Chapter 315 Princess Identity
The streets were surprisingly quiet. The Dutch position was still silent and no one came out to maintain order.

The neighbors have discovered that maybe Jin Ling and the others are right, things in Jakarta have changed.

Otherwise the Dutch would have rushed out long ago.

Groups of Chinese people guarded the streets with guns and ammunition.


Around noon, Xue Long, Wang Yongfu and their mercenary team entered the city and drove armored vehicles around the city to hunt down the Dutch.

The Dutch soldiers surrendered without firing a single shot, holding up various white flags.

They are originally police officers, who only get a little salary and maintain order on the streets.

Using a rifle to defend against any kind of heavy firepower is a joke.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero!

The neighbors also discovered that the people who came were indeed Chinese mercenaries, and they did not pursue the matter of last night at all.

The world has really changed!
Countless Chinese people released their anger, and neighbors began to go to the streets to hold ladders and help catch the thugs.

The huge mercenary army blockaded the entire city. A group of people asked around and asked about what happened last night.

Xue Long and Wang Yongfu found the medicine shop and complained to Zhang Kaiwu, saying:

"Senior Zhang! How could you go up to the roof to do such things? The so-called son of a rich family should not sit in the hall."

"And yesterday's explosion and the decapitation operation behind enemy lines are not what you should do!"

Zhang Kaiwu explained with a smile:
"I didn't do those things! I just came here to play for a while in advance. I don't know what happened."

"These inhumane things must have been done by the Dutch and Mr. Lin, the richest man in the country. You must remember this clearly!"

Xue Long was stunned and said quickly:
"Okay! It wasn't you who did it, it was the former Governor. We arrived at the port of Jakarta last night and fought a battle with the Dutch. More than a thousand people were captured at the port, and there were more than three thousand people in the city including their families. These people had no fighting spirit at all."

"There was also an uprising in Sumatra, and several thousand Dutch were captured. They surrendered faster than we could capture them! The riots in several cities in Sumatra were quelled."

"The Dutch and Mr. Lin's family in Jakarta had already attacked it, but they were afraid of accidentally hurting you at night, so they didn't dare to attack the city at night. They dared to enter the city only at dawn. Now I don't know what to do next?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:
"I saw it last night. I think it was you. The Dutch are different from us. They value their lives very much because their population is so small!"

"But we can't do this in the name of the company. It's not legitimate and there are huge hidden dangers. If we don't do it well, other people will jump out to defend justice, such as the United States."

Xue Long and Wang Yongfu asked quickly:

"So what do we do now!?"

Zhang Kaiwu pulled his beautiful mother-in-law, who was making tea, to sit down and introduced her:

"Let me introduce you to someone, Princess Ning Ping! She is also my mother-in-law. Do you think she is beautiful? She is the authentic descendant of Qin Shi Huang and a princess of Borneo. You can call her Princess Ning Ping or Princess Borneo. The entire Borneo is her family's fiefdom."

"She had three daughters, also three little princesses. Find their family tree and land deeds. They are recorded in history and culture."

Xue Long and Wang Yongfu were stunned. A beautiful princess mother-in-law! ?
The mother-in-law was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, and the father-in-law was so scared that he didn't dare to say anything and could only stand there in a daze.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and continued:

"I'm not kidding! Borneo was originally their fiefdom in the pre-Qin period. Didn't the United States support the independence movement everywhere? All the British colonies are doing these things now."

"We must also adapt to the trend of the times and maintain world peace. We should start an independence movement in Borneo. This was just an archipelago before and was not recognized as a country. But there are so many Chinese here, we should organize ourselves. Many people may die in the process. Are you afraid?!"

Wang Yongfu and Xue Long also realized what was going on after hearing this. Isn't this what it is!?
They said quickly:

"Senior Zhang! We are not afraid! In order to maintain world peace, we firmly support Princess Ning Ping's independence movement."

"There are the most Chinese here. The area originally belonged to the Chinese. Of course we are not afraid of death, no matter how many people die! Senior Zhang! Is it Lin Jingli from Borneo City who has the same princess status? We should also organize an independence campaign for her in the future!?"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at Xue Long and Wang Yongfu with a smile and said:
"You finally understand my thoughts! It's just as you think. Ning Ping's affairs are with my mother-in-law, and Lin Jingli's affairs with me should not be exposed for the time being."

"After you separate a group of mercenaries, go separate ways and, under the banner of supporting Princess Ning Ping, unite all the Chinese and start suppressing bandits and working for independence! After this process is completed, it will be legitimate. Confiscate the assets of the Dutch and detain them, and prepare to demand war reparations later."

Looking at the surprised Wang Yongfu and the others, Zhang Kaiwu lit a lonely cigarette and said with a smile:
"From west to east, drive those thugs to New Guinea. They are the natives living there. Of course, we will soon start the work of building a city, and we still need labor."

