Chapter 310 This is true
How simple the streets here in Jakarta are!

It's a cross street, with the Chinese neighborhood on one side, the Dutch area on one side, and those thatched huts on the other side.

The street leads all the way to the dock area, and if you stand higher, you can see the entire city with your naked eyes.

Zhang Kaiwu strolled out with a smile on his face. The two men were walking in the distance, chatting in whispers, with a look of hidden pride on their faces.

As a man, even though he didn't quite understand what was said, he could still understand it from the expression!

Not only did I get my medical expenses for free, but I also met such a beautiful woman.

If there is a chance, hehe!

I followed them from a distance and watched them turn into a small path and enter the area of ​​thatched huts.

After Zhang Kaiwu followed them with a cigarette in his mouth, he found something wrong. The place they entered was not an ordinary straw hut, but a place for prayer. There were several men guarding the door.

Hell is empty, the devil is in the temple.

Before they even got close, several men started talking in the half-spoken Ke dialect:

"Go away!"

"This is not the place for you!"

"Get lost! Heretic."

"Don't defile this place!"

"No smoking here!"

I can understand this. Faith is a kind of poison. People with faith always think they are superior to others.

Because there is a place to take in the dead?
Ha ha ha ha ha!
This is a white house with a round roof. Zhang Kaiwu has no taboos about these things. He is determined to get things done today no matter what.

He was an expert in demolishing temples. He walked around and used a piece of wire to hang the closed back door.

When he got around to the front door again, the men became furious and started cursing again.

If it's from other places, they probably won't be able to understand everything, but the Dutch have been colonizing for hundreds of years, and English is the official language of the Dutch, so they probably can understand it all.

Because Dutch now has another nickname: Indo-English ~ Germanic ~ Dutch.

The so-called language classification of Europeans is actually the same as English and Mandarin, and the so-called languages ​​of various countries are similar to our Hunan dialect and Cantonese.

The only difference is that many of the words are made up by myself and are unknown to others.

According to their standards, the average Chinese person can speak seven or eight foreign languages.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said in English:
"I invite you to take a trip to hell!"

With a flash, Zhang Kaiwu rushed forward with a stick in his hand. The dull sound of sticks kept ringing. Several people fell down at once and were collected by him in the storage space.

He closed the door and walked in, knocking down and collecting things from the surrounding houses. The people inside had no time to react or be surprised before they were knocked down and the things were collected. There was still a lot of gold, silver, and various currencies inside.

If an ordinary person could get his hands on it, he would probably become rich. For a small temple, these things would be worth at least 100,000 US dollars in total, which is very promising.

Although there must be more wealth inside, he didn't want to waste time searching carefully, so as not to delay the work.

Some of these women may be the same as Indian women. They come to this world to atone their sins.

They can't even enter the church, worse than the Indian women, because they are not on the list of those who can be rescued. From the moment they are born, they are just private property.

Zhang Kaiwu felt deeply sympathetic about their life experiences, so he sent them away in the same way, allowing them to continue working as maids in the Kingdom of Heaven to avoid a shortage of manpower.

The property here was in stark contrast to the surrounding thatched huts, which showed the law of a poor temple and a rich monk. It was the same nonsense everywhere, and soon only the large church in the middle was left.

Everywhere inside was magnificent and golden. Zhang Kaiwu walked through the passage at the entrance with a smile.

In a large square house in the middle, a man who looked like a priest was chanting sermons and saying devoutly:

"There is no other true God in the world except Allah. Heavenly Father will forgive the sins of His believers and take them to live in heaven in an ark. The rivers there flow with honey, and the trees are full of endless bread and candied dates, which are freshly picked and then replaced. Every believer in Him will have thirty-six maids and three thousand slaves after death..."

A large group of people below were drooling, listening to the stories carefully and fantasizing about their wonderful life after death.

Zhang Kaiwu stood at the entrance of the passage, smiled and said loudly in English:
"The conditions offered by Xunni Sect are not good, because the priests of Shiye Sect said that they provide 72 wives of the first rank, and each person also has 50,000 slaves of other races!"

"Everyone, come with me to Shiya Sect. Since we are all one family that believes in Allah, why do you want to detain those wives and slaves? Do you want a commission?"

A large group of people were very angry with Zhang Kaiwu at first, but after hearing what he said, they began to stare at the pastor angrily.

That's true!

All pastors in the world are one family, just with different sects. Why should you deduct half of our wives and the 50,000 slaves of other races?
A group of people angrily surrounded the pastor, pushing and shoving him, demanding an explanation.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
This is the true meaning of faith!

Finally! People will feel like a puppet, without any reason at all.

After watching them pulling and tugging frantically for a while, Zhang Kaiwu felt that it was boring.

Don't be fooled by their pious appearance. Deep down in their hearts, these fanatics are simply crazy with no bottom line.

Apart from other things, where did those alien slaves come from? Where did those thirty-six maids come from?

