Chapter 63 Weird Female Zombie

It's too dangerous outside.

The iron gate of the community is still closed.

Shen Yan jumped over and climbed out of the community.

After reaching the ninth level of Tuimian, his jumping ability was also greatly enhanced.

When I jumped from the spot, it felt like I was two meters high.

If there were no apocalypse now, if he played basketball and practiced for two and a half years, he would probably become an international superstar and be teammates with King James.

Land firmly.

Looking around, it seemed even more desolate.

No one has trimmed the weeds, so they are growing wildly. Some of them are even coming out from the cracks between the bricks. After a while, the weeds will probably grow everywhere.

Without attracting the attention of zombies along the way, Shen Yan soon arrived at the main road.

Then he took out the U8 and drove towards his destination.

"Good morning."

On the side of the road, a zombie was gnawing on something with its head down. Shen Yan, who was in high spirits, smiled and greeted it.

As for why it feels so good?

Of course it was Sister Man’s decision.

From this point of view, he actually has to thank the end of the world.

If there was no apocalypse, and order and ethics still existed, even if the two of them were as close as sisters, he would definitely not have any chance.

Therefore, the zombies on the roadside also seemed to have a kinder look.


The zombie that was gnawing on an arm twisted its brain at the sound and instantly locked onto the target.

It roared and without thinking, chased after the huge U8.

In the rearview mirror.

It chases and roars at the same time, and any ordinary person who sees it would probably feel their scalp tingling. The feeling of being chased by zombies is no different from that in a horror movie.

But Shen Yan even thought it was a little cute.

"Well, I won't become more and more perverted as the apocalypse progresses, right?"

In this strange world, anyone who survives may have some mental problems.

Shen Yan shook his head and ignored the zombie.

While increasing the speed of the car, I started thinking about the next plan.

The most important purpose of this trip is definitely to see if we can find a gun.

Although the loud gunshots can attract zombies.

But even if it is not opened, it is still a powerful deterrent to ordinary people.

What's more, if you want to kill a large number of zombies for points in the future, you can also use it to lure monsters.

In addition, Shen Yan also wanted to find some gasoline and medicine.

He had also found some medicines at the old lady's house before.

But the number is still not enough. After all, it is probably not easy to go back to the city after going to the countryside.

Just thinking about it.

There is a clinic right in front of me.

The sign of this clinic is very long, it feels like several dozen meters, and occupies two floors.

It looks like a small hospital, and the sign reads: Zhongkang Clinic.

"It's just you."

Park your car on the side of the road and fold it up.

Shen Yan spread his legs and rushed over quickly.

It took him less than 8 seconds to cover a distance of about meters.

Increasing speed will undoubtedly become more difficult as time goes by, and 8 seconds is already an exaggerated number.

There is a striking number 9-10 inside the clinic.

But other than that, there is not a single number.

"Is the owner of this number an evolved zombie?"

"But if it's zombies, they should have companions."

"Or another survivor who came here to look for medicine..."

Shen Yan was a little confused.

But he is now at 31-32.

No matter what it was, he was not afraid. Pulling out an axe from behind, he walked in cautiously.

The glass door of the clinic was broken, and the floor was covered with broken glass.

It was a mess inside, but fortunately the medicine area didn't suffer much damage.

Many shelves were down, but the medicines were still there.

"Penicillin is the most widely used antibiotic, so we should be able to find it."

Shen Yan doesn’t have many storage slots left.

He had already used up 90 slots, and now, with the addition of cars and generators, there were only 7 slots left. So he couldn't stockpile too many types of medicines.

Walking in front of the shelves, he looked carefully.

It went smoothly and after a while he found several large boxes under the shelves.

With a thought, he collected them all.

Items of the same type will only occupy one grid, with the quantity displayed on it: 176 boxes.

Each box contains 7 days' supply of medicine. Even if you get sick every day, you can still take the medicine for 1232 days.

bah bah bah!
Who gets sick every day?

Shen Yan said this, but he was still in a good mood.

Now that he was here, he was also planning to find some medical supplies like iodine, gauze, and injection syringes.

These things were useful but took up too much space, so instead of putting them in the glove compartment, he planned to collect them and put them in the back seat of the car.

"Get two bags and put as much as you can into them."

Just as he was thinking about it, Shen Yan hadn't taken any action yet.

clang clang clang...

A milk powder can fell down, with the words "Xing Feifan" written on it, 0-6 months old.

And in sight, the 9-10 on the second floor also moved.

"Why did you throw down a milk powder can?"

Shen Yan was a little confused.

But before the other party came downstairs, he took the initiative to greet him.


As soon as I walked out of the medicine area, a low growl was heard.

Looking up, Shen Yan finally saw the owner of the number.

It was a zombie, but it was hanging upside down on the roof, crawling like Spider-Man.

This is a female zombie, and she should be wearing a skirt, but the skirt is covered in blood and the color of the skirt can no longer be distinguished.

Because he was hanging upside down on the roof with his hair hanging down, he looked like a ghost.


After seeing Shen Yan, she roared again.

But it was different from other zombies. When it saw a living person, it did not pounce on them like crazy. Instead, it kept turning its head, as if it was observing consciously.

"It's actually a zombie."

"And it should be evolving, but why doesn't it have any companions around it?"

The giant zombie I saw at the forum that day.

There are many younger brothers surrounding him.

Therefore, this means that after the zombies evolve, they should have some ability to dominate the lower-level zombies.

Shen Yan was quite confused.

But at this moment, a few more zombies wandered in from the door.


The strange female zombie on the roof left Shen Yan behind and rushed over.

Biting and scratching like crazy.

After a while, the few zombies that wandered over were slaughtered by her.

Yes, massacre.

It's like there's some deep hatred.

And those zombies would not attack their companions, they just let her attack them.

"Why...why would it attack its own kind?"

Shen Yan became even more confused.

Only then did he discover that there were many other zombie corpses on the first floor.

The cause of death was exactly the same as those that had just entered the door.

Apparently, she's been doing this for a long time.

"Is it guarding something important?"

Shen Yan speculated secretly.


At this time, the weird female zombie roared again.

But he still did not attack Shen Yan. He used his hands and feet to run upstairs.

He ran a few steps, looked back at Shen Yan, ran a few more steps, and looked back at Shen Yan again.

"This...why does it feel like it's trying to lure me over?"

The other party's series of behaviors were too weird.

And its strength is not too threatening.

Shen Yan followed with almost no hesitation, full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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