Era: Life's Big Winner

Chapter 21 Gao Junling comes to meet

Chapter 21 Gao Junling comes to meet

The price of meals in the canteen is determined in coordination with the District Price Bureau, and the profit margin is controlled at around 25%.

According to the unified profit margin of the national commercial system, staple foods account for approximately 20% and stir-fried dishes and meat account for 30%.

The flour, rice, cornmeal and cooking oil needed by the canteen are purchased from the Grain Bureau, which can basically meet the quantity requirements.

Grain is sold in a mix of coarse and fine grains, but the proportion of fine grains is higher than that sold to employees.

The food in state-owned canteens is cheap, but still unaffordable for most people.

Vegetarian noodles cost eight cents plus two taels of food coupons. Without food coupons, it cost 1.2 cents.

Steamed buns cost five cents plus two taels of food coupons, and nine cents without food coupons.

Four ounces of rice cost eight cents, cabbage, pork belly and vermicelli stew cost twelve cents, and a bowl of shredded chicken wonton cost twenty-five cents.

A bottle of yellow beer costs 3.30 cents, a bottle of dark beer costs 3.60 cents, and a bottle of Moutai costs 8.15 yuan.

For five dollars, you can have a great meal, including Ants Climbing a Tree, Shredded Pork with Fish Flavor, Kung Pao Chicken, etc.

There is also a unified supply, which is divided into time periods, usually on Sundays, so there are people on duty in state-owned canteens on Sundays.

A meat dish costs 40 cents, two dishes cost one pound of rice, and a pound of food coupons costs one yuan, which is enough to solve the lunch problem for a family of four.

However, most families would only come here occasionally for a meal and would not be willing to spend money in the state-owned canteen.


Because the opening hours are relatively long, the chefs have different divisions of labor and their duty hours are also different.

Liu Hongchang is mainly responsible for cooking. His working hours are from 7 am to 5 pm, and he sometimes leaves work late.

Liu Hongchang walked around the kitchen for a few times and looked around. At this time, Sister Zhang, the kitchen handyman, came in from the backyard and said with a smile:
"Master Liu, someone is looking for you outside."

"Who is it?" Liu Hongchang asked puzzledly.

Sister Zhang: "She said her last name was Gao, and she was your wife's senior sister."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Liu Hongchang immediately understood that Gao Junling was coming.

He thought Gao Junling would come to see him yesterday, but he didn't expect her to come now. He must have convinced Houdunzi.

When I arrived at the back door, I saw Gao Junling standing outside the door from afar, looking a little nervous.

"Are you here?" Liu Hongchang said with a smile.

"Yeah." Gao Junling blushed and whispered, "He agreed. He will treat you to a drink at home when he comes back in the afternoon."

"Let me tell you first, don't make the mistake of saying it. I just said it was a temporary solution I thought of."

Liu Hongchang nodded slightly and replied: "Don't worry, I will cooperate well and pretend I know nothing."

Then he pointed to the abandoned building across the street and said thoughtfully, "It's not convenient to talk here, let's go over there."

"I want to go back to the factory." Gao Junling blushed and said hesitantly.

Liu Hongchang leaned close to her ear and whispered softly, "I'm dying of you. I don't want you to leave in a hurry. You know what I mean."

"Then let's make a deal first, you are not allowed to take advantage of me." Gao Junling said in a low voice with a blushing face.

Liu Hongchang looked at her delicate face and plump figure with his sharp eyes, and his heart was burning with excitement.

"You...don't mess around!" Gao Junling met his eyes, her heart trembled, and she stammered.

Liu Hongchang smiled and said, "Then come with me. Don't worry. What can I do in broad daylight?"

"Hong Chang, you have changed a lot in the past few days!" Gao Junling looked at him earnestly and said.

After hesitating for a moment, without waiting for Liu Hongchang to speak, she took the lead and walked diagonally across.

Liu Hongchang laughed secretly and followed.

After crossing the road and walking a short distance, they turned a corner and arrived behind an abandoned building.

Few people come here. In the past, when He Wenhui had something to discuss with Liu Hongchang, the two would often come here to talk.

