Chapter 340 Place
A few days later, a mixed fleet rushed out of the Strait of Malacca in a mighty manner, including four large battleships and a dozen patrol boats.

Under the flags of the Republic of Borneo and Great Britain, they swept through the entire Southeast Asian waters with their wolf-like and ferocious posture, which could not be stopped at all.

The Strait of Malacca was blocked, but Japanese cargo ships and fishing boats were still active throughout the Asian waters.

The army that was engaged in the anti-bandit operation seized and confiscated all the large Japanese fishing boats and cargo ships along the way, detained the sailors and ship owners, and sent them back to the Republic of Borneo to build its own infrastructure.

There were also resistances along the way. For example, a Japanese cargo ship was about to start sailing. Seeing the black smoke coming out of the chimney of the cargo ship, the mercenaries of the fleet shouted excitedly:

"They are pirates, and they are trying to escape! Get ready! Fire!"

The commander of the British fleet kept shouting:

"No, no, no! We can recover it. We can catch it alive!"


A 406mm main gun had already opened fire, and in less than a minute, the freighter was seen slowly sinking to the bottom of the water.

The fleet cheered for a while and did not stop, moving slowly away.

The recorder quickly made the record and received another sum of extra money.

Those small fishing boats didn't even have the chance to surrender. The tugboats were too troublesome, so they were all arranged to be shot at.

The recorder wrote in his notebook:

"We wiped out a small group of pirates, using three seven-meter disguised fishing boats. This also brought us five dollars, three boats for fifteen dollars."

They were so enthusiastic in their work that they even robbed Japanese ships that were moored at other people's docks. These were ships that were in collusion with pirates, and even the cargo on the ships was evidence of their crimes.

The Japanese make their living from the sea. Their lifeline depends on ships, and there are a lot of ships.

All kinds of distress telegrams flew back to Japan like snowflakes, adding insult to injury!
Various protest telegrams kept flying into the Republic of Borneo and into Great Britain.

Princess Ningping of the Republic of Borneo simply replied:
"They are colluding with pirates, and we are just doing normal operations to capture the pirates."

The spokesperson from Great Britain responded in a similar way:
"Eliminate crime and crack down on piracy."

The world is just like this, everyone is just trying to be more tolerant and just live one day at a time.


A few days later, just after lunch, Emily Brent invited him to come for a visit and asked him to help arrange a place to grow sugar cane.

He also understood that they were not looking at the sugarcane fields, but that the body had recovered and was inviting him to go for a tour.

Zhang Kaiwu drove an open jeep and took a group of girls to the outskirts of Jakarta.

It is already the end of August, the dry season, and we are not afraid of rain.

Emily Brent looked at the large amounts of abandoned land on both sides of the road and could not help saying:
"Sir! How come there is nothing planted on so much land?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You're looking at it wrong. There are things planted in those lands."

He stopped the car on the side of the road, pointed at the wasteland-like land, jumped out of the jeep, and said:

"Look carefully! This is a sweet potato. This is corn. The seeds are a little degraded. This is a local vegetable. The leaves are picked and eaten. This one is probably much older than you."

He pulled up a sweet potato with only two duck egg-sized fruits on it and said with a smile:

"I estimate the age of the green vegetables to be at least fifteen years old! Judging from the size of this sweet potato, this sweet potato field must be at least thirty years old."

Emily Brent smiled and said:

"Sir! I know everything in these fields. Are you sure they are planted? These are all wild. The weeds next to them are taller than the corn."

"It's such a waste of land. I don't know how much it will produce after just two seasons of planting. We can't even eat it all!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You misunderstood. These crops are indeed planted, but they may have been planted decades ago. When local people need them, they will come to pick them. For example, this sweet potato only needs to be planted once, and then it can be picked unlimitedly. Just throw its roots here."

"You can't imagine how lazy the people here are, and this land is near the city. Those more remote places are even more wild than here."

Emily Brent and the girls looked at the lands with such heartache.

Zhang Kaiwu noticed that there were no people in the thatched huts in the distance. The people here were probably enthusiastically taken away by Wang Yongfu and his team to work on infrastructure projects, with food, accommodation and burial services provided.

A group of people got on the jeep again and walked forward for a short distance. In front of them, there was a river passing by and she saw a more desolate place.

On both sides of the endless river, there were endless plains, but apart from some weeds, big trees, and various strange and bizarre plants, there were no crops at all.

Although no one lives here, a steel and concrete bridge has been built across the river, a wide road has been opened, and the infrastructure work has been completed.

Zhang Kaiwu parked the jeep under a big tree and asked:
"The land here is more fertile and easy to irrigate. How about this place? From the place where we planted sweet potatoes just now to here, I estimate that there are more than three million acres. I will use a tractor to open up the land for you and install a water conservancy system."

