The rising sun shatters the darkness!

Chapter 181 Legendary Past, Mysterious Book, Evil Sacrifice

Chapter 181 Legendary Past, Mysterious Book, Evil Sacrifice (asking for monthly ticket)

"I don't know what the hell is going on..."

"Is it possible that we are encountering some kind of cult sacrifice again? Why do I feel like there are accidents everywhere I go recently? I originally thought that the living conditions of the wasteland refugees were just poor medical facilities, cold in winter and hot in summer, lack of food and clothing, and occasional attacks by stray monsters..."

"But I didn't expect it to be so bad?"

"Is there any more royal law? Is there any more law?"

Xu Shu was lying on the wall eavesdropping, with a strange expression on his face.

For a moment, he almost thought that he had accidentally brought out the fate of "Death is like the wind".

I checked the time. It was 3:30 in the morning. It was a deserted night. The moonlight outside the window was as bright as water. Occasionally, one or two howls of unknown creatures could be heard from far beyond the border. I didn't know if they were calling for sex.

The entire hotel was actually relatively quiet, and the occasional screams from the bed ended only in the first half of the night.

Only the strange rustling sound could be heard intermittently on the wall.

Besides, this sound can be ignored if you don't notice it.

But once you know of its existence, you will find that this sound is like a leech attached to your bones, and you can't get rid of it.

Things have come to this point. It is a blessing in disguise. If it is a disaster, it cannot be avoided. However, the trouble has already arrived. If you act like a turtle and don't go to find out what is going on, you will put yourself in a completely passive situation.

"Well, let's go find out what happened first. If the situation is not right, it won't be too late to run away."

"And if the secret believers are really holding some kind of event, hehe, this golden altar I just got is not a vegetarian, but a tribute to me!"

Xu Shu sneered, then picked up the record player that was placed beside the bed facing the door and put it around his waist. Then he picked up a towel, covered his face, tied a knot, and tiptoed out.

He said that he didn't take his enemies seriously, but in fact he was very cautious in doing things.

This is called despising the enemy strategically and taking the enemy seriously tactically.

The corridor was quiet. Xu Shu was careful and knocked on several doors along the way, then hid aside to observe.

From the third floor to the sixth floor, he chose rooms where people were staying and experimented with them.

Some people asked vigilantly "Who is it?" while hiding behind the door and not opening it; others were not very vigilant and opened the door directly cursing. The reactions varied.

Seeing this, Xu Shu felt a little relieved and his courage grew.

It seems that there was no disaster that destroyed the entire hotel... Perhaps there are some special supernatural events in this hotel?

Then he went all the way up, occasionally sticking to the wall to listen to the movements inside and adjusting his position.

Because the rustling sounds in the wall were getting louder and louder, Xu Shu knew that he was not looking in the wrong direction.

During this period, most of the voices were undistinguishable, and they all had different voices, probably coming from different people.

There was only that weird female voice that kept lingering around, appearing from time to time.

This makes people wonder, could it be that there is a lingering vengeful ghost in this hotel? Because of something that happened to it before it died, its obsession with the afterlife has been lingering around and it insists on cursing people here?
Once you imagine a similar scene in your mind, you can never go back.

When Xu Shu thought of a female ghost with blood holes all over her body, maggots crawling in and out of her face, her eye sockets sunken with only two blood holes left, her hands on her hips, killing people and swearing, he suddenly felt like laughing but couldn't, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

The sound continued all the way to the 9th floor, where the stairwell was closed with a door.

This naturally did not pose a problem for Xu Shu, a strong man. With a light push, he pushed open the thick wooden door that was difficult for ordinary people to conquer.

The moment he opened the door, Xu Shu knew that the owner of this hotel was lying.

According to the hotel owner named Hong who he had stayed at before, the building was only renovated up to the 8th floor, and the floors above the 9th floor had been abandoned and no longer used, so they were locked up.

But in fact, there is no such dirty scene with dust all over the floor and cobwebs on the walls.

On the contrary, the corridor was very clean. Although each room did not have a house number, the door was wiped extremely clean. The door handles could even reflect the moonlight coming in from the window, and it was obvious that someone cleaned the room regularly.

