The rising sun shatters the darkness!

Chapter 183 Self-immolation and rejection space

Chapter 183 Self-immolation and rejection space (asking for monthly ticket)
The guys staying in the hotel got up in the morning. They were groggy from being numb from the drugs all night and wanted to have a good breakfast to replenish their energy.

However, I found that the hotel, which had provided good service yesterday, did not even provide hot water today, let alone breakfast.

Such a huge difference between before and after made everyone curse.

How could they know that the entire Hong family here, along with some of their relatives and friends, and all the people in the small family cult group, were dead.

Because last night was their "harvest day", the entire family was wiped out without anyone being spared, and Xu Shu was even spared the trouble of finding them one by one to silence them.

During this period, some people were asking, "Have you seen my wife?", "Has anyone seen my husband?", and several young people were looking for their parents or partners and started posting missing person notices.

——The five or six missing people were the unlucky ones among the kidnapped sacrifices who had been invaded and parasitized by those deep-sea alien species. They had been killed by Xu Shu and burned to ashes, so they would naturally not appear again.

However, he handled the matter very cleanly, and no one has noticed anything unusual so far.

For the time being, there was no crying and shouting.

The people involved either silently asked strangers to no avail, or rushed out to look for them. Xu Shu also saw a young man slap himself in the face and mutter to himself, "Damn it, I shouldn't have quarreled with her last night", while running out and shouting the other person's nickname.

Thinking of the ashes that were blown away on the roof and the remaining bone fragments, Xu Shu felt that this regret might accompany this man for the rest of his life.

There was an even more bizarre family. Judging from their attire, they were probably refugees from somewhere nearby. There were five of them, half men and half women. They searched the hotel inside and out for a while, but it was unclear whether they found anything or not.

Finally, after a brief discussion, the group of people went to the front desk and explained to the passengers in a serious manner: "The original owner of this store is losing money and has closed it. We will run it from now on."

Everyone was confused, but many people suddenly realized, "No wonder they were so generous in sharing wine with everyone last night."

Through my own imagination, this obvious lie was quickly buried.

This group of refugees became the new owners of the inn. All they had to do was to manage the place well and provide good service when the next patrol team arrived for supplies.

This gave Xu Shu a deeper understanding of the lives of the people at the bottom of the world and the refugees in the wasteland.

As the saying goes, reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. These things are not recorded in books at all. The various aspects of life are endless and can open people's eyes.

Regardless of the change of ownership of the inn, all living beings are suffering. At this time, Xu Shu has already walked out of the inn, facing south and north, and embarked on his journey.

[Detecting current status...]

【Detection completed! 】

[You are in a very bad situation now. You are standing in the fierce wind. You know there is a tiger in the mountain, but you still go there. You are going to (19, 19) to find that weird human snake with a round figure and a pretty face, and fight with her. I just don't know if she is still there.]

[As we all know, the word "奇拔" comes from the popular science literature "山海异闻录" which lists the types of monsters. It describes the strange-shaped mountains. The origin of the special monster "邪奇拔" can be extended from the literal meaning. Her mountains are strange and bizarre. Ordinary people will feel uncomfortable and mentally hurt when they see them. ]

[But this obviously cannot limit you, because you are a grassroots hero, and you have already had experience in fierce battles with her. You are confident and have a sure win. You want to go and test her strength and see how extraordinary she is.]

[Attack, hero, don't stop. 】

[You left the gate of the (19, 18) supply point, and you once again broke off twelve steel bars from the nearby ruins to use as weapons. Carrying them on your back, you trekked through mountains and rivers, heading north, while recalling your past combat experiences.]

[Because your thoughts are too mean, and you always have images that are profound and simple to understand, Taichujuan has photoshopped them out for you, leaving only useful and healthy content:——]

[You are now heading to the territory of the Nianni-Tailed Jizo. Once you enter the territory, a Corpse Valley Worm that looks exactly like you will appear in the form of a rotting corpse. Yesterday, there was a Nie Qiba hidden in the rotting corpse, but it is unknown today.]