"There are a lot of forests around, so we can cut down some trees to build temporary houses. What do you think?"

Emily Brent put her arm around him and said:
"Sir! That's great! Can I plant all of these? I don't have the money to pay in advance, so I can only pay by selling sugarcane."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
If I wait for you to develop slowly, it would delay things too much.

No matter which aspect, a large amount of white sugar is needed now.

Zhang Kaiwu took her to the riverside, pointed to the clear water, showed her a small crocodile, and said:
"Money is a small matter. I can even pay part of the loan in advance so that you can get things done earlier. Of course, there is no problem with the land. You can also grow some food for your own use."

"There are a lot of crocodiles here. Don't go down to the river easily. You can kill them if you need to, and it can improve your life. When the time comes, you can ask for some guns and ammunition for hunting and self-defense. There are often wild animals here, and I allow you to hunt as you like. I only have one request, that the sanitation system be well maintained!"

"If you can do well according to my conditions, I will give you more land next time."

Emily Brent climbed into the car with a smile, took a blanket from the jeep, and said gratefully:
"I know what you want! Thank you so much. Sir! Do you need any service?"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her, played with the two little walnuts, gave her a kiss, and watched her rush forward with the girls.

Emily Brent smiled and said:

"Sir! I will take care of everything for you. You are so generous."

Zhang Kaiwu ignored her and lay on the blanket, watching the girls practice drinking techniques and playing with the small walnuts.

Emily Brent sat down, put his head on her lap, massaged his head, and said with deep emotion:

"What a beautiful and rich place! I estimate that this piece of land alone can support three million families in India."

Indian women are serious about farming and have a kind of enthusiasm called sacrifice. Although Chinese people are very good at farming, they cannot compare with these women.

Because Indian men do not farm the land, it is actually women who work on the land.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:
"As a graduate student, why don't you live in Great Britain and stay in India to develop your career?!"

Emily Brent explains:
"When I was in college, I was only ten years old, which was too young. Great Britain left at that time because I was too young to join them. After two years of graduate school, I wanted to do something for women in India."

Tsk tsk tsk tsk!

This is also a genius girl like Xiaojiu! ?
But think about the MBA admission process. India doesn't even have high schools. It's similar to Yenching University, with a recommendation system. Maybe she was recommended because she's smart in studying, so there's nothing strange about it.

So far, India only has this one management university, which was previously a trick created for the convenience of Britain's rule.

We need managers but we cannot allow India to really have basic education and development.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:

"Hiss! You've read so many books, and your homeland has been colonized for so long, do you hate the people of Great Britain?"

Emily Brent scoffed as she explained:
"How is that possible! In fact, apart from a few Indian politicians, few people want independence, because the new Indian government is even more ruthless. After the Mahatma came to power, he made a lot of money, which is much more ruthless than the people in Great Britain."

"At least the Governor-General of Great Britain opposed child marriage and made laws. He also knew to leave some food to keep people alive. Few Indians who left would return. Those who were able to afford it took their families with them."

This is a wise person!

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her, played with the two big small walnuts, and said, "I think they are just a false propaganda show in Great Britain, and they don't take it seriously at all. Hiss!"

Emily Brent smiled charmingly and said:

"But at least they built water conservancy projects and railways. Even Mumbai was built by them by reclaiming land. They always had a false attitude and maintained order. India also had a good time for a while."

"India today is just picking up old ground. It has not developed at all and is still on a downward trend."

Zhang Kaiwu thought for a moment and asked with a smile:

"You're right! Even if it's a hypocritical attitude, it's still a good attitude towards the people below! Hmm! Is there no saint in your Rat Temple!?"

Emily Brent said stubbornly:
"Although there are some, they are all voluntary. At least there is no coercion, and those children do not do this. You can verify it with Sally, she used to go there often."

"I kept all the little girls I took in behind the temple and taught them to learn to read and do some simple handicrafts."

"Even though I can't make much money from selling them, I can still make some money as a subsidy."

This little girl is a person with a story and a bottom line, which is really hard to tell.

At first, Zhang Kaiwu felt that she was a high-level green tea bitch, and she turned out to be such a girl.

not easy!
People’s hearts are hidden; judge a person by his actions.

It has become a custom in Indian families to throw their daughters into temples because of the high dowry.

There are even some people in India who give their daughters to cannibal monks to marry.

Some Indian families will send their newlywed daughters to live in a temple for a few days to ward off evil spirits, and they have to pay a fee.

There are also people who have been married for a while but have no children and send their children to the temple to pray for children. There are all kinds of strange things.

There are so many ugly habits in India that I can't even complain about them all. Except for the girls of Brahmins and Kshatriyas, the situation of that woman is the worst in the world, living in hell.

Even seventy years later, not much has changed.

