Chapter 390 Marriage
Zhang Kaiwu's patience gradually wore off, and he arranged to meet one last guest, the beautiful Desert Camel Alliance.

He is also the most important guest and the target of his plan.

What they have agreed to now is an alliance of brother tribes, and the popular idea is that the throne will be taken in turns, and it will be my turn next year.

With a piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world.

Of course, they are still in the most primitive slavery system now, and it is difficult for ordinary people to even solve the problem of food and clothing, so there is no such thing as "I am the richest".

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the guest in robe. He was a bit old, probably in his sixties, and his eyes showed the sight of many hardships.

There were two other tribesmen accompanying him, a boy and a girl, who were very young and obviously his most important children.

They are all Semitic people with deep eye sockets, high noses, black hair and dark eyes.

Although these Middle Eastern people seem to be fighting fiercely, from a genetic point of view, these people in the Middle East all have the same ancestors.

The boy was probably only ten years old, while the girl was older. She was wrapped tightly in a robe, and only a pair of beautiful big eyes could be seen.

Zhang Kaiwu handed over a cigarette, but the old man refused. He lit a cigarette and said with a smile:

"Because the demand for crude oil is getting higher and higher, your methods are outdated. The factory cannot reach the production capacity I need, and the capital operation is not convenient."

"I want to rebuild an oil settlement method and an exchange. Your original methods are not suitable and the financial system is not convenient."

"If you continue like this, you won't be able to get rich, and your production won't meet our expectations. Cooperation can bring more opportunities to everyone and promote your development."

"At least your current food problem can be solved immediately."

The old man listened quietly and said:

"Mr. Zhang! Can we reject your proposal?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course you can! These things are just a suggestion, and you have the right not to cooperate."

The old man said slowly:
"Your target was originally us. Someone told us how powerful your country is and that it just defeated the United States."

"The kindness of the powerful cannot be refused! I am not old and confused yet."

"If I don't agree, it may be difficult to say it tomorrow. You may support my brother and overthrow me, a confused old man."

"But your attitude is very good. You didn't embarrass an old guy like me!"

Ha ha ha ha ha!
As long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said frankly:
"That's something I don't want to do. Things haven't come to that point yet. I didn't expect that there are people among you who understand reason, unlike your neighbors!"

“It’s a win-win situation for everyone to cooperate!”

The old man smiled and whispered:

"Haha! They just didn't go out and see the world. They were blinded by interests, misjudged their own strength, and chose to dance with jackals."

"I know a lot about you. Although you have many tricks, you are not bad to your friends and you have a bottom line."

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and did not comment on his compliment!
The old man said calmly:
"I can accept your currency system, and even give up half of the profits of the oil companies. I only have two small requests, and we can cooperate if you meet them."

"If these two requirements are not met, I am not young anymore and I am not afraid of those things."

Zhang Kaiwu took a puff of cigarette, blew out a smoke ring, and asked:

"What's your request? If it's something I can't agree to, I won't lie to you. I'll change my partner."

"I personally think that the most important thing in cooperation is to know each other's bottom line. Otherwise, if something does happen in the future, it will be difficult for everyone to maintain dignity."

The old man said calmly:
"You don't have to change your partners. I won't make excessive demands. At my age, everything can be negotiated. No one in the desert of happiness understands the power of knowledge better than me!"

"I have lived outside for more than 20 years and have experienced many things. They all call me the reasonable Ibn. Among my brothers, there is no one who is more reasonable than me."

"The first is that our country is vulnerable. You need to ensure the security of our territory in the future. You can arrange for some garrisons to help maintain it. We will pay your mercenaries' wages and all supplies."

The old man calmly pointed at the two children he brought and said:

"The second is that you marry Amisha Lanslisa Shatter. She is my smartest and most beautiful granddaughter. You will not be disappointed if she becomes your wife. Let Brol Eli Shatter study here. He is my smartest grandson and enjoys the equal right to education here."

Zhang Kaiwu looked at the silly girl. She quickly lowered her head and sat there motionless, like a puppet.

With his keen spiritual power, he found that the girl's face was red, and there was a blush in the corners of her eyes. It seemed that she was very satisfied with him! ?

I looked at the boy again and found that he was looking at me nervously. He was trying hard to remain calm, but there was still fear in his eyes.

The child was a little smart. He understood the transactions and realized that his country was in an unequal position.

Maybe there is fear, hesitation, anger, and determination in his young heart! ?
This old guy is so cruel that he brought such a young child to participate in such negotiations!

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"There is no problem with the marriage, and there is no problem with going to school. First of all, you need to understand that I will not help you expand your territory. You are capable of doing that on your own."

"Do I need to guarantee that Broll El Shatter will become the chairman of the tribal alliance when he grows up? That shouldn't be difficult to do. Should I just guarantee his study conditions and let him study safely?"

