The rising sun shatters the darkness!

Chapter 281 "My Bishop's Backstage"

Chapter 281 "My Bishop's Backstage" (asking for monthly tickets)
What? I'm the leader of Team 10? These two are my deputies?
Xu Shu turned off the upgrade drive and checked the time.

It is now five fifty-five, and there are only five minutes left before the mission of the Judgment Department begins.

He looked back at the two "deputy team leaders" lying on the ground with determined faces, and thought seriously for a long time.

Judging from Yu Mingluan's suggestion, after ruling out the possibility of murdering his superiors and taking advantage of the opportunity to gain power, there seems to be only one outcome.

They mistook themselves for human traffickers from the Cao Gang!

The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and family members turned against each other.

Xu Shu rolled his eyes secretly.

Is he Dashui?
Obviously not, he was attacking passively, so he was the Dragon King who was being attacked.

These two women are the real trouble.

Unfortunately, they failed because the water was not big enough or there was not enough of it.

Not only did he fail to break into the Dragon King Temple, but he was also beaten to his knees by the Dragon King and was almost forced to become a Star Fury.

If Xu Shu hadn't held back, thinking that second-level traitors were rare and that he could torture them to extract more secrets, they would have died long ago.

If we talk about the cause of this incident, it must be their own fault.

But then again, why did they attack me just now?

It would be fine if he didn't know the new "boss", but what's the point of killing him directly?

Just by coming over and pretending to be a street prostitute and asking me if I wanted any special services, you can tell that I'm a member of the Cao Gang?

I wonder if there are words like "I am a criminal" written on my face?

Xu Shu hid the strangeness on his face, walked back and squatted in front of Tang Ying and Song Yuchun, looking them up and down. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the two of them twisting their bodies.

"Traitor, just kill me." Tang Ying said.

"Mmmm!" said Song Yuchun. She had a smelly sock stuffed in her mouth and was unable to speak. Judging from the pronunciation of these three words, they should also mean 'kill me'. Of course, they could also mean 'let me go'.

"..."Xu Shu licked his lips and nodded secretly.

It’s okay, at least I didn’t sell out my master for fame and fortune.

Although these two people are a bit weird and act impulsively, they are very determined and would rather die than betray the Judgment Bureau.

No wonder the archbishop said they were not traitors. People like this are indeed difficult to bribe.

Xu Shu had an idea in mind, and he coughed lightly and said, "Don't be in a hurry to die. What happened just now doesn't count. Let's start over."

As he spoke, he did three things.

The first thing he did was to carefully and inch by inch pull out the smelly socks that filled Song Yuchun's mouth. Seeing that the hesitation on her face was greater than her determination to die, he pulled the socks out violently so that she could speak.

The second thing was to put on Tang Ying's orange peel, smooth it out, restore it to its original shape, and completely wrap the white, tender and juicy orange flesh again.

The third thing was to take out some pharmacist bandages and bend Tang Ying's broken hands and feet back into place with a click, and then leave half a bottle of nun's holy water on the ground.

After doing these three things, Xu Shu took two steps back and made a gesture of invitation.


What does he mean?
Let us go?
So suddenly?

Tang Ying and Song Yuchun were both stunned, unable to understand what Xu Shu was going to do.

Especially the former, when the orange peel was pressed on her, her delicate body couldn't help but tremble several times, from a big white orange to a big pink orange, she gritted her teeth and said: "I don't want your things! You want to bribe us like this? Dream on, I've seen this trick of yours in a book, it's called, it's called..."

She called out several times but couldn't come up with the name and couldn't remember it for a moment.

Seeing this, Song Yuchun drank some holy water to recover his internal organs that were almost shattered by Xu Shu's slap. He then pulled Tang Ying and said, "Yingying, don't be impulsive. Recover your strength first and pretend to be nice to him. This way you will have enough strength to fight him later!"

Tang Ying thought it was right and drank the holy water as well.