"We will deal with the rioters in the same way as the city of Borneo. When these islands are settled and the wars are over, we will apply for the establishment of a nation."

Wang Yongfu and Xue Long said quickly:

"Let me do this and make sure I complete the task!"


Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"What's good about that! We are secretly helping to crack down on the crime scenes of the mob and maintain world peace. All previous agreements in the Borneo region are invalidated, and those lands are taken back."

"Announce this to the public. Due to the chaos caused by bandits, our protection is limited. Please pay attention to your own safety. Let the lawyers come here on behalf of the company and sign a mercenary contract with Princess Ning Ping, so that we can prepare for the future disputes with others!"

Wang Yongfu asked quickly:
"Senior Zhang! This place is not a small one. Can you gather more people?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Remember, they are different from us! Because of religious reasons, the people here are not as conscious as those in Borneo City. They don't even have the concept of a country. Don't use it without a letter of surrender!"

"We should transfer as many people as possible from China. If we want to cultivate the bloodiness of the Chinese here, we need to arrange and train them well. First of all, we need to let the people here have a concept of home and country."

Wang Yongfu said quickly:
"We understand. The most important thing is the pledge of allegiance! We all have experience in the work on Sumatra, and it's going very smoothly."

"Then we will also announce to the public that this is Princess Ning Ping's independence movement and won't give anyone else any excuse."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the two people who were trying to remind him to pay attention to his personal safety, and said seriously:

"The current social situation is complicated. People from the United States and Eastern Europe like to make small moves. You should pay attention to your personal safety when you act normally and be careful of other people's decapitation actions."

"This is not the Malay Archipelago. We didn't spend a penny. The Dutch will not give up. There will definitely be reinforcements. There will be all kinds of assassinations, both overtly and covertly."

Wang Yongfu and Xue Long looked at him in surprise, and were almost choked to death by Zhang Kaiwu's words:


How dare you bring up this topic?
The two of them were pressed for time and had heavy tasks to accomplish, so after chatting for a while, they rushed to accept various surrenders.

Under their propaganda, stories began to spread in the Borneo region, saying that today's events were all done by Princess Ning Ping in order to restore the country, and she paid a large sum of money to hire mercenaries to do the work.

The streets quickly returned to normal, and the people here are really Buddhist.

It’s both good and bad!


After the two of them left in silence, a large group of male and female mercenaries armed with live ammunition surrounded the pharmacy from front to back, with at least two battalions of soldiers.

A large group of female mercenaries were helping to pack up, preparing to move their family into Mr. Lin’s former villa.

The mother-in-law came back to her senses, took Zhang Kaiwu's hand and said:
"Kaiwu! How come I didn't know that my family was originally the descendant of a princess?! My family is also going to participate in the independence movement? I don't even know how to do it?" "I'm not afraid of these things, but those things that the princess is supposed to do, no one in our family will do it!"

Zhang Kaiwu patted his mother-in-law, hugged her and said with a smile:

"Mom! Don't worry! If you don't care about anything, you're a good princess. If you run around and play when you have nothing to do and show your presence, you're a very good princess. There is nothing easier than being a princess in this world. Even a fool can do it well."

"There are too many smart people. They will automatically set rules, set reins for themselves, define their work scope, and put on all kinds of traps. If you have a little sense of responsibility, you will be an accomplished princess!"

"Just let professionals do professional things, and just watch more and say less. If others really don't do a good job, you can come out and criticize them. Otherwise, others will criticize you for doing professional things in a nonsense way, and doing nonsense things in a professional way!"

You come to provoke me again!

The beautiful mother-in-law pinched him calmly, and Tong Ling beside him quickly protected him and said:
"Mom! Why did you twist Brother Wu's arm? Isn't it good for him to let you be a princess? He didn't say anything bad about you!"

The mother-in-law glared at her and said with a smile:

"I just want to twist it for a bit! If you make me angry, I will beat you up. Have you become too independent after getting married?"

Zhang Kaiwu immediately hugged the two of them to stop the fight, and said with a smile:

"Okay! Sister Tongling, Mom only touched me for a moment. We are going to move out. There are too many people living here. It will be difficult to maintain safety and it will cause trouble for everyone's work!"

The whole family packed their bags with the help of the mercenaries and took a car to the big villa in the afternoon.

This big villa is not far from the sea and covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 acres. It looks like a large plantation estate.

In accordance with the Chinese living habits, there are mountains and water, the house faces south and north, and there is even a small military camp in front and behind the gate.

It can be seen that Mr. Lin is still a very powerful rich man. His house is much bigger than the Governor's Mansion, and he has a lot of things in his mind, but they are all useless under the huge ships and cannons!
Even his master had desperately surrendered, what could his family do! ?

The speed at which those private troops surrendered was even faster than that of the Dutch, and they were eager to help carry the ladders, for fear that they would be killed by a cannon.


