You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 110 Requesting the presiding judge to impose severe punishment!

Chapter 110 Requesting the presiding judge to impose severe punishment!
[But the homework is really a lot. I have to write until one or two o'clock every night, and get up at five in the morning to study. I don't get enough sleep. ]

【I really want to sleep. 】

[I fell asleep during class once.]

[Yan Kailong called me out and slapped me in public.]

[I dare not speak, nor do I dare to tell you]

[Once I didn’t finish my homework, Yan Kailong told me to go home and not embarrass myself here because I couldn’t finish my homework.]

[I still remember that time when I didn’t do well in the exam, Yan Kailong asked me to do a self-reflection in front of the whole school and promised me that I would never do that again.]

[Yan Kailong also said that if I continued to be like this, he would let me go.]

【Yan Kailong is usually very scary.】

[He always educates people, scolds people, beats people, and humiliates people.]

【Mom and Dad, I’m sorry. 】

[I am so embarrassed]

[I was punished to stand once, and I wanted to go to the toilet, but Yan Kailong wouldn’t let me.]

[He said, with my grades, am I still qualified to go to the toilet? ]

[So I... In front of so many people, I couldn't hold it back]

[I didn’t do well in the exam again. I only got 88 points in math.]

【Mom and Dad, I’m scared. 】

【I really want to rest. 】


The suicide note ends here.

And after arriving here.

The whole place was silent.

Everyone fell silent.

Gu Chen looked at Yan Kailong at this time, "So, do you think you can still stay out of this? Does it have nothing to do with you?"

Yan Kailong said: "It has nothing to do with me! I am doing this for her own good!! I am doing everything for her own good!!! I want her to have a better future, am I wrong? What does her future have to do with me? I am so good to her, but she misinterpreted my meaning. I think Tang Xinran has a mental illness! This matter has nothing to do with me!!"

Yan Kailong is still being stubborn.

Netizens in the live broadcast room have exploded.

[Damn it, this damn Yan Kailong. ]

[Is this a place where people can be? ]

[Who can withstand such great pressure? Not me.]

[Who can stand sleeping three hours a day? ]

[Are you doing this for her? She's under too much pressure.]

[Damn it, you are still humiliating and beating people like this, Yan Kailong, you deserve to die! ]

[Yan Kailong must be sentenced! He must be sentenced!!]

Seeing Yan Kailong not admitting it, Gu Chen said, "What about you, Kang Guizhong, do you admit it?"

Kang Guizhong's face turned pale, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Gu Chen looked at Kang Guizhong and said, "Don't you know what I'm talking about? Then let me ask you, what did you say to Tang Xinran at noon the day before the incident? In front of a group of people, a group of students, you said that Tang Xinran was a waste, that Tang Xinran might as well be dead if he were alive, and that living was a sheer waste of food and life."

"You said that, didn't you?" "What else did you do? Besides putting pressure on people and cursing at them, what else could you do?"

"You even talked to Tang Xinran and asked her to drop out of school."

Kang Guizhong said: "I don't know what you are talking about. I have never said such a thing. You are good at slandering me. I will definitely sue you after this case is over."

Gu Chen continued, "Let me ask you, who disposed of Tang Xinran's desk? The surveillance video shows that you and Yan Kailong took the desk, chair, and schoolbag to the garbage truck, and destroyed all the evidence that day."

"You thought you destroyed the evidence, but you didn't! Because the suicide note that Tang Xinran left at home and online, as well as the surveillance video, can clearly explain everything!"

Kang Guizhong continued: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Gu Chen directly filmed the surveillance video on Kang Guizhong’s face.

"This is the surveillance video, this is Tang Xinran's suicide note, you don't know what you are talking about? Will it be useful if you don't admit it?"

"Everything you do in the classroom is recorded by a new teacher."

"Should we let all netizens across the country hear how you treated Tang Xinran?"

Immediately afterwards, Gu Chen released the recording.

There were voices of cursing in the recording.

There was also crying.

There were also laughs.

All of this, completely crushed Tang Xinran.

After Gu Chen presented evidence one after another.

Kang Guizhong said: "I don't know what you are talking about. All your evidence is fake."

Gu Chen said: "You can deny it, but the evidence will tell the truth."

Gu Chen: "Everything you do on a daily basis has been recorded and recorded by the new teacher. It's all here."

"For so many years, for the so-called admission rate, how have you treated poor students?"

"There are 50 GB of videos and audios in this USB drive. I will hand it over to the court now."

Kang Guizhong: "I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't say any of this. I'm going to find a lawyer to sue you."

Gu Chen ignored Kang Guizhong.

Gu Chen continued, "According to Article 234 of the Criminal Law, your actions have constituted the crime of negligent homicide, punishable by a term of imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years."

"Article 306: In criminal proceedings, if a defender or litigation agent destroys or falsifies evidence, helps a party to destroy or falsify evidence, or threatens or induces a witness to change his testimony contrary to the facts or to give false testimony, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

"You intentionally destroyed evidence, which constitutes the crime of destroying evidence. You should be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

"You are being punished for both crimes, and your attitude towards confessing your guilt is terrible. You kept saying 'I don't know what you are talking about' throughout the whole article. Therefore, I request the presiding judge to sentence Kang Guizhong to 15 years in prison and to make a civil compensation of yuan to Tang Jianguo!"

After Gu Chen said this, Kang Guizhong's attitude changed.

Kang Guizhong was frightened all of a sudden.

Two crimes combined punishment, seventeen years!
Seventeen years!!!
Being sentenced to seventeen years means spending the rest of your life in prison!
Kang Guizhong's face turned pale all of a sudden!
If he had confessed early on and hadn't committed any particularly serious crime, he would have been sentenced to just a few years in prison.

A lighter sentence can generally reduce the sentence by many years.

But now when he heard Gu Chen say this, he knew that everything was over!

Seventeen years? Is that something a human can endure?
Kang Guizhong said, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything! I'll tell you everything now! I can tell you everything, can you give me a lighter punishment?"

Kang Guizhong said: "I can tell you everything! I can tell you everything!!"

Gu Chen said, "It's too late. The evidence is already before us. We have already found all the evidence. What's the point of you confessing again? I ask the presiding judge to punish Kang Guizhong severely! Don't give him a light sentence!"

(End of this chapter)

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