Chapter 365 Labor Service Company
No matter how many fleets the United States has, it is impossible for it to blockade a 300-kilometer sea area with its backward technology, and there are indeed not enough people to operate them.

If it is true, a decapitation operation can be carried out at any time in the Republic of Borneo.

Antonis's expression changed several times. He had never experienced this kind of diplomatic method. Zhang Kaiwu was really difficult to deal with!

It was completely different from his previous impression of Asians. Although polite and generous, the person's personality was aggressive.

Great Britain is also flirting with the Republic of Borneo, how could they not know about the intelligence of the United States! ?
The two men chatted politely for a few words, and Zhang Kaiwu walked him out of the study.


Wang Yongfu returned to the study and asked curiously:
"That would be equivalent to asking them to withdraw from East Asia in disguise. Will the United States agree to this?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:

"As a commander, sometimes you have to consider things from your opponent's perspective. If you were the commander of the United States and encountered this situation, would you agree to this?"

Wang Yongfu looked at the map on the wall and thought carefully for a while.

Then he replied:

"If I were the commander and encountered the current situation where the supply line was cut off, in order to avoid more serious consequences, the best way now would be to heavily defend Hawaii and Midway Island, and build while defending the border. We must not let this most important base fall and let the enemy threaten the homeland."

"It's difficult to supply Japan here, so we can just get a small amount of supplies from Midway Island. Then we can keep some army bases and a small number of navy bases here as outposts to serve as a surveillance force."

"If something happens, the loss will be small. The north, south and west need to be monitored and the cooperation forces on the Indian side should be strengthened."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You're right. The people of America will think the same way. And the most important thing to consider is that after losing the regional advantage in Southeast Asia, America may take a step back. Simply abandon the 38th parallel and Japan, and let us be on guard against the offensive steps of our neighbor to the north."

"They sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then increase investment in other places."

"You have to be careful about your distance. After this incident, due to local reasons, the people in Eastern Europe will be alienated from us and will not be able to stay with us for long."

Wang Yongfu smiled and said:

"I know that. I think America is really messing around. If they have the energy, they might as well just unify the entire North America. It's such a huge territory!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:
"The border between the United States and Canada has no defenses on either side, and there are no soldiers guarding it. It's just a one-meter-wide ditch. This is because there are fewer people in Canada, and most of them are Anglo-Saxons."

"There is a strict defense line in neighboring Mexico. After the United States took over the most fertile lands in recent years, the defense line we have in Myeik has the same function as ours, which is to prevent illegal immigrants from invading."

Wang Yongfu felt proud for a moment!

Zhang Kaiwu continued:
"If America is willing, it can take over all of North America in a month, and it may even be possible to resolve the issue through negotiations. But the remaining land is very barren and has no meaning. Instead, it has to support those people."

Wang Yongfu was thinking there!
Zhang Kaiwu said:
"With the population of Mexico and those small countries, it's too large, more than 200 million people. Do you think America is still America after 70 million people have taken over hundreds of millions of people in North America?!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"For example, Great Britain can choose not to give up India's independence. Emily Brent, the farmer, has told the truth. They don't oppose Great Britain's rule at all. If they give Indians the same treatment as British citizens, the whole of India will be sided with Great Britain. But what will happen if Great Britain's 40 million people absorb 400 million or 500 million Indians?!"

"Don't look at the problem from the perspective of land, it will narrow your mind. They are just for profit. Remember one truth: actions and words may be false, but interests cannot!"

"You can talk big, but there is no right or wrong between countries. There is only a relationship of interest. All other relationships are fake."

"Among these relationships, the most important point is national interests. Nothing is more important than this."

"The people of the United States will not try to retake neighboring Mexico until they are at their wits' end and the world is about to end."

“No matter what you do, don’t forget your original intention.”

Wang Yongfu smiled awkwardly and explained:

"Senior Zhang! I am used to the life of a small family. My family has no land since I was a child, so I look at people like a thief who steals land!"

"To be honest, I go to the dock every day to check on the aircraft carrier. I'm afraid someone might run away with it."

"Senior Zhang! What do you think the Eastern Europeans are doing here?"

Zhang Kaiwu lit a cigarette, looked at his ruffian look, and said with a smile:

"It's a different time now! The most basic idea of ​​those old Russians is to win us over and not side with America. They will definitely pay a huge price that we cannot refuse, because if we side with America, they will retreat completely."

"Look at the map again and see what the Eastern Europeans lack. If you think about it from a military perspective, you will immediately understand. They have been fighting Japan for hundreds of years. What is it for?"

Wang Yongfu suddenly realized and said:

"An ice-free port? The four northern islands? They must have thought of the evacuation of the United States and the attack on those islands."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"The original strategic goal of the United States was to prevent them from taking over the port and to curb their naval power."

"In order to make their way to the sea more difficult, we can only support Japan in defending these islands."

Wang Yongfu said in surprise:

"That makes sense! The people of the Beautiful Country really don't want to fight with us?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and asked:

"If you were an adult without a sense of good and evil, and a little kid came and snatched your buns, you would beat him to death."

