The rising sun shatters the darkness!

Chapter 272: Revenge is achieved, life and death are uncertain

Chapter 272: Revenge is achieved, life and death are uncertain (6K words, monthly ticket requested)

Yu Mingluan's lips were pale and his eye sockets were sunken. It was obvious that he was in such a poor physical condition and had to restrain Zhuge Weiwo, whose strength might even be higher than his. He was already at the end of his strength.

After hearing what Xu Shu said, he panted and said, "Don't mess around, just run for your life."

Xu Shu insisted: "If the bishop trusts me once, I can hold him back."

"You're not kidding?" Yu Mingluan's fingers were trembling.

Xu Shu said: "Who is kidding you at this moment? Let him come over. I can hold him back and you can take the opportunity to kill him!"

"This..." Yu Mingluan didn't quite believe it.

Xu Shu was forced into a desperate situation by Zhuge Weiwo just now with just two or three moves, and it was he who intervened to stop him.

He saw considerable confidence on Xu Shu's face, but he didn't understand where this confidence came from.

But Xu Shu's eyes were hot and sincere enough, like a raging fire, and even burned him a little.

Yu Mingluan's heart was also somewhat shaken.

Maybe, he really can?

After hesitating for a moment, Yu Mingluan asked, "If I take back my inner fire now, I will need three hours to recover my strength to kill him. Can you handle it?"

three hours?
Xu Shu smiled.

"I can handle it!"

Xu Shu is very confident.

If I use my personal strength to fight against Zhuge Weiwo, it won't work and I won't be able to last even a minute.

However, the hourglass that Xu Shu took out was not an ordinary one, but a "Wuwei Hourglass".


Epic hourglass of inaction!

[Hourglass of Inaction (Epic)]: This is an hourglass, representing a day. When you start the hourglass, you will suddenly find that you have spent a boring day without doing anything. Wasting time is like murdering a life. When using this hourglass, you can select an additional target to force the other party to spend this boring day with you and do nothing.

In other words, after using the Wuwei hourglass, every time he spent a day, he would then find that he had spent a day.

This is Xu Shu’s confidence!

I can hold him off for at least twelve hours!
"Then I'll start." Yu Mingluan was about to close the black leather Bible in his hand.

There was a round blood-red symbol on it, covering the cross. The red blood seemed to be a living thing, flowing continuously.

This thing was the reason why Yu Mingluan was able to restrain Zhuge Weiwo and make him dare only to escape but not to stop.

Once caught up by the invisible flame, his body would be stained with blood and his soul would be burned by fire. Zhuge Weiwo would have to compete with Yu Mingluan to see who had a tougher life and who could burn longer.

Yu Mingluan trembled and began to apply.

Xu Shu suddenly stretched out two fingers and inserted them forcefully, saying, "No hurry, wait a moment."

After saying that, he stood up under Yu Mingluan's gaze, strode to the other corner, and came in front of the remaining eleven remnants of the Heroes Society.

Eliminate these hidden dangers first!
"Brothers, this is a tough idea. Let's do it together!"

The thin guy was a man with a keen intuition. He felt that Xu Shu was coming with ill intentions, so he started shouting, wanting to gather everyone's strength to have a chance to fight for his life.

The other heroes agreed with this. This kid was indeed a bit scary, but there were eleven of them, four at the second level and seven at the first level, which was not bad.

If we all unite and look after each other, it is still unknown who will win if a real fight breaks out.

At this moment, they were slightly stunned.

Because Xu Shu didn't do anything.

He bowed politely, took off a hat with a special shape from his head, and sobbed like an old gentleman who came to the cemetery to pay his respects:

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

Xu Shu burst into tears and cried very sadly.

Everyone was stunned.

Is this kid crazy too?

What does he want to do?
The thin guy wanted to question, but before he could finish his sentence, he heard someone next to him burst into laughter: "Hahaha, hahahaha!"

What's going on? The thin man was startled, but found that everyone was laughing wildly.

"Hehehe, haha."


They laughed so hard that they held their stomachs, fell forward and backward, and laughed until they were out of breath, but they couldn't stop.