Even the bonsai welcoming pine at the corner of the corridor, which was brought from somewhere, looked like a black forest of high-end call girls, and was obviously carefully trimmed.

This phenomenon directly blocked Xu Shu's judgment. This was the problem.

You're telling me that it has been abandoned for many years and has not been used?
Even dogs won’t believe it if you tell them.

Xu Shu walked forward cautiously, following the sound, turned the corner of the corridor, and came to a large room with double doors at the back.

This time, there is no need to stick to the wall. Just standing at the door, you can vaguely smell a faint smell of blood coming from the house, as well as bursts of strange buzzing sounds.

If you listen carefully, you can hear a short and quick "Le Sa... B..."

"...She is still cursing. This woman is really resentful."

Xu Shu shook his head.

At this point, he no longer had any concerns.

I have already fought my way to the door, but the guy inside still doesn't notice my presence.

What does this mean?
This shows that the other party is definitely not a second-level existence.

One level at most.

"Haha, within the first level, I am invincible!"

The eighteen-year-old eighteen-level strongman smiled grimly.

Knock knock knock, there's knock on the door.

Several minutes passed with no one paying attention.

"Oh? Not coming?"

Xu Shu lowered his body, pressed against the wall, stretched out a finger, held onto the door, hooked his finger inward, and slowly exerted force.

After being knocked by Xu Shu, the door, which had stood firm for who knows how many years, could no longer withstand the force.

Guzizi let out a whining sound as if he could not bear the heavy burden, and Xu Shu had forcibly created a small hole in his body.

At the same time, Xu Shu, who claimed that "I am invincible within the first level", quickly slipped to the end of the corridor, hid in a hard-to-find corner, and watched carefully.

After a few more minutes passed, there was still no movement in the room.


A look of surprise flashed across Xu Shu's face.

ignore me?
Still haven't noticed it?

Or in other words, you noticed me, but didn't want to have a conflict with me?
Pretending to be dead, right?

Either way, it seems to be good for me...

After a little thought, Xu Shu began to escalate his behavior.

He picked up the carefully trimmed potted Welcoming Pine, leaned back slightly to gather strength, and then threw it with all his might.

With the help of the "throwing skill", the potted plant was like a cannonball that burst out of the barrel. With a loud bang, it smashed a big round hole in the door.

"Shit! Who is it?!"

Now, no matter how patient the people inside were, they could not tolerate this level of provocation.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps and the sounds of doors closing and opening, a man in black rushed out of the room with anger and rushed into the corridor.

In his hand he held a strange short-bladed dagger, and his angry eyes darted around, searching for any enemy who dared to offend him.

However, after running back and forth in the corridor twice, it did not find any suspicious existence.

"Huh? What about people?"

For a moment, the man in black stood there in a daze, his bloodshot eyes filled with great doubts.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. Looking back, he saw a small white jade Buddha statue placed on the ground at the other end of the corridor.

One of its eyes is dark and charming, and the other is blood red and violent.

From a distance of more than thirty meters, she watched him quietly.

Quietly, watching.


The man in black first froze.

The next second, his clothes rolled up and wrapped around his head. The painful feeling of suffocation made him roll on the ground, whimpering and screaming in pain.


At this time, after ambushing the opponent with the Narrow Sleeve Guanyin, Xu Shu had already slipped away from the window at the stairs.

He quietly moved along the wall of the hotel building to the window facing the room. His feet were firmly fixed with "silk", and his whole body was hanging upside down with only a pair of eyes exposed. Normally, the people inside could not find him at all.

Of course, the curtains were drawn.

Fortunately, this did not pose a problem for Xu Shu. He looked inside through the gap in the window.

I saw that the wide space of about 50 square meters inside was arranged like a mourning hall. Because there was a small corridor between the entrance and the room, the whole room looked like a "convex" shape.

Xu Shu is now hanging on the window opposite the left side of the word "凸", and on the right side inside the "凸", there are several photos of the mourning hall.

There was a circle of tied-up people in front of the mourning hall. Each kidnapped person had confused eyes, as if they had lost their minds, and did not move.

