The rising sun shatters the darkness!

Chapter 171 Death is like the wind, always with me

Chapter 171 Death is like the wind, always with me (5k monthly ticket required)
...This time, Xu Shu, of course, remained sober and did not miss any little details in life.

[Florida does not keep idle people, and the most famous raccoon city in the state should not be defined. 】

[Drug lords everywhere, gun smuggling, organ trafficking, racial discrimination, ancient god worship, human experiments, and the most terrifying radiation sickness... There are more gangs than the little Ma Yi who moves on a rainy day, and there are so many evil cults that even the rats in the sewers have to move to make room for the believers who come to the gathering.]

[Raccoon City is the most chaotic city, it is so bad that even if God comes, he will have to call the twelve disciples before he dares to go out at night.]

[And if it was daytime, then maybe He should wear a helmet. ]

[Who dares to go out without a helmet in Raccoon City? What fishing? You have to wear one even when fishing. ]

[It was in such a beautiful but corrupt era where all beings have lost their faith and only fools indulge in pleasure every day - 2077. You, the corpse fetus Arthur, was born from the destroyed underground research base of the Umbrella Corporation. 】

[After passing the rating, your "light radiation pollution value" was identified as 0. You are a pure human being. Obviously, the research results of the Umbrella Corporation, even if they failed, are successful. ]

[They once attempted to develop a life form superior to humans to resist the horrific "radiation-induced" disease—that is, your biological mother, the super biochemical mother who killed countless people.]

[Their philosophy is to "fear pollution, understand pollution, and accommodate pollution" so that the human body can use the power of radiation to resist radiation.]

[This is obviously an inhumane and incorrect path, but they are complete lunatics. For this reason, they did not hesitate to create the super virus "T", claiming that using this virus, they can turn humans into "superhumans" who can accommodate the power of light radiation. Although the result was a terrible zombie frenzy that swept across most of the Blue Water Planet and killed hundreds of millions of people before being eliminated, they still believe they are not wrong.]

[Even when the military court sentenced them to death, their leaders shouted loudly, "Accepting the Light is the right way! This is the only way to salvation! Revelation will guide us! Just wait and see!"]

【It turns out that everyone did see it. 】

[You, who were conceived in the body of the strongest biochemical matrix "Apocalypse Zero-One" developed by the Umbrella Corporation, are completely human children. Isn't this a kind of irony and implication - humans are the masters of this world. ]

[According to the signatures left on your research records, you are named: Arthas Mendeleev Kinsenst Sladakman Blumen Arthur.]

[The first five are scientists who sacrificed their lives for science. Although they should be considered criminals, they have paid the price with their lives, so they deserve to be remembered.]

[You have inherited the philosophy of the Umbrella Corporation. You are the last hope of all the martyred researchers. This is your link between the past and the future. Go ahead and try to release the things in the base and start the global zombie era again.]

"What the hell, I don't want to open another zombie book. Besides, these five guys who are obviously just ordinary staff members' notes, what's there to be remembered for..."

"No, that's not right! I remember that when I successfully became a fertilized egg, I became pregnant through normal mating!"

"That is to say, the research methods of these five damn researchers are not just about the human centipede. One of them even did something weird to the biochemical matrix... Damn, perverted necrophilia!"

Xu Shu couldn't help but roll his eyes and cursed the ancestors of these nominal "biological fathers" viciously.

This time, the character is a bit strange.

According to the existing information, one day in history, a disease from outer space called "radiation" invaded this land.

Almost all human beings are troubled by this disease. Once infected, it is tantamount to a death sentence. At the same time, this disease is extremely contagious and has many transmission routes, such as saliva transmission, blood transmission, etc., and there are even many cases of "line of sight transmission".

This means that when you see someone infected with "light radiation", there is more than a 60% chance that you are also infected.

Once infected by the lotus light, the body will slowly mutate until it eventually turns into an ugly monster that looks like a demon and preys on humans.

