The rising sun shatters the darkness!

Chapter 187: The Hall of the Infinite Law and the Infinite Law Ring

Chapter 187 Samsara Palace and Infinite Rings (asking for monthly tickets)

【“An attempt?”】

[You pondered over and over again, looking at this evil monk. You saw that he liked to speak in riddles, so you knew that he was definitely not a good person.]

[In response to your question, the monk smiled and replied: "This is the secret of my religion. I will tell you if you are willing to follow my master. So, do you want to join?"]

[The other party sent you an invitation to join the church. 】

[You ask him: "If I don't join, can you tell me what the attempt is?"]

[Very good, you are as good as ever, still so despicable and shameless. ]

[The monk still smiled, but said less politely: "What do you think? Of course not. But I can introduce our teachings to you. Are you interested? Maybe if you understand us, you will join us."]

[“Are you Dizang the Tail?” You didn’t rush to answer, but asked directly.]

[However, the monk sneered: "If I hadn't seen that you were ignorant, I would have thought that you were blaspheming my Lord. How can a crazy fusion monster like Jizo be compared with my Lord? We, the Star Society, follow the Lord who created everything, the true Creator! He was once asleep, but now he has awakened. The day when the stars return to their positions is the day when my Lord returns."]

[You looked at him, thought for a moment, and asked, "Are you trying to find a way for your evil god to descend?"]

[“You are right. Although the Weevil Ksitigarbha is a dirty thing, it still has a little value. Even the ugliest lamb can accept the Lord’s gift as long as it is willing to face the Lord. So, I am here! But I hate being called the evil god. It is disrespectful to the Lord.”]

[The monk first showed an 'angry' emotion, but suddenly his attitude changed, and he said to you with a gentle smile: "Of course, I don't blame you. The Lord's reputation was ruined by those self-righteous guys. It was their self-righteous and bad behavior that caused the Lord to be misunderstood by the world!"]

[“In terms of following my Lord, becoming a Path-Extinguishing Traveler is the only right way. Those Quincy followers are already on the wrong path!”]

[While he was speaking, he clenched his fists and spitted all over the place, seeming a little excited, and even letting you know more secret information, for example, they may have a dispute over different paths within the sect, one faction is called "Quincy" and is suspected to be a radical faction, and the other faction is called "Extinguishing Travelers" and seems to be a conservative faction. ]

[Of course this is useless, because with your limited knowledge, you have never even heard of what the Star Club is. As we all know, the more you know, the less you know.]

[This is especially true for this kind of knowledge that comes from unknown sources and is strange and bizarre. Knowing it is the same as not knowing it.]

[So you feel confused, and seeing him start to criticize another group of people in their own church more excitedly, you hurriedly stop him and ask: "Don't go off topic, I see you know a lot about the One-Tailed Jizo, so can you tell me what it is?"]

[The monk was slightly displeased by your interruption. After a pause, he said proudly, "No need."]

[“What do you mean you don’t need it? I’m asking you some questions, Master. Can you answer them properly?” You think he looks mysterious, but mentally ill, so you deliberately act polite and try to get some words out of him.]

Unexpectedly, the other party became even more arrogant, and swung his sleeves: "Except for my Lord, you don't need to know any humble and dirty low-level gods, especially this lowly race with the aura of a defector, the tail-biting Ksitigarbha, is not worth mentioning!"

[You frowned. This guy seemed a little mentally ill. You rolled your eyes and decided to provoke him: "It's easy for you to say that, but aren't you still trapped in the territory of Obito Jizo?"]

[“Heh, how do you know I’m trapped? Maybe I came in on my own initiative?]

[“Then why don’t you try to get out? Why are you just standing there in a deserted corner? And if I’m not mistaken, your lower body should have rotted away. You can’t get out at all, right?” You suddenly stood in the corner, picked up a small stone and threw it at him.]

[This monk was stunned by your blow. It wasn't because of the pain, but because he simply couldn't react.]

