Chapter 304 Women's Love

Zhang Kaiwu thought for a moment and continued:

"Ask him to help you bring it directly to Malacca, and ask him for some equipment so you don't have to buy it everywhere."

"What does private company affairs have to do with national relations?!"

Xue Long looked at him with emotion and said quickly:

"Got it. We'll make the arrangements. We'll use the company's recruitment name."

Wang Yongfu said quickly:
"As for marriage, many of our people have already started getting married. According to our statistics, at least 20,000 people have formed families."

"There will be less fighting and more rest time soon. There will definitely be more people getting married, at least 50,000 to 60,000 people."

Zhang Kaiwu held a cigarette in his mouth and said expressionlessly:
"That marriage is too slow! I'm not discussing anything with you, I'm asking you to follow my orders. There's no room for bargaining."

"The marriage relationship here is one man and four wives. Especially you leaders, you must set an example and work hard to stabilize the social environment. Otherwise, how will so many girls get married in the future? What's the big deal about causing social unrest? "

"Those of you who don't want to do this, including you, and who want to remain single, just quit and go back!"

"If you can't do it, let someone else do it! Why are you arguing with me about such a small matter as marrying a wife?!"

Several people understood that marrying one wife does not count, and they have to follow local customs and marry four wives to be considered not single! ?

Do you have any misunderstanding about being single?

But! It is impossible to go back, things here are so interesting.

Just get married, the mercenary's income can support the children, and his wife can still go to work. Several people said quickly:

"Understood! I'll arrange it right away. Senior Zhang, do you mean to marry two wives in the future?!"

"Four wives is a basic task!?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Yes! You are very smart! You will go to Yinni and marry two more in the future. Wouldn't that stabilize the social situation?!"

Several people secretly complained, and Wang Yongfu, who was near the ink pad, said quickly:

"The Dutchman probably can't hold on any longer. Now the place is in chaos. They have few people and can't stand up to the enemy's guns."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and told Lin Jingli about his plan to support an agent, saying:

"Send someone to kill that Japanese lackey, complicate things a little, and make the Dutch support you for a while longer."

"I'll go check it out in a few days and find a qualified agent to have them fight. Turn the bilateral war into a multilateral war, and you guys can go behind the scenes and provide some support secretly."

Wang Yongfu said quickly:
"The population of more than 700,000 people near Belitung now basically all support us. The proportion of Chinese here is already over 90%, and most of them are tin miners."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Those people are Chinese coolies. I know they are not suitable. They need to adjust their mindset and surrender. The problem is that you choose the right time to do it. I will go there in a few days!"

"Organize it. Kill the leaders first to muddy the waters. Don't bring trouble upon yourself."

After being idle for so long, Wang Yongfu finally got his wish. He said:

"Got it! Without further ado, I'll go back and handle this matter right away."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"What's the hurry? Go marry two wives these days and then write the letter of guarantee, otherwise just go back!"

Xue Long and Li Guifa laughed for a while, but soon they stopped laughing. Zhang Kaiwu was looking at them.

The two people said quickly:
"Senior Zhang! Isn't it easy to get married? Get married right away! The families of us mercenaries are treated preferentially and can enter the factory. As long as they want to get married, countless girls want to marry them."

"I've actually already had my eyes on a girl, and she's also very passionate about me, so I've already accomplished half of my mission. I just need to talk to the one at home and let her act as a matchmaker."

Wang Yongfu said with a smile:
"Senior Zhang! If I marry four wives, I won't have to work anymore. I can just let them go to work and I can just stay at home and take care of the kids! How wonderful!?"

Look at them talking nonsense there!
Zhang Kaiwu took out three hundred Borneo coins, gave one hundred to each person, and said with a smile:

"This is my wedding gift. I won't be attending the dinner. Let's keep it simple. You guys can get busy!"

"Although there are so many beautiful girls here that it's easy to find a wife, you have to be careful about some influences. You have to maintain harmony in your family. It's best to have girls of different races. Only in this way can you show your impartiality!"

"From my experience, if you marry a Chinese girl, let her manage the money, an Indian girl, let her clean the house, a Malay girl do the laundry and cooking, and an Indian girl take care of the children. With this arrangement, life should not be too bad."

Several people accepted the gifts in silence and left without looking back, fearing that Zhang Kaiwu would change his mind and ask them to marry eight more people to show their good tradition...

Four wives are not the same as four lovers, that is really a bit scary!

Lin Jingli also welcomed a new shift and returned home. Now she was wearing an officer's uniform, a skirt, and leather boots. She was carrying a pistol and was already a female officer with 25 Borneo dollars.

Several months of life in the military camp have made her beautiful and heroic.