Xu Shu is now an extraordinary person, and as a senior online netizen, he is no longer as ignorant as he used to be.

Therefore, almost in an instant, he determined that this "light radiation" was a substance equivalent to the erosion of cursed energy.

Moreover, based on his legendary experiences, Xu Shu knew that a legendary world would only involve one or two extraordinary paths.

Although he didn't know which profession's cursed power erosion was represented by this lotus radiation, in Xu Shu's opinion, this was a good thing for him.

Since extraordinary powers have appeared in this world from the very beginning, he can come into contact with them earlier and go further.

However, there was one thing that concerned him greatly.

——“Water Blue Planet”, “2077”.

Xu Shu still remembers that the two legendary achievements he had attempted recently seemed to be related to this.

In the last [Hong Kong Past], I came to Hong Kong in 2077.

Of course, the names of the world backgrounds are slightly different, which can be said to be just a coincidence.

But the last time, his "little lizard Awei" was when monsters invaded the world.

He still remembers that a Straits Research Institute was born in "Jinshan City" in 2077!
And this time, it was also born in 2077.

Xu Shu would naturally have some doubts as the three consecutive legends used almost the same chronology in terms of time span.

You know, the legendary worlds such as "Sword Frenzy" and "Capital Night Boiling" in the past all have completely independent worldviews and time histories.

"Is it a coincidence? Or is there some strange connection between them?"

Xu Shu was thoughtful, and continued his legendary career, preparing to find an opportunity to speedrun it:
[Your adoptive mother, Christina Chelsea, is a Level III agent of the Abnormal Biology Research Institute. She successfully obtained your custody. Her maternal instinct is very strong, and her secondary sexual characteristics are also very large. You have never been hungry since you were a child, and you are fat and white.]

[In 2080, you were three years old. Your mother was out. Your neighbor's family believed in a cult and chose to burn themselves to death. The fire swept the entire floor and you were almost burned to death. Fortunately, Christina, as a Class III agent, was agile and rescued you.]

[Considering your safety, she spent a huge amount of money to buy a big villa, so that you won’t be burned by the fire in the neighbor’s house. ]

[In 2084, you were in elementary school. Your handsome appearance amazed all the little girls. They all wanted to grab the priority to play with you. You made a lot of good friends. However, during an experiment, your teacher suddenly showed an evil smile and said, "Accept purification." Then the chemical equipment suddenly exploded, and poisonous gas filled the classroom. You lost nearly % of your friends, and you felt very sad. ]

[The police launched an investigation into the teacher who committed the crime and the result of the investigation was that the incident was classified as an accident, but you are very dissatisfied with this.]

[You clearly remember the fanaticism and madness on the face of that male teacher. You also remember that before he blew up the equipment, he whispered a long string of spells, but unfortunately you didn't hear it clearly. You knew he was not normal. Obviously, he was also a cultist.]

[Because of your sensitive identity, in order to avoid being taken back to the institute to be used as a human experiment instrument, you can only secretly tell your mother that the teacher is a bad person, and dare not explicitly say that he is suspected of being a cult member. After all, you are only a few years old and should not understand so much. ]

[Fortunately, Christina is very sensitive. After all, there are thousands of cults in Raccoon City, which can be said to be omnipresent, so she went to investigate the school, but there was no result. In the end, she decided to transfer you to another school. Maybe changing places will be better. Why don't you thank your mother quickly? ]

[In 2085, a kidnapping case occurred in the library of your new school. They tricked many children into kidnapping by saying that there was a big monster. You escaped because you were careful. Afterwards, a large number of police arrived at the scene. You heard that this group of people tested the children's grammar in the library. If they answered a question wrong, they would use the "Royal Grammar Dictionary" to smash the children to death. It was extremely perverted. When the police arrived, the kidnappers had committed suicide and left a very symbolic symbol at the scene.]

[In 2086, you moved to a new elementary school. The following year, a terrorist attack occurred there. The art teacher in your class turned out to be a crazy member of the 21K Party. They believed that all newborn humans were sins sent by God and should be killed. They used human bombs and killed more than a dozen unlucky children.]