After recovering a little, she looked at the three-edged thorn in her hand and said coldly: "Why, do you want to fight again?"

"No hurry, I can't read, I want you to help me look at something."

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he took out a handwritten letter and handed it over slowly.

Tang Ying and Song Yuchun looked at each other, and the confusion on their faces became even stronger.

In the end, Song Yuchun was not so impatient and suggested, "We can take a look."

"That's fine, let's see what he wants to do!"

They opened the handwritten letter cautiously, fearing that Xu Shu might launch a sudden attack.

After looking at them for a few times, they looked at Xu Shu for a while, then at the handwritten letter, and kept looking up and down. Their faces became extremely interesting, from confusion to shock, and they muttered hesitantly:
"Ah? Ah, this is the Archbishop's..."

"He is Xu..."

Seeing this, Xu Shu coughed and deliberately asked, "What does it say here? Translate it for me."

Tang Ying gritted her teeth, raised her head and chest, and said loudly: "It says here that you came from the countryside to join the Judgment Bureau, and you just happen to be an ordinary member under our leadership!"


Xu Shu was almost laughing out of anger. He snatched the handwritten letter and said, "You're still trying to trick me? Do you really think I can't read? This is a letter of recommendation from Yu Mingluan. I'm the leader of Group 10!"

Seeing their lie exposed, the two paused, bent down at the same time, put their right hands on their chests, put their left hands behind their waists, performed a fairly standard etiquette, and said in turn:
"Your subordinate...Tang Ying."

"Your subordinate is Song Yuchun!"

"Report to Commander Xu Shu!"

"So that's what you mean. I'm your superior~" Xu Shu said with a long "Oh".

"Yes, yes, sir!"

The two of them lowered their heads deeply, with shame staining pink from their earlobes to the top of their heads, and their entire faces were so dry that they looked like they were roasted by steam.

There had been a bloody battle going on in the room just now, but now it had become completely silent, and the awkward atmosphere was so thick that it seemed to wring the water out of them.

"Then why did you attack me just now?" Xu Shu asked the question in his mind.

"Sir, do you really want to know?" Song Yuchun said after a moment of hesitation.

Xu Shu said: "What should I not know?"

Song Yuchun looked at Tang Ying, bit her lip, and said first: "Then let's talk. Sir, do you still remember the little card just now?"

"Remember." Xu Shu glanced at the trash can that was shattered by the ricocheting bullet.

Song Yuchun said: "You received the small card, but you didn't talk about it with others. This shows that..."

"You're the only one in there." Tang Ying added.

Song Yuchun continued, "You were alone in there, and you received this little card, but you didn't curse anyone. This shows that..."

"You are a man." Tang Ying said again.

Song Yuchun said: "You are a man, and you don't want a beautiful woman when she comes to you. This means..."

"You are not a normal man." Tang Ying savored the touch of the orange, and looked at Xu Shu loudly with Song Yuchun: "So..."

"Is there something wrong with me?" Xu Shu couldn't help but point at himself.

"Yes, you have the problem!" the two women said in unison.

What kind of damn logic is this? I was wrong to think I was Liuxia Hui!

Xu Shu was speechless: "I understand now. You didn't know who was in the room at all, and you just killed him right away? Aren't you afraid of killing an innocent person by mistake?"

Tang Ying immediately shook her head and said, "No, that won't happen. I can feel your extraordinary power in the room. According to insider information, the Cao Gang has many muscular men. You are Iron Armor, and there are many hall masters in the Cao Gang who are Iron Armor. That's why I judged that you are a spy sent by the Cao Gang to scout the place. I just didn't expect..."

"You didn't expect to capsize in a ditch, did you?" Xu Shu said.

"Hey, this..." Tang Ying lowered her head even lower. She had failed to use her signature ability, Bloodthirst, as the "Rogue" path. She had misjudged the enemy's strength, which could be said to have left an indelible stain on her career.

