Zhu Tian: The Fiery Years Begin with Taking Qin Huairu as a Concubine

Chapter 329: Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Spicy and Salty Feelings

Chapter 329: Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Spicy and Salty Feelings
They didn't care about the construction of their own country, they didn't want to open a new factory, they didn't want to spend a penny in their own country, but they cashed out a lot of funds and took them out of Great Britain.

Now it’s even more outrageous!
The nobles and members of parliament throughout Great Britain mortgaged their various assets to Citibank in the United States and the Kaiwu Bank in Borneo.

They cashed out a large amount of funds, went to the Republic of Borneo, and registered a new energy company.

This is something that even the master of his own house is unwilling to do. Is he ready to sell off his belongings in Great Britain and run away to the Republic of Borneo to be a servant?!
are you crazy!?

There are many conflicts in Great Britain now, and there are various demonstrations every day, but they turn a blind eye.

Can't they see that all kinds of high-tech talents in China, along with all kinds of high-tech talents in Europe, are running away to the Republic of Borneo! ?

They are almost unable to make ends meet in Great Britain, the unemployment rate has not been resolved, the City of London has just filled the potholes on the road, but they are investing heavily in the Republic of Borneo.

The situation in Elizabeth's family was even more outrageous. In order to obtain a loan from Citibank, she mortgaged her ancestors' large manor and even the palace.

Their family took the lead in cooperating in various investments, and the name of the new company was called the Royal British Energy Company.

That crude oil reserve base plus the company's fundraising this time, it has suddenly become a world-class energy company. What is her family trying to do! ?

Are they going to abandon Great Britain, sell it to America, and return to West Germany! ?
Countless people were marching and demonstrating there, but no one came out to explain.

Things like parades are not important, no one cares!
The conflicts between the nobles and them are already profound, and the influence of the nobles has been weakened time and again.

Even a clay Buddha can get angry!
As for the King of Great Britain, forget it. It is said that he left a telegram for a dancing girl. He has been away from home alone for three years, and the public does not even know where he has gone.

Even those who know won’t tell, like Elizabeth’s mother! ?

Princess Elizabeth had privately severed ties with him three years ago.

You really can't imagine how ridiculous this world is.

This time, when Elizabeth's family started this energy company, her relatives came out to support her, offering their own houses and a few cash to help her.

No one from Great Britain came out to support her. There were only accusations and even suspicion that she was selling her property to commit treason.

Amidst the overwhelming accusations and insults, Elizabeth understood a lot!

Our family is now actually a mascot, a symbol! ?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Before the onlookers could react to the news and were happily eating melons, new developments came from the stock market.

The commotion was so big that the entire European stock market was impacted.

This new energy company was sweeping the market with real money, using more than 100 million US dollars to buy out all the scattered shares of Royal Dutch Shell in the market.

Without waiting for the Dutch to react, they launched a tough offer to acquire all the stocks listed in Shell, regardless of the consequences, and placed acquisition orders on the stock market without regard for the consequences.

This newly established energy company was also frantically going long on Royal Dutch Shell shares in the futures market for hedging.

With the guarantee of two large banks and the trading rules, he placed a three-fold long order of 10 billion US dollars in one go, which was many times higher than the total market value of Royal Dutch Shell. That crazy momentum scared everyone.

Inside Royal Dutch Shell, the company watched its own stock price soar, doubling in just one day, making it feel flustered.

Looking at the crazy long orders of more than 10 billion US dollars in the futures market, small shareholders are trembling with fear that the company will go bankrupt tomorrow, and they cash out and run away.


If the stock price cannot be brought down, who will compensate the money in the futures company?
The futures market has collapsed, but they are unwilling to short sell. With such an aggressive attitude, how many stocks can others dare to buy?

Fill it with tens of billions of dollars! ?
That’s nonsense!

The Dutch Royal Shell company had no choice but to turn to Elizabeth Energy because their crazy actions had already taken control of more than half of the shares.

In order to save its life, Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company's stock trading was suspended with the help of the Dutch government.

Simple and crude means!

The lawyers at Elizabeth Energy had already prepared the negotiation process, stating investment facts and using hard facts.

We are not maliciously doing this to disrupt the market. We have discovered some news that you don't know. Your northern theater of operations has a large amount of natural gas reserves, which happens to be the land of your company.

We are actually all here to invest, the stock market is free! ?

They also discussed with the Dutch Water Conservancy Committee. Since the Water Conservancy Committee has the management rights over the exploitation of natural gas resources, can they reorganize the company?
Inside the Water Conservancy Committee, it is like sitting at home and having joy from heaven!
Accept this overwhelming wealth and get involved.

The chairman of Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company finally understood the specific reason behind the incident.

