Chapter 355 Offensive and Defensive Casting

The Republic of Borneo is now able to arm two dual-carrier fleets. Things are different now.

He understood Wang Yongfu's idea, and Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"They might be looking for a chance to attack us! We need to find a chance to defeat them and avoid any trouble!"

Wang Yongfu said quickly:
"Okay! I'll have someone take advantage of the opportunity to knock them down. Shall we announce this to the public?"

Zhang Kaiwu blew out a smoke ring and said:

"No need to announce it! You should all remember these rules in the future. They are not good things. Don't admit anything that has not been discovered by others."

"Even if it is discovered, it can be explained as a misunderstanding, or it can be explained as being under investigation."

"Build a base on the nearby small island and arrange monitoring personnel. This is a very important defense measure."

"And the intelligence work of those countries must also be caught up, and there must be special personnel to be responsible for it."

Wang Yongfu was startled and said:

“These are already being arranged and will be completed by the end of this year.”

Zhang Kaiwu said, holding a cigarette in his mouth:
"When the time is right, just start fighting. Don't tell me, so as not to delay the opportunity on the battlefield. We want to grow stronger and the conflict with the United States cannot be resolved. We will not stop until we win."

"Let Princess Ningping and the others start building momentum right away. Let's say that the Philippines' beautiful country garrison attacked our fishing boats. We need to prevent the Philippines from counterattacking and take it down when the opportunity presents itself."

Wang Yongfu said quickly:
"There are still many people supporting us in Japan during this sanctions. Isn't that a bad thing? We don't lack places now, but people."

Zhang Kaiwu pointed at the map and said with a smile:

"Your idea is very dangerous! You have to understand one thing, why does America want to attack us? It's not because we have a conflict with America."

"The entire Southeast Asia is basically dominated by Han Chinese. The United States has divided these places, making it impossible for the entire Southeast Asia to be unified."

"No matter what, they don't want a strong country to rise. Without a strong country, they can always sow discord and start a war here."

"Just like the 38th parallel, India's Pakistan and Bangladesh. And those small countries in the Middle East, these are the basic national policies of the United States and Great Britain."

Wang Yongfu looked at the map and felt a little ashamed. He thought his idea was a bit bad and too petty.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"In fact, these things are all old-fashioned. They are exactly the same as the nature of our ancestors thousands of years ago, making friends with distant countries and attacking nearby ones. If you have time, read more books and you will understand why wars happen."

"Don't focus on that small corner of the battlefield. Look further ahead and put aside those moral ethics."

Wang Yongfu handed him a cigarette, lit one for himself, and said:

Zhang Kaiwu looked at his embarrassed expression and said with a smile:

"Have you heard that as long as saints never die, thieves will never cease?"

Wang Yongfu said quickly:
"I only have a high school education, I don't have it!"


An Yaqing, the mercenary captain standing guard nearby, couldn't help but say:

"Captain Wang! What this means is that a great thief and a saint are of the same nature, and stealing a home and stealing a country are of the same nature."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at her. Could this be the Thirty-Six Stratagems of Lü Buwei?

He smiled and said:

"Xiao An is right. As a mercenary leader, you need to understand that there is no boundary between good and evil. It is a boundary that people forcibly distinguish in order to maintain social order."

"A person went to his neighbor's house, killed his neighbor, and robbed his neighbor's house and land. This is evil. It violated the law and needs to be punished. He should be taken to the Meridian Gate and beheaded."

“If a monarch goes to a neighboring country, kills the king of that neighboring country, and robs their land and wealth, these are great achievements that must be loudly praised in the temple, and the good news must be reported to the ancestors during the sacrifice.”

"Good and evil are just a thought away, and that's the truth. Xiao An, you've read quite a few books. How do you think we should respond to the provocation from the United States now?"

An Yaqing came over, pointed at the map and said confidently:

"Senior Zhang! The first to strike is the strongest, the last to strike will suffer. The United States's main forces are now on the 38th parallel. The war was not going well to begin with. There is only one aircraft carrier fleet near the Philippines. Then there is the Okinawa base in the distance. The main forces are also negotiating on the 38th parallel. They have no time to come to rescue."

"We blockaded the waters near the Philippines, provoked the United States to clash with its bases, and did not give them time to assemble and prepare."

She looked at Zhang Kaiwu and found that he was still listening with a smile, so she continued:

"There is another benefit after retaking the Philippines. America will no longer have a suitable supply line. Even the supply line to Thailand and Myanmar has been cut off. It will cost more to attack us."


The matter in the Philippines also needs an end. We cannot allow the enemy to build a base under our noses. The Medan base can bomb the entire Republic of Borneo.

Although Borneo has missile air defense, how can we be on guard all day long?
Zhang Kaiwu looked at Xie Hong beside him and asked with a smile:

"Xiao Xie! What do you think?"