It’s not good! It’s not good! Something terrible is happening!
The thin man's eyelids were twitching.

As a "sentinel", the thin man's instincts were brought to the extreme at this moment. He felt that he had suddenly become enlightened. He felt that his horizons had never been broader than before, and his thinking had never been clearer than before.

He immediately realized that there was something very wrong with the hat in the man's hand.

I can't laugh anymore!
Something will happen!
Don’t laugh, don’t laugh!

Stop it now ahahahahaha!

The thin man laughed until tears came out, with a look of horror on his face.

Although he understood the danger, he was still controlled and it would take at least three breaths for him to escape.

This is——【Clown Crown (Excellent)】! (Note 1)

Xu Shu stopped crying and flicked his fingers to cast a purple spell.

【Extreme joy leads to sorrow (excellent)】!
A special spell item that does not require chanting. It can launch a powerful attack on anyone who laughs in front of you. The louder the enemy laughs, the more powerful the spell is.

At this moment, the people in the Heroes Association laughed ten times, and immediately more than half of them died of suffocation.

As for the other half, Xu Shu rushed into the crowd like a tiger descending from the mountain.

He twisted his waist and hips, swayed from side to side, and used the last unique skill of the first-level strongman's curse: Iron Mountain Lean.

Oh no, it’s “Gong Gong hits the mountain”.

Xu Shu really likes the skills of this Tieshankao and can use it with ease.

He was like a basketball player in overalls, dribbling and charging into players on the court.

boom! boom! boom!
There were continuous collisions, the laughter gradually stopped, and the world became quiet.

Looking at the last three remaining props in the Taichu Scroll, Xu Shu locked the door with an expressionless face.

Just now he had been trying to escape out of the door, but now, the situation has changed.

"Bishop, we can begin now." Xu Shu returned to Yu Mingluan.

Yu Mingluan looked at Xu Shu with admiration and finally closed the Bible.

A streak of blood drilled into his body and meandered upwards, instantly restoring a lot of his almost shriveled flesh and blood, but it also seemed to be constantly burning and being consumed.

Almost at the same time, a cold wind blew and a dark shadow appeared in front of the two of them.

Without the pursuit of "Heart Fire Burning God", Zhuge Weiwo, who was completely free, arrived as expected.

His eyes were filled with indifference, and his right hand formed into a claw, ready to twist off Yu Mingluan's head with one blow.

As a grandmaster, he has the confidence to fight against enemies of the same level, relying on this tiny chance.

However, at this moment, Zhuge Weiwo suddenly felt that his brain seemed to go blank.

The world seemed to stop suddenly, everything in front of me slowed down, and only an hourglass was flowing silently.

One, two, three...

Zhuge Weiwo quietly counted the quicksands.

Sitting opposite him was Xu Shu, who was also counting the quicksand.

Zhuge Wei: I felt like something was wrong, so I opened my mouth to ask.

Xu Shu had already spoken: "Mr. Zhuge, we meet again."

"You really recognized me, who are you?" Zhuge Weiwo smiled.

His real name was never mentioned to anyone.

Xu Shu smiled and said, "The clouds and mists are passing by, and you and I are the only ones who know each other. It's too boring to say it directly. I have a question. If you can answer it, I will tell you."

Zhuge Weiwo didn't want to be led by the nose, but he was touched by the grandeur of the poem copied by Xu Shu, so he said, "Then ask."

Xu Shu said: "There is a man who is loyal to his master. When his superior orders him to do so, he abandons his wife and children to protect his homeland. He sacrifices his life and blood. Even though he has no descendants, he never complains. Can this man be called a hero?"

Zhuge Weiwo said: "Your loyalty is commendable and you should be called a good general! However, there are three types of unfilial behavior, and the worst is to have no descendants. You are not a hero."

Xu Shu smiled and said, "Then let me ask you another question. There was a man who, in order to get elite soldiers and generals, killed a meritorious official who protected the country and sent people to rape his wife and children. What do you think of this person?"

Zhuge Weiwo said naturally: "Those who consider the overall situation and not the details, and sacrifice their own interests for the sake of the greater good, should be heroes."

