Chapter 337 Sister-in-law is here
As one rises, the other falls! Indra changes all the time. As long as he is in the position of ruler, he is Indra who fights with Asura. The affinity of this system is too great.

So no matter who comes, they have to accept this set of tricks and integrate them into their own use.

After all, no one who has worked so hard to win the war would want to become a Brahmin, a Shudra or a Dalit! ?

During the several changes back and forth, the new Brahmins were always able to transform the former Brahmins into Kshatriyas, and Hinduism was always able to integrate them.

For example, when Indra is fighting with Asura, he can transform into a beautiful woman all of a sudden, all for the purpose of fighting.

For example, although Lord Shiva is married to Brahma, it does not prevent him from marrying several wives, and his wives will bring hope to the lower class people.

The Rat Temple gives hope to the lower-class people.

Although he could not become a Brahmin, he had another choice, which was to become a mouse and survive.

If you are not ruthless, you cannot stand firm!

Without a heart of tolerance and understanding, you really cannot be an Indian.

No wonder there are many Indian strongmen who insist that the third sister-in-law was transformed from a woman, or that he divorced his wife and married a sacred bull.

Behind all the absurdities, there is a case study to support them.

Because there is no precedent, it is very difficult for an uneducated person to innovate!


Zhang Kaiwu rubbed his head to calm down, then he and his father-in-law lit a cigar and smoked it for a long time.

We chatted for a while until we calmed down.

He then took a group of people onto a few buses, took them to his own estate, and directly to Shriya Saran's yard.

Shriya Saran's yard is not small, covering several thousand square meters.

He took Shriya Saran and arranged rooms for the girls and also arranged rooms for the two elderly people.

Although they didn't sleep on the carpet, the two old people were quite satisfied with the place.

They were Brahmins who had seen the world and stayed in hotels, and they could tell that their daughter's living environment was not bad and she lived a happy life.

The estate was much larger than their village and was clean and beautiful.


Shriya Saran was showing off by showing her mother her diamonds worth hundreds of millions of dollars, which almost blinded their eyes.

This made my father-in-law's straight back suddenly bend a lot.

I thought I had made a fortune selling medicine, but now it seems that the dowry is still a big problem!
My father-in-law almost told you to return all those things!
My sister-in-law Alicia looked at the big diamond and couldn't open her eyes. She gently touched the big diamond and her white fingers were printed purple!

Sally yelled:

"Sister! Can you sell me a pink diamond? I have money!"

Shriya Saran said categorically:

"Sister Sally! Even if I sell you, you are not worth a pink diamond. One diamond costs about 20 million US dollars, which is worth 1 billion rupees. I only have this one! A normal one costs 100 million rupees. Do you have money?"

"Just take a look at it. This big one is worth almost 10 billion rupees. I want to leave them to my children! When my child is born, he will immediately become a billionaire."

Sally thought about her high salary of 10,000 rupees, bulged her eyes, touched the big diamond, and said tentatively:

"Didn't you ever think of cutting it open?"

Do you want to get some scraps?
Shriya Saran looked at her and said:

"Fool! Such a beautiful big colored diamond will lose half its value if it is cut! It will be a loss of 5 billion rupees, or even more."

"Because it's so big and precious, it will only become more valuable in the future. It's much more cost-effective than depositing it in the bank!"

The father-in-law, who was smoking a cigar and drinking tea with Zhang Kaiwu, looked at the pile of diamonds that Shi Ruiya was fiddling with and his mouth twitched. He said quickly:

"Pandit Chang! Why did you give her so many diamonds? She is so stupid. What if she loses such an expensive thing?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"It's okay! It's all for fun. She was lucky to get a big diamond. You guys can stay here for a while longer. The scenery here is very beautiful."

Shali didn't achieve her goal with her sister, so she ran over, hugged him and said coquettishly:
"Brother-in-law! My sister-in-law and I came all the way to see you, and brought so many beautiful maids with us, but you didn't give us any gifts?"

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her little head, handed her a few big diamonds, gave a few to his sister-in-law, and a few to his mother-in-law next to him.


"Here are some gifts for you! Unfortunately we don't have any colorful ones left, they snatched them all away last time! You can use these to make a set of jewelry as gifts, and come back for more if you don't have enough."

Sally's eyes suddenly lit up and she grabbed the diamond!
My brother-in-law is still the best. He spends hundreds of millions of rupees at will! Although not as beautiful as the colored diamond, it is also very beautiful!
Sister-in-law Alicia held the diamond in her hand and looked at him lovingly, she was so excited!
This is the first time I have received such a valuable gift. It is so beautiful!
The Indian father-in-law looked at his handiwork and knew that he was doomed!
It will be difficult to complete the reincarnation offering in the future. How many medicines should I sell to marry my daughter decently? ?

