Chapter 353 Visiting the Farm
In that case, we only need to carry enough supplies for a few days, which should be enough.

Just send two more flights of planes to deliver the supplies, so that they can have a few days of full meals, and then let them go to the local area for resupply!

A general's success is the result of the sacrifice of hundreds of soldiers. As a general's fighting philosophy, he never considers the means.

What's more!

MacArthur was a little disappointed with this war. Unlike the hatred towards Japan during World War II, there was strong support at home.

It is impossible for the country to fully support the war here in the Republic of Borneo, and it may even cause riots.

The tragic situation in Japan was broadcasted all day long in the beautiful country, and the streets were full of celebrating crowds.

The war hasn't even started yet, but the soldiers' morale is gone, and the United States has already lost half the battle.

Their old ally, Great Britain, was forced to withdraw its troops from the Yalu River due to domestic pressure. They planned to retreat to the port city first and then to the country.

Because the anti-war movement has begun throughout Great Britain and France, and people have spontaneously taken to the streets to oppose going to war with the Republic of Borneo in order to protect Japan!
A simple food problem almost made him collapse. The situation in the Republic of Borneo was too accurate.

By this time, he already felt something was wrong. The key was that the supply lines on the front line were too long.

MacArthur never thought about collecting food from other nearby places.

These nearby places have the same attitude as Eastern Europe and hate Japan to the core. If we collect grain to supply Japan, there might be a full-scale riot.

From the news broadcasts on TV, you can see that the announcers from nearby countries are all smiling.

All those chaotic things fell on General MacArthur's head one by one. Even before the war started, he already felt that things were not going well.

He quickly contacted the United States, and the response he received was still to at least achieve the goal of breaking up the Republic of Borneo.

At the very least, Australia should be allowed to become independent and the troops from the Republic of Borneo should be driven out.


Zhang Kaiwu, who was also doing war preparation work in the Republic of Borneo, looked at the energy value on his attribute panel, which kept jumping regardless of day or night.

The United States and its allies will not report these bad things happening in Japan, but the Russians in Eastern Europe are spreading the news all over the world like crazy.

War correspondents from Eastern Europe rushed into Japan, risking their lives to shoot a lot of first-hand material, which was broadcast around the world at the speed of light.

Early in the morning, on TV, following the shocking scene of hundreds of indigenous peoples in Australia not long ago, people all over the world saw indescribable scenes again.

Burning, killing, looting, and even cannibalism!

But what happened in Australia was done by the indigenous people. It can be said that they have an uncivilized social behavior and a way of life.

Japan is a civilized society, but I didn't expect it to be so perverted! ?

This time the scale is even bigger, and more people are involved, because there are still 60 to 70 million people on the island country, and they are of the same ethnic group!

The whole world was in an uproar!
The neighbors nearby have begun to be on high alert. Japan has no ships now, and these demons may swim out!
Just as MacArthur thought, everyone nearby announced that they would resolutely defend against Japanese refugees and not allow them to enter the country.

The governments of France and Great Britain immediately stated that they would never accept Japanese refugees and would stop all influx of Japanese population.

Another result was that all flights were cancelled and no company dared to fly to Japan for fear of being eaten by Japan.

Japan has completely become an isolated island!
The population is decreasing rapidly, and it is said that there are only more than 60 million now.

The population is still decreasing at a rate of at least one million a day, and people in the entire city have begun to spread to the countryside.

Because there is really no food left in the city, it has now become a living hell.


There are a lot of ridiculous news in the news these days.

Great Britain joyfully welcomed back the expatriates from New Zealand, freeing them from the threat of war and those ogres, and the whole country celebrated.

In the TV program, New Zealand expatriates who returned to Great Britain all shed tears of happiness.

I was almost cooked by the savages!

Later, the British Parliament announced Governor Serra's achievements, and he risked his life to go to New Zealand to bring people back home.

He thanked Borneo for its supply assistance and announced that Princess Lin Jingli had become autonomous. Lady Elizabeth also sent a congratulatory telegram.

Princess Ning Ping warmly invited Elizabeth to come for vacation in July and even prepared to give her a large yacht as a token of gratitude.

For alliance teammates like Thailand and Myanmar, the Strait of Malacca is too dangerous, so they can only sneak back in small fishing boats.

Some teammates in the alliance didn't care about the negotiation results at all. They secretly abandoned their equipment and flew back home.

For example, Switzerland, Spain...

All the countries surrounding Japan are celebrating, finding all kinds of reasons to celebrate.

There are discount sales on the streets and the news on TV is now everyone’s favorite program.

In response to the tragic situation in Japan, France held a grand demonstration to protest the French government's verbal support for Japan.

The Russians in Eastern Europe are the ones causing the most trouble and they even want to organize a commemorative day.

Zhang Kaiwu couldn't sleep due to the increase in energy value, so he got up early to watch the news on TV.

