Chapter 351 Mutual Warfare
He Daqing asked a few simple questions during lunch, then anxiously asked someone to take him to get a loan and took Sha Zhu to Bali to open a restaurant.

The sooner the restaurant opens and starts making money, the sooner you can get married.

No! The sooner you hire a few more boss ladies as waiters.

What Zhang Kaiwu said just now gave him a new idea. He was only in his thirties and still very young. Sha Zhu was obviously unreliable, so he really could work hard to marry two wives at once.

If I let Sha Zhu help out for a few more years, maybe I could even give birth to a few more sons.

The young lady's father never spoke a word when eating or sleeping. He looked at those colorful girls and felt uncomfortable with the young lady's suspicious eyes.

The sisters-in-law and the others all suspected that the old scholar wanted to take a concubine and have a son!

After dinner, they ran away. Zhang Kaiwu had already prepared a house for them in the school in the city.

The two sisters sent them to check-in and warned the old scholar not to have any bad thoughts and that his health was more important, which made the old scholar very angry.

Sister Huairu also drove her brother, sister-in-law and the rest of the family to the big villa that was arranged for them. There were so many people serving them when they had a meal here, and the scene was too luxurious that they felt very uncomfortable sitting down to eat.

Mu Chunhua also brought her father and Nanny Wang to the house arranged for you, preparing to let her father do some business.

Sister Xu Huizhen also brought her family and arranged for them to move into the prepared house, also preparing for them to do business.

Only the two little kids, Liang Ladi's parents, two younger brothers, and her older sister stayed behind.

Qin Jingru and He Yushui were also taken by the maids to play and wash.

Liang Ladi and Liang Hongyu are discussing with their parents what they will do in the future.

And what happened to her sister? Why didn’t she see her brother-in-law?
Zhang Kaiwu sat in the room for a while, and then he saw Sister Liang Ladi and her eldest sister come in.

Liang Ladi said awkwardly:

"Brother Kaiwu! My sister Liang Hongrui, my brother-in-law, is a remnant of the Military Intelligence Bureau. He was found out when the composition statistics were taken last year. He was shot a long time ago. There are many people gossiping about him in the village!"

"My sister ran back again, but she couldn't stay in Liangjia Village anymore. She came to Borneo just to live with me and start a new life. My sister is not missing anyone."

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed Liang Ladi and looked at her elder sister, who looked haggard.

She is a bit like Liang Ladi and Liang Hongyu, very honest, too scared to speak, probably just around 20. I guess it's because her life is too hard, she looks a lot like Liang Ladi when she's older.

Where are the bad guys in this world! ?

Some just have their own stance!

He smiled and said:

"It's okay! We won't talk about those things here. Let her live a good life here and have a good rest first. She can go to work later if she wants!"

Liang Ladi hugged him and said:
"Brother Kaiwu! You are so kind! I will take my parents and them to settle down for a while. They only know how to farm, so I want to get them some land to farm."

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said:
"Don't be silly! Farming is such hard work! Why don't you open a shop and let them do some small business? Are you afraid that they will starve to death?"

"Although I don't like the way your parents behave, you sisters are very careful. If you help them a little bit, how can you still lack food and drink?!"

Liang Hongrui thanked them quickly and nervously, and Liang Ladi and her sisters ran out to settle their families.


Zhang Kaiwu's feelings are not as calm as they appear. Are the Liang Ladi sisters evil?
They are all destined to be widows! ?

But if you think about it carefully, this seems to be a very normal thing.

There are problems with food, medicine, wild beasts and war. Men in this era need to fight and their safety risks are much higher than those of women.

This era is not peaceful, there are many widows! There are many widows in Nanluoguxiang.

When you marry Jin Ling, her mother-in-law will also give you her sister-in-law, and you have to stay healthy, probably for insurance purposes!

Today’s weapons are very deadly. After any war, hundreds of thousands of widows will be left.

