The rising sun shatters the darkness!

Chapter 99: Inside and outside the wall, heaven and earth are forever separated

Chapter 99: Inside and outside the wall, heaven and earth are forever separated (End)
Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

This was the first time Xu Shu walked under the moonlight since the wisdom of his two lives merged.

The moon was just as he had seen it for ten or twenty years, sometimes cloudy and sometimes clear, sometimes full but never missing, a bright and large round circle hanging in the sky like a giant light bulb.

This is the central area of ​​the safe zone city. You can clearly see the astronomical society surrounding the base of the star tower.

It is a huge building that looks like a circular star-shaped railway——"◎"

It has both the sci-fi feel of the future world and a strong bookish atmosphere, as if it has integrated all the advantages of the past and the present.

In addition to the Astronomical Society, there are also many powerful government offices such as the Arbitration Department, the Garrison Command, etc., which constitute the ruling body of today's human society: the Governing Bureau.

In fact, the Governing Bureau is just a general code name and an internal coordinating organization. The largest one is naturally the Astronomical Society.

The speed limit in the city was 20 mph, and Gu Pan drove very slowly, as if he was going to drive straight into the city.

Xu Shu looked at the gate of the Administration Bureau, which he only entered when taking the qualification test, and raised his eyebrow and said:
"You live in the Control Bureau? Don't tell me you're the daughter of some high-ranking official, okay?"

"Oh, you're quite capable outside, why are you scared now?" Gu Pan looked at Xu Shu with amusement, thinking that this guy, apart from being perverted and weird, was actually quite cute and so flexible.

Xu Shu said politely: "Please stop, I want to get off."

"Ha, what are you thinking about? What if it's really your turn to meet the daughter of a leader in the wasteland? My home is in the northwest corner. Do you see that building?" Gu Pan pointed to an equally tall building.

Xu Shu suddenly realized: "Isn't that the Judgment Department? Oh, I see, there is a prosecutor in your family, right?"

The Adjudication Department is an institution mainly composed of prosecutors and judges, the former being equivalent to the police and the latter being similar to judges.

Every prosecutor is an extraordinary person.

Gu Pan said: "Hey, of course not..."

Xu Shu's pupils trembled: "Okay, okay, so you are from a judge's family, even more powerful. You said you would be my teacher, you can't go back on your word."

To become an inquisitor, it is not enough to just be strong and able to fight.

We also need to talk about background and power!
"Pfft~ Forget it, I'll tell you. The Gu family is affiliated with the Hunter Association and works for the Judgment Department. They are mainly responsible for dealing with lawless criminals. Just think of it as a job like a bounty hunter, just an ordinary part-time job."

“Is there a system?”

"No, what's wrong?"

"If there is no establishment, then it means it is a temporary worker?"

Gu Pan covered his mouth and chuckled, "Temporary workers? You can call them that, so don't be nervous. We are all ordinary people, hehe."

"Who are you and an ordinary person? I am an extraordinary person."

Xu Shu suddenly looked indifferent: "Okay, stop talking, Gu Pan, drive with both hands, don't do any dangerous operations."


You, you are not...

You change your expression too quickly!

Gu Pan’s expression hardened.

Soon, they arrived at the area where the Gu family was.

Located in a remote area behind the Judgment Department, the building complex covers an area of ​​about 20 acres. At the front there is a ten-story building with the words "Hunter Association" written on it.

After all, they work for the government. Even if they are just temporary workers, they are so impressive that ordinary people can only look up to them.

The only drawback is that the feng shui is not very good, and the Judgment Prison is not far away from here.

Across the street from the prison is the Moon Church, and across the street from the church is a bustling scene of lights and feasting.

"The Moon Church... isn't that the Church of the Mother Goddess of Life?"

Xu Shu got out of the car, glanced at Gu Pan, and then looked at the long row of lights and feasting on the street in the distance. He couldn't help but curl his lips and said, "If you had known earlier that there was such a bustling and busy night market near your home, why would we still be eating Roujiamo? Really."

"The food there is not good. I don't recommend you go there."

Gu Pan parked the car, thought for a moment and said, "It will take me some time to get the 200 million together. I can give it to you tomorrow night at the earliest. Is that ok?"

Xu Shu naturally had no objection to paying back the money; a day or two wouldn't matter.

He then asked, "When will you give me your enrollment certificate to sign?"

Xu Shu did not forget that his upgraded driver was still a "black household" for the time being and needed to be cleaned up before he could have open contact with the authorities.

Otherwise, he would be like Lu Bingwei, the fugitive wanted by the Astronomical Society, who could only use the alias of "Ba Wang Qiang" and dare not show his true face.

