Chapter 538 Gao Qiu: My Ball! [2 more]

However, after a while, he saw Dang Shiying being caught by a general with a round face and a big beard holding a big axe.

Gao Qiu was just wondering when he heard two rebels wearing tiger-head hats calling the big-faced, bearded general holding a big axe:
"Grand Master, General Gao and Dang Shixiong have been captured!"

Grand Tutor?

Gao Qiu was stunned:
Could it be the fake Grand Tutor Bian Xiang of the Jin thieves?
In other words, the people who ambushed me were the remnants of Tian Hu?

What kind of bandits are you targeting, this beast, Big Fat Sheep!

If I manage to escape, I will kick that fat sheep back to Qingzhou Qingfeng Village!

Bian Xiang threw Dang Shiying to the ground, and two Jin soldiers tied him up.

Dang Shixiong was also tied up, and the two brothers were placed side by side, like a game of Candy Crush.

Looking down at Gao Qiu from his horse, Bian Xiang asked sternly:
"You are Gao Qiu?"

Can you call Gao Qiu?

Gao Qiu was furious, but he smiled and flattered her:

"Yes, yes, this humble official is Gao Qiu!
"I have no intention of offending the Grand Tutor's authority, so please let me go!
"I am willing to pay any ransom!"

Gao Qiu is very experienced in matters such as ransom.

People travel thousands of miles to become officials just for money, so would they rebel in order to enforce justice?

To put it bluntly, it’s all business!

"Cut the nonsense!"

Bian Xiang waved his hand:
"take away!"

Gao Qiu: "Wait!"


Bian Xiang and the two men in tiger hats looked at Gao Qiu in surprise:

Why did you suddenly get up?


Dang Shiying and Dang Shixiong were even more surprised than them:
Could it be that we have misjudged the person, and the general is a tough guy?
The government troops that were suppressed by the Jin army had already lost their fighting spirit, but now they couldn't help but raise their heads:

If the general fights for his life, should we also fight for it?


Gao Qiu knelt down before Bian Xiang and pleaded pitifully:
"Grand Master, your generosity is great!
"Can I take one personal item with me..."

Bian Xiang frowned: "What personal belongings?"

Gao Qiu skillfully ran forward a few steps on his knees and picked up the precious ball that had fallen among the corpses with both hands:

"It's just a ball..."

Dang Shiying Dang Shixiong: (_)
What are we looking forward to?
The morale of the government troops just rising was instantly wiped out...

"Still playing football?"

Bian Xiang didn't believe it was just a ball.

It's just a ball, why would Gao Qiu bring it up specifically?

Bian Xiang rushed forward and swung his axe!
At that time, the imperial treasure ball was split into two halves by him!

It turns out that this is really just a ball...

"Do not--"

At this moment, Gao Qiu was heartbroken, as if he had lost his parents:

"My ball——"

Seeing that it was indeed just a ball, Bian Xiang put away his axe with a strange look on his face and looked at Gao Qiu as if he were an idiot:

More than half of your 3,000 imperial guards were killed or wounded, and you didn't shed a single tear!
It’s just a ball, is it that serious?

Gao Qiu picked up the two leather balls with trembling hands, tears streaming down his face!

This is just a ball, but it is more than just a ball, it is the fruit of the love between Gao Qiu and Song Huizong!

Back then, Gao Qiu was a wandering boy from a poor family. He had no family business and just worked as a hanger-on in and around Tokyo.

Because he helped the son of Mr. Wang with his money, he spent his days in a romantic house with three tiles and two houses.

He was reported to Kaifeng Prefecture by Wang Yuanwai, and was beaten with forty canes and exiled.

The people of Tokyo would not allow him to stay at home. At that time, he was like a dog that had lost its home, how miserable and sad!

He first escaped from Liu Shiquan, who ran a gambling house in Huaixi. Later, Liu Shiquan pushed him to General Dong, who ran a herbal medicine shop. General Dong threw him to Scholar Xiao Su, who in turn threw him to the son-in-law of the emperor, Xiao Wangdu Taiwei.