Xu Shu thought in his heart that the 'inside player' this guy was talking about might be none other than himself!
To be honest, although these two people are reckless, their tactics are pretty good.

The power that their combination just now unleashed was something that only someone as ridiculously frail as Xu Shu could withstand.

If it were an ordinary second-level transcendent, even if he also wore the "Iron Armor", there is a great possibility that he would not be able to withstand it and would be killed directly.

Thinking of this, Xu Shu was also a little scared. He said coldly: "Why are you still lowering your head and not daring to look at me? Are you feeling regretful for not being able to kill me?"

"Ah? No, that's not the case. We really didn't mean to assassinate you!"

"Please forgive me, sir!"

Seeing that Xu Shu was really angry, the two men realized that the situation was not good. Suddenly, they stretched out their arms together, lay on the ground, and put on a posture of prostrating themselves.

Xu Shu's expression froze: "..."

You slid down too quickly. You just refused to surrender and were a little paranoid...

What he didn't know was that the closer one is to the system, the more his attitude towards the outside world and his superiors can be said to be two different personalities.

However, after all, the two of them admitted their mistakes in a good manner, so Xu Shu did not continue to bully them:

"Okay, since it's just a misunderstanding, let's just forget about it. Just pretend that what happened just now never happened. I'm sure you won't go out and say anything nonsense, right?"

Xu Shu's gaze fell on their chests, and the implication was obvious. He didn't want to be rumored to be a perverted sex maniac.

The two girls stood up, their faces slightly red, and said:
"I certainly won't tell you."

"That's right, nothing happened!"

Xu Shu said again: "That's it, you guys go about your business, I'm leaving now."

"Go? Sir, what about us? What should we do next?" Tang Ying and Song Yuchun asked.

"You can do whatever you want. You can continue to hand out small cards, but just don't follow me." Xu Shu brushed off the dust on his body.

He was inexplicably assigned to be the "team leader" by Yu Mingluan, but he could not be blamed for this, as it was Xu Shu himself who strongly requested to "eliminate demons and defend righteousness."

But these two assistants really gave Xu Shu a headache. He felt more comfortable being a lone ranger. If he kept company with them, he would probably fall into trouble sooner or later.

"Commander, you can't leave. If you leave, our team will have no one to lead us!"

"Because we don't have a team leader, other teams exclude us and look down on us. We are like headless flies. We can only do some mine clearance in this hotel. Commander, you can't abandon us."

Seeing that Xu Shu was really about to leave, Tang Ying and Song Yuchun became anxious and grabbed his clothes and begged.

"I'll give this team leader position to you. You can act on your own." Xu Shu was determined to leave.

Tang Ying and Song Yuchun seemed to be really moved, but then they shook their heads, held Xu Shu's hand and refused to let go, saying:

"Sir, this won't work. Yuchun and I are not high enough in rank. We must have a team leader to command this operation. Otherwise, we can only stand aside. This is a death order from above."

Xu Shu turned around and asked curiously, "What level are you?"

“We are all mid-level prosecutors.”

"Oh, intermediate level." Xu Shu nodded.

He knew a little about the basic structure of the Adjudication Department, which was divided into the Procuratorate and the Trial Court, of which the Trial Court was relatively civilian.

Prosecutors, or also called investigators, are divided into three levels: junior, intermediate, and senior.

Generally speaking, junior prosecutors are first-level extraordinary people, intermediate prosecutors are second-level extraordinary people, and so on.

The strength of these two people is reasonable as they are mid-level prosecutors.

If they are not qualified, what is the point of me, a newcomer and layman?
From this perspective, it seems that it is not just the hard job of being a "team leader", the archbishop should have also abused his power for personal gain and got himself a position in the Judgment Department?
Xu Shu's mind moved, and he asked, "What level am I at? Could I be a senior prosecutor?"

