Chapter 392 Preparation to leave

August is almost over, and the tourists’ holidays are almost over and they all have to go back to work or school.

Those long-winded yacht races and the Miss World beauty pageant have just come to an end.

In the yacht race, the two Princess yachts won the first place without any dispute.

In the beauty pageant, Sprinkova Ariadne from our family won the first place. In the eyes of Europeans, she was indeed very beautiful.

Fair skin, beautiful face and long legs. Europeans' aesthetic standards are still not bent, let alone those in the Republic of Borneo.

Even if there are two contestants who are similar to her, there is no difference between them.

She also has the bonus of being Zhang Kaiwu's wife or concubine. If she doesn't take first place, who will?!
But if my wife and sister-in-law were allowed to participate in the competition, the result would be hard to predict. Even without considering these external conditions, they would still be first.

They often practice the Su Nu Heart Sutra passively, and their appearance has been increasing over the years.

The same goes for Huairu and the others. Their looks have been improving over the years, and that beauty will last for at least another ten years.

But that is Zhang Kaiwu's aesthetic view. As for the aesthetic view of the general public, it is difficult to say.

The simplest point is that Zhang Kaiwu likes girls to have smaller mouths.

But people all over Europe like girls with big mouths, and I don’t understand their hobbies.

Zhang Kaiwu went on stage to present awards to everyone. Each person received a large gold medal weighing one kilogram.

Gold, silver and bronze medals are actually all gold medals.

The first prize is an additional one million Borneo currency, the second prize is 800,000 Borneo currency, and the third prize is 500,000 Borneo currency. These are huge prizes.

The Miss World pageant has already begun, but the first prize is only 50,000 US dollars.

He intends to hold so many of them. Zhang Kaiwu plans to hold one every two years to attract beauties from all over the world to compete in the Republic of Borneo, and to attract tourists as well.

The beauty economy is the foundation, he will only invest more and more in the future, what does this little investment mean! ?

High-quality beauties will only attract high-quality men.

Yan Nanfei's plan is unsolvable for ordinary men!
Otherwise there wouldn't be things like bars, nightclubs, and brothels.

It’s a very simple truth that no matter whether it’s a man or a woman, if they are pretty, they are always easily forgiven after making a mistake.


Zhang Kaiwu went up to the stage and said simply:

"Girls, congratulations on winning the gold, silver and bronze medals. Although they don't look very big, this one is all gold inside and silver and copper plated outside, and weighs one kilogram."

"I'm here to remind you that you must not hit others with medals, as this can easily lead to bloodshed."

"Don't throw it away carelessly, you never know when you might need it for self-defense."

There was laughter from both the stage and the audience!

Zhang Kaiwu gave Sprinkova a gold medal and a huge check.

He smiled and said:

"My dear! What is lost cannot be replaced!"

Sprinkova Ariadne on the stage proudly gave him a kiss and a hug, holding the big gold medal, which caused everyone to cheer.

Her parents had already arrived here and resumed their work and life. They proudly introduced their daughter to the people around them.

The girl who came in second received the silver medal and the big check.

I also gave him a kiss and a hug, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang! Can I verify the gold for a moment?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"I'll find you a knife!"

The second girl smiled and said:

"No need! I have good teeth!"

After saying that, he bit hard and opened the silver coating, leaving a deep tooth mark.

She proudly showed everyone the teeth marks on the gold medal, causing everyone to cheer.

The girl who came in third took the bronze medal and check with a smile and gave him a kiss and a hug.


"Mr. Zhang! I heard you have a great film company here. Can I go to your film company?"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course! We have the best scripts in our film company, why don't you try to bite the bronze medal?!"

The girl smiled and said:

"The weight is here. I can feel it. There are no teeth marks. It will be sold at a high price in the pawn shop."

There was another round of cheers from the audience!

The second girl also said quickly:

"Mr. Zhang! I want to go to the movies, too!"

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"Of course you can! You are so beautiful, even if you just go and make some random movies, you should be able to make a fortune!"

The audience in the audience was shouting:

“When are you holding the next competition?”

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said:

"The competition is held every two years! The prize money for the next competition will be higher, and everyone is welcome to participate."

The beauty pageant was over, but the huge prize money and the one-kilogram gold medal had spread.

As long as the beautiful girl can win in the end, she will at least be a millionaire and can live a rich and beautiful life in the future.

It's not just the United States that likes to promote toxic chicken soup culture, Zhang is no bad either.

Movies, songs, and the dream of becoming a star!
Villas, cars, high welfare, nothing is missing.

Taking advantage of the atmosphere on the scene, the two girls on the stage smiled and wanted to visit his house and play.

Zhang Kaiwu agreed with a smile.

The stories in Journey to the West tell us a truth, but it's ridiculous that many people don't understand it and are still tirelessly discussing right and wrong.

All the lawless fairies in it are the "mounts" of some great gods. Ordinary fairies only dare to do minor evils at most.

With the protection of the great god, there is nothing the goblins dare not do and they can conquer an entire country.