The old man said calmly:
"My grandson is very smart. If he studied and grew up here, and had the support of your company and his sister, he still wouldn't be able to get that position with such excellent conditions. You don't have to go out of your way to help take care of him, just let him live an ordinary life."

"I have studied what you have done and believe in your character. You should only be interested in our crude oil. You are not interested in that barren desert. You have plenty of desert in Australia."

People become better with age!
Taking advantage of this cooperation opportunity, the old guy had already thought about breaking the brotherhood tradition in the desert and wanted to let his children take the top position.

Zhang Kaiwu thought about their current method of passing on power, and even figured out the old man's subsequent methods.

After things stabilized, the right opportunity came.

This old guy can choose a foolish and cruel tribal leader to pass on his throne, and then he will mess up the desert and turn it upside down.

Then he sent Brol Elie Shatter, who had just returned from his studies, to restore order, abolish the slavery system, and save the desert people from dire straits.

After two generations of hard work, it was only natural to break the tradition and make it hereditary, or to be more noble and learn from the constitutional monarchy here! ?

What followed were various reforms to abolish slavery and seek welfare for the desert.

It is difficult to judge whether the starting point is public or private.


These things have nothing to do with Zhang Kaiwu, and sometimes working with a smart person is much smoother than working with a fool.

A simple marriage can solve the problem, which is a good way.

According to what he knew, this old man married the daughters of all the tribal elders and turned the tribal alliance into a family alliance, which was how he solved the turbulent social environment.

He became the chairman of the alliance and turned the war in the desert into a quarrel among relatives, thus maintaining the happy desert without war.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and stretched out his hand and said:

"Happy cooperation then! I hope peace will come to the desert soon and the people will be happy!"

The old man smiled and stretched out his hand and said:

"You are indeed a smart and wise person. It's a pleasure to work with you!"

He is indeed a smart man who can form a tribal alliance and end those disputes!

End of July!
Amid the busy work of a group of big lawyers, the argument was so intense that the result came out very quickly.

A cooperation contract was signed, and the Republic of Borneo and their happy desert worked together to develop crude oil and establish the world's largest oil exchange.

The settlement method is Borneo currency, with a 60% stake in the Republic of Borneo and a 40% stake in the tribal alliance in the form of mining rights.

The new company immediately acquired the oil fields and shares that had been taken back from Great Britain and France.

Then Great Britain and France turned around and sold all their equipment to Kaiwu Company.

With this money, they invested in the crude oil exchange, Ms. Elizabeth's crude oil reserve company and the French companies, enjoying the priority purchase right of crude oil, and the crude oil transaction was purchased at the most favorable price in the exchange. However, it was specially stipulated that these priority purchased crude oils were absolutely not allowed to be sold, and could only be used by their own crude oil refineries.

The companies in Great Britain and France, although they seemed to have suffered losses by withdrawing from the mining and operation businesses here, actually made huge profits and now they only need to transport cheap crude oil to their own countries.

As long as you buy crude oil, it is cheaper than others and you can also purchase it with priority.

They can outcompete most of their own domestic refineries and have a firm grip on their own domestic oil prices.

If you are capable, you can still go and stir up trouble around, it won’t affect your efforts!
The Republic of Borneo and the Happy Desert have reached a partnership and will send a 20,000-strong mercenary force to stay permanently to help maintain security in their surroundings and protect the oil company's mining work.

This mercenary group will not get involved in the internal affairs of the region, and will not take care of quarrels between relatives. They are only responsible for external security incidents.

By expanding the scale of production here, the original oil extraction work will increase output and sales by at least twenty times, perhaps a hundred times.

From tens of thousands of barrels per day, production has expanded to hundreds of thousands and millions of barrels.

Before the rest of the world could come to their senses, all the cooperating parties had already made a fortune and were happily celebrating with champagne.

Ms. Elizabeth's company has not gone public. If it were to go public, it would probably have remained at the daily limit for half a month.

The same is true for Kaiwu Company. These two crude oil reserves will be money bags in the future, and the crude oil exchange will be a gold mine. Who will take the dividends from the listing? ?

When the price of crude oil is high, they sell it, and when the price of crude oil is low, they store it.

The previous practice of producing crude oil based on order requirements has changed to selling crude oil based on production volume.

Don't underestimate this small change. It puts an end to the problem where people used to take money to buy crude oil, but the crude oil producing areas sometimes did not recognize that currency.

Coupled with the abundant production, it will be most convenient for everyone to buy crude oil at the exchange in the future without having to wait.

With the current method of purchasing crude oil, sometimes if you are unlucky, you have to wait for half a month or even several months for an oil tanker.

