Chapter 488 What a Hebei Jade Unicorn! [3 more]

However, just as they were about to spur their horses forward, they heard Lu Junyi shouting:
"No one is allowed to help in the battle!"


Lu Junyi swung his spear, and a bunch of heads flew up, and a bloody mist filled the air!
Even though there were thousands of surrendered soldiers rushing towards him from the front, Lu Junyi was still able to observe Yang Zhi and Suo Chao and stop them in time!

Yang Zhi and Suo Chao couldn't help but pull the reins of their horses and looked at each other in horror:
My brother is so terrifying!
Hu Yanzhuo also subconsciously wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by Liu Gao:

"Don't worry, it's not time yet!"

"elder brother!"

Hu Yanzhuo was anxious:

“There are so many surrendered soldiers, at least thousands of them!
"Even Lu Junyi can't stop it!"

"How do you know he can't stop it?"

Liu Gao advised him with a smile:

"Just be patient and wait and see."


Hu Yanzhuo was so anxious that he rubbed his hands!
Sleeping side by side for the past two days has made his relationship with Lu Junyi advance by leaps and bounds!
So Hu Yanzhuo is very anxious!
But he couldn't disobey Liu Gao, so he just rubbed his hands together until sparks came out!

No matter how good a person is at fighting, he is still just one person after all!

The courage that one can defeat ten thousand men is indeed bragging!

Being able to defeat a hundred people alone is enough to dominate the world, but who can really defeat a thousand people alone?
Hu Yanzhuo thought he was a very capable fighter, but he couldn't defeat a thousand men at once, so Lu Junyi shouldn't be able to do so either!

Then why didn't Liu Gao allow him to help?
Did Liu Gao really believe that Lu Junyi could defeat a thousand enemies alone?


Seeing Lu Junyi slaughter the commander easily, a Du Yuhou among the surrendered soldiers changed his face drastically!

One hundred people form a du, five dus form a commandery, and five commanders form an army.

Du Yuhou is the commander of an army!

This Du Yuhou had been disguising himself as an ordinary soldier, blending in with the crowd, not showing off his abilities...

But when he saw that the commander was killed by Lu Junyi, he became anxious:

That's his own brother!

When his brother wanted to take the lead, he didn't stop him.

After all, when it's a hundred people against one, the advantage is always on my side.

However, what he didn't expect was that his brother was defeated in the second they met!
And he died so miserably!

Du Yuhou became anxious at that time!


Du Yuhou no longer cared about hiding his identity, and directly drew his sword, pointed it at Lu Junyi and shouted:
“There’s no chance at all!
“He just wants to find an excuse to kill us!
"Kill him and let's escape!
"Don't be afraid, we are in numbers!


Du Yuhou did not mention a word about revenge for his brother, but just tried his best to incite the unstable emotions of the surrendered soldiers!
At that time, the surrendered soldiers were led by him!
Coupled with his identity as Du Yu Hou and Lu Junyi's crazy killing, the surrendered soldiers all shared a common hatred for the enemy!
"Hula la la..."

Thousands of surrendered soldiers rushed forward in a disorderly manner!

Du Yuhou’s words “We have more people” are so convincing!
We are many in number, what is there to be afraid of?

"Well done!"

Lu Junyi killed thirty or forty surrendered soldiers in one breath!
The reason why the surrendered soldiers did not collapse was not because they did not want to collapse!
It was because Lu Junyi killed too quickly, and the surrendered soldiers were killed before they could react!

Lu Junyi didn't use the horse's momentum at all, but he just kept killing forward, and the horse followed passively all the way...

After killing the hundred surrendered soldiers, Lu Junyi's eyes lit up when he saw thousands of surrendered soldiers coming in front of him:

This loud shout was like a thunderclap out of nowhere, frightening the surviving hundred surrendered soldiers and causing them to retreat in panic!
So Lu Junyi squeezed his legs together, and the white horse under his crotch understood what he meant and started to sprint forward!
“Quack… quack…”

Lu Junyi rode alone, like a madman, and rushed towards the thousands of surrendered soldiers who were coming to kill him! In front of the thousands of surrendered soldiers, even if he was nine feet tall, he seemed so small and insignificant!
Thousands of surrendered soldiers formed a black mass like a surging tide, ready to swallow up his small boat!