[In 2088, you transferred to another school. This time, you were walking on thin ice as a freshman. Fortunately, you had a short six-month period of peace. You studied hard and supplemented your knowledge. Unfortunately, this short period of peace only lasted six months.]

[Later, you and other children were kidnapped by a group of robbers. They claimed that they would kill you if you didn’t pay them $500 million.]

[Are you kidding? Where do they think this is? This is Raccoon City, which is defined as the city of crime despite not wanting to be defined as such! Do they think that parents are easy to bully? Besides, what kind of idiot dares to ask for 5 million per person? Why don't you just rob them? ]

[The parents who were keen on gang fights were simple-minded and unwilling to give in. They did not even call the police, but spontaneously organized a commando team and had a fierce gun battle with the kidnappers.] [After a big battle, the parents' group won in the end, and the kidnappers were all wiped out.]

[You were extremely lucky to survive, while your peers were killed by kidnappers, or accidentally killed by stray bullets, and the bullets might even have come from their own fathers.]

[You didn't even have a moment to mourn for your deceased friend. Your mother, Christina, arranged for you to transfer to another school overnight.]

[In 2089, during the "Bilgewater" incident, machete thugs rushed into the campus, slashing anyone they saw, and offering their heads to the evil god... You survived, and you transferred to another school.]

[In 2090, during the "Landry Face" case, flames spread across the entire campus, and the believers shouted "For the glory of Landry!" and burned the entire school... You survived and transferred to another school.]

[2091, "The Lich's Harm", this time you didn't encounter the cultists, but the newly bought witch specimen from the school laboratory came back to life, and she killed people like crazy, and you almost died this time. At the last moment, you and your girlfriend fled separately, and she chose to chase your girlfriend first, and you finally survived until the staff of the Abnormal Biology Research Institute arrived and saved your life... You transferred to another school! ]

[In 2092, the school arranged an outing for you. You encountered a group of cultists who took you to a mysterious cave and started cooking. It turned out that this cult was keen on eating children and was good at thirty-six different ways of being a human. The one who abducted you was an outstanding young man in their sect, Hannibal Zhou. However, he was obviously an imitator and had not learned the skills well. He only knew how to be a human, but did not know how to do it perfectly. He had just eaten two children, and the police who came after the school called the police shot him dead. Your mother felt that the school's security work was too poor, so you transferred to another school again.]

[In 2093, in the "Call of the Dead" case, a group of guys who worship the pale god of death rushed into your new campus...]

I rely on!

No, this is [Death is like the wind, always with me]?
Watching the case flashing across the screen from time to time, Xu Shu really felt at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

I guess if the new campuses knew the inside story, they would probably cry and shout, "Don't come here."

Although I knew from the beginning that this fate was not a blessing at all, but a complete curse, this is still too outrageous.

And the most important thing is that it would be fine if we just kept encountering these kinds of death cases.

But what about the mysterious power?
As the only descendant of the former biochemical matrix "Apocalypse Zero-One", "Arthur" encountered death attacks again and again. It can be said that Xu Shu escaped death every time and fought for his life to survive.

But after so long, I still haven’t been able to awaken any mysterious power?
Also, there is one very strange thing.

It is obvious that some supernatural forces are invading this world, such as the witch who was strangely resurrected.

However, Xu Shu discovered that although the agents of these research institutes, including his adoptive mother Christina, had the ability to successfully solve unusual troubles, these abilities were completely dependent on various firearms and equipment.

"Are we still in the age of using technology to fight magic?"

"We can't go on like this. Only magic can defeat magic~"

"It seems that the so-called [magic] has not yet been born in the human world. I thought it would be easy to become a superhuman in this legend. It seems that I was too happy too early..."

Xu Shu felt a little melancholy.

[Death is like the wind] This fate is really a bit too scary. Fortunately, Raccoon City is chaotic enough, so although there are many cases around him, they have not been considered abnormal.

