Chapter 384 The system needs to be repaired
After playing with the new girls for an entire afternoon, Su Nu Heart Sutra quietly gained some experience points.

This is why it is so important to take care of a green tea bitch. She will always cater to his needs and every time she can get some pretty girls who are willing to play with him happily.

People can not escape from doing wrong.

All for the purpose of practicing the Su Nu Heart Sutra!


That night Mieko and Mayumi received news from the Indian girls. The Indian girls got such a big project that they were so anxious that they almost broke down.

More than 5,000 square kilometers of pasture! ?
How many cattle and sheep are that?

the next morning!
Zhang Kaiwu got up lazily and was about to go to the beach to go fishing after breakfast.

Mieko and Mayumi were waiting for him. When they saw him, they wanted to pull him into the company and ask him to check the work and see the company they had worked hard to run.

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the two school beauties holding him on the left and right, and asked with a smile:

"I think you guys are doing a great job and deserve praise. Why do you want me to go and see you? Are you trying to be corrupt? I'm telling you, I'm an honest and selfless person."

Mayumi smiled and said:

"Ori-chan! Why don't you go and take a look? Give us some pointers. There are a lot of beautiful girls joining the company now. We found them with great difficulty."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Why would I go to your company just for a beautiful woman? I'm not that kind of person."

Mieko smiled and pulled him, saying:

"Ori-chan! Please, go check it out! Give us some advice."

Zhang Kaiwu said seriously:

"We agreed to just take a look! Don't use beautiful women to test me and satisfy your little thoughts! I can stand the test."

Mieko smiled and said:

"No! Ori-chan! Let's go, it's too hot."

The two dragged Zhang Kaiwu out of the house, not giving him a chance to escape. Mieko and her friends drove a Japanese-made car, probably bought from Japan, a 99% new luxury car.

There are many such second-hand cars on the streets now, and they are all sold by these two girls. The purchase price is almost free, and they can make a lot of money just by reselling these things.

A group of mercenary girls on duty drove up behind them. One of them couldn't help but whispered:

"Look at the expressions of those Japanese women, they are just like those madams. These Japanese girls are like cats wishing a happy new year to mice, they have no good intentions!"

Another mercenary girl smiled and whispered:

"Are you jealous? Can't Senior Zhang see that he is dumber than you? If you don't accept it, just sneak into the bed when you are on duty at night!"

"You think I don't dare? Why don't we try together? Whoever runs away will be the one to get caught!"

The team leader summarized for them:

"Have you eaten too much? We have already stopped two assassination attempts this month. Please pay attention to your environment!"

The mercenary girls laughed for a while and replied:


There were more than two assassination attempts in the Republic of Borneo. Many people failed for unknown reasons and no one knew why they failed.

Some went to bribe their accomplices, some went to buy weapons without any ID, and some went to find out Zhang Kaiwu's movements.

These people had no idea that a large area near the manor was the territory of the mercenaries.

If they are not mercenaries, then they are their families.

The killer who can get in front of these mercenary girls and get near the manor has not appeared yet.

There is no one who can reach Zhang Kaiwu.


The head of the United States has suffered at least seven or eight assassination attempts in his life, and the Russians in Eastern Europe have suffered at least seventy or eighty times, and they even have stand-ins.

And there was that guy who encountered more than seven or eight assassination attempts in his life.

How come when it comes to me, it happens so silently?

It's too weak.


Mieko and the others were much more business-savvy than Emily Brent, so she didn't need to put in any effort and could just arrange for someone to do it.

Not only do you not need to spend money to hire people, but you can also make a lot of money from hiring people.

There are too many women who want to leave Japan, and many families are willing to give their daughters benefits in order to encourage them to leave.

They also have to sign strict contracts with them and must obey their arrangements in the future, which is very calculating.

Of course! Mieko and her colleagues will also introduce people with good conditions in all aspects and people who have subsidies for themselves for free.

Emily Brent actually had the same foundation. If she could put aside her saintly attitude and just sell immigration opportunities to those women, she would have made a fortune long ago.

Mieko and her colleagues’ company headquarters was not far away and only took a few minutes to get there. It was a luxurious five-story building.

Mieko and Mayumi pulled him into the building, where there were some female employees, busy sorting out various documents.

Zhang Kaiwu was pulled into his office by them. Not long after, a few cute schoolmates came and practiced drinking techniques with him with a smile.

One after another…

Simply incredible!

After practicing the Su Nu Heart Sutra for an afternoon, I gained three experience points, which is more terrifying than selling stockings in Tsinghua University.

When Zhang Kaiwu was working hard without any ruthlessness or loyalty, he once again felt that this skill was really unorthodox.

Wait until the sun sets and everyone is getting ready to go home from get off work.