The mother-in-law looked at the big, sparkling diamond in her hand and was so excited that she forgot to refuse. Her heart was pounding. This son-in-law was so arrogant.

Several people immediately fell in love with the big diamonds in their hands!

Shriya Saran also finished showing off, displaying her happy life, and took them downstairs for dinner.

According to the living habits of the Brahmins, we prepared Western food for them today: steak and soup, plus some vegetable salad and wine.

It was a little awkward during dinner, as some of the girls were Kshatriyas and they asked to sit on the ground nearby and eat with banana leaves.

And they are not Brahmins, they are all from the Wal-Mart family, and they cannot eat beef. The dishes on the table can only be vegetarian.

Zhang Kaiwu quickly arranged for Shriya Saran to coordinate, saying that this was not India and they had to eat according to the local rules.

After a lot of persuasion, they finally accepted Western food, but they couldn't eat together because it was impolite.

Shriya Saran had lived here for a long time and her views had changed a lot, but she could only rearrange things and give them separate tables for dining.

Fortunately, there are no people from the other two castes, otherwise we would not be able to eat today’s meal and would have to find banana leaves to eat outside.

There is a big difference between the girls of Brahmins and Kshatriyas and those of the other two castes, and it can be seen at a glance from their skin color.

Strictly speaking, Brahmins are of orthodox Ukrainian Slavic race. The girls have white skin, thin lips, blue eyes and narrow noses.

Most of the Kshatriyas have the surname Wal-Mart. The girls of Wal-Mart also have white skin, grey eyes, rounder noses and thicker lips. They are not of the same race at all.

The other castes are the Dravidians and the Stan people, who have dark skin, in fact strictly speaking their skin is the same brown as their hair, and have very thick lips.

However, the races in India are very mixed. Except for the Brahmins and Kshatriyas, the others are actually one race, similar to the primitive people of Borneo.

Almost like the Australian Aboriginals!
Zhang Kaiwu noticed that these girls were from the Karni Mata Temple in Rajasthan.

This was the first time he discovered that the temple managers were not Brahmins, and he was quite curious about their clothes and appearance.


Sister Alicia was eating with him. Seeing his curious look, she whispered to him:

"Dear Zhang! Those girls are Shali's former classmates. Shali's ragged clothes might have been learned from them."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled, this was probably true.

Sally's ex-lover was beaten to death, and he was bewitched by those girls. He might even start raising mice to express his feelings.

After dinner, a group of pretty girls were there preparing musical instruments, a group of dancers began to warm up, and the girls from the family also gathered around to watch the fun.

Sister Lin Dai and her sisters Su Xiaoyao were even more eager to try. After watching for a while, they started to learn to dance with the Indian girl.

They had all practiced singing before and had some solid dancing skills, so they had a lot of fun playing.

Shriya and the maids pulled the hesitant sisters up to practice dancing.

They are so happy!

Zhang Kaiwu was smoking a cigarette and drinking tea. His sister-in-law and Sally were beside him with a group of beautiful maids to help with massage. Sally introduced her classmate and said, "Emily Brent Walmart! She is a graduate student studying management and is also the manager of the Nimata Temple. The temple is not doing well, so she came here to learn."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the girl, who looked like a pure and beautiful Kshatriya girl, and said to her with a smile:

"Your MBA management program in India is very strong. It is the best university in India. Great Britain always brags that your program is the best in the world. I have never studied management. You may have found the wrong person."

This MBA is really amazing. They are all thugs carefully trained by Great Britain and are very good at managing employees.

It has produced many notorious cases and a considerable number of talented people, including several European CEOs and even two presidents.

Too bad it's all bullshit!

What they are best at is using contract traps to drive their employees to death. Outsiders cannot manage those employees when they go to India, so they have to come here.

When Indians see their MBAs, they are like mice seeing a cat and they can't wait to work for them with all their heart and soul.

The most notorious case is the case of the female sugarcane workers in India. Through a contract trap, an entire family was tied to the sugarcane fields, working for a lifetime and owing a huge debt.

In order to eliminate the menstrual period, I took out a loan to remove the uterus, which is really against human nature.

But then again, there are too many Indians, and the Brahmins and Kshatriyas have never treated them as human beings.


Zhang Kaiwu didn't have any favorable impression on this MBA. To put it bluntly, he was just a thug hired by Great Britain. He relied on contract traps to cheat his fellow countrymen and still called himself an elite!

The reason why Great Britain brags about them is to fool senior workers and manage non-senior workers. The MBA model from beginning to end was designed by Great Britain.

Their motto is: As long as I have no morals, morality cannot hold me hostage.