Xu Shu laughed: "You old thief, you are really a dog that can't change its nature. You have harmed my whole family, but you don't feel guilty at all."

Zhuge Weiwo looked at Xu Shu intently and sighed, "So it's you!!"

Xu Shu sneered: "You still remember."

"Of course I remember, you are Nalan Ningyou! Your magic skills can actually refine a fetus into an evil spirit. Although it is extreme, it can bring a huge improvement to the strength of my Yue Kingdom! What a pity, what a pity! I only regret that I didn't do my best in the first battle!"


Xu Shu's mouth twitched, and he looked into Zhuge Weiwo's eyes and said word by word: "You are sick, do you know that?" (Note 2)

Zhuge Weiwo looked back and wanted to speak, continuing to expound on some profound truths.

However, he felt that there was something else behind Xu Shu's words.

After thinking for a while, he reluctantly lowered his head and saw a ball of fire burning under his feet, which spread all the way up to his neck.

"...This is impossible." Zhuge Weiwo frowned and finally said a word.

Why three words?

Because I couldn't say it.

Its daybreak.

he died.

Xu Shu lay on his back on the ground, feeling lazy and without any energy at all.

This is the aftereffect of the "Hourglass of Inaction". Even if the duration of the hourglass is over, he still wants to just lie there and do nothing.

Fortunately, Xu Shu was a man of great ambition. He quickly turned over and saw the archbishop smiling at him, and a pool of black blood on the ground, which turned into thick smoke and was floating upwards.

In addition, there are three transparent gems with purple aura, forming a "△" shape, connected to each other head to tail to form a ring.

Each of them has eighteen flocs in it, rich in color, spiraling upward.

"Zhuge Weiwo's erosion crystal..."

Xu Shu swallowed.

Only then did he dare to be sure that the other party was really dead. "Bishop, how long has it been?" Xu Shu asked.

Yu Mingluan calculated the time and said, "It should be more than ten hours."

Xu Shu was surprised: "It took so long? Didn't you just say it would only take three hours?"

Yu Mingluan showed a trace of embarrassment on his face and said, "Yes, it is true. It took a little longer. Let's not talk about this for now. Take these two things with you."

As he spoke, he put the Bible in his arms on the ground. At the same time, he picked up three high-quality erosion crystals on the ground and put them on Xu Shu's side.

This time he no longer kept the spoils for himself, but became very generous.

Xu Shu frowned, thinking that the bishop was acting strangely, but he quickly put the three erosion crystals into his pocket, and kept saying, "Bishop, what are you doing? Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. The ruins should be open, let's retreat quickly."

"Well, considering the time, it's about time."

Yu Mingluan nodded, waved his sleeves, and rolled up his red robe. He grabbed Xu Shu and also rolled up the coffin.

Then his expression was slightly stunned.

"Strange, why is it gone?" Yu Mingluan muttered to himself.

Xu Shu asked, "What's missing?"

"The remains of the Yang God are gone..."

Yu Mingluan muttered to himself in a low voice, with a strange expression on his face, and looked at Xu Shu.

Just now, only Xu Shu entered the coffin. Did he eat Qiansui? No way...

Xu Shu was also a little confused.

The remains of the Yang God?

Is that thousand-year-old being the remains of the Yang God?

Wasn't she in the coffin just now?

Xu Shu was somewhat puzzled and also took a look, only to find that the coffin was empty, even the clothes he had taken off were gone.

"Oh no, that thing can't be alive?" Xu Shu became alert.

"Alive? Logically speaking, it's impossible... Well, let's get out of here first."

Yu Mingluan felt that he still didn't understand these things deeply enough. Everyone's situation was not good right now, and they didn't have much strength to fight. He couldn't take any risks, so he grabbed Xu Shu and ran like the wind.

He was very fast. In less than ten breaths, he had arrived at the place where Xu Shu had been before.

During the period, they encountered many guards who were still patrolling, with white plastic bags on their heads. They only felt a gust of wind blowing, but saw nothing when they looked up.

Not only did he not see anyone, but he also lost his own head.