Looking at the group of people with their mouths wide open at the table, and looking at the team of lawyers sharpening their knives.

The game is over!
Under the double pressure, Royal Dutch Shell had no choice but to restructure its equity and go public.

Because if the situation drags on for too long, it will be time to apply for a trading suspension and then reopen.

Elizabeth Energy Company dared to leak the news of the discovery of natural gas, causing the stock price to rise wildly and cashing in, then taking tens of billions of dollars in revenue from the futures market and running away.

If the company's stocks are mortgaged to the Bank of the United States at a high price and then cashed out, tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of US dollars will be cashed out. The entire Dutch economy will be dragged down by this money.

That huge amount of foreign debt really went into the bank, where the interest rates were very high.

Not only will the natural gas fields be lost, the Netherlands will not be able to recover in the next few decades!
As for the use of force, intentionally or unintentionally, many British ships and aircraft carrier fleets have arrived at the Dutch ports, leaving them no room for resistance.

Everyone had to sit down and discuss things properly. Fortunately, the British team did not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, because this company would be a European gold purse in the future.

After promising not to sell off shares in large quantities, the reorganized Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company re-issued shares.

Elizabeth Energy Company included Earl Zhang’s shares, which suddenly accounted for 51% of the shares and made him the actual controller.

The Netherlands Water Commission holds a 20 percent stake and Royal Dutch Shell holds a 29 percent stake.

Just half a month later, a bloody stock war came to an end.

In order to safeguard national interests, Shell Oil Company announced that a large amount of natural gas may be discovered in the northern region.

Royal Dutch Shell's stock began to be relisted, and the share price increased fifty times that day, with more than ten consecutive daily limits. It looked like it would continue to rise, and it was impossible to stop rising.

The Netherlands Water Commission and Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company, which had suddenly become rich, were both filled with bitterness.

The market value of the company is estimated to have to increase by at least a hundred times before it can stabilize. The company, which was originally worth about one billion US dollars, has suddenly increased to a hundred billion level.

Even if they both become rich, this may not even be the end, the company is still controlled by them, just supervised.

But there was a big blood-sucking leech in my company's system, and I lost more than half of my shares out of thin air. The feeling was really indescribable.

It has all the feelings of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty!

Zhang Kaiwu did not have much time to waste here waiting for the results. He went to the Gold Reserve Trading Center a week ago and withdrew the 5,000 tons of gold reserves that he had acquired during this period.

The war is about to break out, and no one knows how the situation will evolve.

He couldn't stay here for long, so he spent a few days comforting Jessica, Hepburn and the others.

He was afraid that others would do something desperate and kill their creditors, so he ran away with his mother-in-law and returned to the Republic of Borneo!
News from the Netherlands comes one after another, with good news constantly coming in.

Specific exploration results from the northern region continued to come in, and large natural gas fields were actually discovered one after another.

At various celebratory balls held by the nobles in the city of London, the singing and dancing simply could not be stopped.

Discovering a natural gas field is like a flood of wealth and a dance party that really can’t be stopped.

Every day when the stock market opens, Shell Oil Company's stock price hits the daily limit, having increased more than a hundred times.

After everyone mortgaged some stocks and paid off the bank loan, they suddenly found that everyone seemed to have become rich, and they all rushed to treat each other to a meal.

He simply followed Earl Zhang and tinkered with things for a month, and his assets increased by more than a hundred times.

Although I can’t get all the cash for now, and I’m not willing to sell my stocks, but in the future, everyone can collect rent and live the life of a landlord! ?
These nobles and congressmen received shares of a fortune worth a fortune, which was enough to easily pay off the US$413 billion government loan to the United States.

But who would have that idea!?

Asking noble gentlemen and parliamentarians to use their own money to pay off the national debt is simply beyond their dreams!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Moreover, this Elizabeth Energy Company is registered in the Republic of Borneo. According to the actual situation, a lot of funds have been withdrawn, making Great Britain even poorer.

Even after becoming rich, the few ideas that people had for opening industrial factories were dispelled by this harvest.

It was defeated and disappeared without a trace!
Running a machine factory, you work hard but earn little money, and you have to deal with labor lawsuits all the time.

Instead of thinking of opening a factory, it would be better to invest more in Elizabeth's crude oil reserve base, buy more crude oil reserves, and wait to collect the money.

With Zhang Bojue's business acumen, when has he ever done anything at a loss?

Businesses worth tens of billions of dollars are really just small businesses!

Those who followed Earl Zhang to start a pharmaceutical company, who didn't make a fortune! ?

The gains from the acquisition of Shell Oil Company were truly eye-opening.

Zhang Bojue didn't spend a penny, he just organized some people and earned a little bank loan guarantee fee.

But how many times has his original 20% of the stock increased?

