixed-race. Her father was Han Chinese, but her mother was already three generations of mixed-race.

This is the actual social situation here. If we trace it back further, we may be able to find more than a dozen generations of mixed-race people.

Zhang Kaiwu asked:
"Lin Jingli! My eyes are sharp. Why do you have such deep malice towards me? I don't remember killing innocent people indiscriminately. Are you a relative of Mr. Lin?"

Lin Jingli, dressed in a British military uniform, stared at him and said:

“No! You just indirectly killed my relatives and many Malays. They did nothing wrong. They were all alive and well before you came.”

There are so many people with the last name Lin here! ?
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Those things were done by the Governor. He was also trying to suppress bandits. What does it have to do with me?"

Lin Jingli said angrily: "Governor Serra listens to you now. Who are you trying to fool? You trained us so that we can go to war, right? Don't even think about getting me to serve you in your manor. Dream on!"

Li Guifa felt nervous because there was an enemy in the team. He almost wanted to kill him!

Zhang Kaiwu looked at him with a smile, she was just a silly girl who thought she was smart, he didn't know what Li Guifa was worried about! ?

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said to her:

"Lin Jingli! Since your relative was taken away, there must be a reason for taking him away."

Then he said to Li Guifa:
"Leave her here to train normally, don't make things difficult for her. We are different from those people, and she should understand the truth in the future."

"I will bring this girl to the manor later, and you will handle the formalities for her."

Lin Jingli said angrily:

"I won't go! I'll continue to be a mercenary here, and I won't go through the formalities!"

Unfortunately, Zhang Kaiwu had already completed the formalities and left with Deborah, ignoring her resistance.

Deborah has written on her wish list that she hopes to work on the estate in the future.

The people around her looked at her like she was a fool!
You are desperately resisting against things that others envy and envy. Who do you think you are?


Although Zhang Kaiwu had a smile on his face, he was not calm in his heart. He didn't know what was going on with this silly girl.

She is a heroine!
If I hadn't recruited her, what kind of tragic fate would she face in the future? Otherwise, how could she be the heroine! ?
You can’t be the heroine if your life isn’t hard!

I have indirectly changed her fate, isn't there any benefit?!

The fate of housekeeper Deborah was also changed by me. If I hadn't appeared, what would have happened to her?!

And there was Shriya Saran, who was also discovered by me by chance. If she hadn't met me, would she have staged a highway horror?

If you are lucky, you will give birth to a group of Dalat. If you are unlucky, you would have died long ago.

As Zhang Kaiwu's influence grows, his impact on the fate of these heroines becomes greater.

He has changed so many trajectories of the world, like the trajectories of He Yushui and Qin Jingru, which are completely different from the previous ones!

Another two weeks passed and the camp was given wages and two days off. Lin Jingli, who had been training hard in the camp, took a bus back home with those other girls who had also been training hard.

Each of them was given fifteen dollars. They had never come into contact with this kind of money and had no idea how much it was! ?
They have been in the military camp for four weeks, or more than a month. The city of Singapore has changed so much that they can hardly recognize the way home.

The thatched huts of all sizes of the neighbors have basically been demolished, and various residential areas have been built in their place.

Wide roads, commercial streets, schools, hospitals, and factory areas are all divided up, and scaffolding is set up everywhere for construction.

Lin Jingli asked around in her former thatched hut and finally found her new home, a room of about 80 square meters on the third floor of a four-story building.

The family actually lives in an apartment building. Did the evil Earl Zhang buy off the family members?
It has three bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. It has never been decorated and even has no furniture. It is very simple, but it is countless times more luxurious and safer than the straw hut before.

Lin Jingli's parents, brother and two sisters chattered non-stop about the changes in the city.

Her brother was recruited by the shipping company's factory and is now helping to build the factory with a salary of eight US dollars. Unfortunately, he didn't know that the respected Earl Zhang was so powerful.

Otherwise, she should let her brother become a mercenary and let her apply for a job in the factory. Maybe her brother can make some contribution.