In fact, Xu Shu brought a lot of "upgrade drivers" with him, including one from Lu Bingwei, and five members of the Baidi clan who were killed, four of whom were lost.

However, among them, only Lu Bingwei is a wanted criminal, and he can legally exchange him for a good reward from the Astronomical Society.

As for other upgraded drivers, the authorities can only regard them as recycled and keep records.

This is fair and equal, they have the same rules for everyone. Next time if you lose your upgraded driver and need to apply for a new one, you can use this as a cushion for some of the materials.

Not only that, you also have to provide evidence to prove that these things were not obtained from illegal killings, which usually requires providing the network's battle records.

Of course Tianwen will keep it strictly confidential and will not reveal who you killed - this is to implement the will of Liezhenzi.

For the Array is great and fair, and treats all alike.

Whether you are killing in self-defense or actively killing someone, He doesn't care and is too lazy to judge right or wrong.

In the eyes of the array, you hunt monsters to contribute to humanity and gain contribution points;

You are fighting bravely and striving to be the best because you want to make a better contribution to mankind. You deserve encouragement and have the potential to be on the list. But because you killed another extraordinary person who was striving to be the best, your merits and demerits are offset and you will not get any contribution points.
However, if you kill your friends, it will be judged as an anti-human malicious act, which is an act that damages the foundation of the array, and he will deduct a large amount of contribution points from you.

——This is the formation. The sage is unkind and treats the people as straw dogs.

As the organization with the highest authority level among human beings under the Array, the Astronomical Society has an transcendent status and will naturally try to get closer to the Array and do its utmost to implement its will.

However, nothing is absolute in the world. As an astronomical society, on the one hand, they have to implement the will of the array, but on the other hand, they naturally have to maintain the order of human society.

Therefore, the formation will not intervene in matters such as random killings, but the Astronomical Society will intervene if it finds out.


"As for the admission certificate, it will take some time to process, at least one or two days. You know the reason." Gu Pan said.


Xu Shu thought about it and it made sense. After all, it was a side job, so it was normal to take some time.

"Okay, then, bring me the admission certificate and the two million. Remember, I want cash. Of course, you can also apply for a card for me." Xu Shu said.

"Okay, after we get the enrollment certificate, I'll go with you to the Administration Bureau to formally register, and then you"

Gu Pan took two steps, then suddenly stopped, turned around and stared at Xu Shu blankly.

"..."Xu Shu also looked at her quietly.

Neither of them continued talking.

The strange silence lasted for several minutes before Gu Pan asked, "You, won't you come in with me?"

Xu Shu waved his hand and said, "No, I won't go in. I have to say goodbye after sending you a thousand miles away. Now that you are home, it is time for me to go back to my own home."

"Ah? Oh oh oh..."

Gu Pan patted his head.

During this period of time, she had gotten used to feeling like a hostage, being held hostage by Xu Shu and inseparable from him.

So, she subconsciously thought that she was going home with the other person.

I completely forgot that we are actually friends. The situation in the wasteland is not the same as it is now after returning to the safe zone.

I'm still not used to it.

She bit her lip and asked, "How can I contact you then?"

"Of course, add me as your friend... Oh, I forgot you are a mortal who can't access the Internet. Then I will write you the address."

Xu Shu searched the trunk but couldn't find any paper, so he simply took out a 100-yuan bill, which was larger in size and relatively white in color.

He used a marker to write on it "No. 2, Building 8, Xinyang Apartment, North District (83) Street"

(2, 8) refers to the coordinate block.

Unlike the wasteland, the coordinate 2 in the safe zone refers to 2 kilometers, rather than the entire star tower border. The coordinate 19 refers to 190 kilometers.

After all, the safe zone is very small, occupying only a 20km*20km "field" area within the star tower.

The coordinates (2, 8) are only one or two kilometers away from the city wall, which is a "slum area".

Xu Shu finished writing, handed the money to Gu Pan, and added: "Return this hundred yuan to me when the time comes. If there is no one at home, you can find my neighbor opposite No. 404."

"Okay, then I'll go in..." Gu Pan said after hesitating for a moment.

The answer she got was Xu Shu's words "Take care!"

When I looked again, Xu Shu was carrying a lot of bags and disappeared quickly on foot.

——This car came from a patrol car. Gu Pan’s family has the power to drive it away, but he can’t.


Gu Pan stood at the door for a while, feeling lost.

After a moment, she shook her head and walked towards the courtyard inside the Hunter Association with the name "Gu Family" written on it.

When he looked up again, his eyes were firm and nothing else. …


"Wu Wukai, living at No. xx, District xx, North District (2.4). Haha, living in such a small area, the living conditions are pretty good."

