Water Margin: You dog official, you still say you don’t know martial arts?

Chapter 422 Shi Wengong: Bitch, take my bullet! [1 more]

Chapter 422 Shi Wengong: Bitch, take my bullet! [3 more]


Shi Wengong was furious, his hair stood on end, his eyes were red with anger:
"Why did you——

"Don't tell me—"

Wu Song: Σ(⊙▽⊙“a
"Are you also Mr. Zhou's disciple?"

Liu Gao suddenly realized and pointed at Shi Wengong:
"I see!
"You are the evil disciple expelled from the sect by Mr. Zhou—

"Shi Wengong!"

Liu Gao already knew Zhou Tong's disciples very well:
The eldest disciple is Lu Junyi, the second disciple is Lin Chong, the third disciple is Shi Wengong, the fourth disciple is Wu Song, and the last disciple is Yue Fei.

Among them, Shi Wengong has been expelled from the sect.

Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, Wu Song and Yue Fei are all in Liangshanpo now, this guy must be Shi Wengong!

Liu Gao only knew that Zhou Tong had expelled Shi Wengong from his school.

But why exactly? Probably because of the mentality of "don't let dirty laundry be aired in public" -

Zhou Tong didn't say anything, and Liu Gao didn't dare to ask.

Now from Shi Wengong's crazy look, Liu Gao had a vague guess:
Could it be because of "Eighteen Cuts of the Golden Sword"?
Regarding the "Eighteen Cuts of the Golden Sword", Liu Gao heard from Wu Song that this was Zhou Tong's unique skill.

Zhou Tong was very knowledgeable and had master-level attainments in spear, stick, fist, bow and arrow, and sword techniques.

However, from Zhou Tong's nickname "Iron Arm and Golden Sword", we can see that his strongest skills are fists, kicks and swordsmanship.

Lu Junyi, Wu Song and Yue Fei all learned Zhou Tong's boxing and kicking skills.

The sword technique was only passed on to Wu Song.

Judging from Shi Wengong’s violent reaction, could it be that his expulsion from the sect was related to “Eighteen Cuts of the Golden Sword”?
[Shi Wengong's favorability -100! ]

Real hammer!
When Liu Gao heard the system prompt, he realized that Shi Wengong’s expulsion from the sect was really related to "Eighteen Cuts of the Golden Sword"!
"Evil disciple?"

Shi Wengong gritted his teeth and said:
"I'm not a villain!

"I didn't feel sorry for him, he felt sorry for me!"


Wu Song didn't know much about the feud between Zhou Tong and Shi Wengong, but as a disciple, he certainly defended his master:
"How has Master ever let you down?"

"He's biased!"

Shi Wengong first met Zhou Tong today, and then saw Wu Song use the "Eighteen Cuts of the Golden Sword", which stimulated him.

Shi Wengong finally found an outlet to vent the resentment that had been pent up in his heart for so many years.

Shi Wengong shouted with red eyes and gnashing teeth:
"We are both disciples, why do you teach you but not me?"

Wu Song: “This…”

Seeing that Wu Song didn't know how to refute due to lack of information, Liu Gao argued with Shi Wengong on his behalf:

"So what did you do to Mr. Zhou?"


Shi Wengong opened his mouth and decisively made artistic processing:

"I just want to take a look, just one look!
"He misunderstood that I wanted to steal his secret book!
"Not only did he fight me, he also expelled me from the sect!"

"That's wrong!"

Liu Gao blinked his eyes and said, "If Mr. Zhou fights you, can you still live?"

Shi Wengong said subconsciously: "I fought back..."

"You fought back, which means you hit your master?"

Liu Gao looked at Shi Wengong with disdain:
"You even hit your master. Is it unfair for you to be expelled from the sect?"

[Shi Wengong's favorability -100-100-100...]

Shi Wengong subconsciously changed the topic:

"No, he was the one who was biased first and didn't pass on his unique skills to me..."

"What's wrong with you if you don't pass it on?"

Liu Gao asked jokingly:

“This unique skill belongs to Mr. Zhou!

"What happened to you if he didn't pass it on?
"Is it illegal?"