Those Indian leaders, Brahmins and Kshatriyas are all educated elites, don’t they know these drawbacks! ?
Of course we know, but for various reasons everyone deliberately ignores it. Indians like this are the easiest to manage, aren't they?
The demons are dancing wildly!

Compared with them, Sha Zhu's attitude towards He Yushui can be regarded as saintly.

If we were to talk about the greatest devil in this world, it would be Sakyamuni.

Under the influence of religion, the simplest regulation is that in the vast majority of states in India, the legal condition for conviction of forced communication is that the girl must be unmarried and innocent.

It doesn’t count unless you are innocent!

Even if it is a girl from a high caste, it would take seven or eight years to file a lawsuit, and it is very difficult to go through the legal process. They just want to seek justice, and there is also a simple way.

Destroy people, destroy families, destroy clans, destroy villages...

All people were also asked to visit and announce that they had been tempted by the devil, so that everyone would know the consequences of provoking a Brahmin.

The striking effect of the trinity of body, life and soul.

Over time, the experience engraved in their bones will let them know that there are some things that cannot be done!

It would be fine if this happened to people of low caste, but they don't have the money to support lawyer fees for more than ten years, not to mention that they may not win in the end.

Even if you win, it may not be executed. You may die of old age.

It would be better to find a way out when there is a chance and call a few people to fight, otherwise just endure it.

The United States cannot even win the lawsuit in India. Just imagine how difficult that is.

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and asked curiously:

"You're a graduate student, don't you think the Rat Temple is ridiculous? Hiss!"

Emily Brent said stubbornly:
"After reading so many books, I know these things are false, but this can reduce their pain and give them hope."

"There are so many girls like Shali that it's impossible to count them all. Shali is like this because of her Brahmin identity. If she were a girl of another caste, she would have been beaten to death by her family long ago!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Actually! Uh-huh-huh! I don't think this is a good thing. Sometimes deception is a kind of spiritual poison. There is a saying in our hometown that is very true: there must be something hateful about pitiful people!"

"Besides! I don't think you cured Sally either, it was just a short-term paralysis! Hiss!"

He picked up a stone and threw it at a big crocodile that was peeking out from the river.

The old man looked at the girls screaming and thought that an animal was injured and he could take advantage of the situation!

The stone hit the crocodile's eyes and the crocodile quickly hid in the river.

If the current situation did not allow it and it was not convenient to get out, it would have no chance to go down the river and must try the crocodile meat with chicken flavor.

Emily Brent smiled and said:

"Sir! There are few people in India as clear-headed as you. We can only do things step by step!"

Zhang Kaiwu put down the girl who was about to faint, rubbed her, and said:
"Get down! I'll teach you how to do it in one go!"

Emily Brent knelt down, turned her head and said with a smile:
"Sir! Even if you confuse me, I can't get it right. That's not scientific! Oh my god! Wuuwuwu!"

Zhang Kaiwu said grimly:

"I'm going to kill you today and turn you into a rat. Mmmmm!"

Emily Brent turned her head and said with charming eyes:
"Woo, woo, woo! I don't believe it! Oh my god! Oh my god! Woo, woo, woo! I don't believe it! Woo, woo, woo! Sir!"

This girl is still very interesting!

Although she is young and small-mouthed, she knows a lot and has a big heart. The scenery by the river is also very good, with a cool breeze.

The girls who practice yoga are also very tenacious.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the scenery around is also white.

Apart from a few small crocodiles that come out to peek from time to time, there are also some large animals that often pass by.

Emily Brent was a very scheming girl, and when she was about to faint, she pulled another girl to replace her.

As expected of a management major, the five girls used guerrilla tactics and managed to hold out for more than two hours.

On the one hand, she kept a close eye on him without making a sound, and on the basis of the little knowledge she had, she wanted to get pregnant with his child.

She acts like a green tea bitch, but has a pure heart.

This girl is a bit perverted!
There are thousands of beautiful faces, but only one interesting soul can be found among millions.


Zhang Kaiwu treated Emily Brent to a glass of old wine, looked at her disappointed face, and took them, who were dizzy, into the car.

Zhang Kaiwu took a rope and rushed towards Lao Liu who was secretly lying by the river again. His steps were light and fast, and before the fish could react, he stepped on its mouth.

The crocodile, which weighed nearly 200 pounds, rolled over for a while but couldn't roll any further. It tried desperately to slip back into the river with its four legs, and also tried to use its tail to kick it in a sweeping kick.

Under absolute suppression, everything is in vain.

He tied the crocodile's mouth with a rope, tied up its legs, lifted it onto the jeep, and dropped it at her feet.

Emily Brent and the others were simply stunned. He had caught a crocodile weighing nearly 200 pounds alive.

She wanted to give Zhang Kaiwu a kiss, but he pushed her away and explained with a smile:

"Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs!"

(End of this chapter)

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