Chapter 306: There Are Three

Are you just scolding me for no reason?

Maybe nothing happened at all, just some small things, and what Earl Zhang said was right, maybe he would really be kicked out soon.

What can I do when I go back?!

Are you going to take your kids to plant potatoes when you get old?!

Earl Zhang has ambitions, but he is willing to spend money to tinker with the map. What does that have to do with him?! ?

After realizing the seriousness of the situation, Governor Fletcher immediately extended his hand and said:

"Count Zhang! I can't refuse your request. For the sake of the children's future geography learning, happy cooperation!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and shook hands and said:
"Happy cooperation!"

Governor Serra next to him said with a smile:

"Now that we have agreed on this, when do we start taking action!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"It's not good to just carry out an operation. We'll drive them away and arrest them while sending people to build momentum in secret. It will be easier to let them run on their own, isn't it?"

"After all, there are too many people, and it's hard to catch them!"

The few people chatted for a while and had lunch. The two governors were much more active in this matter than Zhang Kaiwu.

Just like what Zhang Kaiwu said, if things go wrong they will just run away.

Great Britain has no money anymore, no wonder they are looking for a way out, are they going to retire like this!? These overseas leaders are hated by the United States, and anyone who understands knows what is going on.

let's hit!

Beat it to pieces, take the money and retire.

After Zhang Kaiwu left, the two governors were still discussing how to deal with things and how to catch the bandits.

The simplest way is to just start fighting randomly, catch bandits everywhere, and beat them until they run away.


Wang Yongfu also received news that the Japanese lackey Suharto would hold a gathering and give a speech in Jakarta Square in three days. Now he was a little confused about whether the matter was true or not.

In his world, everyone is in a state of battle, how could such an outrageous thing happen! ?

Zhang Kaiwu knew it must be true. This guy loved to give boastful speeches. He relied on this to get to the top. He had been arrested and jailed many times for this. He believed in the Indian stuff.

Suharto learned this from the Indians, non-violence, non-cooperation and non-resistance movement.

This is also the local characteristic of ink. The people here have been severely brainwashed for hundreds of years. Coupled with regional differences, everyone has no concept of the country at all.

Because of Great Britain's defeat on the battlefield and the fact that most of its vassal troops were Indians, India's backstab of a non-resistance movement was actually successful.

In 1942, when Principal Jiang went to them to learn from their experience and seek help, he was almost given a cerebral infarction by an Indian guy.

The Indian Mahatma warmly received Principal Jiang. He thought about it for a long time and said:

You will definitely win. Your advantage is that you have 400 million people, while they only have 3 million troops. It is actually very simple for you to win. Just line them up and let them kill. Let them kill 200 million first. When they are tired of killing, they will have used up all their bullets.

The remaining 200 million people will fight them. When they are tired of killing and have no bullets left, you will win in the end.

This insightful opinion destroyed Principal Jiang's three perspectives, and even his fifth perspective almost collapsed.

After Principal Jiang confirmed the Indian Mahatma's expression again and again, he realized that he was not joking and was giving his advice seriously.

After returning to the room, it is said that Principal Jiang did not sleep all night and recited the Three Character Classic all night. The next morning, he left in a hurry without saying goodbye.

This conversation was a huge blow to the bald principal!


Suharto, the Japanese lackey who was in the ink, had a similar experience to the Mahatma and was also imprisoned several times.

Moreover, every time he gave a speech, his experience was very strange. He liked to do it in the city square, gather his supporters with cameras and surround him, and get those leaders to cheer him on.

The main point is that I am not afraid of going to jail, I have many brothers, and I actually have weapons. Although I don't know how to use them, I will make sure that your cells are full and you can't be locked up any longer.

If the Malay Governor, Mr. Sera, fought like a bandit robbing, then the fighting here was like children playing house, because the Dutch lost very few people!
Not many Indians died, not many Dutch people died, and not many Japanese people died.

When the Dutch came, a large number of Chinese people who were just watching the show died. When the Japanese came, a large number of Chinese people who were just watching the show died. When there was a focus of conflict, the Chinese people who were just watching the show died.

More than five million Chinese people who were just watching the massacre were massacred, reducing the Chinese population density from more than 50% to 35%.

In fact, this Japanese lackey has been in Jakarta the entire time and has never left there. It seems that he is not worried about the decapitation operation.

How many people are there in the Netherlands! ?
To call it a county town is really a compliment to it.

Later, he succeeded by using the Mahatma's method, and his policy was the same in the future. When he encountered unresolved conflicts, he would tacitly allow you to kill Chinese businessmen.

Everyone is tired of killing. Now that the focus of the conflict has been resolved, you will naturally stop killing!
As for who was killed, everyone should know.

He imposed India's non-resistance movement on the Chinese and shifted the focus of the conflict to the Chinese.

This Japanese lackey has long forgotten that it was the Chinese who helped him get to the top and bought him guns, cannons, ammunition and medicines.


Of course, Mr. Lin, the richest Chinese, is not a good guy either. He has always colluded with Suharto. He has always been the largest private enterprise in India, so his interests have not been damaged!