[It took him a long time to read the words "Come over and hit me if you dare" from your smiling face.]

[He didn't jump to hit you, but just stared at you quietly. ]

[You looked at him, he looked at you, and you stared at each other affectionately for a full ten minutes. As steady as you are, you are not afraid of this kind of staring at each other at all.]

[Finally, he spoke first: "Okay, as you said, I am indeed trapped, but my attempt has been successful. Now I need someone to take me out. It just so happens that you are here! This means that you are my destined person."]

[“What are the conditions?” You rolled your eyes and immediately guessed from his attitude that he should have a deep understanding of the Jizo, this strange wheel circle and the underground ancient temple, but you avoided talking about it. You are such a sinister guy.]

[The monk glanced at you and said, "Strictly speaking, you are also trapped here. If you want to get out, the best way is to cooperate with me. As long as you listen to me, you can successfully leave here."]

[Leave? Trapped? As expected, as long as you step into this circle, you will fall into a trap... You are shocked in your heart, but your face is not panicked at all. Instead, you suddenly interrupt and say: "I choose the second best way."]

[“?” The monk was obviously stunned for a moment, but he was in a good mood and managed to calm down. He continued, “Mortals are always greedy. I can understand that. I can see that you are very interested in the One-tailed Ksitigarbha. It just so happens that I also have a request from you, so as a reward, I can tell you some knowledge about the One-tailed Ksitigarbha. Believe me, I am a mentor and I will never lie to you.”]

[“Really?” You nodded thoughtfully, but in your heart you were right. You’re a mentor? Can you turn around and turn on the light? ]

So, what will you choose next?

[This guy obviously has bad intentions. If you help him get out of here, he will definitely do something harmful to society after he gets out, such as looking for living people to sacrifice and summoning evil gods like other esoteric believers. Your conscience will definitely hurt... right? ]

[But if you don't cooperate with him, will you watch the fat sheep that you have caught, the opportunity to fully understand the tail-biting Jizo, slip away from under your nose? ]

[Your choice is...]

my choice?

Looking at the question marks jumping on the screen, Xu Shu almost couldn't hold back his expression.

Comrade, oh no, Master, are you trying to trick me into doing something bad in exchange for information?

Are you serious?
Don't you know that this is the future I predicted?

To be honest, this was the easiest judgment Xu Shu had ever made.

There is no need to think about what to choose, of course just accept it!
Because, for most people, this is indeed a dilemma.

If one sacrifices the safety of some unrelated and pitiful civilians in exchange for intelligence, one may suffer inner torment and be condemned by his conscience.

But if he doesn't exchange it for information, this time will be the closest he has ever been to uncovering the truth about Dizang. If he gives up, all his efforts for so long will be in vain.

For a person with a conscience, there is a big difference between sacrificing others for self-preservation and sacrificing others for the pursuit of profit.

But Xu Shu, he didn't...

No, he still has a little conscience, although not much.

But the problem is, this is the journey!
Exchanging "action" for "intelligence" is basically free stuff for Xu Shu.

Let him go on the journey, extract information, and then return to reality in the blink of an eye. Nothing has happened yet, but the information obtained will not disappear.

Xu Shu felt a little relieved and chose "trade" immediately without any hesitation.

Of course, this does not mean that he necessarily believes the other party.

This monk looks strange and evil, and it's possible that he could lie.

The best way is to first see what his purpose is.

[You made a choice, you decided to cooperate with him. ]

[Very good, I have seen the Taichu Volume, and you will get a win-win situation.]

【Win-win means you win twice, and the other party gets nothing! 】

[The monk is very pleased to see you being so forthright.]

[You immediately asked: "Then you speak first, and I will help you after you finish speaking."]

[He holds a flower with his ten fingers and smiles, telling you: "I know what you are worried about. Donor, please rest assured. We can sign a blood oath contract."]

[While speaking, he tore off a piece of human skin from his own chest, and blood dripped onto it.]