The elder brother in the family now has a sister-in-law, and the whole family looked at Lin Jingli's officer uniform and pistol with envy for a while.

Lin Jingli handed two months' salary to her parents, which triggered cheers of joy and surprise from everyone, as well as some casual chats about their well-being.

Not only were they in the mercenary camp learning culture, but it turned out that everyone was taking literacy classes, even her parents were learning literacy.

Because of her military officer status, her sister-in-law also got a formal job opportunity in a textile factory. She will be able to start work officially once the factory is completed.

There were also changes in the house. Benches and bed boards were laid on the floor, and there was a model of a bed.

There were a lot of new clothes in the room, and the brothers and sisters were basically dressed decently.

Now there are even pots and pans in the kitchen, and they can eat rice and meat. They are already a decent family.

The school is almost built and my sisters can go to school soon. I heard that women who go to school will be able to find jobs easily in the future.

Everyone has a bright future and is full of confidence in their future life!
As for Lin Jingli's uncle, no one mentions him at all now. It has only been four months, but it seems like it happened a long time ago.

The city of Borneo is now peaceful and there is laughter in every household.

The streets are also very spacious and clean. There are none of the dangers that existed before. Cars often pass by on the road. It has the appearance of a modern city.

Various shops sprang up on both sides of the street, and all kinds of goods began to circulate.

The most important thing is to have social order and not have to worry about the safety of my family.

When Lin Jingli went to work the next day, she saw her two younger sisters carrying their schoolbags and going to the street to buy things by themselves without anyone from the family accompanying them.

Looking at the children on the street who dared to play alone, she thought about these things for a long time.

I recalled how I used to feel terrified when I went out on the street, even though I was protected by my father and brother. Maybe Earl Zhang was right! ?

Her uncle's little hatred had actually disappeared without a trace when he charged into battle and when his comrades fell to the ground.

Perhaps the most unaccustomed thing for the neighbors is that a large number of temples and monasteries disappeared in the gunfire, losing a piece of the scenic beauty.

It seems that Zhang Bojue had no intention of rebuilding it. Instead, he flattened the land and built factories, schools, and hospitals...


A few days later, more than 8,000 girls stood on the playground. They had almost completed their training and started their second selection opportunity.

To be honest, Zhang Kaiwu did not want to use a group of female mercenaries to fight. It was not because he thought these girls were pretty and gentle, but the key point was that the combat effectiveness of female soldiers was too weak.

A rifle weighs eight or nine pounds, and women are not very strong, so it is difficult for them to hold the gun steady.

Zhang Kaiwu's meaning was very simple, that is, to let them experience the baptism of war for a while, and they would not mature without seeing blood.

This time their baptism is complete and they can freely choose to become police officers, mercenary auxiliary personnel, medical soldiers, or government workers.

In addition, if they wanted to recruit mercenaries now, it would be too easy with the trust foundation. The housekeeper Deborah Savas and Zhang Kaiwu came here again. The last time they wanted to recruit the girls working in the manor, they had experienced a war.

Many people have changed their minds, and only about twenty girls are willing to go to the manor and continue the previous escort team's ambition agreement.

Some girls want to be medical workers, some want to be police officers, some want to work in logistics, some want to be ordinary civil servants, and some even want to be mercenaries.

Some even want to get married, work in a factory, and then have children.

Of course, there is no girl who is unwilling to work. The social status of women here is very low, and they are basically housewives. At most, they can do odd jobs. It is rare to have a formal job and earn money.

They have also worked as mercenaries for several months, and at least faced danger to have this decent opportunity for choice.

The whole playground was filled with chatter, with hundreds of languages ​​being used in discussions, and everyone was discussing with their friends what they were going to do!

There are more than 700 languages ​​in the whole of Borneo, and no one can learn them all.

The illiterate people here can use several languages. They may not be able to write, but they can definitely speak and understand.


There is only one person who cannot choose her own career, and that is Lin Jingli, the one he booked.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the pretty girl with a smile. She stood beside him with a blushing face, perhaps still a little embarrassed.

The previous energy value of negative 40 has disappeared, and now the energy value has reached positive five points.

As expected, she is a reasonable girl. In fact, it is rare to find unreasonable young people nowadays, and those who are unreasonable will not live long.

Seeing Zhang Bojue looking at her, Lin Jingli couldn't help but ask:

"Count Zhang! Why do you insist on having me work in the manor? I actually like the life of a mercenary."

This girl plays an important role. The key is to have energy value so as to control her loyalty. Zhang Kaiwu explained with a smile:

"Because there is an important mission, you can also consider yourself as a mercenary, and a top-level mercenary at that."

"It's just that the fighting position is different, the place is a little special, and the weapon is not a rifle, but there is no essential difference."