"According to him, all the wealth he had accumulated over the years was at home, kept by his wife and daughter under this fake identity."

"A second-level transcendent must be worth a lot, hehe."

Eighteen-year-old Xu Shu took the strange tram home with ease. Sitting in the middle car, he looked at Lu Bingwei's fake ID card in his hand and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

However, he certainly wasn't planning to go right away. He had to clear his identity as a superhuman first.

Going there now is like gangs robbing gangs. If the Control Bureau finds out, you will be arrested.

But now that he, Xu Shu, has officially become a superhuman, if he continues to go to their house, he will be robbing them of their wealth.

The wanted criminal wanted to kill me, so I raided his house and no one could find fault with me.

So we made our way back to a cheap public housing complex called Xinyang.

This is a real ghetto area.

If you stand on the city wall and look down, you will find Xinyang Apartment quite beautiful, with the buildings arranged in an orderly manner.

But only those who actually live here will know how dirty and messy it is.

The corridors on every floor are filled with the stench of laundry detergent, instant noodles, cooking fumes, and rotten garbage that has not been dumped in time.

In fact, the house charges are very low. No one would speculate in real estate in the end times. The Administration Bureau only charges basic management fees and water and electricity fees. What's more, there are still vacant houses, just like the dormitories managed by schools. There are simply too many houses to occupy.

If the residents here are willing to pay attention to their own quality, they can still remain clean - unfortunately, most people are trapped in poverty and struggling to make a living, and their personal quality will gradually decline, which is not war's fault.

There is no way around this. Everyone has to pay taxes, 40,000 yuan per person, and it must be paid in full at the beginning of the year. If you fail to pay in full, you will have to become a refugee in the wasteland after the deadline.

Many people work very hard just to pay taxes and eat, so how much savings can they have? Once they get sick or something happens, they are finished. In this case, they naturally have no extra time to "pay attention to hygiene quality", which is why the house looks dirty and messy.

Although this problem can be solved by building more houses, the safe zone is too small and most of the land must be left for farmland, so the living standards of most people will definitely be sacrificed and they will have to move into uniformly managed apartment buildings.

This is only because there are extraordinary people helping with farming, otherwise there would be no food supply and the conditions would only be worse.

Only in a small area in the central district, which is relatively prosperous, there is a charging threshold. Naturally, everyone's quality will improve and the environment will also improve.

So, it’s really not expensive just to live in a safe area.

It is valuable to maintain the qualification to stay in the safe zone.

Xu Shu did not live in this Xinyang Apartment when he was a child.

A few years ago, they lived five kilometers away from the Star Tower, where the rent was expensive and the living environment was much better.

My adoptive father is a very capable and hardworking man. With his skills, he has created quite good living conditions for his family.

Unfortunately, his adoptive father later became seriously ill, and the family's savings were completely drained in order to treat him. Xu Shu and his adoptive mother and sister had to move their family here.

Passing through the intriguing corridor, Xu Shu returned home.

This house is small, but it is unusually tidy and full of human touch. When Xu Shu returns here, he feels like he is back in his university dormitory in his previous life.

There was a family photo on the table. The adoptive father was lying on the hospital bed, making a "V" sign. The three of them were surrounding him, their faces full of hopeful sunshine.

This photo was taken more than a year ago. Now my adoptive father is in a daze and is rarely awake every day.

At this time, Xu Shu found that there was no one at home, but the stove was hot, so he knew that his adoptive mother had gone to the hospital.

My sister was living in the school dormitory while she was in high school. She only came back one day a week. After work, my adoptive mother would go home first to prepare a meal and then take her to the hospital to take care of her.

If they didn't have a lot of furniture that couldn't be thrown away, they might have even given up the apartment, but it was really cheap.

Xu Shu approached his bed and saw that even though he hadn't been home for such a long time, the bed was spotless and neatly made. He couldn't help but smile knowingly.

For them, this is a sign that their family is still alive and that their foster mother will clean every day after she returns.

Xu Shu quietly looked at the moon outside the window, cooked a bowl of noodles and ate it, thinking silently.

From time to time, I could hear the sounds of men and women having sex coming from upstairs and downstairs.

The soft music was heard here and there, humming and humming, as if someone was singing "Grandma's Bridge".

Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake the apartment three times too.

There are so many people like this... Heat Superman.

"Fuck! Damn the safe zone!"

"It seems that it's because you guys ate too much."

"Compared to others, I am the one who needs sympathy the most, damn it!"

After eating the noodles, Xu Shu stood up angrily, took a shower, changed his clothes, took the money, left the apartment building and walked north.

