Chapter 342 Fight to the death!

The several military-industrial complex factories in their country have always remained there. Although the Japanese government is now out of money, the factory owners still have a large amount of private property.

Those nobles weren't there for nothing.

In other words, their current productivity is still at the world's leading level. After another two years, when the hatred disappears, they will be regarded as important strongholds by the United States.

With a little effort, you can change your appearance and develop again.

Fortunately, their military forces have just been crippled, the whole world is imposing sanctions on them, and they are carrying out a population restoration plan. How could Zhang Kaiwu let them play smoothly?

If he intervenes now, all minerals, energy, food and the like cannot be brought in, and the machinery and equipment that he wants to export cannot be exported either.

I'll make it so that they can't even afford to eat, I wonder how they can restore their population! ?
The reason why they asked for 5 billion U.S. dollars, which is too high to pay even if they sold the whole of Japan, is just an excuse.

Even if they paid compensation, he would still find another reason to continue causing trouble.

Although his mother and Comrade Lao Zhang, whom he had never met, did not die directly at the hands of the Japanese, they did die indirectly.

If they hadn't invaded, how could those things have happened? How could Lao Zhang be eaten by a tiger! ?

Fight until death!

There's no problem with fighting and developing at the same time, and practicing mercenaries at the same time.

The Strait of Malacca has been blocked. Even if the United States insists on intervening, Zhang Kaiwu will not admit it.

Why loan that billion dollars?

If you from the beautiful country dare to come out and help cause trouble, I will directly refuse to pay you for the ten billion US dollars in the future.

You have to know that the one who owes money is the boss!

Many countries are promoting the power of atomic bombs all day long, saying that if multiple bombs explode at the same time, they can destroy the earth and cause a nuclear winter. In fact, this is all nonsense.

Judging from the long-term experience of later generations, the United States has conducted nearly 4,000 experiments, plus more than 6,000 experiments in Eastern Europe, a total of more than 10,000 times.

The earth's environment has changed at all! ?

But as a decapitation weapon, it is really powerful when attacking the capital, and the most feared are actually the bigwigs. In terms of actual power, it can't penetrate even thicker concrete walls at a distance.

If it were really that powerful, there would have been no grass growing on the earth long ago.

This is also a scientific experiment. If it explodes in a densely populated area of ​​a city, the power will have a killing radius of six kilometers.

And as the number of reinforced concrete buildings increases, that power will be reduced indefinitely.

It was the little boy dropped by the United States. Less than 200 meters away from the nuclear explosion point, in a brick and stone room, there was a survivor living in an ordinary basement.

The reason why it was so powerful back then and was able to achieve such results was mainly because the structures of the houses were mostly made of wood.

To put it more bluntly, a leak in one of those nuclear power plants is more powerful than the radiation from the explosion of 100,000 nuclear weapons. Has the world changed?

Chelsea in Eastern Europe had an accident with more than 2 million tons of raw materials stored there. According to scientists' analysis, the earth would be destroyed. In fact, the radiation affected only one town, with a radius of less than 100 kilometers. That myth had long been blown up.

They are all scammers from the beautiful country!

The so-called nuclear winter, or is it just a lie by everyone?
Because it's powerful at beheading!

Zhang Kaiwu ignored those who shouted and told Xue Long and his men to continue to defeat the bandits and not allow any ships to go out to sea. He also had to do a good job of rotating the mercenaries. Training was training, and it shouldn't affect their childbearing.

He concentrated on his research work and sent Emily Brent away a few days later, asking her to return to India to arrange personnel.

She opened an agricultural company in the Republic of Borneo, borrowed 200 million rupees from his company, and left several girls here to develop the land.

Zhang Kaiwu had people use machines to plow the land for them, build various water conservancy facilities, and build various collective wooden houses.

Eastern Europe gave him the impression of being unfathomable and in a mess. Their own industry was so developed and they clearly had the capability to engage in basic agricultural development, so this should not be difficult at all.

Why did those old Russians mess things up so badly, and have made no progress in light industry and agriculture? ?

But in mechanics, great force always works wonders! ?

A month later, I sent my mother-in-law and her family away from India and gave them precious Borneo nutmeg. They had a lot of fun playing with them, but they were still worried that my brother-in-law would squander the family fortune.


Emily Brent moved quickly, and the Indian girls arrived one after another following the Kaiwu Company's cargo ships passing through India.

Emily Brent was also a courageous girl. She set up a recruitment office and arranged the recruitment work in India, and then immediately returned to the Republic of Borneo.

Oh! These are the girls who come to farm, very Indian.

When the Indian girls arrived, Zhang Kaiwu pulled a cart of Great Britain's rifles and bullets and went to see them. Except for a few older Indian women, the rest were young girls.

After a long sea voyage, they stayed on the deck for half a month, carrying a small bag and wearing tattered clothes. They looked really pitiful.

That huge black mass of little heads was the first batch, there were at least more than 10,000 of them.

