Under One Person: I, who practiced the Heaven-shading Method, was exposed

Chapter 91: Shi Hao and Huo Ling'er's wedding night? 1 person world is stunned!

Chapter 91: Shi Hao and Huo Ling'er's wedding night? One person's world was stunned!

"Brother Shi Hao, we are finally getting married." She murmured to herself, crystal tears sliding down her cheeks, and her little hands hurriedly wiped them away.

Huo Huang presided over the wedding, everything was simple, but it couldn't hide the sincerity. Shi Hao held Huo Ling'er's hand, walked down the red carpet, and entered the palace of marriage.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Couple greetings!"

The ceremony was over, and everyone cheered. Shi Hao and Huo Ling'er were sent to the bridal chamber, with the flickering red candles illuminating their shy yet happy faces.

The world under one person.

"Wow, Boss Shi Hao and Sister Huo Ling'er are finally married! So sweet!" Lu Linglong exclaimed excitedly.

"What a pity that the scenes from the wedding night were not shown. Bad review!" Hua'er muttered.

"Hehe, such a sweet love is really enviable." Lu Linglong joked with a smile.

The world under one person expressed blessings and envy for Shi Hao and Huo Ling'er's wedding.

At this time, in the bridal chamber, Shi Hao and Huo Ling'er were in love. They spent the best time of their lives, and Huo Ling'er completed her transformation from a girl to a wife.

However, good times are always short-lived. After the lingering, Shi Hao still had to continue his path of cultivation. He gently stroked Huo Ling'er's hair, his eyes full of tenderness and reluctance.

"Ling'er, I'm leaving." Shi Hao said softly.

Huo Ling'er heard this, a hint of disappointment flashed in her eyes, but soon turned into a determined light. She understood that Shi Hao's path of cultivation could not stop, and she had to support him.

"Brother Shi Hao, go ahead. I'll wait here for you to come back." Huo Ling'er said with a smile.

Shi Hao nodded, kissed Huo Ling'er's forehead, and turned to leave. He knew that he had to become stronger to protect his beloved.

After leaving the Fire Country, Shi Hao set out on the road to the Heavenly God Academy. On the way, he accidentally stepped into a mysterious forbidden area. Here, the rosy clouds rose, the purple bamboos swayed, and it seemed as if he was in a brand new world.

Shi Hao marveled at the magic and beauty of this restricted area, but also felt the danger and unknown it contained. He explored it carefully, fearing to disturb the creatures here.

However, just as he was about to leave the restricted area, a unicorn cub suddenly appeared in front of him. The unicorn cub was held by a young girl, with a curious light in its eyes.

"Huh? Who are you? Why are you here?" the girl asked curiously.

Shi Hao was stunned for a moment, then he saluted and said, "I am Shi Hao, I have mistakenly entered this place, sorry to bother you."

The girl's eyes flashed with surprise when she heard that, and then she smiled and said, "It turns out to be Shi Hao! I heard that you got married recently, congratulations!"

Shi Hao touched his nose awkwardly and said with a smile: "Thank you."

After the two chatted for a while, the girl told Shi Hao that this place was called "Chuxianfu", a peaceful and vibrant place. There was no intrigue and dispute here, only purity and beauty.

After hearing this, Shi Hao felt yearning and decided to stay here for a while to experience the magic and beauty of this restricted area.

Shi Hao stood in the chaos, surrounded by a group of young talents, all of whom exuded a powerful and mysterious aura.

"Shi Hao, which era are you from?" a young talent asked curiously.

Shi Hao smiled slightly and said, "I came from the distant future. I heard that there were many talented people in the ancient times, so I came here specially to learn from them."

When everyone heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes, and then they all expressed their willingness to exchange cultivation experiences with Shi Hao.

During the discussion, Shi Hao discovered that the cultivation methods of these talented people were extremely magical, far beyond the era he lived in. They talked about the mysteries of time and reincarnation, which made Shi Hao fascinated.

"Lord Wuzhong, you seem to have a unique insight into time?" Shi Hao asked curiously.

Lord Wuzhong smiled and said, "Time is like a long river, and we are all drifting in it. I can see through the long river of history and foresee a corner of the future, but my path is not yet complete, and I need further 'beginnings' to perfect it."

Shi Hao was shocked when he heard this, and was full of admiration for Lord Wuzhong's realm.