They each had a burning white candle on their foreheads, and the candle wax kept dripping on their foreheads, but no one cried out in pain. There were about twelve people lying in this large circle, some with their eyes closed, some with their eyes open, and so on. There was a lot of blood that had not yet dried flowing on the ground, and no one knew where it came from.

In the middle of the circle, there was a chair, and on the chair sat a thin man.

He was tied up in a very despicable and perverted manner.

His eyes were half closed, as if he was hypnotized.

He shook his head and nodded, looking very strange.

Because he let out low, suppressed moans from his throat from time to time, and his body was slightly bulging, as if he was having a dream that was difficult to describe in words, so it seemed a little inappropriate for children.

There was also a group of men in black, about fifteen or sixteen in number.

They knelt on the ground, clasped their hands together in front of their heads, and stood in a kneeling posture, motionless, facing the man.

They were eating some kind of meat in their mouths, and as they chewed they made creepy crunching sounds, and at the same time they made buzzing, indistinguishable voices.

As if they heard the wailing outside the door, they sent another man in black who was kneeling at the back to carefully pass through the compartment, close the inner door, and go to the corridor outside to check the situation.
The rest of the people continued with the ceremony.

"…Are you really doing some kind of sacrifice? Why do I keep running into cultists recently? What kind of weird play is this? Why isn't there any summoning array?"

After listening for a while, Xu Shu knew that the noise he heard coming from the wall was made by this group of people.

While I was amazed, I also felt a little confused.

He had experienced many incidents involving the worship of evil gods.

Especially in the legendary [Return of the Dead] that I just experienced, I witnessed countless sacrificial ceremonies of religious groups.

Xu Shu is now very knowledgeable about this form of sacrifice, and he also knows a lot about the basic rules of the sacrificial ceremony.

Without exception, the standard configuration of sacrifice - flesh and blood sacrifices, erosion crystals, and the "summoning array", these three things are indispensable.

However, the sacrificial ceremony in the secret room before them, not to mention that their sacrificial ceremony seemed a bit strange, just the lack of the "summoning magic circle" step made them seem very unprofessional.

Without a magic circle, who are you going to summon?

Even if the evil god wanted to respond, he couldn't.

The left and right sides of the sacrificial array are like building a mysterious passage between "this place" and the "evil god", which can penetrate the illusory "spiritual world" space, so that the evil god can cast his power, or exert his will or even his true body to descend directly.

But now, without the magic circle, what can you do?

Is this funny, buddy?

Aside from the fact that these people look extremely unprofessional.

At the same time, Xu Shu also discovered that the two people in front of this group of cultists looked familiar to him.

After careful identification, it was discovered that they were Mr. Hong, the owner of the Lighthouse Hotel, and his daughter Xiaoli.

The former was recognized because of his fat stature, while the latter was recognized because of a few words spoken to him, which left a deep impression on him. The other party invited him to enjoy stir-fried shrimps many times and even gave him a bottle of champagne.

After discovering this, Xu Shu observed further and found that many of the sacrifices lying inside waiting to be sacrificed seemed to have been seen by him.

They could be identified from their clothes, and combined with the vague impression in his mind, Xu Shu had already preliminarily concluded that these captured sacrifices had clearly appeared at dinner.

"I understand."

"They drugged the drink."

"This is a shady shop. I always say there is no free lunch in the world."

“Same for dinner!”

Xu Shu reacted and suddenly realized.

No wonder Boss Hong was so generous. He took out some good wine that could be sold for a lot of money in the city and gave it to a group of strangers to enjoy for free.

So that's the purpose.

But the sacrifice...

Xu Shu glanced at the sacrifices in the factory, wondering whether he should take over the magpie's nest again this time, but he gave up the idea as soon as it flashed through his mind.

First of all, the other party did not carve the magic circle, so the sacrificial formation had to be redrawn by myself.

Secondly, not to mention the small number of sacrifices this time, they were all victims.

Finally, his altar is not only used to produce curses, but also a kind of "anti-cultist treasure" for him, which is a very strategic weapon.

As long as he was not really threatened and did not have to rely on sacrifice to escape, and there was no urgent need to make a certain curse, Xu Shu was not willing to waste an altar - even though he could mass-produce one altar every day.

But there is really no need to waste it at this time.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

I saw an unknown evil wind rising, and the strange "buzzing" sound in the air became louder and louder.