How many small businesses are they?

The London citizens outside began to brag about Elizabeth's successful transaction.

It turns out that she was not planning to run away, but actually had a vision for investment. She was a business genius who had made her own fortune from scratch!

The TV and newspapers were full of reports praising her.

Everyone wanted to buy shares in her Royal Energy Company, but unfortunately it was not listed at all.


Elizabeth's family also received dividends for the first time in nearly a hundred years.

There were more than a hundred relative representatives at the family banquet, each representing a family. Many of them were people she had never met before, but they were all relatives who supported her.

It’s a sunny day today!
There was a bustling crowd on the grass, and everyone's face was filled with happiness and pride, and was tanned red by the sun.

This time her gains were very large, a little exaggerated. With the strong support of Earl Zhang's funds, she made more than 15 billion US dollars in stock gains.

But basically they are all stock shares. She now owns about 10% of Shell Oil Company.

This time, I just pledged a small amount of stocks, really just a little bit of stocks, to pay off all the loans and cash out 100 million US dollars.

In fact, she didn't want to cash out, as the stock would obviously rise. She wanted to thank them for their support and for the decent life of her relatives.

She looked at her relatives lying on the grass in the square, seeing their proud and accepting expressions, and remembered Zhang Kaiwu's rude truth: no one would do anything without money.

Arrange your family first, then talk about other things.

Looking at their embarrassing attire, life must be really not easy for these relatives!

She sat in a chair on the lawn while the housekeeper called out the names of the families and handed out checks.

The amount ranges from as low as 700,000 to 800,000 US dollars to as high as over 1 million US dollars. All amounts are calculated based on the actual population of the family.

The relatives who received the money took turns kissing the back of her hands to express their gratitude, with tears of pride in their eyes.

Someone kept choking and saying:

"Elizabeth! You are great. You are different from your father and grandfather. I am so proud of you! I am also proud of my family!"

She kept patting the backs of their hands and said comfortingly:

"My company will have stock dividends every year, and my family will also have dividends every year. The hard days are over."

After handing out the checks, I invited all the relatives to a celebratory dance party and saw everyone was so happy.

Judging from what happened this time, she also gained a lot. She really reached the end and was in a desperate situation, where only her relatives could help her.

Even if some of the help is utilitarian, or maybe just insignificant verbal support at the time, it is also a rare family affection!

Elizabeth also had a great deal of happiness and pride in her success, but her good mood began to turn into annoyance the next morning.

Someone sent her a thick pile of debt bills and a letter from home. The butler placed them on her desk with an expressionless face and stood beside her without saying a word.

She was designated as the heir, and her father abandoned his status and position in a letter, asking her to help pay the bills.

The thick bill included newly purchased Cuban cigars, a new car, and a new house.

There are actually a lot of baby products, children's clothes, and milk powder costs.

He heard that she had become rich, so he came to rob her.

If she had been in her old temper, she would have sent the bill back or thrown it in the trash.

But now that she's rich, these bills are really just a drop in the bucket.

Having gone through a lot, Elizabeth asked exhaustedly:

"Mr. Butler! What do you think I should do now? Inherit the family? Pay off these bills?"

The butler had a blank expression on his face and said nothing.

After sitting there and thinking for a long time, she stuffed the letter into the drawer, rubbed her temples and whispered:

"Mr. Butler! Please help pay off the bank bills! It's not decent to owe the bank money. Also, send him one million US dollars so that he can live a decent life."

"Don't tell these things to your mother!"

The butler took the bill and went to deal with it with an expressionless face.


The test for the Republic of Borneo has come.

Less than two days after Zhang Kaiwu returned to Borneo, he welcomed a delegation from the United States and another delegation from Eastern Europe.

The two planes landed one after the other, basically arriving at the same time, both coming to visit Princess Ning Ping.

It is worth mentioning that among the Eastern Europeans there are Mr. Sean and Annette, two old acquaintances who came all of a sudden.

I guess he's here to play the emotional card! ?

But looking at the Eastern European delegation, the number of people is a bit too large.

The staff structure consists of five men and ten women, all of whom are pretty girls, which is a bit indecent.

Princess Ning Ping and Earl Zhang welcomed them warmly, and everyone got to know each other again and were very enthusiastic.

Whether it is the delegation from the United States or the delegation from Eastern Europe.

A sincere and kind smile appeared on everyone's face, as if they had met their loved ones.

Never mind how hard they fight, even if a proxy war is about to start.

On the surface, everything seems very harmonious, and everyone knows that the two of them will never personally get involved in a fight.

The nature is different. It’s hard to stop after the fight gets intense!
Zhang Kaiwu smiled and hugged Annette, patted her buttocks, and secretly played with the big walnut.

(End of this chapter)

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