Hu Yanzhuo, Yang Zhi, Suo Chao and even the five hundred surrendered soldiers who followed him without knowing why were all worried about him!
Even Liu Gao, who knew that Lu Junyi was capable of defeating a thousand enemies at once, couldn't help but hold his breath at this moment!


A man and a horse rushed into the surging crowd with the force of thunder, stirring up layers of blood-red waves!

Lu Junyi's 10-foot-long steel spear was extremely fast and extremely ferocious!
Brilliant gun flowers bloomed in the crowd, followed by the explosion of scarlet blood mist!
Lu Junyi's white horse was blocked by the crowd, and its sprinting speed became slower and slower, but it never stopped!

The reason why it didn't stop was that anyone who dared to stand in front of it would be dealt with in advance!
As more and more people came up, Lu Junyi stopped stabbing and just relied on brute force to move forward!

Lu Junyi does not have the same abnormal innate supernatural powers as Lu Zhishen and Wu Song.

But how could a peerless warrior who could defeat a thousand men at once not have infinite supernatural powers?

Lu Junyi swung his 10-foot-long steel spear, and with one sweep, a group of surrendered soldiers flew backwards!

With a swing to the left and a sweep to the right, he cleared a space around the white horse in a blink of an eye!
Du Yuhou himself did not go up, and shouted wildly:

"Come on!
"Come on shoulder to shoulder!"

As he was shouting, Du Yuhou realized something was wrong. The number of surrendered soldiers blocking his way was decreasing...

Lu Junyi is getting closer and closer!


Du Yuhou couldn't help but take a breath of cold air:
He was stared at by Lu Junyi's sharp eyes!

At that time, Du Yuhou was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He turned around and tried to run away, but there were surrendered soldiers behind him!

So Du Yuhou desperately pushed away the surrendered soldiers who were blocking his way, but there were too many surrendered soldiers hiding behind him...

Du Yuhou tried his best to shit but failed to escape, but he heard the sound of horse hooves right behind him!


Du Yuhou was gasping for breath!

His mind was blank and the only thing he could hear in his ears seemed to be the sound of horse hooves!
Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and turned back suddenly:

It was facing the tip of the gun, which was washed with blood but still shone brightly!


The tip of the gun flashed and pierced into his throat as fast as lightning!

Lu Junyi twisted the gun barrel, and with a "swish", the gun tip tore through flesh and blood, and a head flew into the sky!


The death of Du Yuhou seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, and thousands of surrendered soldiers finally collapsed!
"Mercy! General, mercy!"

A surrendered soldier hurriedly dropped his spear, fell to the ground, and kowtowed heavily!
Lu Junyi's spear had already stabbed at him, but he knelt too quickly and the spear was retracted.

He set a good example, and immediately the surrendered soldiers fell to the ground one after another, kowtowing and begging for mercy!
“Quack… quack…”

No one dared to stand where the horse's hooves passed!
Lu Junyi rode a white horse that was as red as "Red Hare" around the field, and the entire parade ground knelt down!

Hundreds of surrendered soldiers fell to the ground, shouting almost in unison:

"General, please spare my life! General, please spare my life!"

The other 3,000 surrendered soldiers a hundred steps away also prostrated themselves on the ground, shouting:

"The general is mighty—the general is mighty—"

Liu Gao's blood boiled as he watched:

What a great Hebei Jade Unicorn!

On the battlefield facing the enemy, he is invincible with his two-meter-long steel spear. He rides a swift horse into the sky, breaking through thousands of horses and repelling thousands of troops!

【Thanks to Chen Daye for the reward (100), hug, and ask for monthly votes and recommendation tickets! 】

(End of this chapter)

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