It’s not that there are many widows in Asia, in fact there are many widows all over the world!
There are more wars in Eastern and Western Europe, and they like to line up and shoot people. Women's marriage problems are more serious than those in Asia, and it is difficult to get married.

France has the most widows in the world, and almost all the men are dying, otherwise how could they import so many men from Africa! ?
But! This matter is a bit foolish! ?
It must be a conspiracy by Sean’s fellow countryman!
They may have secretly been trying to reduce the number of men in the world decades or even hundreds of years ago, and formulated various plans for emasculation! ?

I feel that Liang Ladi and her sister are both destined to be widows, but Liang Hongyu was taken in by me, and Liang Hongrui came to me. It feels very weird.

According to normal circumstances, if Liang Ladi had married an ordinary person, none of her sisters would have come to her for help even if they starved to death.

If her two sisters starved to death, she would be the only widow in the family.

There are not many men in the country now, so aren't they using female mercenaries to make up the numbers?

After consecutive wars, there are fewer young men suitable for marriage in Eastern Europe, and the competitive pressure is high. The men there don't even have to do anything and rely on women to support them.

Scientific research has clear results that the male birth rate during wartime is ten percentage points lower than that of females because women have a higher survival rate.

In peacetime, on the contrary, the male birth rate is ten percentage points higher!

The more fierce the war is, the fewer men are born!
He was having a headache from thinking about it. Fortunately, he followed the marriage customs in the Republic of Borneo, otherwise there would be a severe shortage of men.


The war has not yet started, and Zhang Kaiwu is improving the technology in the research institute every day.

The simple Kashaqiu process of adding sugar and potassium nitrate can reach a range of 50 kilometers.

The missile inventory is also increasing, so there will be no problem in fighting a large-scale war.

The only factor limiting output is the production of integrated circuit boards.

Zhang Kaiwu and his engineers are now trying to find ways to automate the process. From the very beginning of the construction of each factory, he has required that no matter what the task is, it should be replaced by machines as much as possible.

Including those electronic component factories, they are also making improvements and reducing labor costs.

When it comes to the production of these precision parts, relying on humans is the most unreliable thing and can never be relied upon.

The busyness during this period has gained me a lot of experience.

Property panel:
【Strength: 6】

[Physique: 6]

[Agility: 6]

[Spiritual Power: 30] Shock: When glaring, there is a chance that the person will become unconscious.

Music Level 755: 1000~.

Manufacturing level three: 970~1000.

Medical skills level 5: 10000-.

Level 5 of boxing and kicking: 10000~.

Master of Gunmanship: ~~~~~~.

Archery Level 5: 10000~.

Fishing level three: 735~1000.

Cooking Level 5: 10000~.

CET-15: 10000~.

Russian Level 15: 10000~.

Japanese Level 50: 1000~.

French Level 15: 1000~.

German Level 15: 1000~.

Level 210 Stun: 500-.

Master of Chinese.

(Additional effect: Idealism)


Energy progress: 12590-100000...


On the attribute panel, the energy value changes and increases every day. Perhaps Japan’s food problem has not been solved yet.

Although Eastern Europe no longer helps the Republic of Borneo, it will definitely not allow grain from the West to flow into Japan.

When a country is short of food, it is not surprising that there are dark choices.

Zhang Kaiwu lit a cigarette and sat on the recliner thinking about how to deal with Japan.

In the past, Japan relied on purchasing 70 percent of its food supply, and could only meet 30 percent of its own food needs.

Although there are some meat farming industries, people have nothing to eat now, and the farming system has probably collapsed long ago.

Maybe meat mainly comes from whaling, and some comes from catching seafood.

But now there are no fishing boats, what’s the point of fishing? ?
They can find a way to go to DYD country, but it is too small and there is probably no place to dig wild vegetables!

Even if everything goes well with the planting, the food grown on this island nation can only feed 20 million people based on the current level of agricultural technology.