[“Territory?” You recalled something and began to consciously search for possible signs to determine the specific size of the territory of the Tail Jizo.]

[Until you approach your destination, the supply point inn at (19, 19), and see the flag symbolizing the Star Tower standing tall in the wind, you still don't find any suspicious symbols.]

[You are a person who doesn't like to make unnecessary assumptions, so you strode directly into the Lighthouse Hotel that others avoid. You kicked the door open and found a rotting corpse lying inside, dressed and looking exactly like you.]

[“Nieqiba, get out of here!” You were already familiar with the situation and were not surprised at all. You directly activated the soul-demanding Sanskrit sound of the Narrow-sleeved Guanyin.]

[Accompanied by the charming female voice of "Come on, have fun~", you advance with great force, breaking the opponent's disguise, and the evil Qiba inside jumps out. ]

[She is about three meters tall, with a bloated belly, like a weird pregnant snake woman. From her appearance, you recognize her as an old acquaintance.]

[You two quickly start fighting, and you take it down easily, because it is only level 14, and its quality is green excellent, while you are already level 18, red legendary, and there is already a huge gap in strength between you.]

[You are considering how to force this evil Qiba to submit, whether to use the tactics of a grassroots hero, but you find that he is crying unconsciously, and muttering to himself in panic: "No! No! No! Lord Bahamut is dead! How could he die? Why did he die? He hasn't left the Lord's kingdom yet, he can't die! I will die too, I will die too... For the glory of the Lord, please come here, great king of infinity!"]

[As it spoke, without waiting for you to ask further questions, its entire body suddenly ignited with black flames. It sacrificed itself, and before dying, it stared at you fiercely: "Human, you will die too!"]

[After burning, a level 14 fine erosion crystal fell on the spot, and green light filled the air.]

[Before you can pick it up, a wisp of black smoke, like a living thing, wraps you up, and then you find that the whole hotel begins to change.]

[The peeling wall here began to recover naturally, the rusty iron door became brand new, and the collapsed gray-yellow ground became tiled and magnificent in an instant. Everything that had been ravaged by time over the years was wiped out in an instant. 】

[You cautiously exit the gate and find that everything outside has changed. What was originally a forest meadow and ruins in the Wizard of Oz has now become a street with many buildings on both sides. The buildings are incomplete and dilapidated, as if they had just been bombarded. The entire street is empty and dead silent.]

[At the same time, a light snow suddenly fell from the sky, and shrill sirens continued to sound.]

[The loudspeaker alarm is repeating a message in a language similar to your native language with a slight local accent: "Emergency Notice! Emergency Notice! Dark night is approaching! Please go to the nearest underground public shelter immediately! The Mother Goddess will protect you!"]

[“Did they pull me into a fantasy world?” You sense something unusual and start to speculate. Suddenly, the ground trembles and a nurse-like lady with a sack on her upper body, a twisted figure, and ten-centimeter-long nails runs towards you.]

[Of course you would not let your guard down just because she looks cute. You slapped her to the ground, breaking her body into pieces. Her head rolled to the ground, and her long esophagus revealed another evil monster!]

[“Well done!” Miss Nieqiba died too quickly just now, and you didn’t get the information you wanted. This time you won’t let her go. ]

[You were about to make a move, but suddenly you found that the earth was shaking, and then there was a roar from the sky. It was a language that humans could not understand, but it didn’t matter, Taichu Scroll helped you translate it. The voice said: "Get the hell out!"]

[You feel an extremely strong repulsion, as if everything is squeezing you. The world is spinning, and you find that everything around you has returned to its previous state. It is still the dilapidated supply point hotel, and the traces of Nieqiba's self-immolation on the ground are still vivid.]

[At this time, you hear someone breathing heavily in the corner behind the door not far away. You go to check and see a man with broken hands and feet lying on the ground. He is dressed in an ancient style, a black short-sleeved suit, a dagger on his waist, and a pattern embroidered on his chest. There is a big bloody hole in his abdomen, and you can clearly see the movement of his internal organs. He is breathing in more than out.]