The skin colors were mixed, and most of them were mixed-race girls. Some of the bigger ones had white mud smeared on their foreheads, and they were there to maintain order.

He directed the girls to jump off the cars and carry daily necessities.

Emily Brent pointed at them proudly and introduced them to him:

"Sir! These girls are all my own. They know at least fifty words."

Even though those girls were prettier, they lacked confidence in what they said and did, and their eyes were evasive.

He could see that these girls were probably mixed-race Dalits. Zhang Kaiwu rubbed Emily, patted her shoulder and said encouragingly:

"Good job!"

He was too lazy to say anything more. This was the arrangement of fate. Your birth could not change it. People with ability could naturally break everything.

Those who complain about everything, accuse others of everything, and want others to sympathize with and help them will naturally be swept away by the years without a trace.

Watching the girls making the beds skillfully.

Although they were ragged and barefoot, they did not feel the hardship. Perhaps it was on the ship to Borneo that they had eaten their first full meal in their lives.

Under the guidance of the women, they began to integrate into the life here, although the beds were just wooden planks. Each girl made the bed with various rags.

But they were all laughing quietly there and were very satisfied with the place.

Because the land here is fertile, the company will definitely make money in the future and pay them wages.

Even a wooden bunk bed was a luxury for them, as they used to live underground.

Because of the lack of basic education, the whole world is in a mess now. The United States has even always ranked first in the world in the use of child labor, which is much more exaggerated than that of India.

Zhang Kaiwu also had rich childhood life experience. When he was a few years old, he was taken to the mountains by Old Zhang to catch rabbits and hunt pheasants. He could also be considered a child laborer.

The environment in Peking is much worse than here. Here you can easily fill your stomach and you don’t have to worry about waking up to freeze to death.

In this chaotic world, it’s good enough to have a place to eat and survive!
Compared to India, life here in Borneo is like heaven.

Zhang Kaiwu watched them rushing to the irrigation canal like ducks to wash. The water here was filtered from the river. It was also relatively shallow, so there was no need to worry about big crocodiles in the canal dragging people away.

Emily looked at the cart of weapons and ammunition he brought and said with charming eyes:
"Sir! You are so kind! These Lee Enfield rifles are still new."

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and explained:

"There are many wild animals here, so quickly organize your team. Sometimes there are some wild men who have escaped the net, so don't be lenient when you meet them." "In the early stage of the trip, someone must carry a gun, especially in the woods. There are tigers and big crocodiles here. Don't do the temple tricks here. Whether it's fish, tiger meat, or beef, except for the monitor lizards here which are poisonous, all other prey can be eaten."

He had to sound the alarm for her and change the living habits of those little girls.

Emily Brent smiled and said:

"I know. We, the students, can also use Lee Enfield rifles. We will teach them how to hunt."

"Sir! Are you tired? Take a rest!"

Zhang Kaiwu sat there with a cigarette in his mouth, rubbing her head. She squatted there, looked at him with a sweet smile, and gave him a deep sip of love.

This girl is very scheming. She knows his preferences and likes to see others smile sweetly.

The girls who had just finished washing up in the distance didn't rest at all, and immediately displayed the Indian women's jungle skills.

They went out with all kinds of tools and sawed, chopped and picked up the small trees that were knocked over by the bulldozer, the surrounding wild vegetables, and the vines and weeds next to them.

Some others followed the bulldozers to pick up sweet potatoes, various grass roots, and some spices.

The area around the camp was cleared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Piles of wood began to pile up, and so did piles of edible things.

Rows of furrows began to appear in the plowed fields. It was really amazing, much better than him!
Zhang Kaiwu looked at those girls. Although they were small and weak, they would not stop once they started working and would not rest at all. This once again refreshed his three views.

It reminded him of the peasant soldiers in the imperial era during the parade.

Maybe this is because they have been colonized for too long, and the survival of the fittest has led to their professional farming physique! ?

These girls who were able to get paid were extremely obedient and capable, and soon the farm of Emily Brent Agricultural Company became famous.

Kaiwu Bank strongly supported the establishment of the farm, with Princess Ninh Binh's deliberate promotion on television and radio.

Knowing that they can now get loans and mechanized support for starting a farm, they don't want to farm the land themselves and rely on their Chinese identity to get loans and sign contracts to acquire land. Instead, they can learn from Emily Brent's farm and hire people to farm the land.

Gradually, other Han people began to take out loans from Kaiwu Bank and start other types of farms.

With the support of funds and a large amount of mechanization, agricultural development has progressed rapidly in growing grain, sugarcane and vegetables.

Emily Brent's sugarcane field was arranged, and she brought a group of beautiful girls to fight against him as a guerrilla and do ideological work on him.

She was acting coquettishly and using tricks, trying her best to persuade others with her pillow.

There is also a technical inheritance in their Rat Temple. They have learned the Hinayana dragon-slaying techniques, and they are also very likable because they are scheming.