Where did their mothers, sisters, and elder sisters go after they died?!

Aren’t they human?!
Since the doctrine advocates that everyone is equal after death, why should those who do not believe in it be slaves? This idea is actually very dangerous!
Why would you be superior if you died?
The two people who had just gone to my mother-in-law's house also reacted and shouted:

"He is a relative of the Han Chinese Doctor Guo, not a Dutchman. Kill him!"

"Everything he said was false. He is definitely not a pastor and he wants to deceive us."

I am not lying, that is the core doctrine of the Shiye sect. That pastor didn't even understand what I said just now, you bunch of idiots!
It's a waste of my hard work.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and took out a stick, blocked the passage and started beating people with the stick, causing chaos.

The group of people then realized something was wrong and rushed over frantically. Some of them even pulled out knives and wanted to kill Zhang Kaiwu.

But it was all useless, no matter they wanted to hit people or to escape, it was all useless!
There is only one passage inside, and only two people can come up at a time. If one person comes up, one person falls down, and if two people come up, they fall down as a pair.

A few people couldn't hold back any longer and jumped onto the benches to attack from above, but they didn't expect that Zhang Kaiwu was not shorter than them even when he was standing on the ground, and he could hit them with the club just as easily.

It was no use for those who tried to take a detour. They were caught up by Zhang Kaiwu and knocked to the ground, which only delayed him for a second at most.

Zhang Kaiwu's body flickered slightly, as if they had offered their heads voluntarily. Except for the two men who went to his mother-in-law's house, all the others, including the pastor, were put away.

The two men just now were hit in the mouth with a stick, all their teeth fell out, and they can't speak at all.

Zhang Kaiwu was not afraid that they would call for help. There was no one outside and no one came in even though the fight was so intense.

Occasionally, someone comes in, and they are the ones who just arrived from outside.

The main reason I want to break their teeth is that I am afraid that they will be impolite and keep swearing at me, which will disgust me. Then I will lose my temper and give them a good time.

They were hit twice on the legs and both legs were broken.

Their arms had long been broken into eight sections, and they had become human sticks, twitching on the ground.

Zhang Kaiwu walked towards the pastor with a smile. The pastor sat there limply, begging:

"I have money~ I have a lot of money! There is a secret room in my room with money inside, and all that money is yours. Are you a killer hired by Shiye? Let me go once, and I am willing to pay for my life!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You guessed it right but there is no reward! Because I follow the rules the most. If you all walk together, the road will be more lively."

Kill it with one blow and put it away in the storage space.

Originally, Zhang Kaiwu wanted to set fire to the place, but he was afraid that it would make too much noise and affect tomorrow's big event.

never mind!

Come back and set a fire another day.

Zhang Kaiwu could only use the storage space to collect these people first. The two men looked at him in horror as they disappeared. Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"That was a chance to atone for their sins. I sent them to the alien devil in advance. You will go there too later. Are you surprised?"

The two men looked at him with fear on their faces and twisted their bodies desperately.


They couldn't shout or move, and their faces were distorted with pain.

In just twenty minutes, forty experience points were added.

Level 208 Stun: 500-.

One point of experience for five or six people, that's about it. The experience points for the second level stun gun increase very slowly.

Zhang Kaiwu lit a lonely Camel cigarette and sat at the door waiting for them to slowly die.

The dazzling sunlight from the equator falls, shining on the spliced ​​stained glass windows on the wall.

The room was filled with colorful lights, which looked very beautiful. The blood on the ground seemed sacred and not so glaring.

While he was waiting lonely, a few more people came in one after another, which only helped him to gain some experience points and some Dutch coins.

About half an hour later, the two men died in despair. Zhang Kaiwu packed up the garbage and slowly walked out.

They came to the pastor's room and followed the thief's method, lifting the woolen blanket on the ground and saw a secret passage covered with wooden boards underneath.

After lifting the wooden board, there was a secret room inside, with all kinds of gold, silver, treasures and banknotes. Zhang Kaiwu slowly collected them up, and they might be worth more than one million US dollars! ?

These may be the income of thousands of years, all of which are delivered to them by believers. They cannot save money like Indians!
During the whole process just now, many people were crying out for injustice and asking him to show mercy.

But he was not a judge, and his words were not binding, so he asked them and Old Yan to explain.


With their enthusiastic help, they went to meet the thirty-six maids in advance and enjoy a wonderful life! ?
Thinking about the happy lives of their three thousand slaves, I am so envious!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

After being hit so many times with a club, even though he was agile, there were still some bloodstains on his clothes, making them colorful.

After Zhang Kaiwu had packed up, he washed up by the sink and changed into the same set of clothes: white shirt, black pants, and leather shoes.

Feeling much better, he slowly walked out of the temple!
When the work is done, leave without hesitation, keeping your achievements and fame hidden!
Zhang Kaiwu lit a lonely cigarette, turned onto the street, and slowly returned along the same route.

There were also a few Dutch soldiers patrolling on bicycles on the road, which looked quite strange.

