The rising sun shatters the darkness!

Chapter 252 The Happy Tribe

Chapter 252 The Happy Tribe

Xu Shu struggled to survive and grow amid the devastation.

He had no mystery in the womb and remained highly lucid:
[Youlan Continent is a magical place. It has existed since ancient times and has survived three eras.]

[The first recorded era is called "Genesis Era". According to legend, the ancient gods created this world from nothingness, and gave rise to countless races, which blossomed in two places across the entire continent. That was the best era. Under the protection of the gods, there was no disease or disaster, and the people were prosperous. It was called the Golden Age.]

[Then there was the extremely despairing "War of the Gods" in the second era, and the even more despairing "Black Disaster Invasion" in the third era.]

[In the Second Age, a terrible internal struggle broke out among the ancient gods. The battle lasted for countless years, leaving the entire universe in ruins. In the end, they joined hands to pursue a better future, perished together, and left the world stage together, leaving behind a devastated land.]

[Without the protection of the gods, the human world fell into a terrible disaster, and the black disaster came. 】

[Famine, disease, darkness, a world without light, radiation viruses, and countless nightmares shroud the mortal world. ]

[That was the most tragic era, known in history as the "Two Thousand Years of Trial of Flesh and Blood." Although humans were extremely tenacious and eventually got out of the predicament and did not become extinct, the suffering during that time cannot be described in words and must be forgotten in history.]

[Time flies, and now, with a stroke of the pen, it is already the Fourth Era! The gods, led by the Lord of Light, have returned to the earth, taking a dominant position, bringing new hope and new life. They named the earth Youlan Continent, and history calls it the Era of Light.]

【The gods are so powerful that people look up to them. Humans have no choice but to return to the era of theocracy. Based on the different gods they believe in, they are divided into countless countries. There are occasional wars between them, but overall they are thriving.】

[In today's Youlan Continent, according to the oracle, it is divided into three layers from top to bottom:

[The upper level is the heaven, where the gods live, high above, overlooking the earth. ]

[The middle layer is the mortal world, where many creatures live. In addition to the most numerous and most fertile human race, and the gods who live high in the kingdom of God and control the world, there are also immortals, ghosts, dragons, jade feet, naked people, feathered people, beasts, scales, insects... and so on. ]

[All the creatures living between the land and the sea are protected by their own gods, so it can be said that all races are flourishing and everything is waiting to be rebuilt. ]

[The lower layer is a world that all living beings despise and despise, but at the same time continue to explore - the "abyss". ]

[The Abyss is a huge underground world. No one knows the origin of the Abyss. It is said that it was born during the Black Disaster of the Third Epoch. No one knows how deep or wide it is. Some say it has eighteen floors, some say ninety-nine floors, and there is no definite number. But because it is filled with all kinds of "demons", it was once considered a place of exile. ]

[Each layer of the abyss is dangerous and full of dangers, and contains countless treasures. It is said that they are the property left here by the ancient gods who died.]

[People die for money, birds die for food. Every day, explorers come to explore, die in the abyss, and disappear without a trace; but there are also people who return triumphantly from the abyss, achieve success, and become warriors.]

[As more and more people explore, the abyss gradually gets a nickname: underground city.]

[In addition to exploring, warriors who go to the dungeon must also face monsters and demons in the abyss. ]

[There are many types of demons, the most common ones are shadow demon, blood demon, gun demon, knife demon, water demon, fire demon, tender model! Slightly rarer ones include chainsaw demon, candle demon, steel wool demon, wooden donkey demon, iron maiden demon, etc. 】

[There are many more types of demons than living beings, and they are countless and bizarre. 】

[The places where adventurers can go are the demons living in the shallower layers. There are even more terrifying horrors in the deeper layers. That is a forbidden place that ordinary demons cannot enter.]

[The underground world is abandoned by heaven and the world, never seeing the sun, only killing and fear exist forever. ]

[Not only are the creatures in the mortal world afraid of the abyss, even the demonic monsters that originally came from the shallow abyss also hate the breath of the abyss. ]

[Since the beginning of the Fourth Epoch, countless demons have come to the mortal world. They slaughtered villages, occupied land, established tribes one after another, took root, and even interbred with other races, performing acts similar to racial migration.]

[There are many types of mixed-blood demons like this. Because the human race has a particularly strong reproductive adaptability and there is no reproductive isolation between them and most demons, these demon descendants are collectively referred to as: sub-humans. ]

[And you, you were born into such a tribe of sub-humans who migrated from the caves of the abyss to the mortal world. ]

[Your tribe originally lived on the second layer of the abyss. Unlike the more terrifying names that other demons usually have, your tribe is hated by everyone and is called: Demons of Lust.]

[As the name suggests, you are an extremely lustful race, committing all kinds of evil, such as burning, killing, and looting. You like to kidnap human women and turn them into reproductive machines to reproduce for yourself. You rely on your strong reproductive ability to barely survive in the mortal world. In the eyes of humans, you are disgusting cockroaches, very weak, but inexhaustible.]