Immediately afterwards, the victim tied to the chair raised his neck and let out a high-pitched scream.

His belly grew bigger and bigger, bulging out and tearing his clothes, and a thick scripture fell out - it had been on the skin of the man's belly before, and it was like a branding iron, leaving a hideous demonic mark on his belly.


After taking a preliminary look at the shape of the book with the help of the faint light, Xu Shu's eyes suddenly fixed.

The cover of the book was dark red, with words he couldn't understand and carvings of various bloody and horrifying scenes of evil spirits eating people.

At the same time, it has a lock that looks like the fangs of a wild beast, which looks very evil, spooky and weird at first glance.

"What the hell, it's actually this?!"

Xu Shu recognized him immediately.

He was very familiar with this strange book.

He once slept with it in his arms for a year, never leaving it;

He had pondered over it day and night, hoping to open it and get a glimpse of the truth;
He once carried it back to his hometown, and eventually saw some mysteries and death!
It is - "The Book of Mystery".

Once in the legendary [Gone in Hong Kong], there was the "Mysterious Book" by Xu Shu's worst nickname "Chen Que"!
Almost at the moment Xu Shu recognized it, the book opened automatically, turning pages without any wind.

Then, from the page emerged a strange, bloated, hooded head, with nothing below the neck visible.

It uttered a low, hoarse chanting sound to the man tied to the chair, as if countless mouthparts were chewing repeatedly. She said:
"I love TVB!"

Hmm? Xu Shu's eyes suddenly fixed when he heard this spell.

This familiar spell brought back dead memories, and he suddenly remembered the monster's name.

It's her, Suki Herrera!

The eight-foot-tall female monster that had killed herself in the legendary world.

She actually appeared here?

Questions popped up one after another, but Xu Shu did not have even a moment to think about them. During the spell, a scarlet light came out from the human head, wrapped around the head of the victim on the chair, spun around, and "thumped" through the latter's crown, as if a hole had been drilled.

After doing all this, Suki Herrera disappeared, and the Mysterious Book was closed again, with the beast's fangs interlocked and the pages neatly arranged and tightly closed, as if it had never been opened.

"Ah~ Ah~" After suffering sudden injury, the man seemed to wake up suddenly, his eyes wide open, unconscious painful mutterings coming out of his mouth, his eyes full of confusion.

After a while, he seemed to regain some consciousness. He looked around and forward, unable to move, and asked in fear, "Who are you? What are you going to do... It hurts, it hurts so much..."

The top of his head was opened, and the white brain inside was wriggling, looking both scary and disgusting.

Seeing this, Boss Hong, who was kneeling on the ground, quickly stood up. In his hand was a plate, on which was a shrimp that was over 30 centimeters long and kept wriggling.

"Boss, no, don't come over here! Don't come over here! What are you doing?" the man asked with his dying breath.

"This is for the will of our ancestors!" Boss Hong sent the giant shrimp to the top of the man's head without further ado. It seemed to smell the fragrance of the brain and immediately went in through the bloody hole on the top of the man's head.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” the man screamed and rolled his eyes.

The strange prawn went down his head, into his throat, and occupied his esophagus. His throat squirmed, but he soon calmed down again.

His face was expressionless, one eye turned left and the other turned right, as if he had difficulty controlling his bodily functions.

With the help of everyone, the man put on black clothes. A pool of blood flowed down his body to the ground, but he was unaware of it.

This made Xu Shu, who was hiding outside the window, shrink his pupils. It turned out to be another familiar face, the deep-sea mantis shrimp!
There was no time to think. After the newly infected person stood up, several other cultists in the room walked forward and selected another person from the circle of sacrifices lying on the ground according to a certain order and rules.

This is a mature woman of about thirty years old, with dull eyes.

They pulled out the candle from the woman's forehead and placed it in a basin full of blood, then turned around and tied the woman to a chair.

Then he picked up the "Mysterious Book" and put it on the woman's belly, keeping it close to her body.

Afterwards, a group of cultists began chanting and continued to offer sacrifices.


After seeing all this, Xu Shu gradually understood everything.

But then more questions arose.

(End of this chapter)

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