Mieko and Mayumi smiled and complained:

"Ori-chan! Today's schedule is too tight, and there are still many school girls I haven't met yet. Can we play tomorrow?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Okay! The schoolgirls are so enthusiastic today, I'll talk to you tomorrow! I've got to tell you, I can resist temptation!"

Mieko said with a smile:
"Ori-chan! Of course we know."


After returning from the office, there were all kinds of banknotes and documents collected from the Bank of Tokyo, Japan, in the storage space.

These things were not dealt with at the time. Zhang Kaiwu found an excuse to go to the bank and threw them into the safe inside Kaiwu Bank.

The cash alone is worth several billion U.S. dollars and is the foreign exchange reserves of those large companies.

He asked the bank to help deal with these things, and to empty out the secret room on the bottom floor to store his gold inventory.

My neighbor hoards food and I hoard guns. My neighbor is my granary.

After leaving the bank, Zhang Kaiwu told himself silently.

The values ​​of the Angsa people are so simple and plain that they have distorted the universal views of many people.

I learned all these things from Great Britain. I was not this kind of person before.


After playing with Mieko and the others for more than half a month, I ruthlessly took 100 experience points from the Su Nu Heart Sutra.

It is almost the end of June, the yacht competition is about to begin, and those policies have been implemented.

The most important point is that the private property of mercenaries must be made public, including those of their family members.

These things just caused everyone to compare salaries for a while, and there was no big news. Maybe everyone hasn't reached that stage yet.

Zhang Kaiwu's arrangements were carried out silently.

Maybe some people understood it, maybe some people were still confused, but anyway, no one jumped out.

Zhang Kaiwu worked part-time in Mieko's company for more than half a month. He became familiar with the female students and also achieved the achievement of killing a thousand people!
I have already achieved the state of not seeing the horse, and have a better understanding of the skeletal structure of the human body.

Even the medical skills gained two experience points, which was also an unintentional gain. Zhang Kaiwu also saw the sincerity of Mieko and the others, and there was no point in staying here. When he was about to go back, he took the initiative to ask:
"Mieko! We've certainly had a lot of fun during this period of time. What's the matter with you guys?!"

Mieko said with a smile:
"Ori-chan! As long as you like it, just come and play often. We don't actually have anything to do."

Mayumi also said:
"Yes! It's okay. Just don't be too biased towards Indian girls. I heard that they have prepared a huge project area and have gathered many Brahmin girls."

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Zhang Kaiwu pointed to the map on the wall and said with a smile:

"In fact, there is a large ranch in Australia, and there is a giant gold mine next to it, right here. It is a little difficult to mine, and on average the gold content per ton of ore is only a few grams."

"And the mining area here is more than 100 meters underground, and the thickness of the mining area is more than 300 meters."

Mieko smiled and said:

"Ori-chan! Do you want us to do this!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I don't have any other intentions. I just want open-pit mining to be carried out in a reasonable way and not to damage the environment here. We can't dig up the rich ore and leave the poor ore there. At least we should complete the infrastructure and water conservancy projects before we start construction."

"In this way, you may not make much money in the early stage, but the benefits in the future will be very large. The price of gold will increase in the future. It will also be a good water conservancy project, instead of digging pits here and there randomly."

"Actually, my original intention was to build a large-scale water conservancy project. Floods in this part of Australia are terrible, and droughts are even more terrible!"

"Besides the pastures, other places here are still experiencing drought for two to three years and floods for two to three years. If you open a mine according to my method, you may not make any money in three to four years."

Mieko asked cautiously:

"Ori-chan! This place should be very popular right!?"

Zhang Kaiwu explained with a smile:
"Of course it's in high demand! The gold reserves detected alone are 3,600 tons, and there are also some other associated minerals. Many European mining companies want to spend 800 million or 1 billion US dollars to mine here, but my goal is not to make money."

"I don't agree with their mining method of digging holes. I don't lack money here. Do you understand?"

Mayumi asked:

"Ori-chan! You mean to use mining to build a water conservancy system in the west?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"That's right! If we don't deal with the floods and droughts, they will always be there and will get worse and worse."

"But once the water conservancy project is built, it can at least alleviate major natural disasters. The reservoir will also be beneficial to your pastoral areas."

"This place is very large, more than 500,000 square kilometers, as large as the whole of France. If you can't do it, just manage the pastoral area on your own. I will find a suitable person to do this, mining and building water conservancy projects at the same time."

Mayumi said quickly:

"Ori-chan! It's definitely easier to solve the problem as a whole. Of course we can do these things. Basic transportation can be solved, right!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"There are no problems with railways and electricity, the only problem is water conservancy. That's why I made that request, and it's also for the good of the pastoral areas."

“Although sea transportation is also very convenient, it is not a long-term solution. In fact, I always ask for water conservancy projects to be built at the same time when mining in each mining area.”