The energy value has increased too fast these days, making him doubt whether his previous methods were wrong.

The mercenary girls responsible for protection have been replaced by Anyaqing and Xie Hong. Whether Zhang Kaiwu is willing or not, these mercenary girls will protect him 24 hours a day!
Anyaqing and Xie Hong brought him breakfast, meat buns and milk.

And the vegetable salad here in Borneo.

In order to prevent the enemy from carrying out decapitation operations, these foods are provided by designated personnel.

Here in the Republic of Borneo, intelligence agents have been captured more than once, as well as assassins.

The protection of Princess Ning Ping and Princess Lin Jingli has become stricter, and even their residences have been changed.


The two girls were whispering about the TV program.

It was just the glances they occasionally cast at him that made Zhang Kaiwu realize that they might not want to discuss these things.

After getting up, the wives and concubines watched the news program on TV. It was news about Eastern Europe again. They were so disgusted that they ran away without even having breakfast.

Those who went to work went to work, and those who went to school went to school. Baofeng and Lou Xiao'e took He Yushui to elementary school.

Baofeng and her classmates are still in the fourth grade, but He Yushui is already in the third grade at a young age. She will catch up with them next year. The pressure is really too much.

Especially Lou Xiao'e, Zhang Kaiwu felt that she had a hardened mind and was only focused on having children, so it would be difficult for her to reach the top of the fifth grade!
Should we just arrange for her to work? It's really an eyesore to see her studying so hard every day!

Farmer Emily Brent's chance came. This idealistic green tea bitch massaged his shoulders and watched TV with Zhang Kaiwu.

Zhang Kaiwu played with two small walnuts and asked with a smile:

"Emily! Aren't you scared as a woman reading this news?"

She smiled charmingly and said:

"Dear Zhang! Don't forget that I am Indian and I manage the temple."

"The Aghoris in Varanasi are much worse at cannibalism than them, but the Aghoris are better than them because they never kill!"

"They believe that this helps cleanse the sins of the deceased so that they can reach the other side sooner. Doesn't it feel much better!?"

The nature of that is different!

Those in India are perverts who are under the guise of practicing Buddhism. In essence, they are even more perverted than the Japanese!
Zhang Kaiwu looked at her emotional big blue eyes. This green tea bitch didn't take the TV program seriously at all. She really was strong inside!

He said jokingly:

"Farmer Emily Brent! How's your farm doing these days? Is it making any money?"

Emily said with a smile:
"I've made money a long time ago and repaid your bank loan. I'm now building an office building."

"I am also thinking about setting up a large farm in New Guinea, investing in Australia, and starting a mine."

"I want to save all the girls in India!" Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her, smiled and comforted her casually:

"Your ideal is good, work hard!"

Emily smiled and said:

"You didn't go to work today, so go and take a look at my farm. It's very beautiful there now."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"What's so good about your shabby farm? It's just sugarcane fields and rice, isn't it?"

Emily smiled and said:

"Come and have a look! There are a lot of beautiful girls coming to my farm recently. It's so lively. Come and have some fun."

In your farm, there are only the hard-working farmers, and there are also beauties! ?
You have to know that there are many ordinary beauties, and they are not worth mentioning. However, top-level beauties are precious resources and benign resources that can be circulated.

Zhang Kaiwu was persuaded by Emily to get into the car, and she drove her own car and took him to the farm.

There were several bodyguard cars following him in front and behind, and two new bodyguard captains, Anyaqing and Xie Hong, strengthened his security.

In fact, Zhang Kaiwu was not very interested in the beautiful girl she mentioned. The key point was that he had been working for a long time and wanted to go out and relax.

Emily introduced with a smile:

"I have brought more than two million girls from India here to save them. But now it is not like before. Now that life has improved, there are many things to do. With more girls, there are also many conflicts. The old ones like to bully the new ones."

"The internal cliques are very serious. I don't understand the psychology of these poor girls. They have only had a few days of good life, why do they start to change?"

"Dear Zhang! I noticed that you basically don't manage the company, but Kaiwu Company is very healthy. How do you maintain the stability of the company!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:
"Girls from your place, it's normal to have conflicts in this situation! There's a saying that goes, when a poor person suddenly becomes rich, a slave will rise up."

"They are often more vicious and crazy than their former masters because they are afraid of falling back into their previous lives."

"If you want to keep your position, you have to do everything you can to suppress those who come after you. This is nothing new!"

Emily thought about it and said:
"You're right! Do you have any idea to solve the problem?"

Zhang Kaiwu lit a cigarette and said with a smile:

"Your farm is just a shabby one, there are many ways to deal with it! Didn't you study for an MBA? Can't you use your management methods?"

Emily smiled and said:

"I'm increasingly feeling that those contracts and regulations are bullshit and they don't do anything useful."

"They know I won't punish them or send them back to India, which is a bit too much."