[After a brief consideration, you also cut your palm and wiped some blood.]

[As the golden words on the human skin paper flicker and disappear, you feel that a contract has been established between you. If you break the contract, you will suffer a blow that you cannot bear with your current strength.]

[“The cause and effect between us have already been entangled, and we can no longer regret it. It’s okay for me to speak first.”] [The monk is very confident in his human skin contract, so he answered your three questions: What is the tail-shaped Ksitigarbha? Where is this? How do I get out?]

[First, for the first question, he tells you: "The Ksitigarbha with the Tail is a primordial spirit, a real primordial spirit! It is a fusion monster born from the decisive battle between the defenders and the betrayers. It looks powerful and has a god-level status above the fifth realm, but it is just the nourishment of the lamb and a petri dish of chaos."]

[When you heard this, you immediately knew that the other party was indeed very important. It was highly consistent with some of your previous speculations and experiences. It seemed that he was not lying. However, it was unknown whether this was the truth or not.]

[You know, Jizo has a grudge against Arthas, the god of death. Based on some descriptions, you guessed that the so-called "defender" is Jizo who vowed "not to become a Buddha until hell is empty", so the "betrayer" is naturally the "god of death", "king of infinity", Arthas, who appears to be a giant tentacle monster.]

Seeing this, Xu Shu's eyes suddenly lit up.

I know that one of my previous guesses has really come true.

"Ksitigarbha once told my trumpet Arthur that 'what is coming cannot be avoided', so he chose to accept his fate and decided not to hide from Arthas's pursuit of him, but to fight openly."

"In the end, a primordial spirit was formed, that is, One-tailed Jizo. Judging from the fact that there are many Octopus brothers among One-tailed Jizo's followers, Jizo is likely to have lost...

"But what did the monk say about the fusion monster? It seems that Arthas didn't completely win either?"

"So both sides will suffer losses? But it seems that Arthas still has the upper hand..."

Xu Shu touched his chin, thoughtfully.

However, there was another point that concerned him even more.

The news that the Yuanshen is actually a super being above the five realms is completely unexpected.

He touched the small jade Buddha tied around his waist with a little surprise, "Primordial Spirit and Wisdom: Narrow-sleeved Guanyin".
After all, the One-Tailed Ksitigarbha is the product of the battle between two god-level Ksitigarbs and Arthas. Coupled with the various strangeness it exhibits, it is indeed worthy of the title of "god-level".

The strength may still be lacking, but at least the status is really enough.

Squidward also said that He is still in the process of recovery, so it is normal that His strength is not strong enough.

But, Narrow-sleeved Guanyin?
Is she also god-level?
Funny, right?

How can there be such a weak god...

Xu Shu didn't mean to belittle her maliciously. In fact, when the Narrow-sleeved Guanyin first appeared, it did give him a great sense of oppression and shock.

Later, after being contaminated by Saya's Song and transformed into a white jade Buddha statue, he also brought a lot of help and often made contributions in battles.

But meritorious service is meritorious service, but can we say that she has a god-like status?

Isn’t that a bit exaggerated?

She only has purple crystals, not even gold ones...

According to the classification, the god level should at least start from the red legendary level, or even the black "forbidden level".

Well, god-level beings can be primordial spirits, but not all primordial spirits are god-level, which makes sense.

However, this monk is still not very reliable.

Since you have signed a contract with me, please describe it in simple terms.

What are the Pathfinder, the Quincy, the Defenders and the Betrayer, the Lamb, and the Petri Dish?

What the hell is going on? Can most people guess who these people you are talking about?
I have to guess on my own, damn!

At this moment, Xu Shu just wanted to shout: I can't tell the difference, I really can't tell the difference!

"Fortunately, I already have a lot of secrets, otherwise I would have lost money on this deal." Xu Shu continued to ask on the journey:
[The monk said: "You ask where this place is? I cannot give you a detailed description, because the description will definitely be distorted. Even if they are just fusion monsters, their status is indeed real. But I can tell you the name of this place. It is called the Hall of Samsara."]

