Under One Person: I, who practiced the Heaven-shading Method, was exposed

Chapter 97 The alien creatures are too powerful, we are no match for them!

Chapter 97 The alien creatures are too powerful, we are no match for them!

People fell into deeper despair, as if they were swallowed by endless darkness.

"The Great Scarlet Sky is made of ancient immortal stone, and the passage is solid and immortal. How did they break through the boundary?" asked an old man with a frown.

This question puzzled everyone. As an important passage between the Nine Heavens and the Ten Earths, the Great Scarlet Sky had always been extremely solid and had never been breached by alien creatures. How did they do it this time?

Just as everyone was in doubt, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them. It was an old man in white clothes, with an immortal look. He was the great elder of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Great Elder!" everyone exclaimed.

The elder nodded, looking into the distance with deep eyes. He stretched out his hand, and a powerful immortal power surged out, lifting up an injured middle-aged man.

"How serious is the injury?" asked the great elder.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said bitterly: "The alien creatures are too powerful. We are no match for them at all."

The Great Elder was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have their own destiny. We will not sit and wait for death, nor will we let alien creatures act recklessly."

His words were full of firmness and determination, giving everyone a glimmer of hope.

However, the situation is still unclear. The invasion of alien creatures is just the beginning, and the future of the nine heavens and ten earths is full of unknowns and variables. People can only unite closely to face this unprecedented crisis together.

In a corner of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, a middle-aged man, half of his body cut off, leaned against a broken bronze warship, his eyes full of grief and resentment. His warship, the once mighty bronze warship, was now in ruins and in tatters.

"The border... has become hell..." The man's voice was hoarse, as if every word was filled with endless pain and despair, "Billions of lives have turned into bloody mud, and countless souls are wailing..."

His eyes seemed to reflect the tragic battlefield, where relatives and friends were instantly killed by the enemy's butcher knife, and more lives were struggling in the ruins, eventually turning into pools of blood and mud, and merging into the boundless darkness.

“Foreign land… they are too powerful…” The man trembled with his hands, trying to grab the fleeting life, “Their masters came like a tide, breaking through our stronghold in an instant…”

The foreign land, a world that once existed only in legends, has now come like a nightmare. The number of masters they dispatched is simply unimaginable, and each one is so powerful that it is suffocating. Their attacks are as fierce as a storm, and they instantly shattered the defenses of the nine heavens and ten earths.

“They… they even stretched out a huge black hand…” The man’s voice was filled with fear. “That huge hand enveloped the entire border. All the living creatures were crushed into meat paste under that giant hand…”

What a hand it was! It was huge, black as ink, and seemed to cover the sky and the sun. With a gentle squeeze, it held the entire border area in its palm. Those once vibrant lives seemed so fragile under its power, and were easily crushed like ants.

“They don’t even spare children of a few years old…” The man’s voice choked, “They…they are performing a sacrifice…using our blood to open their passage…”

Sacrifice? Using the blood of the nine heavens and ten earths for sacrifice? This is simply unscrupulous! Those foreigners actually used the nine heavens and ten earths as sacrifices, using their blood to open a stable passage so that they can better invade this land.

“We…we didn’t die on the battlefield…” The man lowered his head, tears streaming down his cheeks, “but…we were harvested like insects…used as nutrients…and wiped out between heaven and earth…”

His voice was filled with humiliation and indignation, a kind of despair and helplessness that penetrated deep into his bones. The creatures of the nine heavens and ten earths were so unbearable and so humble in the eyes of foreigners.

At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded: "Blow the Ancestral Dragon Horn! Order all the great clans in the Nine Heavens to come to support the Great Scarlet Sky!"

This is the voice of the Great Elder! He heard the man's story and was standing on a high place at the moment, his eyes red, staring at the distance. His voice was full of anger and determination, as if he wanted to set the nine heavens and ten earths on fire.

Everyone was shocked by the elder's voice. They were trembling, their souls were shaking. However, the elder's words were like a warm current that flowed into their hearts.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be terrified!" the Great Elder shouted, "No matter how powerful they are, we will not retreat! The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are our home! We must protect it until the last moment!"

His words were full of strength and faith, as if they could dispel the fear and despair in people's hearts. Everyone raised their heads, with a determined light in their eyes.

"In this life, we don't need to despair!" The Great Elder continued to shout, "The people from foreign lands will eventually be repelled by us! They will not be able to gain a foothold in this world!"

His words were like a heavy hammer, hitting people's hearts hard. They seemed to see the light of hope, flickering in the darkness.

At this moment, a dull horn sounded suddenly. The sound rolled in like thunder, causing pain in people's eardrums. However, they did not feel uncomfortable at all, but instead felt that their hearts were filled with strength.

That was the sound of the Ancestral Dragon Horn! It penetrated the boundary wall and roared towards the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The long horn sound seemed to be telling the glory and honor of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and also conveying an urgent message for help.