The Dutch put a lot of effort into Borneo, wanting to really take root here.

Just like France’s sense of identity with Syria, the Dutch have a very small homeland and they really want to assimilate this place, and they have a very deep sense of identity.

The climate here is good and suitable for human habitation. Over the past few hundred years, they have tried every possible way to make things happen.

Build roads, construct infrastructure, build airport facilities, and open various commercial bases...

However, since the Dutch population is so small, there would not be enough even if all of them became police officers.

In the end, after exhausting all their resources, they only had less than 20,000 soldiers. Their fighting power was also very weak, and they could only secretly instigate the people here to fight among themselves.

In order to safeguard the interests of the Dutch, they resorted to both overt and covert tactics, suppressing the powerful Chinese and killing with a borrowed knife.

It seems that they value and make use of Chinese people, but in fact they favor monkeys in every way.

Then add religious conflicts as a seasoning, and this is the real source of chaos in Borneo.

There are no fools in this world!
Countless people can see the Dutch intentions, but no one can break the situation, or no one is willing to break the situation. Capable and ambitious people are desperately trying to disrupt the situation.

For example, Mr. Lin!

Doesn't he understand? Otherwise why would he bet on several sides!?

Including those crazy people, don't they understand?
In fact, they know everything, but they pretend to know nothing!

Taking advantage of the situation to exclude the Chinese.

Isn’t it the Dutch’s idea?
You can get money and property without any effort, live in a big house, and satisfy the dark desires in your heart!
Don’t the Dutch understand that if they really treated the Chinese with care and assimilated them, they would be able to quickly quell the riots?

They really do know.

But there is a Chinese population base of more than 30 million. That is not assimilation of the Chinese, but being assimilated by the Chinese.


I was thinking about these things as I walked.

When he returned home, Zhang Kaiwu carried a big bag full of various canned goods, snacks and candies. This was necessary after what happened tomorrow, plus so many people were missing.

Jakarta might be in chaos for two days, and Wang Yongfu's mercenaries will arrive in two days. I have to prepare some food to prevent my mother-in-law from starving.

As soon as I walked to the street near the pharmacy, I saw Tiedan standing at the door of the pharmacy, looking out and waiting for me.

Seeing Zhang Kaiwu, he immediately turned around and shouted:

"Tong Ling! My brother-in-law is back!"

Tong Ling suddenly came out from the drugstore, ran towards him with a smile and took his arm.

Looking at the bag he was carrying, he said:
"Brother Kaiwu! You're back! I'm here to pick up something for you. Why did you go out to buy something without telling me?!"

"I just woke up and didn't see you. I thought you were gone! If mom hadn't let me go out, I would have gone to look for you!"

Girls’ feelings are always poetry!
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and held the bag in one hand, and picked her up with the other hand, spun her around twice, and gave her a kiss, which made her lower her head in shame.

He picked her up with one hand and walked into the pharmacy. Looking at her shyly, he said:
"Sister Tongling! I can carry it. It's too heavy for you to lift. You were taking a nap just now and I didn't want to wake you up! I just want to buy some things. It's quick."

"Besides, I haven't even married you yet, where am I going!?"

Sister Tongling giggled and was very satisfied with his answer!
After a few steps into the pharmacy, Jinling, Yinling and his mother-in-law were all there. Zhang Kaiwu put the bag on the table.

The mother-in-law said with a smile:
"Kaiwu! She is so big and still needs someone to carry her. Put her down and let her walk by herself. What a shame!"

Tong Ling was shy and had wanted to get down for a long time, but when she heard this, she glared at her mother-in-law.

Said strongly:
"I just want to hug you, so what? My man can hug me however he wants. I'm going to marry him now and I won't eat your food anymore! Brother Kaiwu! I want to spin around even more!"

She gave him a kiss bravely and looked at everyone in protest.

Girls in their rebellious period are really awesome!
In order to protect your love, you are as passionate as fire!

Zhang Kaiwu hugged her and spun her around four or five times at a speed so fast that her legs flew up. Tong Ling giggled.

Jin Ling and Yin Ling looked on enviously.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at their expressions, put Tongling down, and picked up Jinling and Yinling in turn, and spun around, giving each of them a hug and a kiss. He was very fair and just, which made them all shy.

Looking at my mother-in-law who was watching the excitement with envy, I picked her up and gave her a kiss.

The mother-in-law screamed, afraid of falling, and hugged his neck, smiling and shouting:

"Ouch! You bad boy! You are so strong, so naughty! Put me down now!"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"Jinling, Yinling, Tongling! What do you think? Should we let it go?"

Yinling and Jinling smiled but didn't say anything. Seeing him teasing her mother, Tongling smiled and said quickly:

"Don't let her go! My mother is most afraid of spinning in circles, spin her ten times before letting her go!"

The mother-in-law scolded her angrily:

"You're rebelling! I'll beat you to death, you stinky girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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