He first ran to the hospital where his adoptive father was hospitalized. He originally planned to go in and chat with them, but through the doors and windows, he saw his adoptive mother sleeping tiredly outside, so he didn't have the heart to disturb her.

After his adoptive father became seriously ill, the family relied on this woman, who worked odd jobs day and night to support them for such a long time.

Xu Shu's eyes were deep. His adoptive mother was unwilling to tell him what disease his adoptive father had, saying that she was afraid that he would worry.

But I overheard before that the hospital mentioned that if more than 2 million yuan could be raised at one time, the disease could be cured.

"More than two million is equivalent to the value of two resurrection pills, and the hospital swears that the medicine can cure the disease. Obviously, Dad's disease requires the intervention of extraordinary power to be cured.
"But his injuries are not external, so he definitely needs some alternative medicine besides the Resurrection Pill. However, all medical methods in the world have different paths but the same goal. He is an ordinary person, so as long as the right medicine is used, he can definitely be saved. For extraordinary people, there is no incurable disease except for life expectancy."

Xu Shu looked at his adoptive father's face, which was not in a very good condition but not particularly bad, and his eyes gradually became firm.

After he gave the resurrection elixir to Gu Pan that day, he turned around and asked her for two million.

In fact, this is where we need to pay attention.

"First, I need to cure my adoptive father's illness. After my upgrade drive is cleansed in a few days, I can officially announce my identity as a transcendent to my family. Then, the whole family can move to a better place and no longer have to endure the harsh environment here, hehe."

"But the money is still not enough. I need to work harder and can't slack off!"

"I have to give the ruins trip a try tomorrow."

Xu Shu stood outside the door and watched for a long time. Thinking that his adoptive father's illness would be cured soon, his mood gradually improved and he slowly left.

Before leaving, he went to the hospital front desk and settled the recent medical expenses he owed for hospitalization. He deposited the remaining money into a nearby card, then went in and quietly put the money into his adoptive mother's wallet. He moved very quietly throughout the process so as not to wake them up.

Before leaving, Xu Shu asked the nurses for help, asking them to wait until his adoptive parents woke up and then convey the news that he had been there, as a way of reporting that he was safe.

In order to set off immediately at dawn the next day, and also to avoid hearing screams from the beds upstairs and downstairs at home, Xu Shu ran directly to the north gate of the city and slept in the corner of the city wall in the safe zone.

Although the nights were cold in winter, it was nothing for a "strong man" like him.

Outside the city wall, there are densely packed strange mountains and seas, all dark and dense, quietly commenting on the moon.

On the city walls, the garrisons patrolled quietly.

Inside the city wall, Xu Shu leaned against the wall, using the ground as his bed and the moonlight as his quilt, and was sleeping soundly.

He hadn't had such a deep sleep for a long time, and the moon was very lovely tonight.

But when he was in the wasteland, he always felt that the moon was very strange.

Inside and outside the wall, the same moon gave him completely different feelings.

There was silence.

The next morning, the sky suddenly brightened.

Xu Shu opened his eyes, and the first thing he did was to urinate on the big tree where he had slept all night, shake himself clean, and turn on the upgraded network.

* Upgraded network
*Gu Pan, first-level warrior

*Team: 6!

Team Channel
【Tip: Team member Gu Pan is online. 】

"Finally woke up! Damn, when are you coming over?" - Xie Xiaochan, a second-level seven-color Taoist nun.

"Right away, I'm leaving the city and planning on having some Lao Xia chicken rolls. It'll be there in about three hours." - Gu Pan, a first-class strongman.

"You call this immediately? Come here quickly, or you'll be kicked out if you don't do it before 12 o'clock. Everyone else, introduce your occupation and name to him, quickly! @everyone." - Xie Xiaochan, a second-level seven-color Taoist nun.

"Song Nianhui."——Wuque Jianxin, a second-level weapon master.

"Hello Iron Armored Bull, I am of the same profession as you. The big sister has already said that we will protect you." - Li Toyota, second-level Iron Armor.

[Li Toyota sent a photo of {muscular man}, click to view]

"Qingyun 414, a young genius, I have heard of your name for a long time." - Yan Wuwo, a second-level night watchman.

"Brother Gu Pan, I will take good care of you, just go for it and it will be done, don't show pity on me. By the way, I am a witch, not a witch, don't misunderstand me, brother." - Zheng Qianrou.

"Six people?"

"Although the ruins are a multiplayer instance, there are still great dangers and people can die easily."


Xu Shu bought breakfast, went to the city gate to fill out the "Voluntary Departure Application Form", and then walked out of the city gate.

Facing the rising sun, he reached out and touched the Taichu Scroll, pouring his mind into it in the expedition mode.

"Taichu Volume, start!"

(End of this chapter)

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