Chapter 103 Cutting out the roots
The woman is in her twenties.

You can see that she is still very pretty.

But his body was too dirty. He was squatting on the ground barefoot with his hands on his chest. His skin was almost all covered with dirt and his hair was in clumps.

"You, take off your clothes."

Shen Yan pointed his gun at a villager next to the woman.

The latter immediately understood, took off his loose shirt and put it on the girl.

"Thank you."

The woman looked at Shen Yan gratefully and said, "The village chief took me to a very secret cave in the back mountain. I'm not sure where he escaped to, but I can take you to have a look."

The village chief must be killed.

Even if he is not sure, Shen Yan will try his luck.


Shen Yan said as he threw a Snickers bar over: "Take me there when you're full."

Snickers is mainly used to quickly replenish physical energy.

But chocolate was a rare commodity for these villagers even before the end of the world.

Seeing Shen Yan's generosity, some people were shocked, but some could not resist the temptation. They stood up and said, "The back mountain, I am more familiar with the terrain of the back mountain than she is. I can take you..."

Before he could finish his words, Shen Yan shot him in the head.

Blood bloomed in the air and fell on the woman's face, but she seemed to not notice it at all and finished the Snickers in just two bites.

Feeling the warmth rising in her empty stomach, she felt so happy that she almost wanted to cry.

The others, however, had already fallen silent, not daring to breathe.

The young man in front of them was too cruel, more cruel than anyone they had seen since the apocalypse!
"follow me."

He glanced at the shivering crowd.

Shen Yan put away the gun and turned away with the girl.

Seeing that the plague god seemed to be leaving, the people in Mangtun immediately expressed their relief at having survived the disaster.

But the next second, they saw Shen Yan casually waved his hand and said to the other three companions around him: "Kill them all."

His tone was relaxed, as if it was just a trivial matter.

Liang Shuai and Shen Xue were also stunned for a moment.

But Liang Shuai now admires Shen Yan very much and naturally will not go against his wishes, while Shen Xue and the others hate these villagers to the core.

The three of them hesitated for a moment, without any hesitation.

Da da da……

Flames quickly spurted out of the muzzle.

It reaps lives like the scythe of the god of death.

The three of them were unfamiliar with guns, but at such a close distance, there was naturally no possibility of missing the target.

In the courtyard, blood and flesh flew everywhere in an instant.

But when they saw this scene, the brother and sister had never felt so happy.

At the same time, they were undoubtedly more grateful to Shen Yan for giving them the opportunity for revenge.

I heard intensive gunfire behind me.

A hint of admiration flashed across Shen Yan's eyes.

The fact that these three people acted without hesitation and without asking for reasons shows that they are at least not fussy saints.

And such people are undoubtedly more suitable to be absorbed into the base.

As for whether they would become bad people from now on, he actually didn't care.

After all, in this last days, the wicked will always live longer than the Virgin Mary.

Although he is interested in killing.

But of course we won't do something like cutting the grass without removing the roots.

Since he is irreconcilable with Mangtun, he will not leave any future troubles.


After a while.

Under the guidance of the girl, Shen Yan came to the cave in the back mountain.

The entrance to the cave was inconspicuous, but when Shen Yan turned on the flashlight, the area inside was very spacious, feeling at least hundreds of square meters.

There were various supplies piled up in a mess on the ground. There was a lot of food, dozens of bags of rice and flour, as well as some bacon strips, bread, and other snacks.

In addition, there are several unopened boxes of famous liquors, as well as dozens of Huazi, Furongwang and other things.

It goes without saying that these expensive things should have been collected by Mangtun when he entered the city.

And many of them should be hidden here by the village chief.

In addition to supplies, the old man also hid a few women.

At this moment, I was sitting on a straw mat on the ground.

They were wearing very little cloth and most of them looked dull, and they didn't even care if Shen Yan and the others came in.

There was only one woman with a pretty face and a nice figure. She looked bright and was not afraid of strange men. She asked in a familiar manner, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Shen Yan asked: "Has the village chief been here?"

"You have to tell me who it is first before I can tell you."

Shen Yan was a little annoyed, but he still said patiently: "Did you hear the gunshots just now? I have already destroyed Mangtun."

Destroy Mangtun?

Oh my God! Zhao Linlin immediately covered her mouth.

There are hundreds of people in Mangtun, but the gate is still so strong. How did he do it?
But this question is not important now.

Zhao Linlin squeezed her breasts and said, "Little brother, I have long disliked those people in Mangtun. Thank you for saving us. From now on, you are my benefactor. Can you take me away?"

A pair of big eyes full of pleading.

Her hair was a little messy, but it couldn't hide her pretty face.

No matter how the other party did it, the fact that he was able to destroy Mangtun means that he is a more reliable person.

The other few women with dull expressions finally reacted at this time, stood up and begged Shen Yan to take them away.

Shen Yan decisively refused: "Sorry, I can't take you away."

These women may have very miserable life stories.

But he doesn't run an orphanage. Even if he builds up power in the future, these powerless women are of no value.

"Then if you don't take us away, we won't tell you where the village chief is."

Zhao Linlin continued: "Besides, as a grown man, can you please have some sense of public morality? It's so dangerous out there, what are we weak women going to do?"

Shen Yan suddenly felt upset and had a headache.

Not only did this woman not answer his questions, but she also blackmailed him morally?

It works!
Even after so long since the end of the world, we can still see this magical species, the fairies.

However, seeing that he didn't respond, it seemed that he agreed.

Zhao Linlin thought her words had worked. Seeing that Shen Yan was in his early twenties, full of vigor and vitality, she licked her red lips and moved closer to him.

"Little brother, as long as you take me away, I will agree to anything you ask for."

As for whether the other party will be rejected?

Haha, how is that possible? Aren’t men animals who think with their lower body?
Even if the other party has the power to destroy Mangtun and has no shortage of women, it would be difficult for him to meet someone as beautiful as her, right?

As long as I use a little trick, won't I be able to trick him into thinking he is the same as I did with the village chief and his son?
But the next second...

Shen Yan felt nauseous.

He pushed her away without hesitation.

Zhao Linlin tripped over a stone and fell to the ground instantly, her face full of disbelief.

What the hell?
I've taken the initiative, but he still refuses without hesitation?
As a confident little fairy, the thing that Zhao Linlin can't accept the most is that her charm is not recognized.

She immediately felt as if she was insulted.

He stood up from the ground and screamed, "Are you still a man? You have no understanding of romance at all. You want to find the village chief? Dream on. Without me telling you the location, you will never find him in your life, you lowly man..."

He was cursing with all his might.

With a plop, an old man with wrinkles on his face jumped down from the cave.

"My dear Linlin, what are you yelling about? What do you mean by unromantic? Gudong..."

The next second, seeing Shen Yan's surprised face, Zhang Quansheng was stunned for a moment...

Fuck your grandma!

How did this person find such a secret cave?
(End of this chapter)

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