Chapter 12 Confession to Aunt Qing

The old lady's body was still on the first floor.

Half of his body was covered in blood, his skin was dark and blue, and his head was split in the middle, looking extremely horrible.

But Shen Yan didn't care about that anymore. He suppressed his nausea and searched all her pockets.

"Where's the key?"

But apart from some change, Shen Yan didn't find anything.

"That shouldn't be the case. The bloodstains on the stairs extend from the second floor to the first floor."

"She was obviously caught by the zombies and took off her clothes before going home, so how come the key disappeared?"

Shen Yan was very confused and helpless.

The supplies for a house. Even if the old lady is very stingy, there must be important foods such as rice, flour, grain and oil in her house.

As long as they collected them, he and Aunt Qing could hold out for a few more days.

But he couldn't find the key. Even if he wanted to open the door, what could he do?
"Hey, why does it feel like nothing goes well after the apocalypse? Is my luck so bad?"

Shen Yan really had no choice.

I could only walk upstairs helplessly.

After looking around and finding nothing, he didn't even know how to explain to Aunt Qing.

Even if Aunt Qing is gentle and won't blame him, he will still feel embarrassed.

However, before he had taken a few steps, his feet suddenly stopped and he felt like he had stepped on something hard.

"what is this?"

Shen Yan moved his feet in confusion and looked carefully.

I go!

The corridor was so dark that he passed by it several times and didn't even see it!
Although it is covered in blood, this is definitely a house key.

"Did the key accidentally fall out when the old lady was attacked by zombies?"

Shen Yan was quite surprised.

He didn't care whether it was dirty or not, he immediately picked up the key and ran excitedly to the second floor.


His guess turned out to be correct. He turned the key gently and the security door on the second floor opened.


Shen Yan silently waved his fist.

Then he pulled out a kitchen knife and walked in cautiously.

The room was very quiet, and one could smell the musty odor peculiar to old people.

But it was very clean and tidy, with sunlight shining in from the windows, and there was even a warm smell.

Shen Yan was not surprised. Although the old lady loved to pick up trash, the bad stuff was piled outside the door.

No more time wasted.

It took Shen Yan about half an hour to search the house carefully.

He collected almost all the useful supplies, placed them in the living room and began to count them.

Rice: 13 jin, flour: 25 jin, soybean oil: 7 liters.

Vegetables, meat, eggs, and fruits were, as expected, very scarce.

Moreover, most of the price tags say "special offer" on the cheap items. It goes without saying that this old lady must go to whichever supermarket nearby is having a sale.

But it's the end of the world, and any food is precious. Shen Yan is still very excited. With these foods, he and Aunt Qing can at least hold on for another half a month.

What's more, the biggest gain this time is not food, but medicine and weapons!
This old lady must be sick often, but she is unwilling to go to the hospital and spend extra money.

The house is fully stocked with penicillin, antipyretics, cold medicines, iodine, and bandages.

There were even unopened syringes among them, which filled up two large plastic bags.

It goes without saying how important medicines are in the end times.

This way, he and Aunt Qing won’t have to worry about catching a cold, a fever, or an infected wound in the future!

And the medicines are not the biggest gain of this trip.

Shen Yan actually found seven sharp kitchen knives in this old lady's house!

With her petty personality, it stands to reason that an ordinary kitchen knife would take her more than ten years to use.

But Shen Yan had seen these kitchen knives before in a kitchen knife scam at the entrance of a residential complex, which were said to be able to cut through nails.

Needless to say, this old lady must have been cheated by those unscrupulous vendors.

Although this kitchen knife cannot cut iron, it can still be used to cut people.

With so many kitchen knives, Shen Yan was confident that he could face more zombies at once, and his sense of security was doubled. "I didn't expect to find so many useful things."

Shen Yan was in a good mood.

This feeling of house searching is really great.

In addition to food, medicine, and weapons, the old lady's house also has several large white plastic barrels.

He can take them all back later and continue to get purified water, so that even if the water supply is cut off, he and Aunt Qing can use it for a long time.

I just don't know, with so many supplies, has he completed the main storyline's prerequisite tasks?
"I bought a watch last year!"

When I opened the system panel again, it was still in 404 status!
Shen Yan's good mood disappeared in an instant. He couldn't kill people, kill zombies, or search for supplies. Did a prerequisite task have to be so difficult?
Or did he just not find the right direction from the beginning to the end?
“Prerequisites, Prerequisites”

The two words "prefix" are undoubtedly important, indicating that a series of events will begin.

What are the series of events?

Shen Yan pondered silently, and suddenly, he really thought of an idea.

"Being in love with Aunt Qing must be considered a series of events, right?"

"Then the prerequisite for starting this series of events is to confess your love to Aunt Qing?"

Thinking of this, Shen Yan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Confessing his feelings to Aunt Qing was something he had never dared to think about before.

And if he failed, he wouldn't even know how to face Aunt Qing in the future.

"What should I do? Should I give it a try?"

Shen Yan felt quite conflicted.

Before the end of the world, he might not even have dared to have this thought.

After all, in terms of age and economic conditions, there is a huge gap between him and Aunt Qing.

But now it's the end of the world, and he has tried all the possible methods. Does he really have any other choice besides confessing his feelings?
"Huh, let's fight."

After making up my mind.

Shen Yan let out a long sigh, no longer hesitated, carried the supplies back to the third floor.

"Xiaoyan is back."

As soon as I arrived on the third floor, the door of Aunt Qing's house opened.

It was obvious that Aunt Qing was worried about his safety and had been waiting at the door.


Shen Yan felt warm in his heart.

"Don't just stand there like an idiot. Come in quickly. Are you hurt?"

As Aunt Qing spoke, she hurriedly pulled Shen Yan into the house and took off the bags on his body and put them on the ground.

"I'm fine, Aunt Qing."

Shen Yan cooperated and put the things down.

I was thinking in my heart how to confess my feelings to her.

Just say it directly?

No, no, that's too direct.

Regardless of whether he has the courage or not, even in order to increase the probability of success, he needs a more suitable opportunity.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Aunt Qing, who had no idea about the situation, asked with concern.

"Really? I closed the door of the unit. There are no zombies in the building for now. It's safe."

Shen Yan deliberately skipped the dangerous part.

In fact, if that couple hadn't led the zombies away, it would be hard to say whether he could come back now.

"I'm glad you're not hurt, I'm glad you're not hurt. I was so worried about you for the past few hours."

When she said this, Xia Wanqing's eyes suddenly turned red.

She really couldn't imagine if she would still have the courage to continue living if Xiaoyan really died outside.

But when Shen Yan saw her like this, his eyes lit up.

Aunt Qing is in a very unstable mood right now, so this is a good opportunity to confess my feelings.

"Aunt Qing."

Taking a deep breath, Shen Yan prepared to confess his feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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