"If you were an adult, you would consider whether you could win the fight. Is it worth fighting for a bun?!"

"If it's someone more ruthless than you, you know you'll get beaten if you rob, so you'll run away without saying a word. You'll also have to go back home to prevent the other person from stealing your house!"

Wang Yongfu asked curiously:

"Then what do we do?"

Zhang Kaiwu said:
"What do you think should be done?"

Wang Yongfu frowned and sat there thinking for a long time. When he raised his head, Zhang Kaiwu had already run away.


During dinner, Zhang Kaiwu and the Eastern European guests drank several glasses of vodka, two taels at a gulp, and soon finished a pound.

He also forced the guests from the Beautiful Country to drink vodka, which made them frown and look like they were in ecstasy.

In less than half an hour, Zhang Kaiwu drank another pound of vodka.

The Eastern European guests kept making a fuss and also wanted to have a good drink with the guests from the beautiful country.

They really love drinking, and they really love vodka.

In addition, vodka and cigarettes are still very expensive luxury goods in their country, and even if you have money, they may not work.

Several guests from the Beautiful Country drank the wine one after another, and because they were afraid that they would drink to death, everyone went back to rest after they had enough fun.

The maids were frightened by the drinking, and the Eastern European guests were fanatical.

Only Wang Yongfu was indifferent. After drinking two glasses, he found an excuse and ran away secretly.

He knew that Zhang Kaiwu was not afraid of drinking at all, as if the wine he drank was fake and he cheated without anyone noticing.

It was cheating indeed!

After drinking together twice in the mercenary camp, they drank to death, but Zhang Kaiwu kept drinking and nothing happened. No one in the mercenaries drank with Zhang Kaiwu later.

Things that don’t bring a sense of accomplishment are meaningless.


When Zhang Kaiwu returned home, apart from a faint smell of alcohol, nothing else happened.

Except for the first glass of wine, he didn't drink a single sip and poured it all into the storage space.

That vodka has lost its aroma and has gone through multiple distillation processes. It's purely for the purpose of getting people drunk. It's meaningless.

Zhang Kaiwu doesn't like any form of liquor except a little wine.

Most of the wives and concubines in the family went traveling, leaving only Zhu Zhiyin, Chen Xueru, Xie Hong and Anyaqing. Zhang Kaiwu beat them up and went to talk to the Indian maids.

Indian maids are all patient, flexible and good-tempered.

Especially the Darat maids of Emily Brent's farmer are quite interesting.

Pretty and obedient, that timid expression, those timid big blue eyes, always make men feel satisfied.

There is no need to worry about hurting your body when practicing drinking techniques. Even if you feel very uncomfortable, you can still smile. There is a different kind of beauty.

Emily Brent went on a trip without taking them with her for fear that they would be embarrassed.

With Zhang Kaiwu's arrival, they felt a little hesitant and uneasy being alone with him.

Several Dalit girls used to be assistants, but now they have suddenly become the main attackers.

An excited heart, trembling hands, a nervous mood, but also filled with the joy of success, and feeling flattered.

Like those experts, Zhang Kaiwu lamented the injustice of fate to them and criticized India's ridiculous caste system.

While enjoying their service with peace of mind, I watched their excited, satisfied, and fearful expressions.

His mental power is so sharp that he can sense many things.

They feel inferior about their status, but are also proud of being able to serve Earl Zhang, which is very contradictory.

In that singing voice, there is depression, joy, and enthusiasm...

Isn't it the same feeling of frustration as when drinking with Antonis and the others at dinner?

Ha ha ha ha ha!
It was noon the next day when the old Russians with splitting headaches finally got up, but they didn't care at all. Instead, they liked the feeling.

After lunch, Zhang Kaiwu and Wang Yongfu invited the driver and chairman Vadim Majic to the study to chat as usual.

The chairman has a big beard, a tall nose, and blue eyes, and he looks particularly upright.

After lighting the cigar, Vadim and Zhang Kaiwu talked about Cuban cigars and the weather. After smoking the cigar for a while, he said to Zhang Kaiwu:
"Senior Zhang! Japan obviously cannot compensate you for your losses. How are you going to deal with them?!"

The old Russian really cares about his old rival. Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile:

"Mr. Vadim! It's okay! Anyway, the principal and interest will not go away. Even if this generation can't pay it back, there will be the next generation, and the generations to come will be inexhaustible!"

"I plan to plunder them first, take away the profitable factories and their technology, and use them as collateral for part of the money."

"I can use the rest of the money to grow crops and pay back the debt slowly. I'm not in a hurry."

Driver Chairman Vadim Majic also laughed. Zhang Kaiwu's idea was very good and this person was really to his liking.

Even the factories and technologies were taken away, and the resources were blocked.

If this matter is implemented, Japan will instantly turn from an industrial country into an agricultural country, and they will also have one less opponent and enemy.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at him, handed him a glass of wine, and continued:
"Alas! It's a relief to deal with it this way. Our company has suffered huge losses. You have to know that the United States' method is correct. Let them develop their economy first, and then we can get the money back smoothly."