"There are more than two million girls in my company, which is larger than some small countries. Just tell me a solution and I will give you benefits."

Looking at Emily's evasive eyes, she may have other intentions! Zhang Kaiwu understood her thoughts a little bit. Is this the Phoenix Man or Voldemort culture?

Want to open a gap here to allow Indian men to come in and make a living! ?

This is also the Indian Phoenix Man culture.

Hehehehe! This girl is a little bit arrogant and her heart is a little wild.

Zhang Kaiwu blew out a smoke ring and said with a smile:

"First of all, you need to understand your current identity. You used to be a manager with an MBA, and this was a job that helped the boss manage the company."

"But now you are the boss, not the manager. To put it bluntly, managers are there to coordinate conflicts between the company and the employees and improve efficiency. They are like dogs raised by the boss, who are specifically there to exploit the employees."

"Actually! If the company's conditions are really good, there is no need for professional managers. If the company's conditions are not good, professional managers cannot solve the problem."

“The position of managers is not that important. It’s actually a very awkward situation.”

Emily smiled and said:

"Then why do you hire so many lawyers to sign contracts and agreements with others?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You have to understand that those things are just a voucher. If something really happens, the signed contracts are meaningless. They are just to make everyone look good. Don't use force lightly."

"Whether it's management or contracts, those things are just means to restrain the poor, and they are useless to the powerful. Just like the medical contracts I signed with you in India, they are essentially meaningless."

"They can survive only because everyone can benefit from it. You have to change your mindset. Any success of something is due to benefits, not the credit of management."

"You want to control other people's psychology through contracts, but you can only control the poor people at the bottom who cannot resist. It's impossible to control anything else."

Emily asked:

"What should I do about this matter?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"First of all, you can't think of saving others. No one needs you to save her. Only you can save yourself. You can give her a chance, but you can't let yourself suffer."

"You divide the people on the farm into different interest groups according to your needs, and use these interest groups to bind them together."

"Only when everyone is well can this matter develop normally and smoothly. I don't think your farm needs senior talents to manage it."


Seeing that Earl Zhang didn't want to speak clearly and didn't want to pay attention to her, Emily stopped talking and drove to the river.

The endless sugarcane fields and rice paddies are indeed quite nice and quite scenic.

It had become a large town with many brick shops, a sugar factory, and grain warehouses.

Maybe this place will soon become a small city, and then a big city! ?
Indian Girl City! ?

There are many beautiful Indian girls coming and going, and many people from companies come here to find blind dates and wives. Some farms come here to recruit staff. Australia is also booming with farming right now, and it is very lively everywhere.

Zhang Kaiwu also saw He Daqing and Sha Zhu looking at girls. They had already picked out two or three girls and followed them. He didn't know whether they were wives or waitresses.

But He Daqing's jubilant look and Sha Zhu's confused look made Zhang Kaiwu understand the reason at once.

He Daqing, the sixth son, made all his choices according to his own standards. He ignored his son's ideas and dealt a fatal blow to the poor Sha Zhu.

But Zhang Kaiwu did not go to say hello. He probably thought that when he made more money he would remember Sha Zhu's marriage, so he drove directly to Emily's company.

In just seven or eight months, the girls here have changed a lot. Their clothes and shoes have started to imitate those of the Chinese, as has their mental outlook.

I don’t know whether it is good or bad!

Many dormitory buildings have been added near the original wooden houses, all of which are brick and wood structures.

Toilets and bathing areas have also gradually become standardized.

The restaurant area is no longer open-air or in a big grass shed, but now has a huge dining hall.

We also have our own mechanical team, and we bought all kinds of machines ourselves, so we don’t have to hire people from outside to plow the land.

It’s a farm full of young girls, very lively!

Emily Brent had been communicating with Zhang Kaiwu for a long time and knew that he was not the kind of person who looked at caste superficially. It didn't matter whether the girl was a Brahmin or not, and he didn't mind the girl's identity.

What matters is that it’s beautiful!
She found four girls who had been prepared long ago, took them with her, and invited Zhang Kaiwu and several mercenary girls to visit the sugarcane fields together.

The sugarcanes here are all used to make sugar. They are not the tall and big purple-skinned sugarcanes, but the green and yellow hard-skinned thin sugarcanes.

The sugarcane fields are endless, just like the reed marshes outside the city of Peking. Occasionally, a gust of wind blows, making a rustling sound, which really puts people in a good mood.

A few Indian girls were there checking on the growth, and Emily enthusiastically introduced her amazing sugarcane planting techniques to him.

The variety is good, the yield is high, the sugar yield is high, and the sugar produced is also sweet!
In their farm, the rice fields can achieve at least three harvests a year, and the yield is quite good, with an output of more than 600 kilograms per mu in one season.

Not only can it meet the food needs of their two million girls, but a large portion of it can also be sold.

(End of this chapter)

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