Chapter 26: Strange Death (Seeking Follow-up Reading)

[Current status has been detected...]

[You are wounded but full of energy and have no place to release it, so you decide to set sail again. 】

【You head toward the sun, exploring the south.】

[You carried ten steel bars more than one meter long as weapons. Since holding them in your hands would affect your movements, you tied them with a rope behind your back and spread them out in a fan shape.]

[“I must come back with a full load this time.” You swore silently, like an old general on the stage with many flags.]

[You find that the buildings in the south are like building blocks, severely collapsed, connected into a large area, blocking the way. You observe for a long time, and finally choose a small path in the middle with light in front, and go forward.]

[It was very narrow at first, and after walking a few dozen steps, it became even narrower.]

[At the end, there is a heavy iron door blocking the way. It seems that this is a dead end. Maybe I should turn back and find another way out. You...]

[You punched several times in a row and smashed open this hopeless iron door. You are indeed a strong man! Just rush and it will be over! ]

[After a tense and exciting search, you have initially checked the threats within a 500-meter range, and you begin to attack further away.]

[You walked for a full kilometer without being attacked by monsters. You were slightly happy and felt that this road had hope. You began to move towards the southwest. If you could reach that place, you might be able to bypass the tunnel.]

[Outside an abandoned clinic, you suddenly heard a few wailings, "Save me, save me", a hoarse female cry for help came from inside, it seems that she is about to be killed, her life is at stake, what choice do you make:? ]

[You followed your heart. You did not stand by and watch the victim die. You approached him, but you were extremely cautious at this time. You did not rush in, but lay in ambush at the door and observed.]

[After waiting for a while, you see three sexy and beautiful blonde women wearing bikinis in the middle of winter crawling out and looking at you with tender eyes.]

[The cries for help continued to come out of their mouths, as if they were still desperately begging for help, but they did not seem to be threatened, and their expressions were very calm and expressionless.]

[Perhaps they are also refugees from nearby shelters? Facing these three beauties that shook Yueyang City, what would you choose:? ]

[You threw a steel bar with your backhand, and it pierced through the head of one of the beauties on the spot! ]

[Her beautiful head shattered into four pieces, and you didn't feel any guilt at all. Instead, you pulled out the second one, pretending to kill her.]

[“Something must be wrong when it’s out of the ordinary. I can tell at a glance that she is not human.”]

[Your judgment and reasons for taking action are somewhat hasty, but your decisiveness is amazing! ]

[As expected, after being attacked, the remaining two women turned hideous. They fixed their upper bodies at the waist and turned around a few times, tearing the human skin to reveal the dark and shiny spider bodies. The eight long black legs were shining coldly. The human flesh on the upper body looked very disgusting and twisted, with wrinkled, large and sagging skin. Even cows don't have such a despicable giant breastfeeding machine.]

[“Huh, Black Widow?”]

[Although they look completely different from the shy and cute Black Widows who looked like noble princesses, you still figured out their race—Alien Black Widows]

[Judging from their appearance, the ranks of these two black widows are obviously far inferior to the one you killed. They can only pretend to be human by wearing human skin, and they can't really speak human language.]

[It seems that they are just using the dead person's vocal cords to simulate the screams of the other party before death, making human voices, so they keep calling for help! ]

["Damn you, you beast." Faced with such desecration of a fellow creature's corpse, you flew into a rage.]

[With two puffs, two black widow spiders straighten their abdomens, raise their buttocks, and shoot a large ball of white spider web at you.]

【Black Widow: Spinning silk! 】

[“You’re showing off your skills before an expert!” You fought back without hesitation, and you also opened your mouth and sprayed a ball of spider silk. Your spray was more powerful than theirs, and it immediately covered one of the balls and bound her against the wall, so she couldn’t break free for the time being.]

[But you are also covered by another spider web. The spider silk is sticky and tough. You struggle hard.]

[The aura of a superior from your own race that you exuded when you shot out the silk made the remaining black widow terrified and then furious. She took advantage of you being trapped and raised her sharp front claws to pierce your head.]

[Although you have thick skin and flesh, you will still die instantly if you are pierced in the forehead - all creatures have weaknesses, whether they are monsters or you.]

[However, her anger turned into lust the next second, because you gave her a skill: seductive eyes.]

[This silver transparent silk-drawing skill is much more useful than white spider silk. ]

[She whined, suddenly hugged you and began to kiss and lick you, licking the mucus all over your face, and her fat spider abdomen moved up and down to hit you, begging for sex pitifully.]

[You are so coquettish! You are indeed a succubus! And a ruthless succubus! You are a disaster to the opposite sex who face you alone! ]

[The black widow who was charmed by you suddenly became horny, and her sisters were stunned. She even forgot to struggle against the spider web. ]

[This gave you enough time to break free. You knew the Black Widow's body structure inside and out. You knew her weak spot was not the head, but the small heart deep inside her abdomen!]

[You use your palms as claws and brutally tear open her belly, removing the fetus and successfully killing her.]