Chinese people also like to do this because of the stories of rare goods being valuable back then, so this richest man named Lin is really not a good person.

Rare goods are valuable!
Mr. Lin controlled more than 30% of the trade and even married his daughter to him, hoping to replace the prince with a cat.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
How absurd the world is is far beyond your imagination.

Although Wang Yongfu knew that he was going to give a speech, the distance was too far and he had no way to temporarily send someone to behead him.

There is no way. Their foundation is too weak and the place is too big. They are now only active around Sumatra.


Now that Zhang Kaiwu has come here, he will not tolerate him continuing to do evil, so he sent a telegram to Wang Yongfu, saying that he has already arranged for the beheading.

He was asked to organize people to prepare in Sumatra immediately, and when he heard about the unrest in Jakarta, he began to clear out the bandits and stabilize the environment.

The method is still the same as in Borneo City before, and the Chinese who want to surrender must be killed.

Those who don’t have a letter of allegiance are not our people.

As for whether he could win, Zhang Kaiwu never doubted it. Wang Yongfu now has 100,000 regular mercenaries in Sumatra and 700,000 miners.

Even if we had to deal with the more than 10,000 Dutch people, there was no pressure at all. We just had to do things in a legitimate way.

The Netherlands, whose land area is so large that its name cannot even be written on the map, is not even as big as Beijing. Ten thousand people can suppress it.

Why is Wang Yongfu in trouble with 100,000 people?

What's more, Zhang Kaiwu also asked them to urgently dispatch another wave of people in the name of helping after the incident. They estimated that 100,000 people could be transferred and should be able to reach the vicinity of Java Island in four days.


At midnight that night, he sat in the Governor's bomber, endured the roar, arrived in Jakarta early in the morning, and went straight for a skydive.

Zhang Kaiwu didn't know that he had just gone to the airport and boarded the plane.

Later, Xue Long and his men became anxious and immediately sent people to board Governor Serra's ship to protect his safety.

Skydiving from a plane posed no pressure on his special forces skills. He maneuvered the parachute to land on an deserted beach outside Jakarta, then folded the parachute and put it into the storage space.

Zhang Kaiwu had just landed, taken out his bicycle, put a denim bag on his back, and rode away on his 28-inch bicycle. Not long after, a group of ragged people surrounded him and blocked his way.

They were skinny and small, less than 1.5 meters tall, like a monkey. They chattered a few words and found that Zhang Kaiwu could not understand the Indian language. They immediately concluded that he was Chinese and wanted to rush over to rob him.

He yelled in a broken Hakka dialect: "Bicycle! My! Money! Leave it! Bag! Bag! Leave! Clothes! Shoes!"

This is the current situation of the Chinese people. Anyone dares to make a move. Having all your things robbed is considered good enough. But if it is a woman, she might suffer a more tragic fate than losing her life.

Even this group of farmers are just as arrogant. They are 30 centimeters shorter than him, but they dare to fight him with bare hands. I really don’t understand how the Chinese can survive here! ?
Suddenly, the bicycle disappeared, and a wooden stick appeared in Zhang Kaiwu's hand. In their horrified eyes, he flashed and swung the stick more than ten times without stopping, and a layer of people fell to the ground.

It hit me to the core!

None of them escaped, and the farthest one only ran three meters.

The experience value of sap increased by two points.

Zhang Kaiwu took out the bicycle from the storage space, put away the stick and continued to move forward. In less than an hour, he entered the city alone.

The area here in Jakarta city is even divided into a separate Chinese area, which is separate from the Indian area.

There is a distance of about 50 to 60 meters in the middle. The houses in the Chinese area are exquisite, with green bricks and blue tiles. Basically, people there are doing business or working in factories.

They have been here for more than a thousand years. When they came here, they were still a group of natives and monkeys. I don’t know how they became what they are today! ?
It’s so magical and unimaginable!
The area where Yinni lives is full of people who do hard labor. They are all ragged and live in various straw huts.

It is very sad to say that many Chinese families have guns, no less than the Dutch. The Indians have knives and sticks at most, not even guns.

The fundamental reason for the current situation is lack of unity.

Or kindness?

Arriving at this street in the center of Jakarta, Zhang Kaiwu put away his bicycle and heard the Hakka dialect. It didn't take long for Zhang Kaiwu to become familiar with it and basically understand it.

I found a hotel and casually asked about the situation inside the room, using the pretext of booking a room to find out more about the situation.

Zhang Kaiwu curiously asked:

"Boss! I heard that Suharto is going to give a speech tomorrow. Won't the Dutch go and arrest him?"

The innkeeper said:
"Sir! Suharto will start his speech tomorrow, right there in the square. It is said that Mr. Lin sponsored him. He mediated the matter and wanted to resolve the matter peacefully."

"Mr. Lin will be the guarantor, and several representatives from the Dutch will come tomorrow."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:

"If they escape, won't the Dutch catch them all?"