At this moment, all the creatures in the nine heavens and ten earths seemed to have heard the sound of the horn. They raised their heads and looked toward the distant horizon, with a determined light in their eyes. They knew that no matter how many difficulties and obstacles there were ahead, they would unite as one and face them together.

Because they are the people of the nine heavens and ten earths! Their homes must not be violated!

The sound of the horn resounded through the heavens and the earth, as if it came from ancient times, carrying with it endless desolation and tragedy. This was the prelude to the dark years, a harbinger of war, and a call to all families.

The lands of all ethnic groups, whether mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, grasslands or deserts, all became excited at the sound of the horn. People put down their work, looked up at the sky, and their eyes were shining with determination.

"When alien creatures attack, how can we sit idly by!" A white-haired old man raised his arms and shouted, his voice as loud as a bell, echoing between heaven and earth.

"Don't be afraid of sacrifice, exchange life for life, and fight the enemy to the end!" The young soldiers shouted in unison, their voices were full of passion and fighting spirit, as if to tear apart these dark years.

Super powerful tribes such as the White Bone Mountain Tribe and the Mulan Tribe also responded. Their warships were like dark clouds in the sky, and their powerful aura was suffocating. The masters of these powerful tribes came to support this war of life and death with firm belief and determination.

In the sky, warships gathered, and masters from all races gathered together. Their eyes were firm and deep, as if they could penetrate the darkness and see the hope for the future.

"This battle concerns our survival and even more so the future of the nine heavens and ten earths!" A middle-aged strong man said in a deep voice, his voice full of majesty and power.

"We are willing to work together to resist foreign enemies and defend our homeland!" The strong men of all ethnic groups responded in unison, and their voices echoed between heaven and earth like thunder.

In these dark years, people's hearts are closely connected, and they jointly resist the invasion of foreign creatures. Their shouts, cries, and battles resound through the world, as if to tear these dark years apart completely.

However, war is always cruel. Facing a powerful enemy, people paid a huge price. But even so, they still did not give up, still stood firm on the position, and fought desperately with the enemy.

In this war, the older generation of strong men showed a strong sense of responsibility. They believed that they should die before the younger generation and pave the way for the younger generation.

"Young people, you are our hope and the future of the nine heavens and ten earths. We will protect this land for you until you can stand on your own." An old man said to the young soldiers, his eyes full of kindness and determination.

The young people listened to the words of the older generation with tears in their eyes and their hearts filled with gratitude and respect. They knew that they could not live up to the expectations of the older generation and must work hard to cultivate and prepare for future battles.

"We will work hard! We will become the hope of the nine heavens and ten earths!" the young people said in unison, their voices full of determination and conviction.

Under the vast starry sky, a group of passionate young people gathered together, with a determined light in their eyes. Shi Hao, the leader of this group of young people, stood in front of everyone and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "We are going to the border, to see the real battlefield, to avenge those deceased ancestors!" As soon as he finished speaking, he aroused an enthusiastic response. These young people, their hearts are full of love for the country and the desire for justice. They are willing to fight, bleed, and sacrifice for this land and for those innocent lives that have passed away.

At this moment, the voice of the great elder resounded through the sky: "Go!" With his order, thousands of ships set out at the same time, and the warships were like clouds, covering the sky. The army passed through the cosmic channel and headed towards the unknown frontier.

After a long voyage, the army finally entered the Great Scarlet Sky, known as one of the Nine Skies. Here, the spiritual energy was so rich that it could almost be liquefied, but the air was filled with a heavy atmosphere, as if the resentment and bloodshed of the previous era were still lingering here.

The army continued to move forward and finally arrived at the border. However, the scene before them shocked them. There were only broken walls, corpses everywhere, and blood flowing like a river. It was a scene of hell on earth. Countless strong men were mixed with anger and grief. Their eyes were filled with tears, but more of them were determined.

"Look at those innocent lives, they were brutally killed by alien creatures!" Shi Hao roared, "We must avenge them and fight for this land!"

His words resonated with the crowd, and they roared and vowed to seek justice for those lost lives.

At this time, alien creatures came like a tide. They were ferocious, with fangs bared, as if they wanted to devour this land. The army was not afraid, they went forward and started a fierce battle with the alien creatures.

However, just as the battle was in full swing, a deafening roar suddenly came from the terrifying abyss. The sound seemed to be able to collapse the entire world, making everyone feel palpitations.

"What is that?" someone asked in horror.

"That is a terrifying existence in the abyss. We must deal with it carefully." The Great Elder said in a deep voice.

A figure slowly emerged from the chaos. It was tall and terrifying, like a demon crawling out from the depths of hell. Its voice was low and cold, full of disdain and contempt for everyone present.

"You lowly beings dare to stop me?" the creature said coldly, his tone full of sarcasm and contempt.