When he reached the top floor of the North Building, Yu Mingluan stopped, suddenly sniffed and frowned.

The smell here is not very pleasant.

The sour and rotten smell was everywhere.

This is where the "human filth" fought.

Yu Mingluan did not dwell on these things, but waited on the spot with Xu Shu.

After waiting for a while, Xu Shu saw fist-sized halos appearing on the smooth white wall in the middle.

These halos are like ripples caused by rain falling into the lake, gradually spreading and connecting with each other.

This is the entrance to the ruins.

After waiting for a while, the ripples in front gathered into a passage as high as a person. It was still expanding, but Yu Mingluan had already grabbed Xu Shu: "Let's go!"

In a flash, the two of them passed through one barrier after another and entered the light-filled passage, clearly feeling a silk-like pulling on their bodies.

The passage became narrower and narrower, as if the surroundings were squeezing in on me. After walking a few dozen steps, it suddenly became clear.

A ray of sunlight fell from the sky, bright and dazzling.

When Xu Shu entered the ruins of the Heroes' Meeting, it was just evening. Now, more than ten hours have passed and it is already dawn.

Xu Shu looked around and found that this was a rather spacious warehouse in a secluded location, surrounded by mountains of long containers.

Not far away is the freight terminal, which is crowded with people and shouts. They are the workers who are rushing to work and earn money in the morning.

"Is that the Cao Gang over there?" Xu Shu guessed.

Yu Mingluan nodded: "Yes. This place is open for a very short time every day, only at sunrise and sunset. The rest of the time there is no trace of it at all. Logically, they should all gather here at this time, preparing to enter and exit."

"So that's how it is." Xu Shu suddenly understood, which dispelled a doubt he had before.

No wonder they dare to do this business blatantly in the safe zone.

Some shady businesses were moved to the slums in the suburbs, and it seemed that all the work was shady.

But in fact, the entrance to the Heroes' Club is on the other side of the Cao Bang, in the dock area where vehicles usually come in and out and it does not attract attention.

The entrance is only opened twice a day and lasts less than half an hour. With a little control, it can avoid official investigation.

What's more, they don't know how many insiders have infiltrated.

It was so perfect that even the Cao Gang probably didn't know that the "Heroes' Association" with which they cooperated so closely was right under their noses.

As he was speaking, a group of strong men with gray scarves on their heads and sticks in their hands surrounded him and cursed fiercely:

"Who are you?"

“Where did it come from?!”

"Get out of here, this is not the place for you!"

Behind these people, there were several cars parked, with some people with their heads covered inside, looking over curiously and nervously.

These people are thugs from the Heroes Association, also known as the "Transportation Team". They don't know that their own lair has been destroyed, and are preparing to drive out Xu Shu and Yu Mingluan, the two uninvited guests.

The next second, they saw light.

A strong light enveloped the entire warehouse, and all the Cao Gang thugs who came to deliver the goods were almost killed in the first moment of contact.

The remaining two or three kittens and puppies were also chased after by Xu Shu, who killed them all with one punch.

In front of Yu Mingluan, Xu Shu did not let the Guanyin figurine eat people.

His current image is upright and honest, and cannibalism has nothing to do with Xu Shu.

After dealing with the remnants of the Heroes Association, Yu Mingluan cleaned up the blood on his body and said seriously:
"Xu Shu, this matter is not over yet. The people of the Tzeentch sect have already taken root in the safe zone. I don't know what they want to do, but I must report this matter directly to Han Mo or Zou Wanqing."

Xu Shu nodded. This matter could not be taken lightly.

Although Xu Shu did not recognize the name Zou Wanqing, Yu Mingluan listed her on the same level as Han Mo. It can be imagined that this person must be the other demigod stationed in the D8B3 area.

Yu Mingluan added: "The Judgment Department will set up a special clearing team to focus on cracking down on the remnants of the Cao Gang and the Heroes Society. It is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net. Their top leaders have been sent out, and their subordinates may not remember you, but you should also be careful and take precautions."

"Okay, I'll be careful." Xu Shu agreed first, then thought of something and asked, "Bishop, if I want to take the initiative to join the clearing team of the Judgment Department, is there any way?"