Especially the female fairies, they all want to become the "mounts" of the great gods.

After the journey to the West was over, even Monkey King was ordered to give up his mount.


Crude oil sales have already begun in the crude oil exchange, and production is being vigorously carried out according to Zhang Kaiwu's plan.

After social order stabilized, daily crude oil production began to increase continuously from tens of thousands barrels to hundreds of thousands barrels.

As expected, Longguo immediately joined the trading system because they were in great need of crude oil.

Through the cooperation with the Republic of Borneo over the years, they have also completed the industrialization process and are now also engaged in large-scale infrastructure construction.

Those big cities along the coast are starting to rise one by one, and what they lack now is talent.

With the support of four major countries and an oil storage base, they can sustain no matter how much oil they produce, not to mention the retail investors.

The exchange was doing booming business, with money pouring down like raindrops.

The desert also began to gain the simplest benefits. After obtaining the Borneo currency, food began to flow in like water, instantly solving the problem of food and clothing.

With Borneo currency, all kinds of goods poured into the desert…

After the mercenaries moved in, the security issue was resolved.

The ones who were dissatisfied were the old Maos in the United States and Eastern Europe, but Zhang Kaiwu did not interfere in other matters.

It seems that we just ignore their behavior of fighting for hegemony and turn a blind eye to it.

Zhang Kaiwu did not learn from the advanced experience of the United States, such as selling weapons all over the world during World War II. The United States should be thankful for this.

If he wanted to cause trouble, it would be very easy.

There is no need. Our own development is the only thing that matters. There is no need to go to war with the whole world.


Those diamonds and gems were also sent to the London Gold Exchange, where the butler's youngest son was asked to find a way to slowly sell them and exchange them for gold.

Time passed slowly, and Zhang Kaiwu's layout was basically completed.

The rest can only be verified by time. The population of the Republic of Borneo has been growing rapidly.

The mercenaries’ newly born children and the families who migrated from the Dragon Kingdom.

The girls pouring in from all over the world and the high-level talents coming from various regions all want to stay here and develop.

The population of the Republic of Borneo has rapidly increased to 200 million, and every place is full of vitality.

Not to mention other things, just the current development trend is difficult to stop.

Zhang Kaiwu invested a lot of money in various infrastructure projects.

Reservoirs, railways, roads, and power facilities.

Especially the giant water conservancy projects in Australia, huge amounts of money have been invested. Because the reason why civilization has not developed in Australia is largely due to water conservancy projects. There are three years of drought and one year of flood, and there has never been good weather. The soil erosion is the most serious in the world, and the land is not suitable for farming at all.

Without fertilizers and ways to improve the soil, the food problem here cannot be solved.

Therefore, when productivity is low, these difficulties cannot be solved.

Without spending a huge amount of money on water conservancy projects, the population here will never develop.

You have to know that there is a lot of free labor now. If you want to spend money to build water conservancy projects in the future, it will cost an astronomical figure.

How much will it cost to pay the wages of these 20 million free workers?

Zhang Kaiwu has basically completed his work, and when he is bored, he has started to study satellite launch technology.

Wireless cell phone technology.

Especially wireless mobile phone technology. This product has actually been completed, but it is very large in size and requires a signal station on the ground to solve the problem of domestic calls.

Because of the integrated circuits, we are now just continuously reducing the size in order to come up with more mature products.

I haven't taken it out now because there's no need to.

Various patents have also been applied for in the Patent Office of the Republic of Borneo.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
He knew that the Russians in Eastern Europe were now planning satellite launches, which also represented Eastern Europe's long-range strike capability.

The space race was about to begin, and under pressure from the United States, a fake moon landing game was staged.

Everyone has a trump card, so just play your own!

Zhang Kaiwu didn't care much about these things, mainly because he was bored.

These things on the attribute panel do not add any experience points.

Property panel:

【constitution:? 】

【agile:? 】

【Mental Power: 3】

[Status: normal]

Music beginner level 0: 1~100.

Forging manufacturing level 0: 1~100.

Medical skills level 0: 1~100.

Body Mastery Level 0: 1~100.

Level 0 of willpower: 3~100.

Cooking Level 0: 1~100.

Stick Technique Level 0: 1~100.

Master of language.

(Additional effect: Idealism)

Su Nu Heart Sutra Level 0, Level 31: 1000~.

Portable space: 20X20X20m.

Low-level energy progress: 21190-100000...


Apart from the energy value, there was basically no movement. He estimated that those things would only increase after reaching the next world.

The experience points added by the Su Nu Heart Sutra were too scary. Amisha Lanslisa Saudi had a lot of sisters as dowry, but only ten experience points were added. Zhang Kaiwu had no mood to practice it.

After finishing filming the movie with Princess Ning Ping and others, rescuing her mother-in-law from the savages and completing her role-playing.

I spent some time on the island with them while filming, and during that time I also played role-playing games with the second and third place winners of the beauty pageant.

Zhang Kaiwu played a savage who abducted two beauties on a yacht and took them to a cave, hoping to give birth to a group of little savages.