So that's how it is! Lin Jingli said in surprise:
"Oh! I understand. I promise to complete the task."

The energy value suddenly rose to twenty points. Maybe she had let it go long ago, and now she probably just wanted to hear an explanation, or just a reason.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Deborah watched all this with a smile. She could tell that Zhang Kaiwu was telling the truth. She was a little curious why he valued this girl and what important mission she could have.

Are we going to fight at home?!

Deborah blushed and thought, it’s a pity that Zhang Kaiwu wouldn’t tell him!

Lin Jingli blushed as she took the girls to Zhang Kaiwu's manor. She was now the captain of the personal bodyguards and she was carrying a small package.

After the girls were settled, Lin Jingli was also called to have dinner with him.

Deborah had dinner brought in, steak and a vegetable salad, along with some red wine.

She had never eaten Western food before, and she sat at the dining table uncomfortably, trying to appear presentable and imitating Zhang Kaiwu's way of eating.

The knives and forks made a clanging sound, and the spoons made the plates clang!
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and looked at this smart and beautiful girl learning from him. He reminded her:

"Lin Jingli! You can eat casually, but don't learn from me. This is the Western way of eating for the strong. If you learn my way of eating, you will be beaten to death if you don't have good skills!"

"Deborah! You come and teach her."

Deborah quickly brought a new dinner, sat beside her, and slowly taught her the table etiquette.

The energy value suddenly reached thirty points!

Deborava is now in charge of the manor, so it doesn’t matter what Zhang Kaiwu eats.

After inviting Lin Jingli to dinner, she gently put down her knife and fork and said hesitantly:

"Count Zhang! My intuition has been very sharp since I was a child. It tells me that you are approaching me not because you are in love with me. Why do you have to drag me here?"

This girl is quite interesting. Zhang Kaiwu took the cigar that Deborah had roasted, lit it, and said with a smile:

"Your intuition is not wrong. I really am not in love with you. I just want to marry you because of an important mission. But do you want to have a relationship now!?"

Deborah sat beside him with an expressionless face, sorting out documents. In fact, she was concentrating on eavesdropping on his conversation and was almost broken by him.

Are we really fighting at home?
Lin Jingli looked at him, her face red with surprise and said:

"Why? Although you are a very good leader, I don't have any admiration for you. Although I don't want to have a romantic relationship, I want to marry someone I like."

Very good! The energy value has not dropped!

Zhang Kaiwu blew out a smoke ring and asked with a smile:

"Good! You are very perceptive! It seems that you have learned a lot in the mercenary army and know how to pursue your own marriage. But we didn't come here to recruit you for a job. Do you think you have the opportunity to choose your own marriage?"

"According to your family's past situation, maybe your parents would marry you off to any man for just five dollars?"

He has ten thousand ways to deal with this kind of love-crazy person.

Looking at the surprised Lin Jingli, he continued:

"Lin Jingli! Because of the important mission, I don't want to deceive you. Do you know the crisis of trust? For example, you want to have a relationship."

Lin Jingli said quickly:
"I don't want to fall in love, I just want to marry someone I like."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Okay! You just want to marry someone you like, not be in love. But you still have to face the trust crisis, and maybe the consequences of marrying someone are more serious."

"For the sake of future cooperation, I don't want to cheat on your feelings, but! Do you know what men think about this!?"

Lin Jingli looked at him, wanting to hear his explanation.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Let me tell you about marriage and love. Men and women have completely different ideas. Before a man meets a woman he truly loves, he is a hunter."

"Whether you admit it or not, men have the mentality of a hunter. Before they find the right woman, they will always hunt everywhere. Meeting a beautiful woman who is not what they want along the way does not mean that the hunter will not play with her."

"He may know that she is not the woman he wants, but he still has the excuse of "You are beautiful!" to play with her."

"He knows that she is not the woman he wants, but he still plays with her with excuses like, 'But you are a nice person!' or 'But you have brought it to my lips!'"

"Until he finds the woman he wants, he will keep hunting. But an honest hunter will sometimes send out some signals to remind her that she is not his prey."

"Maybe you have a keen sense and sensed these things, so you don't feel very good about me!"

"But that's because I'm a simple and kind person, and I don't want to rely on hypocrisy to deceive you. Because men's hunting will never end, and if it stops, it will only be oppression in life."

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"Of course, on the surface, some of it has indeed stopped, because the daily necessities of life bind a man's soul! Children are his shackles."

"To check whether a man loves a woman, you can actually tell from whether he is willing to have children with her."

"Of course! Most people who don't want to have children, regardless of whether they are men or women, want to get them for free. But there are also those ruthless people who only want to give birth but not raise them, such as those in France and the United States."

(End of this chapter)

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