Water Margin: You dog official, you still say you don’t know martial arts?

Chapter 224 Zhu Tong and Lei Heng: Three major changes for a new official? [3 update]

Chapter 224 Zhu Tong and Lei Heng: Three major changes for a new official? [1 update]

"elder brother!"

Yang Zhi did not come up to hug Liu Gao, he came up to help Liu Gao treat his wounds.

He first helped Liu Gao pull out the ox-ear knife. Looking at the hideous wound, Yang Zhi felt horrified.

So while helping Liu Gao clean the wound and applying medicine, Yang Zhi's favorability rating kept rising!

[Yang Zhi's favorability +100+100+100...]

Liu Gao remained calm and continued to greet Mu Hong:
"Xiao Hong, carry Xiaochun to the carriage to rest."

Mu Hong was very grateful.

Although Mu Chun became a disabled person, at least his life was saved.

After the cure, I definitely won’t be able to hold the knife anymore.

But with a brother like him around, I will never have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of my life.

Even if the limbs are lost, it will not affect the continuation of the family line.

Mu Hong picked up Mu Chun horizontally in a princess hug and walked towards the carriage while whispering to his brother:
"Second brother, don't hate Master..."

Mu Chun: "I don't hate it."

Mu Hong: "Don't hate your uncle either..."

"Big brother..."

Mu Chun's eyes were empty and tears were streaming down her face:
"Actually, I don't hate anyone, I just hate myself for being so cowardly...

"If I could hold on a little longer, ah..."

"It's best if you think so..."

Mu Hong sighed:

“Uncle and Master are both people worth following!

"It's just that you are unlucky, brother..."

Mu Chun was silent, tears streaming down her face.

At this moment, a little minion at the outermost edge suddenly screamed:

"My husband, something bad has happened!"

Liu Gao was bandaging the wound while showing his deep brotherly love, and frowned when he heard the voice:

"What's wrong?"

Little minions: "The government troops are coming!"


Lin Chong, Yang Zhi, Qin Ming and the others all changed their expressions, and they jumped on their horses and prepared to fight again as if they were facing a formidable enemy!
The soldiers of Qingfeng Village were also in a panic. In fact, they were all minions of Sanshan.

Mu Hong put Mu Chun on the carriage, then immediately jumped down and picked up a machete, ready to wash away his sins with blood!

"Why panic!"

Liu Gao calmly pulled out the goose feather fan from behind, and waved it gently while looking at it with a sharp gaze:
"They are just soldiers from Yuncheng County!"

Soldiers have to fight too!

Lin Chong, Yang Zhi, Qin Ming and others were all confused:
My brother really doesn't consider bean buns as dry food...

“Third brother, Brother Yang Zhi, and Mu Hong, step back!
"Others don't need to panic, just follow my instructions!"

Liu Gao calmly waved his goose feather fan and squinted his eyes at the hundred soldiers who rushed into the grove.

There weren’t many people, but the two leaders were incredible.

The one on the left is eight feet four or five inches tall, with a face as red as a date, eyes as bright as stars, and a tiger beard one foot and five inches long!
Holding a broadsword, he looks like Guan Gong reborn!
The one on the right is seven feet and five inches tall, with a purple face and a fan-shaped beard!
Liu Gao once met them briefly at the Hujiazhuang Hotel.

The one who seemed like Guan Gong’s reincarnation was “The Man with Beautiful Beard” Zhu Tong.

The other one is naturally the "Winged Tiger" Lei Heng.

Zhu Tong and Lei Heng led a hundred soldiers and rushed into the grove with great momentum!
Then I was stunned by the scene of corpses everywhere and blood flowing like a river!

Of course, this description is a bit exaggerated, but fifty or sixty minions of Liangshanpo died, and thirty or forty soldiers of Qingfengzhai also died, which is a lot!
There are more than a hundred corpses in total, more dead bodies than the living people brought by Zhu Tong and Lei Heng!

"Surround them all!"

Zhu Tong and Lei Heng were shocked and then furious. They immediately commanded a hundred soldiers to surround Liu Gao and his men!
There were only twenty or thirty people on Liu Gao's side, and they quickly formed a circle!