[What you hold in your hand is a white erosion crystal dripping with juice, hot and scalding! ]

[You have no mercy on women. You attack the remaining two black widows. You gain the upper hand at the first move and eventually kill them.]

[You counted the white fluff inside the three erosion crystals and found that they were actually one level 7 and two level 5.]

[And the price you paid was much smaller than the price you paid for killing the beautiful snake before, you only suffered some scratches on your chest and abdomen. ]

[This is the advantage of a sneak attack. If not, you would definitely be more seriously injured, or even die in battle.]

[You take a short break and continue forward. After walking another kilometer, there is a large lake blocking the way ahead. You can cross it by bridge.]

[You are pleasantly surprised to find that if you cross this bridge, you can bypass the tunnel and be very close to the refuge that Zhang Zheng mentioned! ] [You resolutely choose to go up the bridge. The bridge is full of rusty and old cars, most of which are connected head to tail and in tatters. You can imagine the tragic scene that happened here during the disaster. ]

[This bridge is over two kilometers long. You carefully and quickly pass along the side. Halfway through, three monsters with wings on their backs, lion-like bodies, and ferocious human heads catch up with you from behind!]

"Shit, you three are here!"

Looking at the close-up of the monster on the screen, Xu Shu suddenly became angry.

An old acquaintance!

This was clearly the human-headed griffin that had eaten him once before in the previous simulation. The memory of being eaten bite by bite was lingering.

The key point is that these three griffins are quite powerful, and I'm afraid each of them is at a similar level to the Land Shark.

If it's a one-on-one fight, Xu Shu still has a little hope, but if it's a one-on-two fight, it's absolutely impossible, and if it's a one-on-three fight, he will definitely die.

[When enemies meet, their eyes turn red with envy! Three griffins have blocked your retreat. Under the bridge is a dark and calm lake. It looks safe. Maybe there is a chance of upgrading by jumping into the lake? ]

[Your choice is...]

[Oh my god, you bend down and gather your strength, then shoot out like a rocket, running towards the end of the bridge in front of you! ]

[The three human-headed griffins reacted a little too slowly, flapping their wings to chase you, but they couldn't catch up with you for a while.]

[Your heavy footsteps on the bridge are like artillery fire, and the human-headed griffin can only eat your exhaust gas from behind. ]

[You run madly for several kilometers, and the other side of the bridge is already in sight...]

"it is good!"

Xu Shu clenched his fist and waved it as if he had let out a breath.

It turns out that although the Hercules is slightly lacking in agility, the details that are most affected by his agility are maneuvering and dodging in a small range.

In the long straight line running, the strength and endurance of the wrestlers make their burst speed particularly fierce! And it lasts long!
Xu Shu had already fully understood his own strength through several battles, so he made the choice of "escaping without fighting".

He even saw that the three griffins were getting further and further away from him.

The human-headed griffin was ready to fly high into the sky, circling to look for another opportunity. Obviously, a long period of low-altitude chasing was not an advantage for a creature of its size.

But as long as they are in the right condition, running on the ground will never be faster than flying in the sky.

However, Xu Shu's target was the bridgehead!
He didn't need to keep competing with the griffins in speed. There were many ruins of buildings on the other side of the bridge. As long as he got there, he would have hope of using the terrain to shake off the three griffins.

The bridge is getting closer and closer!
Xu Shu's strong heart was pounding wildly.

Yes! Yes! Victory is in sight!


The revolving lantern in front of me suddenly went dark.

Then the settlement interface will appear:
[You are dead, this journey is over, settlement in progress...]

WTF? ?
No, why did I die?
How come I don’t even feel any pain this time?

Xu Shu, who was rushing forward with great enthusiasm, was suddenly stunned.

It was as if he was being forced back just when he was about to reach the peak.

I feel so uncomfortable!

Could it be that I have exceeded the range of the map simulated by the Taichu Volume, and my simulated consciousness has been automatically wiped out?

That shouldn't be the case. The Taichu Volume should be of a very high standard. In the previous Legend, even the gods were modeled after it.

How is it possible that the simulation cannot continue just because it is beyond the map?

Since it is not a map problem, after ruling out the possibility of "the front area will be explored later", Xu Shu can also draw a preliminary conclusion.

There must be other monsters or something strange lurking at the bridgehead.

Also, it's very strong!

It was so strong that I didn’t even have time to react and became “brain dead” on the spot!

After several journeys, Xu Shu already knew that the criterion for the end of the journey mode was that he was "completely brain dead."

As long as there is even a little bit of consciousness left, the simulation will continue. For example, when he was dismembered by the griffins last time, he left a head, and he could also simulate that they ate himself, the land shark and a companion.

Also, he was actually dead when he was anally assaulted by the little Nurgle demon... No, fuck, why should I recall this?

In short, there must be a very dangerous monster at the bridgehead.

"Damn it, there's obviously a good chance of getting out, just a little bit... I have to think of a way."

Xu Shu touched his head and looked at the settlement interface with a heavy heart.

(End of this chapter)

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