Chapter 32 Amazing Harvest
If it weren’t for Wang Hao and his team attracting the zombies.

Shen Yan had just found the entrance to the supermarket's underground warehouse, which was inside the employee passage.

Seeing that all three had been killed, Shen Yan did not hesitate any longer. He went down the chain elevator and went directly into the underground warehouse.

Normally, outsiders are definitely not allowed to enter here.

But now even the supermarket security guards have been killed, so naturally no one will stop him again.

The road was smooth and Shen Yan soon arrived at the warehouse gate.

But he did not rush in. Instead, he knocked gently on the iron door with the back of his axe.

It was very quiet inside. Shen Yan no longer hesitated and gently pushed open the door.

"Hiss, this underground warehouse is so big?"

After seeing the full picture of the warehouse, Shen Yan immediately took a breath.

The area of ​​this warehouse feels at least the size of a basketball court, and it is seven or eight meters high from bottom to top.

Moreover, the power has not been cut off and there is a light cool air in the air.

The rows of tall, extending shelves are also filled with a wide variety of goods.

This supermarket has a booming business and sells a large amount of goods, so it has a sufficient supply of goods.


Shen Yan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, his heart filled with happiness.

However, he was not carried away by happiness, and he carefully turned around and made sure there were no zombies before he closed the door and started shopping for free.

And to facilitate employees to carry goods conveniently.

The shelves are all carefully labeled, and you can see at a glance what goods are on them.

Shen Yan first came to the fruit area.

Strawberries, cherries, cantaloupes, watermelons, durians, as long as they are summer fruits that can be stored for a period of time, almost everything is available here.

And the quantity is huge, take watermelon as an example.

I guess they bought all of them at once with the intention of selling them throughout the summer, so they were stacked in the storage compartment, and there were a total of 1324 of them.

Even if he eats one quarter of it every day, it would be enough for him and Aunt Qing to eat for 5296 days.

Even if there were only a hundred days of summer every year, it would be enough for him and Aunt Qing to eat for more than fifty years!

And that doesn’t even include other fruits.

Adding all the ingredients together, he and Aunt Qing could eat it for a hundred years without any problem.

It’s so damn good!

After the end of the world, with the cessation of agriculture and the rapid decline of human civilization, it is simply a pipe dream to want to eat these exquisite fruits again.

Without further hesitation, Shen Yan collected them all.

With a storage bar, collecting supplies is particularly easy.

With just a thought, countless fruits disappeared from the shelves.

After clearing the fruit area.

Shen Yan soon came to the vegetable area again.

Potatoes, eggplants, water spinach, green beans, carrots... everything is also available.

Although vegetables are not as durable as fruits, they can at least be supplied to supermarkets for a week.

Shen Yan silently estimated that if they were frugal, the food would be enough for him and Aunt Qing to eat for decades.

And decades later, if he and Aunt Qing are still alive and the vegetables are exhausted, he can also find a way to grow them himself.

Nothing said.

Also put away all.

Afterwards, Shen Yan came to the beverage area.

The inventory here is even more exaggerated, with various wines, beverages, and mineral water, at least hundreds of tons, enough to fill ten large trucks.

Among them, there are many precious red wines, as well as white wines such as Moutai.

"This is really fucking rich."

Shen Yan was so excited that he died.

Although he has no interest in drinking, he also thinks that beverages are unhealthy.

But these things are all hard currency after the apocalypse. Even if he doesn't drink them himself, he can use them to trade with other survivors later.

What's more, there is a huge amount of mineral water here.

As the end of the world continues to drag on, water will surely become more and more precious.

Without the wells in the countryside, the city's water supply system would sooner or later break down. And most of the water sources outside would also be contaminated by zombies.

But now, he no longer has to worry about this problem.

Not to mention drinking pure mineral water every day, even using it to take a bath occasionally is fine.

"It's so enjoyable!"

Shen Yan's mind moved.

Simply empty the beverage area again.

Then he came to the snack area.

The inventory here is also huge, canned food, instant noodles, plastic snacks
There are even many high-end snacks such as chocolate and beef jerky.

Finally, he cleared out all the supplies, and he actually used up 99 out of the 90 storage slots!
This way, he and Aunt Qing won’t have to worry about snacks anymore, and every day will be different, they can eat whatever they want!
"It's so cool. I didn't expect the harvest this time would be so amazing!"

Looking at the full storage compartment.

Shen Yan felt indescribably satisfied.

He originally thought that he would often have to run around for food in the future, but he didn't expect that he could solve the problem in a supermarket.

But at this moment
Two numbers floated in from outside the warehouse door, one was 4-6, and the other was 0-1.

"Those two people in the building next door?"

Shen Yan was a little surprised, but with a fire axe in his hand, he was not too panicked.

Bang bang bang!
There was a knock on the door.

Woman: "Hey, is anyone here?!"

Man: "Little Deer, the door is locked, there must be someone inside!"

Woman: "Then open the door. We are all survivors. What's wrong with sharing some supplies with us?"

The woman's voice is very nice, but it also sounds a bit like moral kidnapping.

Since we are all survivors, should we share supplies with you?

Why is your face so big?
If Shen Yan hadn't collected the supplies, he would definitely not open the door.

But now?
Haha, you’d be so awesome if you could find even a single hair.

After removing the bolt, Shen Yan opened the door.

The woman was slender, but not very impressive.

The man was thin and looked familiar, but the light in the corridor was dim and he couldn't see clearly. Shen Yan didn't bother to pay attention to them and walked straight past the two of them.

Woman: “Thank you!”

Man: “You are so nice.”

The two didn't expect him to actually open the door.

After expressing his gratitude, he rushed into the underground warehouse.

Shen Yan walked directly out of the underground warehouse.

When I came outside, it was almost noon. The scorching sun was hanging overhead, venting the heat waves wantonly.

But he couldn't help but feel relieved in his heart.

As the end of the world progresses, people have become more and more aware of the value of supplies. Even important places like underground warehouses may be occupied by others in the future.

The fact that these two people started to plan to attack the underground warehouse is the best proof.

If he had come later, it would never have been as easy for him to obtain these supplies as it is now.

The only pity was that he didn’t know that this man was Li Lei who was grinning lewdly with Li Hu that day.

Otherwise, he would have to swing an axe at him.

the other side.

Li Lei and Wang Lu rushed into the underground warehouse excitedly.

This is the largest supermarket nearby. Just any food they take will be enough to keep them going for a long time.

But when the two looked at the shelves with excitement...

The next second, their smiles froze on their faces!


The huge underground warehouse, as big as a basketball court, was actually empty!

Damn it! Li Lei and Wang Lu’s defense was broken instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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