At this moment, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and a terrifying atmosphere spread. Everyone looked up and saw a ferocious giant eye and huge bone spurs appearing in the sky. Gray mist surged from the universe and quickly infected the world.

"This is... a doomsday scene!" exclaimed a talented person.

Several young supreme beings vomited blood and died in this doomsday scene. They roared in anger and had tremendous magical powers, but they were unable to withstand this sudden disaster.

Shi Hao's heart was filled with helplessness and anger. He didn't understand why he had to witness such a tragedy.

At this moment, a girl holding a unicorn cub walked over with difficulty. She looked at Shi Hao, and a complex emotion flashed in her eyes.

“Shi Hao, these scenes are not accidental, but wonders created by our predecessors with extraordinary power.” The girl said slowly.

"Why?" Shi Hao asked puzzledly.

"So that you can witness this scene across eternity and be prepared for future challenges," the girl explained.

Shi Hao was extremely shocked when he heard this. He didn't understand why these fallen Immortal Kings and talented people would go to such great lengths to pull him into this era.

"Shi Hao, you don't need to be confused." Another talented person explained, "The reason we did this is because we touched the mystery of reincarnation and the long river of time, but ended in tragedy. We are not willing to accept this, so we use the power of thunder to penetrate all paths, pierce the heavens, foresee the future, and reflect all things in the ancient times. We use the most powerful means in ancient and modern times to create a small space, and pull you into this era from the past."

Shi Hao was stunned and felt deep respect for the greatness and tragic heroism of the Immortal King and the talented people.

His heart was filled with determination and resolve, and he vowed to become strong enough to create a reincarnation cycle so that all the immortal kings and talented people could be resurrected so that they could finally meet each other one day.

Shi Hao suddenly opened his eyes, as if awakened from a big dream. He looked around and saw a vast land, endless mountains and rivers, as if he had returned to the ancient Xian Gu era. "Is this... the Xian Gu era?" Shi Hao murmured to himself, with an indescribable shock in his heart. He saw the Immortal King Wuzhong and the Immortal King Liudao Lunsai, their figures looming in the void, and every move seemed to shake the world. There was also the Taoist Jinwu, who turned into the sun, shining on the entire Xian Gu, and the bright light made Shi Hao feel blinded.

"Is this the glory of the ancient immortal world?" Shi Hao took a deep breath, his heart filled with yearning.

At this moment, a clear female voice sounded in his ears: "Hey, what are you looking at?"

Shi Hao turned around and saw a woman in red looking at him with a smile. The woman was extremely beautiful, with a cunning light in her eyes. She was the witch.

"Witch?" Shi Hao was stunned, then smiled, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Hmph, you are sensible." The witch curled her lips, then said seriously, "I heard that there are many ancient immortal secrets in the forbidden city. How about we explore together?"

Shi Hao nodded, and the two of them walked together. They passed through the Emperor's Bone Burial Area, which was filled with a strong smell of death, which frightened Shi Hao again and again. But the witch seemed to be unconcerned. She smiled and said to Shi Hao: "This is the cruelty of the ancient immortals. Only the strong can survive."

The two mistakenly entered an ancient city and were trapped in it for a month. But fortunately, they got a Qilin egg. The Qilin egg emitted a faint light, as if it had the breath of life.

"Is this the magic of the ancient immortals?" Shi Hao stroked the Qilin egg, his heart full of surprise.

Finally, they arrived at the location of the forbidden city. There, at the end of the earth, there seemed to be an incomparably magnificent scene calling them. When Shi Hao approached the imperial city, his body shook, and a drop of crystal clear blood floated out, illuminating eternity.

"This is... the drop of blood I brought out from the ancient ruins!" Shi Hao exclaimed.

The drop of blood exuded a majestic aura, as if it could penetrate the past and present, reflecting the splendor of the eternal heavens. The witch also looked at the drop of blood in surprise, and she felt the terrifying power contained in it.

The two continued to move forward and finally arrived at the depths of the Imperial City. A magnificent city appeared before them. The city was gray and connected to the sky and earth, occupying all space and lasting forever.

"Is this the Imperial City?" Shi Hao looked at the city in shock, with an indescribable awe welling up in his heart.

The walls of the Imperial City were made of large stars and built together to form such a magnificent scene. There were also large stars rotating around the Imperial City, which was grand and magnificent.

"Is this the protection of the ancient immortals?" the witch murmured to herself, with a determined light flashing in her eyes.