The original owner had the intention but not the courage to do it. If it were the current Liu Hongchang, he would have taken advantage of He Wenhui long ago.

"I can tell you now... um..." As soon as Gao Junling opened her mouth, Liu Hongchang hugged her and kissed her gently. More than ten minutes later.

Gao Junling's face was flushed, she sighed a few times, her hair was disheveled, and she was hurriedly tidying up her clothes.

"You are so bold! If someone sees us, we're all done for!" She said with lingering fear and feeling very shy.

Liu Hongchang pulled a handful of grass from the ground, rubbed it on his hands, and said with a smile: "Sister Junling, you are very good!"

"Don't laugh at me, you're going to die." Gao Junling blushed and scolded him, "Don't do that in the future."

Liu Hongchang wiped his hands clean, nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, I'll just tell you in front of you."

Gao Junling remained silent. After she put her clothes in order with a red face, she took a deep breath and said, "I'm leaving."

"Well, remember to tell Wenhui that I will be back late in the evening." Liu Hongchang nodded and reminded.

"I'll tell her." Gao Junling nodded, then said guiltily, "I feel really sorry for Wenhui."

"Don't think too much. She was crying last night and said she wanted to rest for a few days!" Liu Hongchang chuckled.

"Pfft!" Gao Junling couldn't help laughing and said, "Those who are suffering from drought will die of drought, and those who are suffering from flood will die of flood."

"Sister Junling is not thirsty, just now..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Junling rushed over, gently put her hand on his lips, and said with seductive eyes:
"My enemy, please give me some face, please!"

Liu Hongchang smiled and said, "This is not the attitude of asking for help!"

Gao Junling rolled her eyes at him, pursed her lips, stood on tiptoes, and kissed him on the mouth, but was held tightly by Liu Hongchang.

After a while, the two separated.

Liu Hongchang exhaled lightly, looked at Gao Junling's pretty face and praised: "Sister Junling, you are so smooth!"

"Come over earlier after get off work. I finally made up my mind." Gao Junling looked at him lovingly and said gently.

Liu Hongchang nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will never break my promise to you, but I want to eat dumplings tonight."

"Okay, I'll ask Houdunzi to buy some in advance." Gao Junling nodded and smiled.

Liu Hongchang laughed and whispered in her ear: "It's not that dumpling, it's this dumpling..."

"Ah? Oh, what? This... is edible?" Gao Junling was dumbfounded, staring at Liu Hongchang blankly, her face flushed.

Liu Hongchang put his arm around her waist, looked into her eyes, nodded gently and whispered, "You'll know whether you can eat it tonight."

"Can I not eat? It's so embarrassing." Gao Junling blushed and hesitated, leaning in his arms and not daring to look up.

Liu Hongchang laughed and suggested, "How about letting me take a look to see if your dumplings are plump enough?"

"Stop talking. I'm so embarrassed if you continue." Gao Junling said with a red face, then she kissed him, turned around and ran away.

After running a few steps, he turned back and said shyly, "I'll show you tonight."


Liu Hongchang chuckled a few times and watched her leave. After a while, he left and went to the sink outside the kitchen to wash his hands.

"Hong Chang is here?" At this time Director Yao came out from the back kitchen, put his hands behind his back and said with a smile.

After a pause, he said with relief: "After all, you are different after getting married. You are much calmer. Keep it up!"

Liu Hongchang nodded and smiled, "Old Yao, the mutton is a bit dry today, did you go to another place to buy it?"

The canteen’s ingredients come from two sources: staple foods are purchased in batches by supply units, while vegetables are sourced from private farms in the suburbs.

"I told you I couldn't hide it from your eyes." Director Yao replied with a smile.

"The farm just received a batch of mutton sheep from Inner Mongolia. They were hungry for a few days on the road, so they lost weight."

Liu Hongchang nodded when he heard this, and without saying anything more, he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

If it were a few days ago, he would definitely have tried to buy a few, but now that there are mutton in the space, there is no need to create trouble.

"Don't be in a hurry, I want to tell you something." Director Yao quickly stopped him.

(End of this chapter)

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