[Shi Wengong's favorability -100-100-100...]

Shi Wengong argued: "I just wanted to take a look, just one look!
"He misunderstood me and hit me!"

Liu Gao waved his hand: "Let's sort it out!" "First of all, did Mr. Zhou's secret book stay away?"

Shi Wengong: “Yes…”

Liu Gao asked again: "Secondly, have you read Mr. Zhou's secret book and asked for Mr. Zhou's opinion?"

Shi Wengong: “No…”

That's it!

Liu Gao sneered, "Taking without asking is stealing!
"What did I misunderstand you about?"

[Shi Wengong's favorability -100-100-100...]

Shi Wengong's face turned pale, but Liu Gao asked aggressively:
"You also hit Mr. Zhou?"

Shi Wengong quickly explained: "He was the first to attack..."


Liu Gao glared:
"Who wouldn't beat a thief when seeing one?"

Shi Wengong: "I'm not a thief..."

Liu Gao: "Taking something without asking is stealing!"

What the hell...

Shi Wengong was anxious, but Liu Gao interrupted him:

"You stole his secret book, so what's wrong with him beating you?
“He is your master, and a master and his disciple are like father and son!
"Even if you didn't steal his secret book, I'll just hit you twice!
"You dare to fight back?

"If you fight him, it's like fighting your own father!

"You hit your own father, and you still have the nerve to say that your father is sorry for you?
"Okay, I understand everything!

"You stole your master's secret book, that's shameless!
"If you refuse to admit it when being caught by your master, it means you don't believe it!
"Fighting with your master is unfilial!

"To falsely accuse your master of doing you wrong is dishonest!
“Joining the Jin Kingdom’s power in Zengtou City is disloyalty!
"Your master taught him but not you, and you are so jealous, it's unjust!
"You are a dishonest, unfaithful, unfilial, unrighteous, shameless person, and you still have the nerve to argue with me here?"

[Shi Wengong's favorability -10000! ]

Angry out of shame!

Shi Wengong's face turned red after being scolded by Liu Gao!

Although Liu Gao's scolding seemed to be reasonable, Shi Wengong still became angry and embarrassed!

In response to Liu Gao's accusation, Shi Wengong had only one sentence:

"Bitch, take my bullet!"


At the critical moment, a flash of knife light appeared!
Once again, he blocked Shi Wengong's gun!


Wu Song drew out his double iron swords and stood in front of Liu Gao, staring at Shi Wengong with his piercing eyes:
"Your opponent is me!"


Shi Wengong snorted coldly:
"I want to see how powerful the swordsmanship that Master taught you is!

"Take my shot!"


Shi Wengong acted as he said. Before he could finish his words, his 10-foot-long red tasseled spear had already stabbed in front of Wu Song!

Wu Song's "Eighteen Cuts of the Golden Sword" was quite skilled, and with just one blow of his sword he broke Shi Wengong's spear!
But this time Wu Song is not just defending passively!
After this knife hit the tip of Shi Wengong's spear head in direct response, the other knife immediately cooperated and hit under Zhu Ying!

It was like cutting off the three inches of a poisonous snake. At that moment, Shi Wengong's two-meter-long red tassel spear was suppressed!


Wu Song rushed forward and chopped up the gun with his two swords!
not good!

Shi Wengong's face changed drastically:
If Wu Song got close to him, his spear would be restrained!
The two men were originally from different military branches, Shi Wengong was a cavalryman and Wu Song was an infantryman.

Now that Shi Wengong has dismounted, Wu Song has the upper hand, of course.

Shi Wengong was also too arrogant at the beginning and thought that Wu Song was no match for him.

But now Shi Wengong discovered that Wu Song’s foot combat was too fierce!

Shi Wengong roared and waved his arms again!
He tightly grasped the 1.2-foot-long red tasseled spear with both hands and exerted force suddenly!
Suddenly, Wu Song's two swords were bounced away by the violently vibrating gun barrel!
Taking this opportunity, Shi Wengong quickly jumped out of the circle and shouted to Wu Song:

"Chou Niao, do you dare to fight with me?"


(End of this chapter)

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