Finally, with the help of the nobleman Xiao Wangdu Taiwei, Gao Qiu got in touch with Song Huizong, who was then Prince Duan.

At that time, the Grand Marshal Xiao Wang sent Gao Qiu to deliver a gift to Prince Duan, but he happened to see Prince Duan playing football with the eunuch.

Fortunately, Prince Duan failed to catch the ball, and it rolled in front of Gao Qiu, who kicked him!
With a move of the mandarin duck kick, he kicked it back to Prince Duan, thus gaining his favor.

Prince Duan asked Gao Qiu from the Xiaowangdu Taiwei to be his personal attendant.

When Prince Duan succeeded to the throne and became Emperor Huizong of Song, he promoted Gao Qiu from a close follower to the Grand Marshal of the Palace Marshal's Office in just half a year!
The relationship between Gao Qiu and Song Huizong all started because of a ball.

The imperial ball that was split into two pieces by Bian Xiang's axe at this moment was the ball that Song Huizong failed to catch and rolled in front of Gao Qiu.

Later, Gao Qiu knelt down and asked Song Huizong to give him the ball as a reward, and he always regarded it as a treasure.

Because Gao Qiu knew that this was a golden medal that would save him from death.

Song Huizong was a nostalgic person, otherwise he would not have promoted his close follower to the position of Grand Marshal of the Palace Marshal's Office.

As long as he does not commit treason in the future, Song Huizong will not touch him.

Even if he was defeated this time and returned in disgrace, as long as the ball was there, his favor would be there.

Now, the ball is split into two pieces...

Although the ball was only symbolic, Gao Qiu was still heartbroken and cried bitterly as if he had lost his parents!
At the same time, two heads popped out from between the rocks halfway up the mountain, spying on this side stealthily.

"Thanks to you, brother..."

One of the heads was Li Yuhou.

Li Yuhou held Yan Qing's hand tightly with gratitude:

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have lost my life..."

"We are one family, so we should keep our differences!"

Yan Qing imitated Liu Gao's appearance and even his tone was perfect.


Li Yuhou nodded heavily:

"From now on, you and I are brothers with different fathers and mothers but different surnames!
"We are one family, so we should keep our differences!"

Although one can vaguely see the shadow of Liu Gao in Yan Qing, Yan Qing is Liu Gao's close friend, so it is reasonable and logical for him to learn from Liu Gao's personality.

The key is that Yan Qing really saved him.

If Yan Qing hadn't helped him at the critical moment, he would have been stabbed to death by a Jin soldier!

It was Yan Qing who saved him and took him to hide among the rocks, allowing him to cleverly escape from the slaughter.

Li Yuhou witnessed the whole process of Gao Qiu, Dang Shiying and Dang Shixiong being captured by the Jin army.

Li Yuhou certainly did not have the courage to come out and rescue Gao Qiu, so he decided to return to Tokyo to report to the court.

"Brother, come back to Tokyo with me!"

Li Yuhou held Yan Qing's hand tightly:
“I’m going to report this to the court!
"Please ask the court to send troops to rescue Prime Minister En!"

"Brother, go ahead!"

Yan Qing refused:
"I have to go and inform my master and rescue the commander!"

"Alright, let's split into two groups!"

Li Yuhou and Yan Qing bid farewell reluctantly:

"Brother, be safe!"

Yan Qing nodded vigorously:

"Brother, be careful on your way. If anything goes wrong, come to Gaizhou to find me!"

Li Yuhou: "Brother!"

Yan Qing: "Brother!"

Bian Xiang took Gao Qiu and the others away, and Li Yuhou and Yan Qing went their separate ways and left the valley.

Not long after, another large group of people entered the valley.

The leader was a little black fat man, it was Song Jiang!

(End of this chapter)

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