Join forces to resist the enemy, swords and guns pointed outward!

Liu Gao, like the old Buddha, was supported by Jiao Ting and climbed onto the shaft of the carriage. He pointed his goose feather fan at Zhu Tong and Lei Heng and yelled, "Where are you from?
"You're so late, and you dare to be rude to me?"

At that time, Zhu Tong and Lei Heng were stunned by the scolding:



My official?


These words don't sound like something a thief would say!

Zhu Tong and Lei Heng were both from a small place called Yuncheng County. They had never seen the world and were directly intimidated by Liu Gao.

After subconsciously glancing at each other, the relatively calm Zhu Tong first simply saluted Liu Gao:
"I am Zhu Tong, the cavalry captain of Yuncheng County, and he is Lei Heng, the infantry captain.

"A traveling merchant came to the county government office to report a case, saying that there were bandits from Liangshan Lake robbing people in this forest.

"So the two of us led a hundred soldiers to suppress the bandits.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you, sir. May I ask what you are..."

"Are you the government troops from Yuncheng County?"

Liu Gao snorted coldly, took out the certificate and threw it to Zhu Tong:

"What do you eat?
"I have come all the way from Qingfeng Village to take up my post. I have had a safe journey!
“As soon as we arrived in Yuncheng County, we were robbed by thieves!

“And there are hundreds of thieves!
"I have heard that the public security in Yuncheng County is not good!

“I never thought that the thieves would be so rampant as to rob officials!
"You are a cavalry captain and an infantry captain, and you have run this county like this. What use should I keep you for?"

Zhu Tong and Lei Heng took Liu Gao's letter and read it. They couldn't help but groan inwardly when they knew that Liu Gao was the new county magistrate!

As the saying goes, there are three things a new official should do when he takes office!

The new county magistrate was robbed by bandits from Liangshanpo as soon as he arrived!

These two unlucky guys even ran into the muzzle of the gun!
Wouldn't this fire burn them to death?

After Liu Gao's beating, Zhu Tong and Lei Heng fell to the ground in panic:
"Please forgive me, sir!"


Liu Gao raised his head:
The baby feels aggrieved but doesn’t say it!
[Zhu Tong's favorability -1-1-1...]

[Lei Heng's favorability -1-1-1...]

You still dare to deduct my favorability?
Oh, I’m so scared!

Liu Gao sneered, but in his mind he was wondering who the traveling merchant who reported the case was.

It is known that the two warring parties are Lin Chong and Zhu Hu, and the ones coming are government troops, so the one who reported the case must be a fourth force!
It's a pity that Liu Gao has too little information now. He may be able to guess it after exchanging information with Lin Chong...

Liu Gao remained silent, and Zhu Tong and Lei Heng did not dare to stand up.

Liu Gao didn't leave them alone for too long. When the average favorability dropped to 10, he smiled bitterly, shook his head and sighed:

"Hey guys!

"Do you know that if it weren't for my coach's desperate efforts, I would have died!"

Zhu Tong and Lei Heng bowed again hurriedly:
"It's all my fault. I frightened my husband!"

[Zhu Tong's favorability +1+1+1...]

[Lei Heng's favorability +1+1+1...]

Liu Gao's tone softened, allowing them to see the possibility of getting away with it, and their favorability began to improve.

"It's okay for me to be frightened!"

Liu Gao was worried about the country and the people:

“I am worried about the people of Yuncheng County!

“I am just a newcomer, but they have lived here for generations!

“They should be able to live and work in peace!
"But because of the Liangshanpo bandits, they live in fear every day!
"Just think about it, you took your wife out of the city, ate pancakes, and sang songs, and suddenly you were robbed by bandits from Liangshanpo!
“Is this kind of life livable?
"How can you enjoy your work if you don't have a place to live?

"If they can't live and work in peace, how can I feel at ease?"

[Zhu Tong's favorability +10+10+10...]

[Lei Heng's favorability +10+10+10...]

(End of this chapter)

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