Her two younger sisters were too young and the factory didn't want them, so they were told to go to school for two years before being sent to the textile factory or other factories to apply for jobs.

Lin Jingli handed the $15 salary she received to her parents and asked:
"Why do you all call him the respected Earl Zhang? Have you forgotten those relatives?"

Her father said slowly:
"Since Earl Zhang and the Governor believe they are guilty, they will definitely not wrongly accuse them. Forget about those relatives! Things are very good in the city now. All the neighbors have jobs and will soon have enough food to eat. Everyone thinks that the respected Earl Zhang is a good person."

"You are now a respectable Chinese, and the streets are very safe. There is no looting or vandalism at all. Your family is doing very well now! Your mother and I also have temporary jobs. The salary is a little low, but we can definitely support your sisters."

It turns out that it’s not just the buyers themselves, the neighbors are all treated about the same!

Lin Jingli looked at her mother, wanting to see her opinion. She really knew that her uncle was wronged and had done some bad things at most, so how could he rebel and become a bandit! ?

Her uncle doesn't have that ability yet...

Her mother said quickly:
"What happened in the past is not important. Your uncle must have had some problems. The respected Earl Zhang did not hold him responsible. Several of your uncle's cousins ​​also found jobs and got married. One of them even married into your mercenary army, which is considered a good family."

"Look at this house. Thanks to your status as a mercenary, it's 20 square meters larger than other people's houses. You and your sister will live in one room, and your brother will live in one room alone. He's getting married soon."

The two younger sisters also felt sorry for a while, saying that they were too young, otherwise they could get a job and earn money.

It would be great if they also had jobs and could pay off the house loan quickly.

That way they can eat meat every day, and their brother might be able to marry two wives.

If everyone in the family had a job, their brother might be able to marry four wives!

Seeing Lin Jingli's basic salary of fifteen US dollars, the people in the family were happy for a while, but also felt regretful at the same time. If her brother became a mercenary, he might be able to earn even more.

When asked about her life in the barracks, the whole family looked at her with envy and jealousy.

Everyone in the family tried to persuade her together, which made her dizzy.

Is it my fault?!
There really is something about her uncle that she doesn't know! ?

Lin Jingli's father did have some guesses, but he didn't dare say them out loud, for fear that his wife and daughter would continue to be sad. In fact, he was very proud in his heart!

Those things were all about clearing out and settling accounts. Now the world belongs to the Chinese!
All the Chinese here have a debt in their hearts, and those who are being cleared out are all other people!

Just like Lin Jingli’s father, although he was involved because of her uncle’s identity, after finding out his Chinese identity, the matter was never pursued to the end.

Not only that, because of my Chinese identity, I have arranged a job and a house for my family, so why would I need a bicycle! ?
Do you miss that straw hut?

What happened to Lin Jingli's family is basically what happened to everyone in the city. Every family has a few relatives like that.

Since Earl Zhang really doesn't want to pursue the matter, the matter is over.

In the face of this preferential treatment, those ridiculous family relationships in the past are really irrelevant.

They are all said to be bandits.


After more than a month, Xue Long's letter arrived, and he brought people to Singapore for support. Subsequently, 120,000 personnel were also sent over by Anthony.

The Governor of Malay, Mr. Anthony, kept urging Zhang Kaiwu to speed up and continue advancing towards the north of Malaysia.

With Zhang Kaiwu's large number of people backing them up, both of them were eager to get things done quickly so that they could get the 20 million pounds reward quickly.

But they don’t know that doing anything requires stability and time to accumulate.

A seed of hatred is also needed to serve as a fuse.

If you want to simply take it down, that is too easy. You can break through it in three days, but is that of any use?
Just like the ink next door, didn’t the Dutch take it down?

After fighting for decades, the Dutch were almost bankrupt from their investment in ink, and they resorted to guerrilla warfare.

Seeing that Zhang Kaiwu was slow to act, Anthony angrily bombarded the northern city with his ships and then returned to the port city.

(End of this chapter)

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