Chapter 63 Can't Wait
Zhang Kaiwu would give the young lady everything he could and should give her all at once.

If the young lady from the Zhou family hadn't had a grudge, Zhang Kaiwu could have given her more...

He looked at her with a smile...

The young lady from the Zhou family finished eating the big meat bun and fumbled for the clothes on the table.

A new set of quilt covers and sheets...

Two beds with new quilts.

Those toothbrushes, tooth powder, candies, snack boxes...

He introduced them to her slowly, and she accepted them all generously.

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile: "My dear! Don't be stingy with these snacks and candies. Eat them quickly. Be careful not to get sick from the heat every day. Take good care of yourself..."

He took out a piece of candy and stuffed it into her mouth...

She blushed as she ate the sweet candy...

Zhou Zhaodi asked in a puzzled voice: "Kaiwu! You didn't explain clearly that night, you just said they were missing."

"What happened to the village chief and the others? Did they really go up the mountain? Will they be able to come back in the future?"

What! ?

Zhang Kaiwu burst out laughing!
The meeting that day was so mysterious...

I guess the news has become even more popular in the village in the past two days.

The young lady who knew the truth was fooled into half believing and half doubting! ?

He smiled and said, "Young lady! Don't worry, they are all dead."

Zhou Zhaodi breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest...

He said, "That's good! Some people in the village have been talking about them these days. They said they appeared in Black Dragon Mountain and robbed a carriage!"

Zhang Kaiwu: “…………”

It was a rough time...

Touched my nose...

If there is ice in your heart, the sky will not be startled...

Let’s go fight the tiger tomorrow morning!

There is no time to waste...

As for what the young lady from the Zhou family said, he roughly knew the reason. No one in the village wanted the old village chief and others to come back.

There are too many vested interests!

Even the fake one must be made real.

Even if the village chief and his men come back by then, how could everyone accept a man who used to be a bandit?


He didn't want to bother with that crap.

Zhang Kaiwu smiled and said, "I also told Xueru about your situation. Xueru is the female shopkeeper of Xiangyi Manor whom I married."

"Tomorrow I will go to the mountains and kill a tiger, and then I will take you in, and we will live in Beiping."

The young lady of the Zhou family said shyly: "Well! I understand. I will serve the Madam well. When you fight a tiger, you must bring good people with you, and don't take risks by yourself."

"We only need our own blood, and we should share the rest with others. Don't hurt the harmony."

"If something happens to you this time, I will use these things to arrange a ghost marriage for you and accompany you to the underworld to be a ghost concubine!"

Zhang Kaiwu: “…”

You talk like that.

The topic is too heavy! ?
This young lady really thinks too much. She is afraid that there will be a dispute because of the prey, and she is also afraid that speaking directly will hurt his face!

He said with a smile: "Young lady! Don't worry, I will lead people to find the tiger as soon as possible."

"After I finish beating the tiger, I will only bring back the tiger's heart blood. Don't think too much about it."

Zhou Zhaodi was still whispering: "Kaiwu! You must be careful."

Looking at her worried expression.

I guess the last time she fought against the tiger left a shadow on her.

This poor woman.

Zhang Kaiwu interrupted with a smile, "You must take good care of yourself these few days, and don't lose face just a quarter of an hour after getting married!"

Zhou Zhaodi glared at him, blushing and finally stopped talking...

Seeing that she was quiet, the atmosphere began to become a little ambiguous again.

No, it's too hot in June. The bellyband and fur pants look...

It’s really hard…

He said goodbye with a smile...

I quietly went back to sleep.

Prepare to go up the mountain to hunt tigers early in the morning.

The fruit is ripe, can’t wait!

Early in the morning, Zhang Kaiwu had already woken up, washed up, eaten buns and drank water.

He put the Hanyang-made rifle on his back as a demonstration, put the bullet belt on his waist, and hung the backpack on the bicycle.

He had to let the people in the village see him going up the mountain with a gun. He couldn't go to fight a tiger with empty hands!

"clang clang clang"

The sound of gongs sounded in the village, signaling an alarm. Is it time for another meeting?
Damn it!

What's the matter again?
Are we still allowed to fight tigers?
Zhang Kaiwu simply left his things behind and went out with the Hanyang-made bag on his back and his bicycle pushed.

Qin Huairu had been waiting for him at the door and saw him come out.

He immediately shouted with a smile: "Brother Kaiwu! A meeting is about to begin. What are you doing with the gun on your back?"

Zhang Kaiwu said with a smile: "Sister Huairu, after the meeting is over, I will go straight up the mountain."

"Kill the tiger and get rid of the evil spirit, then marry the young lady from the Zhou family!"

Qin Huairu pursed her lips, and her energy dropped another five points...

Not urgent!
Zhang Kaiwu already has the skills...

He smiled and said, "After I marry the young lady, I will buy a big house in Peking and bring you to Peking to enjoy happiness."

Qin Huairu blushed and said shyly: "Brother Kaiwu! Stop joking."

You think I'm kidding?

He said seriously: "Sister Huairu, I'm not kidding!"

Qin Huairu lowered her head shyly and stopped talking.

The five points that just dropped have risen back up, still thirty-five points! ?

Qin Huairu has such a changeable personality, it's really tiring.


Two people pushed their bicycles to the village office, where a lot of people were already there.

As soon as he and Qin Huairu stood there, the people around them immediately stayed away from them.

Because Zhang Kaiwu and Qin Huairu's clothes are too beautiful and they don't fit in with the surroundings!
An elder of the tribe climbed up and started talking nonsense in a rhythmic manner for a long time.

Finally, the new village chief and the new security chief were announced.

The new village chief Qin Chenglu is more mature and a smart man.

He didn't do anything weird. He just went on stage, said a few polite words, and then jumped down.

They are all from his own clan. He has just taken office and no one owes him anything. He cannot act arrogantly as he is only from the same clan.

To put it bluntly, this village chief is just the spokesperson for Qinjiatun. Anyone can be chosen if Qinjiatun agrees.

As long as the grain in the township office can be paid, no one will object.

Be like the old village chief, who has an account book and can control people.

With a revolver you can threaten people, but with property and thugs you can be powerful.

The current village chief still has to rely on everyone to support his work and give him enough food.

Now I really can't be so impressive.


The new head of the village, Qin Jingshi, had an idea and jumped onto the millstone, hoping that everyone could raise funds.

He shouted loudly, hoping that those who had money would donate money, and those who had strength would donate strength.

Buy a few Hanyang-made rifles and a turtle box for the village.

It would cost about thirty dollars.

He wanted to reorganize the village guard team.

Help look after the wheat for everyone.

He stood on the grinding table, glancing at Zhang Kaiwu with his eyes flashing intentionally or unintentionally.

You mean rich people pay?
(End of this chapter)

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