Water Margin: You dog official, you still say you don’t know martial arts?

Chapter 451 Sun Xin: What did you do to my wife? [2 more]

Chapter 451 Sun Xin: What did you do to my wife? [2 more]

Sun Xin stepped forward and grabbed Sun Li's reins. He looked miserable and wanted to say something but his eyes turned red first.

"Don't cry, brother!"

When Sun Li saw Sun Xin's sad expression, he knew it wasn't an act, so he quickly grabbed Sun Xin's hand:
"What's wrong with Auntie?"

Sun Xin wiped away the tears from his eyes:
"She has some strange symptoms. Please come in and talk to her, brother."

Sun Li followed him in, and Sun Xin ordered the Huo family to take the dozen or so soldiers to the store opposite to have a drink.

After asking the Huo family to bring the horses over, Sun Xin brought Sun Li and Madam Le inside.

"Please ask my brother and sister-in-law to go to the room to see the patient."

Sun Li went into the room with his wife, Madam Le.

I saw Mrs. Gu covered with a big quilt, tightly wrapped up, sweating profusely, her face flushed, and groaning.

Sun Li and Madam Le were both panicked and hurried to the bedside:
"Aunt, what's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Gu was sweating profusely and her face was red, but she was trembling and humming:

"Cold, so cold..."

Sun Li and Madam Le looked at Mrs. Gu in disbelief:
You're sweating profusely and your face is red. It looks like you're getting a heat rash. How could you be cold?
But looking at the trembling look on Sister-in-law Gu’s face, it doesn’t look like she is acting!

Madam Le grabbed Madam Gu's hand:
"It's so hot, and yet it's still cold?"

Mrs. Gu rolled her eyes and groaned:
"Cold, cold, cold..."

Madam Le looked at Sun Li in shock:
Sir, my aunt doesn’t seem to be sick, but rather like she’s been possessed by an evil spirit!

They were of one mind as husband and wife, and Sun Li understood the look in Madam Le's eyes.

He thought so too.

So Sun Li pulled Sun Xin aside and whispered in his ear:

"Brother, how long has Auntie been like this?"

Sun Xin looked aggrieved:
"Brother, it was that day that you arrested someone from my store and she became like this...

"I also want to ask you what you did to my wife..."


Sun Li was speechless.

However, Sun Xin's words gave him a new idea:

"Could it be that Auntie was frightened that day?"

"Who knows?"

Sun Xin smiled bitterly and shook his head:

“I asked a doctor but he couldn’t understand it!

"In just two days, he became seriously ill..."


Dengzhou Prison.

The head level is called Baoji.

Bao Ji is a greedy person.

In the original novel, he accepted the money from Mao Taigong and wanted to take the lives of Jie Zhen and Jie Bao.

This time no one gave him money, so Bao Ji decided to be self-reliant.

He brought two young jailers to the cell where Guan Sheng was.

Guan Sheng was wearing a 100-jin death row shackle and shackles on his feet, but he still sat upright.

But from an angle that no one else could see, his back, buttocks, and thighs were all covered in blood...

This is nothing.

As a direct descendant of the Martial Saint, one must remain proud even if one is beheaded.

"Guan Sheng, I suspect you have a Liangshanpo token on you!"

The package section waved:

"Search for me!"

The two jailers opened the cell door and went in, searching Guan Sheng's body carefully.

Guan Sheng blushed and his face turned green. He squinted his eyes and looked at Bao Jieji:

“Before entering prison, the government troops had already searched the place!

“Since I was imprisoned, the jailer has searched me several times!

"Guan has nothing now...

"Stop it! Not there!"

Guan Sheng suddenly opened his eyes wide in shock and anger, twisted his body, and glared at the jailer fiercely:
“I am the descendant of the Martial Saint!

"How dare you be so shameless and vulgar, touching people everywhere?"

"General Guan, I'm sorry!"

The jailer grinned:

"When we come here, there is nothing that can be touched or not touched!
"You have to touch them all!" Another jailer echoed him:

"General Guan, we are also following orders!
"Who made you a traitor now?"

After saying that, the two jailers approached Guan Sheng one by one.

Guan Sheng was furious and was about to fight back to the death when he suddenly heard a familiar voice from outside:

"It's not good, something went wrong!"

Guan Sheng looked closely and saw that it was Le He!

Bao Jieji frowned:

"What happened?

"I'm doing something here, who asked you to come over?"

Although Bao Jieji has absolute power in Dengzhou Prison, Le He is not his man, and he doesn't want Le He to see anything.

Le He said anxiously: "Someone outside is looking for the officer by name!
"They say, they say..."

Bao Jieji said impatiently: "What did they say?"

Le He said cautiously:

“They say Jieji is a thief!
"I stole their things and I still don't admit it..."


Bao Jieji was furious:
"If I wanted money, would I have to steal?"

"That's what I mean!"

Le He said with a smile:
“I don’t believe it either!
“But the incident has become a big deal, and there are so many people watching outside!
"People all over the street are talking about you stealing things..."


Bao Jieji's face changed.

He is a local!

If this matter spread all over the city, would he still have any face left?

Without even bothering to pluck the hair off Guan Sheng, Bao Jieji turned around and left angrily:

"Have a look!"

Accompanying Le He and two trusted jailers, Bao Jieji walked out of Dengzhou Prison in two steps.

Sure enough, there was a huge crowd of people gathered on the street outside, all saying that his subordinate had stolen something.

"I didn't expect Bao Ji to steal things!"

"Isn't he a section chief?"

"How much money can a police officer make in prison?"

"Anyway, there are witnesses and evidence, and Bao Ji doesn't dare to come out to confront us. He must have stolen something!"

"I held him in my arms when he was little, and I knew back then that he had a sneaky look and didn't look like a good guy!"

The crowd was talking about this, and although each person's voice was quiet, it became quite noisy when everyone gathered together.

Bao Jieji was furious when he heard this:
Who told you that you can’t make money in prison? I just don’t want to be frank…

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The chief officer was furious and pushed the onlookers.

When the onlookers saw the person coming, they all made way for him.

So Bao Jieji successfully squeezed in with Lehe.

The other two trusted jailers were stuck outside.

After squeezing in, Bao Jieji took a closer look:
He turned out to be a skinny, dark-skinned man with a rat-like face, a pointed chin and monkey cheeks, but he was dressed in silk and satin like a rich man!

The skinny little black man with a rat-like face, pointed chin and monkey cheeks saw Lehe.

Le He winked, and the skinny black guy immediately went up and grabbed Bao Jieji:

“It’s you!

"You're the one who stole my things!"


Bao Jieji was angry:

"Who am I to steal your things?"

"You passed me by an incense stick ago!

“You bumped into me and everything I had was gone!
"Who else could it be if it wasn't you who stole it?"

The skinny black guy pointed at Bao Jieji's nose and cursed:
“Who in Dengzhou doesn’t recognize you, Bao Ji?

"Straight bitch!

"Even if you turn into ashes, I will recognize you!"

After he said this, Bao Jieji remembered:
On the way to the prison, I bumped into someone...

(End of this chapter)

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