Moreover, the fire last autumn destroyed at least half of the food supply, or just over 10 million people.

In order to pursue militarism, their population plan was extremely perverted.

I wonder if there are still 87 million people now! ?

Maybe more than 10 million people died last winter, or 20 million?

Calculated in this way, the energy value is only added to more than 10,000 points, which is not much!

Maybe not enough bad guys died, so let's take it slow.


For this war, everyone is very busy. Without making a big fanfare, everyone is working hard in secret.

Oil workers are working desperately to extract oil, steel workers are working overtime to produce weapons, and the enthusiasm in the Republic of Borneo is very high.

Wang Yongfu and his men were also very busy, deploying defenses and patrolling everywhere, speeding up the recovery of Australia, and they were not afraid at all.

Because those weapons and equipment gave them endless confidence.

At the shipping company's dock, another batch of aircraft carriers and battleships were being modified, including two aircraft carriers and four battleships.

There are also two oil supply ships, which are converted from ordinary cargo ships and can only refuel in the south.

It’s not that there are no extra aircraft carriers, but the missile production is not high. Perhaps by July or August, only these ships can be armed.

These are all old aircraft carriers and battleships. I picked a few that looked good. I simply repaired the power system, installed new radars, and secretly installed missile launchers.

All of them are equipped with helicopters made by Kaiwu Company itself, and there are not even fighter jets. Perhaps these cannot be considered aircraft carriers, but only helicopter boats.

According to normal thinking, such a fleet has no combat effectiveness, and other fighter planes and cannons can easily defeat such a formation.

Zhang Kaiwu planned to deploy this fleet that was being reorganized in Australia to prevent the enemy from attacking from India.

According to the supply problem, there won't be too many fleets coming from that place.

Zhang Kaiwu didn't believe that the United States could bring Europeans over to join forces to fight the Republic of Borneo.

It’s still the same reason. Europeans have no interest in this and the whole world is against the war now.

The people of the United States and the Europeans are not of the same mind. They will only advance and retreat together if they have a common interest.


MacArthur of Japan was also having a headache. The negotiations on the 38th parallel had not been completed yet, and they were about to go to war with the Republic of Borneo.

As an experienced garrison general, he had fought in Southeast Asia for nearly ten years. Of course, he knew that the weather in Borneo was now in the rainy season, and the troops of the United States were not suitable to fight in the rainforest, so they had to launch an offensive in the dry season.

In addition, the US army has not yet withdrawn from the 38th parallel and is still engaged in negotiations. Some people are deliberately delaying the negotiation time.

While MacArthur was negotiating, he looked at the secret telegram in his hand. These things are the fleet of the Republic of Borneo! ?
He often wondered, can they really fight a war!? What is the trump card of the Republic of Borneo!?

The traffic there was not closed, and the intelligence personnel easily figured out the enemy's firepower equipment. On the surface, there were only four small "aircraft carriers" that Great Britain had originally eliminated, eight large battleships, and two supply ships.

In addition to some torpedoes, each fleet is equipped with a 130-caliber naval gun! ?

There are also some miscellaneous small patrol ships, all of which are equipped with small artillery, and have no problem attacking fishing boats and merchant ships.

In his opinion, the people in the Republic of Borneo are simply treating war as a joke!
Are you counting on the Kashaqiu above?

It is said that they have prepared a lot of Kashaqiu, big and small. Are they planning to bomb the mainland of the United States?!

Anyone with a little common sense knows that it’s impossible!
Those four broken aircraft carriers of theirs were all from the batch of aircraft carriers that were eliminated by Great Britain and sent to be dismantled as scrap metal. The reconnaissance personnel didn't need to tell them what model they were.

MacArthur was very familiar with these pieces of junk. They were very slow and did not have a very long range, at most 1,600 nautical miles.

If we ask them to go to the mainland of the United States, I guess they don't have the range, and they can't be called aircraft carriers, because they don't even have carrier-based fighter jets.