He held the two beauties in his arms and jumped around on the rocks, and the photographer couldn't keep up with his pace.

I watched him walk away!

The play was shot very successfully.

It was just that Zhang Kaiwu ran too fast and when he got lost, there was no photographer when he was performing the scene of the wild man fighting the beautiful snake.

As the performance went on, it turned into reality.

It is fun to play while filming, but after playing for a while, it becomes boring after filming for a long time, so Zhang Kaiwu ran away after finishing the filming.


time flies!
In a flash, several years passed and the students were about to have winter vacation.

He has entered the stage of being in a slump. He has no energy to do anything and is just waiting for his energy level to be full.

Low-level energy progress: 91190-100000...

Now Zhang Kaiwu likes to stay near the pier, holding a glass of beer and watching the hustle and bustle near the pier.

Watching the people and ships coming and going, watching the female mercenaries on the aircraft carrier fleet doing exercises, I felt the various aspects of life.

Although there is no experience value, looking at these things with a detached perspective can hone his mentality.

Strengthen his belief in leaving!
It's dusk!
Sister He Yushui had already finished school, but she ran over, took his arm and asked him:

"Brother Kaiwu! I made two good friends at school. We have a holiday tomorrow. Can I bring my classmates to my house to play for a few days?!"

Zhang Kaiwu looked at her and smiled, saying:

"Of course you can! You should make more friends so that you won't get lonely studying all day long."

Sister Yushui is now 1.6 meters tall and has become a young and beautiful girl, but her personality is a little too quiet.

He Yushui smiled and said:

"I'm not lonely. My brother and dad call me all the time, wanting me to go to Bali to take care of their kids during the winter break, and wanting me to help out in the restaurant."

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her head and asked with a smile:

"Are you going during winter break?"

He Yushui smiled and said:

"Am I that stupid!? I was just calling to tease them. I have already made an appointment with my classmates to travel to Australia together. As for the restaurant and the kids, whoever wants to go can go!"

"I saw such a small brother, the same age as my nephew, and he looked so alien!"

Zhang Kaiwu rubbed her, He Yushui gave him a kiss, and ran away smiling.

This girl now likes to attack him by surprise. She has entered the stage of understanding love and likes to read some romance novels and watch some love movies.

He often imitated scenes from movies, trying to seduce Brother Kai Wu, but he was too timid and could only launch a sneak attack and run away.

Girls’ feelings are always poetry!
She is not as brave as my former sister-in-law Pan Di. My sister-in-law was not afraid of these things back then and dared to fight with me.

And there is the girl named Tongling, who is even more daring. She dares to go against her father and wants to get married.

Maybe it’s because girls living in peacetime are more timid.

Girls in wartime may very likely have no tomorrow, so they dare to love and hate.


The next day, after He Yushui had a holiday, she brought two girls to the beach behind the yard to find him, which made Zhang Kaiwu understand something.

It’s not that enemies don’t get together!
He Yushui introduced with a smile:

"This is Ding Qiunan, and this is Yu Haitang. We get along very well in school. They are both my good friends."

"This is my brother Kaiwu, you should all know him."

Looking at the two girls, Zhang Kaiwu discovered that their energy values ​​had already reached 30 points before they even met. It might be because they had heard of him on TV or from publicity.

Now it started to rise again and reached fifty points in a flash.

Yu Haitang's personality is a bit exaggerated, and he said in surprise:

"Senior Zhang! I like you so much. I didn't expect that Yu Shui's brother is you!"

She rushed up and gave Zhang Kaiwu a hug, and was reluctant to let go for a long time, which made He Yushui angry.

Zhang Kaiwu pushed Yu Haitang away. Unlike in the drama, this girl was plump and her face was not so pointed, and the walnut was not small.

There is no shortage of meat in the Republic of Borneo, maybe it’s because life is better!
He shook hands with the shy Ding Qiunan, a pretty girl, and asked with a smile:

"Hurry up and sit down for a moment. How did you come to the Republic of Borneo? Judging from your accents, you are all from Peking."

Ding Qiunan looked at him and said:
"Brother Kaiwu! My family has been in Borneo for more than two years. It's easy to find a job here. Once you come here, you'll have something to do. The salary is also very high. My family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. My father is now the director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department. There are too many people from Peking who come here!"

"I know you have excellent medical skills. Can I study with you here during my winter break?"

Yu Haitang next to him said quickly:

"My family has been here for more than a year, almost two years. Many people in my family were unemployed before. I heard it's easy to find a job here, so I came here to look for a job. I also want to study medicine!"

He Yushui became even angrier. Didn’t Yu Haitang discuss movie stories with him all day long? Didn’t she want to be a star in Borneo?

With your academic performance, can you study medicine?
Didn’t Ding Qiunan feel annoyed by being forced by her father to memorize medical books all day long, and wanted to go to university, study economics, and become a factory manager!?

When they saw their brother Kaiwu, they thought about robbing him.

Poor girl He Yushui looked unhappy. For the first time, she understood the meaning of being on guard against fire, theft and best friends!

(End of this chapter)

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