The driver, Vadim Majic, took the wine, looked at the vodka, and heard this and said quickly:
"Dear Zhang! You must not have this idea. The Japanese are full of betrayal. They are all mean people."

Zhang Kaiwu stood beside the wine cabinet, poured him another glass of vodka, and said with a smile:

"Of course I know, but if the country wants to grow and develop, we need money. We are poor!"

The driver, Vadim Majic, took the vodka, drank the wine in one gulp, took another sip of vodka, and sighed. He understood that this was a request for assistance!!

But the Republic of Borneo is now much stronger than Eastern Europe and has no shortage of money. The situation is completely different from what it was before.

He looked a little unhappy, as he didn't know when he would be able to repay the last loan from Borneo.

In his mind, the Republic of Borneo is already a superpower and should shoulder due responsibilities.

We are all of similar status now, why should I lend you money?

If you want to borrow it, you have to find a reason!

Zhang Kaiwu looked at his embarrassed expression and said with a smile:

"How about I make a suggestion. Aren't you short of labor? We also need to capture war criminals. You can go to Japan and bring back a group of war criminals. You have experience in managing war criminals. I can use these prisoners to pay off the loan!"

"I also want to import some crude oil, steel, and some heavy machinery from you. You won't suffer any loss if we exchange crude oil for labor. We can open a labor service company and recruit some people to work in your place to pay off the loan. They can't survive without food, so we are doing good things."

Driver Chairman Vadim Majic was a little angry just now, but now his mind suddenly became clear. This suggestion is really good.

Eastern Europe is not short of crude oil and steel, there is really plenty of them. The current situation is very embarrassing, as they have the production capacity but cannot sell them.

The last 600,000 prisoners of war were very useful. They solved many problems, such as repairing bridges, roads and houses. A few civil engineering experts emerged, but they died too quickly.

Siberia really needs a large number of obedient workers. As for recruiting workers and paying them wages, just listen.

Can we expect those who went to Siberia to come back on their own?!

The driver, Vadim Majic, asked tentatively:

"how much for one?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"How about two thousand rubles? You can at least work for two years. If you take good care of yourself, you can work for at least five years. You really made a fortune."

"If you use it to start a farm, you will make a lot of money!"

The most suitable ones are still in Siberia, but Earl Zhang is right, two thousand rubles each is not as much as a Russian’s annual salary, it’s really a huge profit!
The driver, Vadim Majic, said quickly:
"No problem! But we don't want too many women. They are not of much value."

"We need at least two million people and four billion rubles, to pay for it with crude oil and steel."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled slightly, you have too many women! ?
The experienced Wang Yongfu felt a toothache when he heard this, so he quickly lit up another cigarette and took a deep puff to calm himself down!
He then poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp to calm himself.

Zhang Kaiwu blew out a smoke ring and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, there won't be many women. Our plantation also needs a large number of women, and it will be mainly men. We are all old friends, so there is no need to rush to settle the bill. We will settle the bill when the time comes."

The driver chairman Vadim Majic asked:
"Can you sell the four northern islands to us?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Dear Mr. Chairman! That is definitely not appropriate. You know, the fishery resources there are rich. We can arrange for the company to fish there, or sublease it to Longguo to fish there. It would be good to get more money back."

The driver, Vadim Majic, looked at Zhang Kaiwu and said:

"Can fishing make money? Ten billion rubles is just enough to cover your loan. This will reduce your burden. It will not affect your leasing to Longguo for fishing. These are all small matters."

This is the benefit of winning me over! ? Too petty, Zhang Kaiwu smiled and explained:
"This is not a question of money. The problem is that those islands are not ours. It is not good to cause trouble like this. We are also in a difficult situation."

The driver, Vadim Majic, said righteously:

"Of the 20 billion ruble fee, 10 billion rubles will be deposited into your Kaiwu Bank right away! I know that the American people will soon withdraw from here, so you just need to not oppose us, and we will be able to take them down naturally."

Japan doesn't even have a naval self-defense force anymore, so of course you can take them down. Can't your warships handle those swimmers?

Zhang Kaiwu said with a sad face:

"We are a small country. How can we resist that pressure? We are short of money for construction now. We have to buy raw materials from you for most of these things. We need a lot of crude oil, steel, copper, and all kinds of basic materials. It's really difficult for us..."

The driver, Vadim Majic, took a few puffs of his cigar and listened to his nonsense for a long time.

Dislike the lack of money! ?

The driver, Comrade Matić, continued:

"20 billion rubles will be deposited into your company, and there is also 4 billion rubles as advance payment for the labor force. However, the loan money can only be used to buy raw materials and cannot flow into other places. The loan will still be repaid according to the previous contract."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Then it's settled. We'll recruit people and send them to you directly. Since we all have such a good relationship, there shouldn't be a need to sign a contract for these things, right!?"

(End of this chapter)

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