With the existence of this exchange, if you were to buy crude oil, what method would you choose! ?

For companies that need to purchase crude oil, it is impossible for them to take cash to pick up the goods! ?
You have to get the currency of the Republic of Borneo first, and then you have to deposit the money in Kaiwu Bank so that you can pick up the goods later.

As soon as this system was established, many people who understood the situation knew that the world's largest company, spanning the globe, had been established.

In order to facilitate everyone's transactions, Kaiwu Bank began printing money at a terrifying speed.


The next day, he went to a studio in a laboratory, where there was only a large melting furnace prepared by the staff.

Zhang Kaiwu threw all the Indian jewelry of varying sizes into a device as big as a pot, and forged it in an electric furnace. Gold bricks weighing 50 kilograms each were poured out one by one.

There were also golden elephants, golden monkeys and chairs, each weighing several tons, which were also stripped of diamonds and gems and slowly melted down.

In fact, you can let someone else take care of it, but it is safer to do it alone.

Zhang Kaiwu went to Kaiwu Bank, opened several thick iron doors, and came to his own warehouse, which was located in the nuclear-proof underground secret room at the bottom.

This secret room is as large as two thousand square meters. Zhang Kaiwu walked along the corner of the wall and released the gold reserves in the storage space.

With the help of storage space, large gold bricks, small gold bricks and gold bars are neatly stacked.

A large warehouse was filled with gold bricks and gold bars, weighing almost 20,000 tons.

The amount of gold in stock was so huge that he had long lost the mood to manage it.

And those diamonds and sapphires, probably enough for more than a dozen large boxes, were all scattered on the ground by him.

There are no more boxes in the storage space!


Two days later, early in the morning, Zhang Kaiwu found a reason and called all the young ladies to help.

They were asked to sort out the gems and diamonds, and prepare to arrange for them to take them from the bank and slowly sell them at the London Stock Exchange in exchange for gold stocks.

A large group of wives and concubines followed him, not taking it seriously, and came with him to the secret room on the third floor of the bank.

A group of people pushed a few carts with boxes, and the girls thought they were used to carry gold.

When we reached the door, Chen Xueru was still smiling and said:

"Brother Kaiwu! How many treasures do you have? Do you need so many of us to help? Why don't we just split some of the money and use it as private money to avoid trouble!"

Ran Qiuye said with a smile:
"Maybe Brother Kaiwu wants to give us something, but is too embarrassed to say it out loud!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said nothing, "Don't drop your jaw later."

He directly opened the door of the secret room, and then turned on several large lights inside the secret room.

The magnificent lights almost blinded them.

The housekeeper Deborah Savas and Huairu and her friends, including Jinling and her friends, as well as Zhu Zhiyin and Xiaojiu…

Emily Brent, Lin Dai, and Jessica almost suffocated to death.

How much is this worth!?
Sister Tongling and Pandi cheered and rushed towards the diamond, lying on it, grimacing in pain.

Sister Huairu quietly picked up a diamond on the ground and wanted to try biting it!

She doesn't believe these things are true!

Sister Ladi wanted to pick up a fifty-kilogram gold brick from the gold mountain. It didn't look very big, so she used all her strength to pick it up.

As a result, she looked like she was about to fall!

Zhang Kaiwu quickly took it from her, put it down again, and said:
"Silly girl! Be careful or your foot will be broken!"

Ladi foolishly climbed up, waded over the gold, and said with a smile:

"So this is what it feels like to sleep on a golden mountain. So peaceful!"

A group of girls immediately went up to try it out to see how solid it was!

Xiaojiu played around for a while and asked:
"Brother Kaiwu! Why is there so much gold in the bank?!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Once you have sorted out these diamonds and gems, I will exchange them for gold and continue to increase the gold reserves. Then I will let everyone come here to visit and receive ideological education."

"To prove that our money is indeed valuable and will not depreciate, so that everyone can use our money with confidence."

Xiaojiu smiled and said:

"Then it follows that you can use your own money to buy other people's things!? You don't even have to pay with gold!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"You're right! There is another follow-up measure. After a period of time, I will question the credit of other people's money."

"In order to maintain their credit, others have to get some of their gold reserves from us to prove that their banknotes can maintain their value."

Xiao Jiu looked at him in surprise and asked:

"You're even going to get other people's gold reserves!?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"It's just a game margin for crude oil purchases. Otherwise, if everyone devalues ​​their own banknotes, will I be at a disadvantage?!"

Xiaojiu thought about it and thought that this seemed reasonable. But she instinctively felt that there was something fishy going on!
She said:
"But we can't work for nothing today, you can't expect to get something for free!"

Zhang Kaiwu said:
"You can decide for yourselves! Keep the ones you like, and I'll exchange the rest for gold."

(End of this chapter)

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