"You want to join? This is hard and tiring work, and many people avoid it. They will even apply in advance to go out to open up new land or conquer ruins to avoid being assigned. What do you want to join for?" Yu Mingluan was surprised.

Xu Shu thought for a moment and said, "If I say that I hate evil and want to kill all the bad guys in the world, would you believe it?"

Yu Mingluan hesitated for a moment: "I don't believe what others say, but you say, I believe you."

Xu Shu grinned and said, "Bishop, I am embarrassed to hide what you said. The truth is that I have made enemies with the Cao Gang, and I can't sleep unless I personally confirm that they are all dead."

Yu Mingluan was silent for a moment and then said, "I know this is an excuse. You are doing this to maintain the stability of the safe zone, right?"

Xu Shu: Ah?

Bishop, what I said last is actually the truth!

Without waiting for him to say more, Yu Mingluan took out a handwritten letter from his arms, silently recited a few spells, signed it, and handed it to Xu Shu.

"This is a letter of recommendation. Take this to the Adjudication Department and they will help you arrange it."

After Yu Mingluan finished speaking, he looked at Xu Shu for several seconds, his eyes filled with an indescribable feeling. Finally, he nodded, stroked his forehead and said, "Go, child. May the array protect you. Of course, there is also the Lord, who will illuminate your way forward."

Upon hearing this, Xu Shu's eyes lit up.

This is exactly what the Bishop usually tastes like.

The two went their separate ways, each with their own tasks to do.

After walking two steps, Xu Shu turned around and said, "Bishop! Your Bible!"

Yu Mingluan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled, "This is for you. This is your Bible. If you encounter a strong enemy, you can open this book and use it to fight the enemy. In addition, this is called the Book of the Holy Word. Of course, the Bible you mentioned sounds good to me, too."

"Did you give it to me?"

Xu Shu touched the cover of the Holy Word Book and felt a strange power. He asked hesitantly, "Is this a curse tool?"

"Well. Take it. I won't need it in the future. By the way, if you have nothing to do in the future, you can come to the church to see me. By the way, please help me visit Alice more often."

Yu Mingluan's voice gradually became lower, and after he finished speaking, his figure quickly became thin and faint, as if he was disappearing into the wind.

Xu Shu was left standing there in a daze for a long while, and it took him a while to understand what Yu Mingluan meant.

He said he could hold on for two more hours, which means, in two days at most, he would die!
He knew that he didn't have much time left, so he gave the treasure that depended on his livelihood directly to Xu Shu.

Although he did not say it explicitly, this was considered a recognition of his "friend who had been through thick and thin with him."

Who is Alice to him? It sounds like she should be his wife, right? Is he entrusting his son to someone else?

I don’t know what that “XXX” is, but it’s so powerful, is there no way to solve it?

The local demigod is said to be a fourth-level physician, the "Venerable Abundance". Yu Mingluan went to find her. I wonder if there is any hope for her?
Alas, Archbishop...

At his level, he couldn't even control his life and death...

Xu Shu's thoughts raced, he felt three parts disappointed and seven parts anxious, and all he could do was let out a long sigh.

Everyone has to die, but it's a pity that good people often have a tragic fate!
I hope the archbishop can survive. After all, he probably doesn't want to see his wife lose her support in the church, right? !

Xu Shu tucked the "Book of the Holy Word" under his arm with a strange expression, turned west, strode forward, crossed the long bridge, and shuttled through the seemingly peaceful city.

After a while, a building filled with boiling water appeared in front of us.

It's still so early, but there are already people coming in and out in a hurry, holding various lists.

The name of the building is written on the plaque on the door.

It’s a long string, but quite interesting.

Yu Xiangwen’s experience of the Canal Transport Workers’ Alliance.

The bishop said that all the high-ranking members of the Cao Gang had been sent out.

Then Xu Shu remembered why he came out today.

I promised my adoptive mother that I would come out and pay back the money today.

Without senior management, how dare you not pay back the money?
How dare they?

Xu Shu reached out and took a hat from someone nearby, put it on his face, and strode in.

(End of this chapter)

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