[In fact, the origin of your race is very mysterious. The outside world calls you the Sex Demon Clan, but you call yourselves the "Happy Clan". You secretly seek ways to break through your own limits and recuperate. You have secretly produced many silver-level strongmen, but the outside world does not know.]

Xu Shu:?
God’s happy tribe!
It has a strong reproductive ability and likes to capture human women as its wives. Isn't this the goblin that is commonly seen in books, oh no, novels?
Where is the golden cave?

Was I born in such a place?

Where is the gold here?

After reading the world introduction in the Taichu volume, Xu Shu said he was numb.

But no matter how complicated it is, now that I'm here, I have to try my best. At least this world has obvious supernatural elements and is actually quite similar to the real world.

Goblin, oh, no, it's the "Happy Tribe Demi-Humans", which are actually similar to the werewolves in the wasteland and the mandrills in the wilderness.

Xu Shu kept calm and went about his life quietly:

【According to the teachings of our ancestors, you actually originated from a mysterious scripture fragment, which is a mantra "Color is emptiness, emptiness is color". Your ancestors translated it into "where there is emptiness, there is color", and regarded it as a belief, which was passed down from generation to generation, gradually evolved, and finally formed the current color demon clan.】

[Also having pioneered in the mortal world for thousands of years, the Succubus clan has long since taken root in the mortal world and is very popular among humans, taking root in many industries in human society. ]

[You, the sex demon clan, are far worse. The sex demon clan emphasizes self-centeredness. What stands out is that you are unreasonable, have bad habits, and like to force purchases and sales. That’s why everyone wants to kill you.]

[Not to mention entering a town, even if you build a village, you will be quickly wiped out, so you can only dig caves nearby as residences and live a life like primitive people, living and dying every day. ]

[Even so, there are often adventurers leading teams to clear out the territory of the sex demons, which shows that your tribe is truly deeply sinful and has committed countless crimes.]

[In January 1314 of the Fourth Era, a team of new adventurers arrived at the northern border of the West Const Empire and accepted a mission from the Adventurer's Association to defeat a tribe of sex demons that attacked villages and abducted women. Oh no, it was a tribe of the Joyful Demihumans.]

[This is a lowest-level Black Iron-level mission, so the people who come to carry out the mission are naturally Black Iron-level adventurers. Their configuration is quite reasonable, with a melee fighter, a swordsman, an archer, a flat-chested fire magician, and a big-chested holy priest.]

[The humans in this world possess extraordinary abilities. They are not just prey to be slaughtered at will, but are the most powerful overlord-class race on the Youlan Continent.]

[As everyone knows, the outside world believes that the Sex Demons are very weak and are the lowest level of sub-human tribe. They can be easily wiped out with only Black Iron-level strength.]

[This is a complete team of human adventurers, with strong strength, and they passed away peacefully. ]

[They were easily slaughtered by the demon soldiers outside the cave, and only paid the price of twelve demon soldiers.]

[The only one who survived was a beautiful priestess, your biological mother. Her name was Selina Roberts, she believed in the god of love and was a healing priestess with amazing healing abilities.]

[What would happen if she failed to defeat the goblins? As you can imagine, she became a concubine of a bandit leader and was made into a puff.]

[It's all bubbles~ just a flash of fireworks~] [The leader of your Happy Clan is called Blue, a very ambitious Silver-level warrior. He has been committed to implementing the ancestral teachings and wants to push the upper limit of the race. Silver is definitely not the limit. His goal is gold, diamond, and even the Grandmaster level at the top of the continent!]

[So he called the tribe's shaman, Esgard, to experiment with your mother Selena's body, trying to create a new group of warriors.]

[His approach was obviously wrong. All the fertilized eggs died, and only you survived.]

[In November of the same year, you were born in the dungeon, and you were the most beautiful kid in the dungeon.]

[Because, among the other wives imprisoned with Selina, some gave birth to eight children, some gave birth to seven, and the least was three.]

[But you are an only child, so naturally you are very eye-catching. ]

[And your appearance also surprised them. Your body is as white as jade, your head is protruding, your back has colored glass scales, and you have a pair of strange transparent horns that faintly flash with golden light.]

[Commander Blue and Shaman Esgard attach great importance to you. They believe that their research is very successful and that you are a warrior blessed by the ancestors. Based on a string of words on the scripture fragments they obtained, they named you: Alaya.]

[They prepared the finest blood food for you, provided you with the highest level of accommodation, and regarded you as their hope.]

[You are very smart and saw this. When they wanted to let Selena give birth, you decisively hugged your mother and drank breast milk in big gulps, showing your high dependence on breast milk and not letting go at all.]

[Blue sent other wet nurses from the Pervert Clan to feed you, but you didn't even look at them. You were very loyal. You only accepted the feeding from your biological mother, the original taste.]

[Seeing this, Blue ordered to stop persecuting Selina, and let her be your exclusive nutrition machine, and her food treatment became the highest level in the tribe. ]

【Because of you, Selena saved her life. 】

[Is saving her life a good thing for her? Maybe death will put an end to everything?]