Not far from the manor is the most prosperous port of Jakarta, which is also the trading center of spice commodities from various countries.

The spice planting business of the people in Borneo has been going on for thousands of years.

For more than a thousand years, Great Britain, the Dutch and the French fought for the nutmeg spice business on Lanyu Island, resulting in countless casualties.

All of this is for the production of various spices, lipstick and perfume raw materials.

Later, various spices, lipstick raw materials, and perfume raw materials were successfully planted in other places. For example, black pepper could be planted in many places, and the war became better.

That thousand-year war caused countless casualties and almost drove the Dutch to extinction. A large number of outstanding pirates from Great Britain and France also died.

This thousand-year Spice War even concerns the birth of the United States.

The clever Dutch finally had no choice but to sit down and negotiate with the pirates of Great Britain. They exchanged the North American bridgehead they occupied, the big Manhattan Island (now New York) and Great Britain for the small Lanyu Island. Everyone finally calmed down.

Great Britain began to colonize North America, and the Dutch began to colonize Borneo.

If you peel off the beautiful veil of history of various countries, you will find that there are only various kinds of plunder and robbery left, and there is no beauty at all.

But the Dutch had no idea that during the Millennium Spice War, the British pirates, due to their poor navigation skills, specialized in robbery, sneak attacks and robberies along the way.

They had long discovered that various spices could be grown in Africa and had already started growing them.

The same is true for nutmeg, but the quality is lower.

The Dutch lost Manhattan Island, lost the development dividend of North America, and the spice business also lost its top exclusive dividend. The Sea Coachman eventually declined.

However, the nutmeg here on Lanyu Island is still the best in the world. Whenever the noble gentlemen eat in the restaurant, they always take it out for customers to choose on the spot.

The nutmeg can only be produced on Lanyu Island in the whole of Borneo. High-quality nutmeg has not yet been successfully grown in Africa. Those grown in Africa are only supplied to civilians.

Lanyu Island in Borneo is only a few square kilometers, and produces at most about 1,000 kilograms a year. The price of nutmeg here is still more expensive than gold, and it is sold by the gram.

The rest are just some small businesses such as rubber, grain, and timber.

The current business here is just simple resource plundering.

Like other colonies, the poorer the place, the more food was exported.

As for the locals, it would be best if they starved to death!
In the past, all the businesses here belonged to Mr. Lin’s family, but now of course they belong to Princess Ning Ping’s family and the Princess’ Mansion.

The sisters got in a car and entered the huge manor villa, and were immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery.

The girls, Jinling, Yinling and Tongling, were running around looking at the rooms and the various beautiful scenery in the villa.

There is a seawater swimming pool and a freshwater swimming pool inside the huge villa.

The villa is equipped with air-conditioning appliances, various luxurious decorations, and carpets and floor tiles.

We now have basically everything we need, except for future electronic products.

Zhang Kaiwu arranged the sisters to live in the backyard, inside the master's courtyard, a small yard of more than 2,000 square meters.

Zhang Kaiwu was used to it and was definitely not surprised, but the sisters were shocked. They looked at everything strange and the whole family ran around to see the scenery.

The father-in-law followed his naughty brother-in-law and ran around, and soon he got lost and ran into the woods.

They had to ask people for directions everywhere and finally found their way back!

My brother-in-law was almost scared to death. This house is too big. There is even a forest inside the house!
There are also various gardens, vegetable gardens, and land for growing crops.

Maybe Mr. Lin also planned to be self-sufficient when he was besieged! ?
Sister Jin Ling and the others looked at the various furnishings in the room. The beautiful clothes from the past had not been taken away yet. When they opened the drawers, they saw all kinds of gold and silver jewelry still inside.

Among the various things, only the previous owners are gone, and everything else has been left behind to witness the changes in history.

Zhang Kaiwu asked them to go treasure hunting, and he took the female mercenaries with him to carefully screen the various beautiful maids left in the villa.

With his sharp eyes and rich medical experience, only a part of the beautiful prescription maids remained, and the others were dismissed by Zhang Kaiwu.

He was a decent man, otherwise a more tragic fate would have awaited them.

If the Princess's Mansion needs staff in the future, we can continue to recruit.

The emperor, the courtier, the new generation of Chen.

There are quite a few pretty girls among them. Judging from the way they are dressed, they must have been the apples of their former owners’ eyes. Unfortunately, they are all second-hand goods.

The mercenaries confiscated their belongings and they left with only a few pieces of their clothes and a little severance pay.

Going back to the time before liberation overnight, life is like this, always full of surprises and accidents!

Just look at the result of the Jia family being ransacked in Dream of the Red Chamber and you will know that second-hand goods never have a good end and are hated by everyone.

I just want to ask you if you are afraid!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
There are risks even for small people!
There were more than twenty maids left, and they began to tidy up the rooms and pack up things together with the female mercenaries.

(End of this chapter)

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