Eight battleships may look powerful, but they are so slow and even their main guns have been removed. What's the point of them?!
The aircraft carrier fleet he has is fully functional, with a total of six aircraft carriers, sixteen battleships, and more than a dozen frigates, destroyers, and cruisers.

Having commanded naval battles for a long time, he is familiar with various naval battle tactics, from the aircraft carrier clusters at the beginning of World War II to the most advanced single aircraft carrier combat formation tactics later.

The ships and planes of their own aircraft carrier fleet could destroy the naval fleet of the Republic of Borneo with just one charge, and there would be no need for a second battle.

Just a few gunboats dared to suppress the helicopters on the battleships. What were the Borneo troops thinking?!
Add to that the hundreds of bombers in the bases behind them and the Philippine bases, will their aircraft carrier fleet be useful?!
If these are the enemy ships, I have a hundred ways to easily deal with the Borneo fleet.

As a battle-hardened general, MacArthur knew that the fleet of the Republic of Borneo was definitely not that simple.

The prisoners had built a large number of permanent works in and around the Strait of Malacca. It was indeed very well defended, and it would take heavy casualties to break in.

The enemy's ground forces were also very strong, said to be at least one million strong. But I certainly wouldn't engage in an island landing, as that would be a case of the weak defeating the strong.

It is impossible for an aircraft carrier fleet to approach the coastline easily, and I am not stupid enough to get beaten! ?

Maybe the Republic of Borneo wants to fight a ground war and rely on the army's advantage to delay time! ?

After thinking carefully for a while, MacArthur realized that although he could attack everywhere, it would be difficult to occupy Borneo!
He himself had defended here before. At that time, the idiots from Great Britain fixed all the artillery batteries facing the Strait of Malacca, which was a huge joke and allowed the Japanese troops to succeed.

As long as the Republic of Borneo does not fight a positional defensive battle, its own troops will be dragged into the rainforest to engage in a chaotic battle.

It was not long after the end of World War II, and they were relatively familiar with Borneo. They had fought in the rainforest there, and MacArthur was still frightened by the previous rainforest landing.

I was deeply impressed by the machine gun bunkers, insects, mosquitoes, snakes, ants and hidden guns in the rain forest.

The 40,000 Japanese defenders in the Philippines alone, who used their strength to defeat the weak, cost more than 20,000 American soldiers.

Add to that the more than 10,000 American soldiers who died during the Japanese attack at the beginning of the war, which is a really uncomfortable number.

The Republic of Borneo and the area near the Strait of Malacca are places that we gave up attacking before. We only did island hopping because they were difficult to fight.

The Republic of Borneo has built a lot of additional projects on top of its previous defensive positions. How could it be so easy to take it down?!
What's more, once we really enter the rainforest, the non-combat casualties caused by poisonous insects will be more than the combat casualties.

If we don't take back those ground positions and advance step by step, we will be courting death.

Could it be that Borneo wanted to drag me into a chaotic war? I might not be able to cross the Strait of Malacca and would capsize here.

A fleet must be dispatched from the Indian Ocean to attack from outside or to assist in the attack from Australia.

We certainly can't use American soldiers to attack the bunker, as that would result in heavy losses.

It is better to secretly organize a group of ground troops in Japan and let those cannon fodders attack the rain forest.

In fact, they did a very good job in clearing mines in the Yalu River this time. Although many people died, it reduced a lot of casualties for the American soldiers.

In addition, the more than one million Japanese troops in Borneo were also completely withdrawn. If Japan had not surrendered voluntarily, the United States might not have been able to easily capture this place.

The American army at that time only tried it once and then gave up attacking the island here, which is similar to the current situation, because they were afraid of too many casualties.

If the 500,000 Japanese troops here had held their ground and refused to surrender, the United States would have lost at least 100,000 people.

(End of this chapter)

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