The two continued to explore the Imperial City. They knew that many ancient secrets of the immortals were hidden here.

Shi Hao and the others looked on from afar and felt themselves as small as ants. Looking up at the towering city above the sky, they were filled with endless shock.

"Who built this... this imperial city? It's so magnificent!" someone exclaimed in the chat group.

"Yes, look at the bricks and stones. Each one seems to be made from a star. This kind of method is absolutely beyond human power!" another person echoed.

Everyone was talking about it, and they all found the scale and structure of this imperial city unbelievable. Shi Hao was also shocked. He had never seen such a magnificent building. It was as if the entire universe was compressed into this city.

Just as everyone was amazed, Shi Hao suddenly felt a strong pressure coming from the direction of the Imperial City, which was unbearable. He hurriedly practiced his skills to resist the pressure. People in the chat group also exclaimed, their scalps tingling, and their hearts were shocked.

"What secrets are hidden in this imperial city? Why is there such a powerful pressure?" someone asked puzzledly.

“I don’t know, but I feel a strong sense of crisis, as if something is watching us.” another person answered.

While everyone was talking, Shi Hao suddenly saw a group of figures approaching the Imperial City. He looked carefully and found that they were all geniuses from the Three Thousand States, including the Ten Crowns, Xiao Liuzi, and the Fatty Cao Yusheng.

"Haha, Brother Shi Hao, you are here too!" The Ten-time Champion laughed and walked over after seeing Shi Hao.

"Yes, this imperial city is too mysterious. How could I not come and find out?" Shi Hao said with a smile.

After exchanging greetings, everyone headed towards the Imperial City together. As they approached the Imperial City, they encountered various strange sights and dangers, but they resolved them one by one.

Suddenly, a unicorn cub jumped out from the side and jumped directly into Shi Hao's arms. Shi Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "This little guy likes me very much."

At this time, a jade rabbit jumped out and started playing with the baby Qilin. Everyone found this scene very interesting.

"It seems that these two little guys are quite destined to be together." Xiao Liuzi said with a smile.

Just as everyone was laughing, a cold voice suddenly came: "Shi Hao, how dare you approach Qingyi!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a beautiful woman staring coldly at Shi Hao. Shi Hao's heart tightened immediately when he saw her. This woman was Yue Chan.

"Miss Yuechan, I have no ill intentions, it's just..." Shi Hao explained.

"Hmph, you don't need to explain. I know what I'm doing." Yue Chan interrupted.

Shi Hao shook his head helplessly. He knew that the relationship between Yuechan and Qingyi was complicated and he couldn't intervene. He could only stand aside silently and watch the entanglement between Yuechan and Qingyi.

Shi Hao approached Qingyi, with a teasing smile on his face, and whispered, "Qingyi, do you still remember what I said? If I get the best in the world in the ancient ruins, how will you respond to me?"

Qingyi blushed slightly, and somewhat unnaturally avoided Shi Hao's burning gaze, and said angrily: "You...what nonsense are you talking about? How could I remember these things?"

Shi Hao refused to give in. He put his arm around Qingyi's waist, pressed her tightly against him, and said with a smile, "Why, you want to cheat? You said you would marry me."

Qingyi was filled with shame and anger. She struggled to get out of Shi Hao's arms, but she was not as strong as him. She could only say coquettishly, "Let me go. Who said I wanted to marry you? Don't talk nonsense."

Yue Chan, who was standing by, saw this scene and felt an inexplicable anger in her heart. She saw Shi Hao's unbridled smile and Qing Yi's shy look, and her heart ached. She couldn't help but say, "Shi Hao, don't go too far."

Shi Hao glanced at Yuechan and sneered, "Why, Fairy Yuechan can't stand it anymore? Don't forget, we are competitors."

Yue Chan was so angry that her face turned pale. She angrily said, "Shi Hao, don't think you can do whatever you want just because you got the first place in the world. I warn you, don't make me angry."

Shi Hao laughed loudly, not taking Yuechan's threat seriously at all. He turned to Qingyi and said, "Qingyi, look, even Fairy Yuechan is angry. If you don't give me a clear answer, I will be besieged by them."

Qingyi sighed helplessly. She knew Shi Hao's character. If she didn't give him a satisfactory answer, he would probably keep pestering her. She thought about it and said softly, "Okay, if you can really get the best in the world in the ancient ruins, I...I will promise you."

(End of this chapter)

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