[No, maybe she was once, but now she is no longer a coward.]

[She looked at you in her arms, and at the demons lurking in the cave. What flashed through her eyes was not sadness, but persistence.]

[She once cried out, but gradually she could no longer make a sound; she once cried, but gradually she no longer shed tears.] (Note 1)

[Selina has experienced the despair and darkness of this world. She does not need death to be freed from it, because she has already died screaming in the past.]

[And now, all she has left is hope for the future and the determination to return to the human world! ]

[Why did this change happen? Was it suffering? No, it was not only suffering, but also hope! ]

[In the darkness, less than two feet away from you, you hold her hand and tell her in the smallest voice: "Mom, I will protect you, believe me, but don't tell anyone."]

[She believed it and decided to survive. She didn't know which Joy Clan subhuman's offspring you were, but that didn't matter anymore, because you must be her offspring, and you showed with your attitude that you were firmly on her side!]

[It was you, her offspring, who gave her the last spark of hope after despair.]

[Suffering turned into motivation. At this moment, Selina had only one thought: no matter what, she would live with you! ]

【? 】

[Damn it, she never thought about such a crucial question as why a baby who was only two days old could actually speak! ]

[Obviously, she didn't consider this aspect. As the saying goes, a mother is honored by her son. Because of you, Selina has a very good treatment in this subhuman cave. She has meat and vegetables for three meals a day. Except that she can't leave the cave, she lives a very comfortable life.]

[Shaman Esgard is very bad. He is very hostile to humans. He has tried to change your wet nurse many times, but it doesn't work. You hold on to the milk and you throw a tantrum, obviously you have chosen this "biological wet nurse".]

[Esgard wanted to use force, but the leader Blue stopped him. In Blue's opinion, it doesn't matter who the wet nurse is. You are so special that you may be an important achievement for the sex demon clan to make further progress.]

[“Commander, if we don’t get rid of this human woman, something bad will happen!” Esgard has been insisting on getting rid of Selina. He seems to have other concerns.]

[As a think tank in the tribe, Commander Blue also has to respect the other party's opinion. He looked at you hanging on Selina's milk, and finally compromised: "Alaya is a precious treasure bestowed by our ancestors. He has the hope of further improving the upper limit of our race. There can be no mistakes. How about this, wait until Alaya is weaned, and then kill this priestess."]

[“Well, just follow the commander’s instructions.” Esgard was helpless, but he had no choice but to do so. He was also afraid that if he forced you to lose your mother body, something bad might happen.]

【They start waiting for you to be weaned. 】

[In order to protect Selina, you can only be a good child who keeps breastfeeding. You and Selina are inseparable. When you see someone approaching, you cry and ask for milk. By doing this, you prevent Selina from being killed.]

[As long as Esgard survives, you will continue to feed him. You have decided to outlive this old thing.]

[The babies of the Sex Demon Clan subhumans grow very fast. They can run at one year old, speak at two years old, and grow to 1.5 meters at three years old. They have the ability to fight independently.]

[However, the strange thing is that your growth rate is very slow, and your appearance is very special. In the eyes of Blue and Esgard, the horns on your head mean that you are a "superior demon", but your growth rate is about the same as that of humans. ]

[In 1315, you were one year old, delicate and delicate, with small hands and feet, but you could already walk very fast, and your limbs were very developed.]

[Blue's power is expanding. He destroyed several border villages, captured a group of women, and gave birth to dozens of subhuman children. They are as big as you are one year old when they are two months old. They have sharp teeth and claws and are very ferocious.]

[Inspired by the oracle of Esgard's propaganda, they arranged a battle and put you and a group of other two-month-old subhuman babies in a large iron cage.]

[The demihumans are brutal and aggressive by nature, especially since you seem to be out of tune with the other demihumans. They actually attacked you in droves, trying to devour you.]

[In order to protect yourself, you unleashed your strength and killed them all in battle. You won your first battle and showed your prowess.]

[“You already have the strength and speed of Black Iron.” Esgard was very satisfied and recorded it in his notebook excitedly. At the same time, he wanted to kill Selina. Unfortunately, you just won the battle and immediately pounced on your mother and drank milk. Esgard had to postpone the plan to kill Selina.]

[Your teachers are Blue and Esgard. Blue teaches you physical combat and cold weapons, while Esgard teaches you witchcraft and magic. You are gifted and can learn quickly.]

[In 1317, you are already three years old, still small and very cute, and all you do every day is drink milk and sleep.]

[During this period, Blue and Esgard will often arrange for you to fight in iron cages, sometimes with demihuman children of the same race, sometimes with human adventurers captured from outside, and sometimes with various monsters.]

[You become more courageous as you fight, and your strength improves by leaps and bounds. ]

[At the age of eight, you have reached the second level: Bronze! ]

[That day, Blue and Esgard discussed for a long time. They went to the cave and brought a special monster as your new whetstone.]

[That is a demon, a demon that can wander alone in the third layer of the abyss! ]

(End of this chapter)

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