Xie Hong came over, pointed at the map and said:

"Senior Zhang! Since their submarines have been deployed, the most likely plan is to blockade the Australian Strait, which is equivalent to declaring war on us! Their main forces are still near the Yalu River, and their forces are weak near the Philippines."

"In fact, we don't need to attack the Philippines directly. We can just do what Japan did. We can just find a reason and bomb the entire country after we take over the naval base of the United States. Boil the frog in warm water. There are plenty of people who can find a solution to the Philippines' problem."

"We have the advantage of status, so we can slowly convert them. The blockade disrupts their food production. Without supply lines, it won't be long before they surrender. Another advantage is that we can surround a point and attack its reinforcements, disrupting the deployment of the United States."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the map and said:
"That's right! Those submarines will not come to the Strait of Malacca. They should go to the Australian Strait and try to attack our ships."

"But two submarines alone are useless. There is no place to resupply, and submarines don't have such a long range. There may be a hidden aircraft carrier fleet near the Indian Ocean to assist them in their operations."

"You don't know their morals. If you take over the Medan base of the United States, and lose the cover of the aircraft and fleet, and lose the supply line, those American soldiers in the inland will surrender directly."

"But Xiao Xie is not wrong, war can do anything.

There is no need to storm those ground bases, blocking them is a good idea. This place must also be taken, how can we allow others to sleep in front of the bedroom door! ? "

This method is simple, and actually has an advantage. Most of the pilots of the United States are probably in the Yalu River, and the base probably only has planes but not enough pilots.

In fact, he didn't want to use the same method he used against Japan to deal with the Philippines. After all, many people there were connected by blood.

But Xiao Xie thought of a more convenient way and said it without hesitation.

She is indeed the most poisonous woman!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Wang Yongfu asked the last question carefully:

"Senior Zhang! We can definitely defeat the American navy at the Medan base, but aren't you worried about their crazy revenge?"

"The number of missiles is not that high. Maybe if they try to mobilize their fleet, we won't be able to fight them."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the two mercenary captains who were also worried, and said with a smile:

"You don't understand the psychology of those in power. A vested interest group doesn't want a real war. Because they have already seized the highest interests, they just want to maintain a stable living order."

"It's different from your mentality. You may have the idea of ​​making great achievements. But America is already one of the most powerful countries in the world. They will never allow a real war to break out on their home soil."

Everyone was confused, but the Beautiful Country was always at war!

He looked at the confused people and explained:

"They are all mean people who only care about taking advantage. Don't think that the United States is always fighting and looks very powerful. It is because they are fighting others, fighting in other people's homes. If they really fight the United States, the psychological defenses of the United States will be vulnerable."

"Once you can defeat them quickly and lose the advantage of aircraft carriers, they may immediately change their strategic position and seek to protect themselves through negotiations."

Anya Qing asked:
"Zhang Kaiwu! What if they go crazy?"

You still don't understand! How can a superior be crazy? Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"Let's make a fake nuclear bomb to scare them. They will be even more afraid to move. You will know their true colors in the future."

Anya Qing said in surprise:

"Who would believe it?" Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"Don't think that it's difficult. If you work hard and hurry up, the company can make it in a month. It's not a lie."

"I haven't told you these things. They are all secrets, but Captain Wang knows about them."

Wang Yongfu did not raise any objection. Australia had already sent people to discover high-purity uranium mines and had begun mining.

These things are secret now and not many people know about them.

According to Kaiwu Company's industrial strength, with machines, blueprints and materials, we can just take our time and finish it in a few months.

An Yaqing looked at Wang Yongfu's expression and found it was true. She said excitedly:

"Senior Zhang! That means we can produce real nuclear bombs. Why do you say that?!"

Xie Hong was also very excited. Who doesn't want their country to be strong?

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Don't worry! In this world, only poor people want to go to war. Rich people all cherish their lives."

"I hope that when you become successful in the future, you will not forget your original aspirations!"

After chatting for a long time, several people confirmed Zhang Xuechang's idea of ​​war.

Take over the base of the United States and the Philippines.

Zhang Kaiwu did not suggest going to the battlefield himself, because that was simply impossible and would make them collapse.

As one's status gets higher, one also loses a lot of freedom.

In the past, I could sneak out in the middle of the night and beat up hooligans when I was angry.

Now, with all the righteousness of a man, he can only stay at home and fight monsters!


After Wang Yongfu finished the discussion, he went back to arrange things. Zhang Kaiwu planned to let the two female captains also go and experience the battlefield and help with strategies.

The two mercenary captains also agreed reluctantly and prepared to set off together tomorrow to train themselves on the battlefield.

I took a sip of tea and looked at their excited expressions.

Zhang Kaiwu pulled the two mercenary captains, put his arm around their shoulders and said with concern:
"Xiao Xie! Xiao An! You still have to be careful, pay attention to your own safety, and just train well for a while. Don't be too eager for success and rush into things."

"We're leaving tomorrow. Are you interested in celebrating and trying out my special skills?"