“You may think that the investment is large in the early stage, but it is actually very convenient for the overall mining. You can’t have a flood come while you are digging and the road is washed away. If we arrange it reasonably, maybe one day the mine will be mined out and countless large lakes will be left behind!?”

Mieko said with a smile:
"The Republic of Borneo is definitely not short of money. The iron ore region in Australia has a content of 475 billion tons, which not only accounts for a quarter of the world's total, but also contains rich ores with high iron content. It would take a hundred years to mine all of them. We can make a fortune just by selling the ores!"

Zhang Kaiwu explained with a smile:
"As people develop, they will need more and more iron, and one day all the iron will be mined out. But the land will not disappear. With these water conservancy projects, the land will only become more fertile."

"If you build that ranch, it will be 1 billion acres of arable land. Can you imagine how big the future is?!"

"Only when infrastructure construction is done well will people regard it as their hometown and have a sense of honor."

"Look at our two giant steel plants. They are both connected to cement plants. The slag can also be used to make high-grade cement. There is also a corresponding sulfuric acid plant. There is no end to my infrastructure project. I will continue to work on it."

Mieko smiled and said:

"Ori-chan! Can we do this ranch project?!"

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her and said with a smile:

"Of course you can! We are related, I can trust you. When you have children, won't these things belong to the children!?"

Mayumi said excitedly:

"Ori-chan! That's so kind of you! We'll try our best!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said casually:
"I believe you!"

As his position got higher and higher, his lies became more and more natural and sincere.


June 26th.

At around three or four o'clock in the morning, before daybreak, Zhang Kaiwu was awakened by a series of system notification sounds and immediately noticed the changes in the attribute panel.

The energy value has reached 100,000 points. The system prompts whether it is necessary to repair the Zhutian Rescue System, which requires 100,000 energy points.

If he chooses not to repair it, the attribute panel, storage space, and other functions will be closed. He will stay in this world until he grows old and dies.

After the repair of the Zhutian Rescue System is completed and the energy value reaches 100,000 points, it will return to the real world.


The meaning of the Zhutian Rescue System is that if you don't leave and repair the system, it will still leave with the 100,000 energy points.

To it, Zhang Kaiwu is just a driver and a tool. Once it gets what it wants, it will naturally leave.

But after seeing the extraordinary power, how could he be willing to be an ordinary person in the future? Even if he was rich and prosperous, what was the meaning of a short life of just a few decades! ?

Zhang Kaiwu looked at his sister-in-law and the others beside him, and silently asked in his mind:

"How do I leave here, body or soul!?"

The Zhutian Rescue System prompts:
"The cost of the Zhutian Rescue System to travel through time and space is very high. Matter simply has no ability to leave here, and your physical body simply cannot leave here. Just like when you came here, you left only a little bit of your true spirit consciousness. According to what you can understand, it is just a piece of information. You can say that you left, or you can say that you did not leave."

"It's just that the Zhang Kaiwu left behind doesn't have your current consciousness, system space, attribute panel, and other related memories of transcendental spiritual power."

"In terms that you can understand, the Zhang Kaiwu who is left behind can also be said to be you. It's just that some memories are missing, and the memories of using the system will be erased."

Zhang Kaiwu asked again:

"Is this the real world or a fantasy world? Or a plot world? "

The Zhutian Rescue System flashed for a moment and did not directly answer the question.

There is only one line of cold font:
“This is beyond your understanding!”

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed his sleeping sister-in-law Zhaodi, pinched her face, and watched her impatiently turning her head away in her sleep, wanting to bite him.

He said silently in his mind:
“Let’s start repairing it!”

He stared at the attribute panel and saw the energy value falling like a waterfall until it dropped to zero.

The attribute panel and storage space turned into a dot and disappeared, and my mind felt empty.

A reminder sounded in my mind, and it would take six hours to restart.

This Zhutian Rescue System is indeed broken. It takes so long to repair it! ?

Zhang Kaiwu pushed his sister-in-law away and stretched out his hand out of habit, trying to get cigarettes and lighters from the storage space, but came up empty-handed.

Habits are terrible!

He smiled self-deprecatingly, put on his shorts, walked to the table, took a pack of cigarettes, found a lighter, and lit a cigarette.

It is still the rainy season, but it didn't rain outside tonight. A waning moon hung in the sky, and a few small animals were chirping there.

He held the cigarette and lighter in his hand, and slowly walked out of the door of the room and came to the yard. A mercenary girl at the door whispered:

"Senior Zhang! What can I do for you? Swish! Do you need me to find you a coat?"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the female mercenary carrying the gun, and then looked at the female pervert. He suddenly felt that he had been a little hasty in running out.

He smiled and said:

"Nie Jiayun! It's okay, I don't need a coat! I woke up suddenly and came out for a walk."

Nie Jiayun wiped her mouth, smiled and whispered:

"Senior Zhang! So you know my name!?"

(End of this chapter)

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