Although Emily Brent's clothes were tattered, she had the demeanor of a graduate student and said openly:
"The Nimata Temple is a temple with a long history, but it is now in a bad state. I don't know how to maintain it."

"We can also cooperate with your pharmaceutical company to help sell drugs, which will definitely help you take your drug sales to the next level."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at her in surprise, not understanding how a graduate student receiving an elite education could have such a bizarre idea!
Emily Brent said quickly:

"I'm a graduate student and I'm very familiar with your medicines."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said directly:
"Money is a small matter. I will not agree to cooperate with you. Your rat is too lethal and will affect our brand image."

"As a graduate student, I don't know if you have studied biology. I hope you can check it out when you have time."

Emily Brent said quickly:

"Of course I studied biology and I know about bacteria. What we have there are not ordinary mice, they are people with souls."

This girl came here excitedly to recommend herself, probably wanting to use her expertise to sell medicine in the contract! ?
Or is it through a contract trap, Kaka's noble fellow?

The girl is still too young. She doesn’t know that there is a way to kill creditors, and she doesn’t understand the dangers of the world.

If you want to get everything you want, you must have the strength to support it.

The power struggle in India is a mess. Even after sixty years, can the Indian government be on equal terms with the Brahmins?

The tricks of their MBA can only be used to deal with the poor people under them, while Zhang Kaiwu’s medicines are sold to rich people.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked curiously:
"After studying for your MBA, can you command those rats?!"

Emily Brent smiled ingratiatingly and said:

"Sir! There are many loopholes in your pharmaceutical contract. If the government investigates, your company may suffer losses. The sales price can also be redesigned."


Zhang Kaiwu also laughed and asked his father-in-law next to him:
"What if someone wants to default on the debt, or cause trouble for taxation, as she said!?"

The father-in-law also laughed and said:
"Maybe the girl is overthinking! In fact, it doesn't matter whether there is a contract or not. The property in the temple and the people in the government are all respectable. Why would they do such a boring thing?"

"If you don't believe me, why don't you try suing me?"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Maybe the plaintiff will be gone before the trial even begins! ?

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:

"Okay! Emily, just tell me what your purpose is! I don't have time to play this kind of game with you. I have a million mercenaries, don't you understand?"

"Maybe they are the only ones who want someone to find something to do, otherwise they will be bored to death!"

My father-in-law smiled and said that the vast majority of temples in India have signed contracts with pharmaceutical companies and have never paid a penny of tax.

The Indian government wants to hold someone accountable, but some people are causing trouble. This is simply a joke.

Emily Brent says:

"Sir! You import a lot of sugar and rice from India. Why don't you think about growing them yourself? You don't lack land and people here."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I don't have anyone now. Even though I have a lot of people, I actually have a lot of things to do. Besides, I'm not interested in planting sugarcane and food, which are low-income things. It's better to buy some and save trouble."

Emily Brent smiled and said:

"Can you leave this to me? I'll take care of everything from the personnel to the planting management. You just need to give me a piece of land and sit back and collect the money."

Damn it!

This girl has been working for a long time, is she planning to become a foreman?!

Looking at her innocent and beautiful face, Zhang Kaiwu thought for a moment and said:

"I can't do anything like promoting faith here, and I can't send men here to work, and I can't do the tricks you have in India."

Emily Brent was about to speak.

Zhang Kaiwu interrupted her and said:

"Don't worry about the harvest. I have machines for harvesting and ploughing. You just need people to take care of the land. No heavy labor is needed. No restrictions on the freedom of female workers are allowed. If you marry a woman in the local area, I will give you a subsidy of 1,000 rupees."

"The wages of the female workers must be three times higher than those in India. I will buy all the sugar and grain. I know that land in India is very expensive. The price of land here is half of that in India."

Emily Brent immediately smiled and said:

"Deal! I understand. How much land can you give me?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"As long as you can handle this matter well, there is no limit to the land you can plant. You can plant as much land as you can afford. You can try planting one million acres first."

"I have another request. I need you to build public toilets, restrain the nature of employees, and abide by local living habits."

Emily Brent smiled and said:

"Sir! I will take care of everything for you! Transportation is a little inconvenient right now. Can the girls I invited take your freighter?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course! Change these tattered clothes later. They look a bit disgusting."

Emily Brent kissed the palm of his hand, made a sneaky gesture, tapped his foot, and left with a seductive smile.

The tattered clothes made her look a bit tempting, and her beautiful figure was clearly visible, streamlined.

This innocent and beautiful looking girl once again made him look at her in a different light, making full use of her physical advantages.

Using every possible means is the normal method for MBAs.

Sally looked at her good friend, hugged him angrily, and whispered:

"Pandit Zhang! I saw her sucking your finger! I thought she really came here for the Rat Temple, I didn't expect she was such a person!"

(End of this chapter)

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