The innkeeper said proudly:

"How is that possible! They still have guerrillas in the jungle. If they do that, they will fight the Dutch. I tell you, we Chinese are supporting them. We have money and guns!"

He looked at the aunt's ignorant and proud expression, and wondered where her pride came from.

Damn it!

This is the reality here. After all the talk, the Chinese are the ones who suffer! ?
And Mr. Lin is here to act as a guarantor! ?

With a feeling of depression in his chest, Zhang Kaiwu walked out of the hotel and looked for the place the innkeeper had told him to go.

The result was that Zhang Kaiwu became even angrier. The square that the old lady was talking about was less than 200 meters away from the Dutch Governor's Palace.

It seems that your war is just a joke, and our people are the ones who really deserve to die! ?

The Dutch Governor's Palace is a three-story house with a European style similar to that of the Governor's Palace in the port city.

There is also a four-story machine gun tower next to it that looks like a bell tower. There are not many soldiers standing guard around it. I don’t know why these governors are so bold.

The Governor's Palace was surrounded by Dutch expatriates and was surrounded by simple barricades with no inspection at all.

But do you have any misunderstanding about the war? There are only more than 10,000 Dutch soldiers in the whole of India. Does the war mean that everyone is ganging up to kill the Chinese? ?

Zhang Kaiwu knew that if he had not come today, a new round of massacre would have started immediately in order to resolve the conflict.

The Dutch and Suharto and his group, whose talks broke down, all pointed their fingers at the Chinese.

As a result, after another 20,000 innocent Chinese died, India became independent.

What bullshit!
The real level of nonsense in the world far exceeds the exaggerations in TV and movies!

Because movies don’t dare to show such content!

Zhang Kaiwu carefully observed the terrain for a while and chose a two-story building in the middle, intending to use it as a firing point tomorrow.

He looked carefully and found that there were only two armored vehicles, a large truck and a car in the Governor's Palace.

He threw grenades from the balcony of the second-floor building. With his strength, he could cover the Governor's Palace and the square. He planned to throw grenades crazily and then escape.

I also have five RPG-2s that I made previously, which I plan to give to the Governor.

This thing is really not very easy to use. There is so much black smoke that it seems like I am reporting my coordinates to the enemy. It is better to throw a grenade.

There were a total of 33 prepared RGD- grenades in the storage space, which took him half a day to prepare.

It is estimated that about thirty of them can flatten the Governor's Palace to the ground. After all, this thing is used to deal with tanks.

In the Governor's Mansion, if we threw two bombs into each window, it would only take 30 bombs to blow up all the safe spots.

Zhang Kaiwu walked over and took a look. He saw that an elderly Dutch couple and their two children lived in the small building.

The old couple hugged their children, who were two soldiers, and the whole family was laughing happily.

Don't ask how I know this. When you open the living room door, you can see photos inside. There are photos of their daughters-in-law and their children in the glass frames.

They all have sweet smiles!

Near this two-story building, there are still those small buildings, which are basically the same in style. Like Chen Xueru’s previous shop, there is a balcony on the second floor.

Many Dutch children and women were playing outside, and they were smiling happily.

Zhang Kaiwu estimated based on the houses here that there were less than 300 Dutch soldiers nearby, which meant that apart from a few patrol boats on the sea, there were at most 3,000 Dutch people in the entire Jakarta.

But it suppressed several million people.


Zhang Kaiwu walked through this area and came to the streets of the Chinese area, wandering around aimlessly.

There were a few small shops on the street, nothing special. Suddenly, he saw a private Chinese clinic on the corner, so he walked in curiously.

As soon as I entered the door, fifteen energy points were credited to my account. This was really a pleasant surprise.

Zhang Kaiwu observed the layout inside with a smile. It was a large room with a Chinese medicine counter on one side and an octagonal table on the other.

A spirited man in his forties, wearing a doctor's coat, was sitting at the table, reading a medical book.

This person is probably the father-in-law. There is also an old man in his sixties packing things next to him. This person is probably the daughter-in-law's grandfather.

Inside the Chinese medicine counter, there is a row of three pretty girls with curvy figures, lined up from tall to short, which is quite attractive.

Seeing that he was staring at them, two girls lowered their heads shyly, leaving only the youngest girl staring at him.

Good guy! What a great guy!
What a pleasant surprise, are both girls the heroines, and even a sister-in-law is the heroine! ?
Zhang Kaiwu ran to the counter with great joy, smiled and whispered:

"Girls! I'm a little irritated, and I want to buy some medicine to relieve the heat."

The oldest girl stared at him and said shyly:
"Sir! You look so excited, but it doesn't seem like you have a fever. Let my father, Doctor Guo, check for you."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter whether you have a sore throat or not, just give me some medicine. Are you three sisters? You are so beautiful, wow! Have you promised yourself to someone now? "

The energy value increased by five points at once, then five points, and then five points again! This time Zhang Kaiwu confirmed that the three girls were actually the heroines.

Zhang Kaiwu was so happy.

As expected, good people are rewarded. I have been rewarded greatly for doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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