But Xu Shu was very suspicious. If he continued like this, he would die soon.

The mortality rate of mortals facing supernatural powers is too high.

If this continues, it is very likely that he will be killed instantly in the pursuit of transcendence, just like in "The Passing of Hong Kong".

"But there is no good solution. It seems that the humans in this world have chosen the path of conquering demons with technology, and relying on external things is not an option..."

"But no matter what, let's try to enter the Abnormal Biology Research Institute first. At least we'll be exposed to more weird stories..."

"Haha, last time in Legend, I spent most of my life searching for strange events but couldn't find them. This time, I don't even need to actively look for them. They will come to me. This is the confidence that fate brings!"

Xu Shu laughed in silence, and suddenly, he found that a turning point seemed to have come.

[The first snow of 2096 came later than usual. Winter did not come, but spring did. On such a beautiful day, you successfully entered the palace of knowledge, university.]

[You are so awesome. You have experienced more than thirty terrorist attacks and cult sacrifices since you were a child. You are completely worthy of the name of Death God Elementary School Student. The Pale Death God cult may make great progress by worshipping you directly, but it is a pity that they are too ignorant.]

[On the first day of college, you confessed your love to a big-breasted cute girl you just met, but she rejected you. She asked you if you could take off your pants and pee in the mirror. When you took off your pants, she swallowed and said, "We can try it."]

[That night, you tried again and again, and in this life you finally said goodbye to your virginity. ]

[Just when you were preparing to party every night for the next month, you woke up and found yourself in a cave in the wilderness. You were tied to a pillar, and in front of you was a group of people wearing black triangular hoods.]

[They danced around a very shabby straw idol, chanting random lyrics in an unknown dialect.]

[You noticed that there were people tied to the four pillars nearby. One was a wretched man who looked like a drug addict, one was a cute girl with a pure face, one was a cold-faced man with glasses who looked very smart, and one was a flirtatious woman with revealing clothes and heavy makeup. Including you, there were exactly five of them.]

[“Well, I met a cultist again, and they want to sacrifice me.” You sighed. You felt that this scene, which would scare ordinary people, was natural to you. A new school, meeting a new cultist, death is like the wind, always with you. ]

【At the same time, you notice that your one-night stand is also here, and she is actually a member of the cult. 】

[Obviously, you were set up by a honey trap. Fortunately, you didn't lose out. You played with her so hard last night that she almost couldn't get up.]

[But the price of being bitter is death. You will be sacrificed. ]

[The other four sacrifices were trembling with fear, some were begging for mercy, some were coldly scolding them that they should go to hell, only you were very calm, looking at your one-night stand and asking: "Hey dears, what kind of sect is this? What are we going to do now? Introduce it to me."]

[“…” She was stunned for a moment by your question, and the other believers were also stunned, and they were almost at a loss because of you. ]

【Others continue to dance. The woman considers that one night of marriage equals a hundred days of love. Besides, your love is far more than a hundred days, at least a thousand days. Plus, you are tied up and seem very safe, which makes her feel that she can tell you.】

[So she came to you and said: "Let me introduce you to our great Father and Savior, the ruler of the abyss, the Lord of both innate and innate space, the eternal being who controls the soul and reincarnation - the Infinite King, Arthas!]

[“Please believe that there is no good or evil, no real order in this world. Only desire is real and exists. As long as you sacrifice five natural sacrifices—a girl, a gambler, a criminal, a scholar, and a whore, that is, you—you can summon a great master to satisfy all your desires…”]

what? What?

No, that's not the point.

Why does their description, something like "innate duality" seem familiar to me...

Looking at the woman on the screen in front of him introducing herself tirelessly, Xu Shu was suddenly stunned.

Not only did the teachings of this sect feel very familiar to him, as if he had seen them somewhere before.

At the same time, this strange prayer gave him a strong sense of déjà vu, and it was extremely familiar.

This seems to be...

(End of this chapter)

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