[“Here, both the defenders and the betrayers have their authority. There is a balance in the chaos. Therefore, the boundary between life and death is blurred. Everything will fall into an infinite cycle that will never end.”]

[The monk pointed at you, then at himself, and said, "This is also the dilemma we are in. I don't know if I understand a concept, the Mobius Infinity Ring."]

[“It sounds familiar, but I totally forgot what it was. I only remember that the old man’s ring can roll infinitely…” You muttered to yourself, but said confidently, “I know a little bit.”] (Note 1)

[The monk said: "Everyone who enters the Dharma Ring will not be able to distinguish between reality and illusion, and will be trapped in an infinite cycle of life, which may not be escaped even by death."]

[“So strong?” You feel slightly confused. This description makes you feel that this seems to be an illusion from a storybook you have read.]

[At the same time, you also found that your guess before coming in was correct. According to the characteristics of the "ring" he mentioned, this ancient temple with half of its body buried in the ground is indeed a complete entity connected together, not fragments scattered on both sides.]

[You know where you are, and you also know who the most powerful enemy here is, so your third question is also what he wants you to do, and it is the key to solving this dilemma. The monk began to answer: -

[“The only way to leave here is to enter the origin of the magic ring and force our way into the ruins space. The Hall of Samsara is now hidden in the gap between the ruins and reality. As long as we enter the ruins, we can trigger the spontaneous rejection reaction of the ruins and be sent out of the ruins. Being sent out of the ruins naturally means being sent out of the magic ring space.”]

[The monk said, looking at you: "You are a transcendent, so you must know that without the help of Array Master, any human being will be rejected by the ruins. Haha, although Array Master is an evil blasphemer, it is undeniable that He is indeed very powerful."]

[“So that’s how it is.” Your eyes sparkled, and you instantly understood that the mysterious modern urban ruins you had entered twice before were the ruins he was talking about.]

[“In that case, I wish us a happy cooperation in advance. I cannot move, so I need you to take me with you to find the entrance to the ruins.” The monk looked at you and nodded slightly: “Let me introduce myself. My name is Wuxin. What’s yours?”]

[“I will never change my name, my surname is Li Toyota.” You smiled faintly. ]

[“Li Toyota, I have said everything I need to say. Now it is your turn to perform your duties.” Wuxin said to you, opening his arms and motioning you to carry him on your back and walk forward together.]

【“Okay. One more question.” You nodded. 】


[“Since you know so clearly, why don’t you take the initiative to try to leave?” you asked. ]

[“First, I tried, but I failed. However, I know you can find the door to the ruins. This is the guidance given to me by the Lord.” Wuxin the Mage looked at you, his face was blurred and he wanted to hit you. After thinking for a long time, he said:

【“Secondly, I can’t move.”】

【“Oh, so that’s how it is.” You said sarcastically. 】

[You thought that the Lord that the Stars believed in was indeed quite something. If nothing else, at least He was right about you being able to find the door to the ruins. You really went in.]

[You look at the Wuxin Mage who seems to be sitting cross-legged on the ground, but is actually disabled in both legs, and seriously consider whether to break the contract and abandon him now. You soon find that a wave of terror rises from the depths of your heart, threatening your life.]

[“The power of the contract? Violating the contract will result in death? It feels a bit similar to the curse of the corpse worm in the tail of Jizo.” Your heart tightened, and you decided not to do sit-ups for the time being to test whether you can withstand it. ]

[“I’ll tell you where the origin is, and you take me there.” Master Wuxin said to you.]

[“Okay.” You postponed your plan to violate the agreement and decided to go find out what was going on first, so you temporarily abided by the agreement and carried the disabled Wuxin mage on your back.]

[You suddenly felt two heavy and soft masses of pressure. ]


Xu Shu was stunned.

Good guy.

This is not a monk.

This is a nun.

And it's big!

(End of this chapter)

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