Tang Ying and Song Yuchun blinked and said, "Sir, don't you know? You are the senior prosecutor! The senior prosecutor is by default the deputy director of the Adjudication Department. So, we should call you Director Xu."

"Ah?" Xu Shu was stunned.

I jumped three levels and became a senior prosecutor?
I'm an outsider, and I'm only at level two...

Xu Shu opened his mouth, feeling a little unbelievable.

It should be noted that the word "senior" is not given casually. In the Adjudication Department, no matter whether it is a judge or a prosecutor, those who can be given the word "senior" are already the real powerful figures in the Adjudication Department. There are no more than twenty of them, and they directly take orders from the Director of the Adjudication Department.

Archbishop, isn’t this too outrageous?

How come I got it straight to the top?
He didn't say it just now. So this is the joy of having someone in the court?
But I'm only at the second level. If I'm directly parachuted into a senior inquisitor, will anyone be unhappy with me and cause trouble for me?

Xu Shu frowned and hesitated.

I was moved too!

There is really nothing good about being a small group leader.

But I can still be the deputy director.

What's wrong with the third level? Although I am only the second level, the third level may not necessarily be able to beat me.

As the deputy director, I must be able to enjoy the high monthly salary of the Judgment Department... The most important thing is not to disappoint the Archbishop's high hopes!
"Cough cough."

Xu Shu looked at the time and saw that there were only two minutes left until six o'clock, so he said calmly, "What you said makes sense. In that case, I will stay reluctantly."

"Yes, yes, yes! We need your leadership the most, Director Xu!" Song Yuchun and Tang Ying nodded like little chickens pecking at rice, with little stars in their eyes.

In this way, they no longer have to be excluded from the "edge of action" and be so frustrated that they are ordered across groups by "senior prosecutors" from other groups and can only hide in this small hotel.

Xu Shu thought for a moment and said, "Since they are one of us, I will ask directly, how many people are there in this cleanup operation? How many people are there in our ten groups?"

Song Yuchun said: "There are ten groups in total, including you, with a total of ten senior prosecutors, twenty-five mid-level prosecutors, one hundred junior prosecutors, and hundreds of other auxiliary staff."

Tang Ying replied: "In our group, besides Yuchun and I, there are ten other first-level prosecutors."

"Oh." Xu Shu nodded.

My group seems to be the smallest, but it doesn’t matter, as everyone is pretty much the same.

But this number does seem a bit exaggerated at first glance, but is it really a lot?

Ten third-level, less than forty second-level, and four hundred first-level transcendents. The number seems large, but it is actually just that - Xu Shu felt that Yu Mingluan must have regarded himself as a third-level combat force, otherwise he would not have given him the position of senior prosecutor.

But you have to know that before in the underground ruins, among the heroes who were killed, there were four third-level, nearly thirty second-level, and more than a hundred first-level transcendents.

This does not include Zhuge Weiwo, who is at the peak of the third level, nor the few lucky ones who managed to stay in the building without any remnants chasing Xu Shu, such as the 'Black Rose' who should be alive.

Adding up all the remnants, there are probably at least twenty people left. These are just the extraordinary ones, not counting the larger number of well-trained guards.

Although the strength of the Cao Gang should be far inferior to that of the Heroes Association, it is very likely that there are still two or even three third-level people left, and the number of second-level people must be more than ten.

The number of people in the mopping-up team is not really very large, it is about twice that of the enemy, and in the end it may even be similar to the middle and low levels.

In order to reduce the casualties among official personnel in an effort to “eliminate” something, it is imperative to send enough people to crush the enemy.

However, the number of high-level fighters in the mopping-up team is clearly superior.

With this calculation, it seems that the number of first-level and second-level combat forces is almost the same, so there is no big problem.

The crushing of high-level combat power means the crushing of overall combat power.

Xu Shu thought it was feasible.

Then the problem is coming.

I don’t know any of the other team leaders.

What am I commanding?

(End of this chapter)

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