Now that she's familiar with everyone in the family, even Xiaojiu doesn't reject her, not to mention sister Sali, who has long been coaxed into submission and even helped paint a crappy oil painting.

She soon achieved great success and got a small courtyard in Zhang Kaiwu's family where she could live permanently.

Emily Brent is also a management talent who is well versed in psychology. She knows his bottom line and hobbies, and strictly forbids him to make things messy or to play tricks to fool the people.

Unlike ordinary nobles, Zhang Kaiwu doesn't care about short-term monetary gains, but what he cares about is rules and decency.

She was not wrong. As long as she asked for something, whether it was a loan or land, she basically agreed.

She also bought various plots of land nearby, borrowed money to grow crops, vegetables, and rubber plantations...

She has the advantage of a large number of personnel. Even if her workers receive three times the salary in India, it is only 500 rupees, or about 10 Borneo rupees a month, which is still very cheap.

Because the cost of land use is cheap, growing sugarcane or crops here is super profitable.

One acre of land is estimated to produce five or six tons of sugarcane and squeeze out about 800 kilograms of white sugar. Here in Borneo, sugarcane can be easily grown three times a year, and one acre of land can produce more than two tons of white sugar.

According to the current price, the lowest is more than 300 Borneo dollars per ton, which is a huge profit.

The rice here can even be harvested nine times out of two years. This is the only place in the world where this can be achieved, and the growing conditions are much better than in India.

You can grow some of the food yourself and sell what you can't eat.

Moreover, except for the early stage, sugarcane fields do not even need seeds later on, and the cut off shoots can be used for further planting.

With the help of mechanization and convenient water conservancy facilities, the girls' labor intensity has been greatly reduced and they can manage more land.

As more and more people come to Kaiwu Company, there are more than 100,000 people a month. They always have to marry wives to complete Earl Zhang's task of marrying two and hoping for four.

There is a shortage of girls and plantation workers in the Republic of Borneo.

And if the girls marry someone from Kaiwu Company, they can also get a handling fee of one thousand rupees, which is about twenty Borneo dollars.

She can even introduce these girls to work on farms in other places, or directly recommend them to other farmers in need, and she will receive a thank-you fee.

No matter how you calculate it, you’re not losing money!
Emily Brent was paying a high salary to a girl in India with real money, and she paid her a month's salary.

Those families were begging her to take in girls, and they were trying their best to send their daughters to her. It could relieve family pressure and make money at the same time. Who wouldn't like that?

Large numbers of Indian girls come here by boat, hundreds of thousands of them a month. She can make a fortune just from the agency fees.

What a win!
Zhang Kaiwu achieved most of his goal. After the society became stable, all kinds of farms sprang up throughout the entire Borneo region, and grain production occupied more than 100 million acres of land.

Emily Brent worked hard to seduce him in order to gain more property, so why shouldn't he just go along with it?!

By the way, get some more Indian girls here to farm, develop the land, and increase food production, otherwise those pillow talk will affect you! ?

If no one farms, what will happen to the fertilizers produced by the fertilizer factories?
Food is of utmost importance. If we don’t solve the problem ourselves, we will have to rely entirely on imports in the future.


Even though you are happy with the salary now, there are many girls in India working hard to make money.

After a few years, Zhang Kaiwu took the opportunity to publicize his conditions and announced his marriage.

After Indian girls really go abroad, enjoy the happy living conditions in the Republic of Borneo, and give birth to children, how many of them will go back? ?
Ha ha ha ha ha!
By the way, it can also curb their population growth. Zhang Kaiwu has really put a lot of effort into it!

Zhang Kaiwu now works regularly during the day and practices at home at night. Relying on his fourth-level manufacturing skills, he contributes to the development of science and technology and does some research work.

With the perspective of later generations, he can directly come up with many solutions to problems.

For example, he immediately gave several ways to solve the problem of seat belts on airplanes.

Not only are there six-point seat belts for airplanes, but there are also three-point seat belts for cars, which were invented very quickly.

You can invent two in one minute!

He also flatly rejected some outrageous development directions, such as the research plan for large airships.

For example, LCD screens will eventually replace traditional monitors, so he can suppress traditional monitors as needed. Zhang Kaiwu has already begun to arrange to focus on promoting LCD screens.

Soon after the radar technology was made lightweight, there was a technological breakthrough. Although it could not be used on individual missiles, it could be installed on ordinary cars and helicopters without any problems.

It is not like before, which requires a huge generator set to support it, which cannot be carried on an airplane.

Finding the way and finding the enemy all depend on the pilot's eyes, which is too troublesome.

I don’t care that individual weapons don’t have radar and can’t distinguish the enemy. If necessary in the future, I can use a stupid method and input the characteristics of my equipment.

If it really doesn't work, our planes won't take off, so just stagger the time.

The layout of radar stations soon began near the Republic of Borneo, and radar stations were built on the surrounding islands one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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