As soon as the voice fell, a brilliant light burst out from its body. It was the endless magic that was condensing, forming runes that resonated in the air, as if a supreme scripture was slowly unfolding. These runes exuded a powerful pressure, pressing forward, making everyone present feel suffocated.

Seeing this, the warriors of various tribes used their own rune killing arrays to try to fight against this terrifying creature. For a moment, the sky and earth were filled with the light and roar of runes, as if it was a grand sacrificial ceremony.

However, the creature was not moved at all, it just looked at everyone coldly, as if looking at a group of jumping clowns. Suddenly, from the black passage behind it, a huge hand that covered the sky and the sun rose up and crushed towards everyone.

This huge hand was so dark that it seemed to be able to swallow up all light. It brought endless pressure and destructive power as it crushed the rune killing arrays of the powerful warriors of various races. Under the crushing of this huge hand, the originally dazzling runes instantly collapsed and turned into streams of light that scattered in all directions.

The strong men of various races cried out in surprise. They couldn't believe that the power of this creature was so terrifying. Under the crushing of this big hand, their rune killing array was so vulnerable.

Just when everyone was feeling desperate, a figure stepped forward. It was the great elder of each tribe, with a resolute face and an unyielding light in his eyes.

"We can't give up!" The Great Elder shouted loudly, his voice echoing in the night sky, "For our homeland, for our loved ones, we must persevere!"

However, the creature just sneered and looked at the great elder as if it was looking at a ridiculous toy.

"You? A lowly insect, dare you challenge my authority?" said the creature with disdain.

At this moment, a loud horn sounded between heaven and earth. It was the horn of Zulong, which crossed the boundaries of time and space and came to this battlefield.

The sound of the horn shook the whole world, as if an invisible force was surging between heaven and earth. Under the impact of the horn, the creature actually let out a scream, and dark blood splashed on its black hands.

Seeing this, everyone cheered. They knew this was their chance to fight back. However, the creature roared angrily, its eyes filled with rage and unwillingness.

"Who is it? How dare you hurt me!" the creature roared, its voice echoing in the night sky, as if to tear the whole world apart.

The Great Elder had flying hair and looked like an immortal. His eyes were cold and he raised the Ancestral Dragon Horn in his hand. Suddenly, the dragon horn burst into brilliant light and transformed into a giant dragon that spanned the universe. The dragon roared to the sky and bit towards the giant black hand.


With a loud bang, the black giant hand was pierced by the dragon, bleeding and screaming. The strength of the great elder shocked all living beings, and countless families in the nine heavens and ten earths were excited.

"Is this the strength of the Great Elder? It is truly unfathomable!" someone exclaimed.

The Great Elder did not stop, he once again offered up his most precious treasure - the Ten Worlds Map. The scroll slowly unfolded, emitting a mysterious aura, and it strengthened the Great Elder with the dragon, bringing his power to a new level.

The black giant hand attacked again, but this time, it was obviously more afraid of the power of the Great Elder. However, the Great Elder showed no fear. He sneered, waved the Great Dragon and the Ten Realms Map, and launched a fierce attack on the giant hand.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were three consecutive loud bangs, and the black giant hand was hit again, with blood splattering, obviously it was seriously injured.

However, at this moment, roars suddenly came from the abyss. Then, countless alien creatures jumped out of the abyss, wearing armor and holding magic weapons, rushing towards the nine heavens and ten earths with great momentum.

"Haha, creatures from the nine heavens and ten earths, is this all you have? How disappointing!" An alien creature laughed.

The creatures of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were enraged, and they all went out to fight against the alien creatures. However, the alien creatures were too powerful, and the creatures of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths soon fell into a bitter battle.

"Xiang Feng, be careful!" a strong man from the nine heavens and ten earths shouted.

However, just as he finished speaking, Xiang Feng was hit by an alien creature and died tragically on the spot. This scene frightened the creatures in the nine heavens and ten earths, and their morale dropped sharply.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed into the crowd. It was a young man in black clothes with a stern face. It was Shi Hao.


Shi Hao slapped out with his palm, causing an alien creature who provoked him to cough up blood. He glanced coldly at the alien creatures around him, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"You alien creatures, do you really think that you can challenge the nine heavens and ten earths at will? Today, I will let you know what real power is!" Shi Hao shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed into the crowd again and started a fierce battle with the alien creatures. His body movements were strange and unpredictable, and his boxing skills were fierce and unmatched, and he quickly defeated several alien creatures.

However, the number of alien creatures was too large. Although Shi Hao was extremely brave, he gradually felt powerless. He knew that if he wanted to completely defeat these alien creatures, he would need the help of other powerful people in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

So, he shouted loudly: "Creatures of the nine heavens and ten earths, don't give up! Let's fight together and drive these alien creatures back into the abyss!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the creatures in the nine heavens and ten earths cheered up and started a more intense battle with the alien creatures. Although they were still at a disadvantage, they were no longer helpless like before.

(End of this chapter)

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