[He muttered to himself, making hoarse sounds: "Dead... Why... I'm all going to die... I was about to escape from the territory..."]

[Territory range? Ahaha, it's really hard to find it, but it's easy to find! You immediately noticed it and asked hurriedly: "Brother, do you know how far the territory is? How far is it from here?"]

[He stares at you with lifeless eyes: "I was the first one to escape from the ring, and I was about to have a chance of survival... But why..."]

[“Stop talking nonsense, tell me how big the territory of Diagonal Jizo is!” You shook his shoulders anxiously but carefully, fearing that you would shake him to death.]

[This person obviously didn't want to answer you. He muttered something like "I got the inheritance and I was able to leave alive, which should be double the happiness." He died completely in less than half a minute.]

【“Damn it! Damn it!” You pulled open his clothes in frustration without getting any useful information, and found a small silver plate hanging around his waist, small and exquisite, with the word “Tang” written on it. 】【“Tang family? I remember there seemed to be a Tang family next to Gu Pan’s family in the safe zone, so it should be their family? Damn it, I’m done with you Tang!” You buried him angrily and kindly, and at the same time you erected a tombstone for him, and angrily wrote on the tombstone: Tomb of the idiot who didn’t leave a will before death! 】

[After doing all this, you are ready to move on and explore this place, but suddenly you feel someone is watching you from behind.]

【“?” Because you were squatting on the ground and didn’t have time to stand up, you were half a beat slower in activating Jingwei. You were attacked again and you couldn’t dodge. Fortunately, you activated Jingwei to fill the sea this time, so you were ready to fight! 】

[Instantly, everything around you was chopped into pieces. The ground and walls were shattered. The power of the space slash was extremely strong. Except for you, you were not chopped into pieces. There were clanging sounds all over your body. Your "reclamation" state absorbed the attack! ]

[So strong! You are worthy of being a wrestler. With your own actions, you have once again proved that the wrestler is the profession with the strongest defense in all paths. There is no other profession. You are simply a perfect sandbag.]

[But at this moment, you suddenly feel weak, as if something is being taken away from your body, as if your body is hollowed out. You suddenly feel powerless and can no longer maintain your vitality.]

[And the slashing can end, you are finished off by the last few strong attacks, taking the head, and the whole person is torn into pieces, broken into 108 pieces. ]

[At the moment when your sorrow is shattered, you hear a compassionate sigh: "I will not become a Buddha until hell is empty; I will not attain Bodhi until all sentient beings are saved..."]

[You are dead, this journey is over, settlement in progress...]

[You get the item: Repeat the same mistake (excellent)]

[Repeat the Same Mistake (Excellent): People will never fall in the same place twice - unless they repeat the same mistake. After using this item, the target will fall to the ground twice. 】

[Number of times opened today: 2/3]


"God damn, you've done it twice! Damn Ksitigarbha, you actually sneak attacked me again. Do you have the guts to fight me head on?"

Everything in front of him disappeared, and Xu Shu opened his eyes. At this moment, he was less than 19 meters away from (18, ). In front of him was a bright and vigorous rising sun, and behind him was a hotel where "The Cuckoo Occupies the Magpie's Nest" and "Where Are We Going, Dad?" were being performed.

Recalling everything he had foreseen when he had just started his journey, Xu Shu couldn't help but fall into deep thought and began to analyze it seriously.

This time, although he was killed by Dizang again, it certainly cannot be said that he gained nothing.

At least, he got a lot of useful information.

First of all, the "Bahamut" mentioned by Neqiba is dead. Xu Shu has encountered this name in the legend that just ended. It was during the final battle that the culprit who brought his "ex-wives" who had been hiding away in a very despicable way brought them to the battle scene again, causing him to fail. The culprit was the son of the Soul King of the Soul World, an octopus brother.

Since all these are related to "Hianwei Ksitigarbha", Xu Shu concluded that the two are by no means coincidental.

One thing that can be confirmed is that the "Bahamut" mentioned by Nekiba is the son of the Soul King, who can also be called the "Son of Death."