The two mercenary captains blushed, but looked eager to make a move. It turned out that they both had ideas.

Zhang Kaiwu hugged them and gave each of them a kiss. Then he sat down on the sofa and played with the big walnuts.

He smiled and said:

"It's better to do it today than today! I think today is a good day. Let me check your fighting capacity, so that you won't rush to the battlefield and get killed accidentally."

"I heard from the elders in Peking that it is unlucky for a young girl to go to the battlefield. I am a soft-hearted person, so I will do my best to help you get married!"

Anya Qing blushed and whispered:
"Senior Zhang! What are you talking about? I don't want to get married."

Xie Hong said nothing, but lowered his head like a lamb to be slaughtered.

They are definitely willing. Zhang Kaiwu is a magical person. He is the kind of person who looks ordinary at first glance but becomes more and more beautiful the more you look at him.

What's more, he is a young and promising man with many talents and a lot of money. Any woman would be unable to resist him after spending a long time with him.

What's more, they are under 24-hour protection and have seen too many things they shouldn't have seen.


He has seen many of these little tricks of girls. Those who didn't like it would have run away long ago, and those who stayed were willing.

Zhang Kaiwu played with two large walnuts and said with a smile:

"This is not up to you. If you don't like to get married, then we should just consummate our marriage! Hiss! Be brave, Xiao Xie, lift your head up. Why are you smiling so shyly? You are the captain of the mercenary army, be brave! It doesn't hurt at all. When you are happy later, don't call me daddy!"

These few words made Xie Hong's eyes water and she replied:
"Senior Zhang! Well! Just come, I've seen a lot... I'm not afraid!"

The weather was a bit hot, and Zhang Kaiwu skillfully took off their coats and taught them how to practice drinking techniques.

He hugged Anyaqing and gave her a kiss, praising her figure non-stop, making Xie Hong scream.

After a while, he considerately let Xie Hong take a rest, gave her a kiss, and beat Anyaqing until she screamed.

The two mercenary captains made all the arrangements properly by combining work and rest.

Zhang Kaiwu pinned them on the sofa and beat them for two hours. Even the mercenaries who worked out regularly were beaten so hard that they kept shouting for mercy.

The current Su Nu Heart Sutra is too perverted. The two virgin girls didn't gain any experience points at all.

It was a waste of time!
Neither of the two girls are the heroines, so it’s hard to tell how popular they are!

But this is the simplest way. Women nowadays are more conservative, and this is also the simplest way to control it.

It's all for love.


After arranging for them to rest, Zhang Kaiwu left and went to his sister-in-law, knocking her unconscious.

Try hard to have a baby with Huairu.


That night, Xue Long led an aircraft carrier fleet to garrison the Indian Ocean region to guard against submarines and fleets that might come from India.

The next morning, Wang Yongfu and Xie Hong led an aircraft carrier fleet, two small aircraft carriers, four battleships and a supply ship.

More than a dozen cargo ships ready to capture prisoners, loaded with 50,000 mercenaries full of fighting spirit, plus a dozen small ships, set out from the port of Jakarta, ready to attack the Medan base near the Philippines.

Princess Ningping also recounted on TV news how the United States' warships killed more than 100 fishermen from the Republic of Borneo.

The United States is required to give an explanation within three hours and hand over the warships and personnel involved in the accident for trial. Otherwise, the Republic of Borneo has already set out and will come to demand an explanation immediately.

A total of 60,000 troops, including 50,000 mercenary troops on the ground and 10,000 aircraft carrier fleet troops, will liberate the Philippines, uphold justice, and drive out U.S. imperialism.

There is no way!
You must have a legitimate reason.

The United States still has a good reputation now. Although it made a lot of money in World War II, its reputation is not too bad.

It has only just started to intervene everywhere, and has not yet been called the world police.

But the world was in an uproar!
No one would have thought that in the conflict between the Republic of Borneo and the United States, there was no passive defense, but rather they took the initiative to attack.

Are they drifting off and wanting to die?!


MacArthur looked at the telegram from Borneo in his hand. He did not expect to meet such a stubborn opponent. He was really slapped in the face.

The aircraft carrier fleet has not yet arrived, and no one expected that the Republic of Borneo would take the initiative to start a war.

Relying on the great reputation of the United States in the late World War II and its fleet of more than one hundred aircraft carriers, even the Eastern Europeans dare not turn against it openly, and they can only do some small tricks secretly.

There are more than 300 fighter jets, hundreds of bombers, hundreds of other aircraft, two aircraft carrier fleets, more than 30 warships, three submarines, and more than 30,000 land troops stationed in the United States base in Medan.

Among them, there are two special rocket boats, which are similar to the Kashaqiu of the Russians in Eastern Europe and are the characteristic ships of this era.

As an important base in Southeast Asia, it has a huge amount of military supplies in stock.

But it is similar to what Zhang Kaiwu estimated. There is a certain number of fighter pilots and a certain number of manpower sources.

(End of this chapter)

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