Considering that the god of death is Arthas, and considering Suki Herrera whom he met before, Xu Shu reasonably suspected that the monsters in this relic began to enter the real world, just like the relics that sprang up like mushrooms after rain during the catastrophe period in human history.

This is one of them.

The second is that he was also cursed by the "Corpse Valley Worm" this time, and the curse was definitely not just forging a "Corpse Valley Body" that cloned himself, but burying a mine in his own body.

Xu Shu suspected that once he was cursed by the Corpse Valley Worm, he would suffer doubly serious injuries when he was hit by the "Space Slash" of the Biting Ksitigarbha.

Otherwise it would be difficult to explain why he was killed instantly even though he had used Jingwei Filling the Sea.

The final feeling of being hollowed out and stripped away is absolutely impossible to conceal.

The third thing is that we learned that there should be a trap at (19, 19), which is the "magic ring" mentioned by the Tang family.

But what exactly is this "Dharma Ring"?

Was it the space that I entered for a moment and then was thrown out of, a space where I wasn't sure if it was an illusion?
He said he "came out first", does that mean there are more people inside?

"What a pity! This guy is such a jerk. He refuses to tell me the exact scope of his so-called territory. If I knew that and had escaped the first round of the Corpse Valley Worm curse, how could I not be able to fight this Dizang?"

Xu Shu narrowed his eyes.

After checking the two Taichu Volume times remaining, he looked back at the hotel and made a decision.

"Try two more times. If you still can't find out the true identity of the Ksitigarbha, then give up decisively and go level up first. If it's still there, I'll come back to deal with it. If you miss it, then you'll miss it. It means the opportunity hasn't come yet!"

Thinking of this, Xu Shu touched the narrow-sleeved Guanyin on his waist, and with a cold look, he opened the Taichu volume again.

Journey mode, activated!

As the fog enveloped me, the light and shadows in front of me were like a revolving lantern:

[Detecting current status...]

[Detection successful! 】

[At this point you have gone insane, you are completely obsessed with the weirdness of (19, 19), you swear to kill it as soon as possible. ]

[This time you still follow the same method, carefully heading north, trying to find the territory of the tail kōzō with your naked eyes and avoid the curse of the corpse worm.]

[Unfortunately, you still failed to find any clues this time. ]

[You arrive at this supply point at the northeast corner of the border again. You circle around it twice, and there seems to be nothing special about the perimeter. You begin to suspect that the so-called territory refers to the gate of this supply point.]

[But this doesn't seem reasonable, because every time you enter the gate, you can see your "corpse body" lying on the ground imitating you, which is obviously not what just happened. ]

[This time you made a small attempt. You did not attack the corpse worm lying on the ground and the evil spirit inside as soon as you entered. You pretended that you knew nothing and went to the back, finding the corner where you met the seriously injured and dying Tang family member before.]

[This place is completely empty right now, there is nothing here for now. ]

[“Could it be that he wanted to wait until I was pulled into that strange space, and then I was pushed out, before he appeared?” You pondered, and then you began to dismantle all the doors in the hotel, splitting them into pieces of wood, and forcefully inserted them into the ground, forming a dense area around the place where the man should appear.]

[On each board, you wrote the same sentence, conspicuous and glaring: If you don’t tell me where the limit of the territory is, your whole family will die! ]

[“Very good, I guess he will have to say it now!”]

[You wiped your hands with a slight smile and walked back to the front. At this time, Nieqiba had already tolerated you for a long time. She controlled your corpse body to stand up and asked you sinisterly: "Who do you think I am?"]

[“I think you are the little cutie who was beaten by my Crazy Scholar for the 183rd time!” You slapped her and knocked her to her knees. You rode on her and cursed: “Tell me quickly, who is Bahamut, how did he die? Where is he? How do you enter that strange space? What is the limit of this Ksitigarbha’s territory? Tell me the truth, or I will not let you go today.”]

[“Ah?” Neqiba was not smart enough. He was confused by your question and didn’t know which question to answer for a moment. He asked blankly: “How do you know that Lord Bahamut is dead…”]

(End of this chapter)

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